FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1023, isase tage slormed THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Walten's near Staff is bei ints transhipment United States having failed. A view of the beautiful Lake of the Woods district where Whe Canadian Pacific is bailding one of its new Bungalow [ Compe. Princess Hermine Ven Schonaich-C h, of the ex Germany, whe od te have left ly a band and returned te one of her own estates. © This Red Billed Toucan from Cayempe is on After a series of "creppers." his friends are trying te per- susde the Prince 'of Wales te give wp Steeple chasing. friendly terms with a young admirer at the Len- don Zoo. "Top Noteh," » brahma ecockerel. won first prise] at the last' New York penitry shew, Ci Pacific Si ance on the trans-Atlantic reute will be the BE ship in the mono-class rice. ki her first app ear. BY Uncle Ray Chapter 18--Dogs Help Men Hunt 'the dogs firs: tamed Ly man lcek- ed very much lika volve They grew to be large. They wore fierce toward ail creatures--excep: the ones who {remained much tha same. They are had tamed and fed them. They learn- |still faithful to. those who are good ed to love the families vbich took Ito them. Many times dogs have sav- care of them. They learned to "pay led human beings from death by back" the kindness of men [burning or drowning. How did they pay back? For one | There are some queer facts in the thing, they sometimes helped in istory of man's treatment of dogs hunting. They could run much fast- In ancient Egypt, people are saia to er than a man, ad often they could 'have shaved themselves when a dog | catch rabbits.and bring them back This was a sign of mourning. to their master. The picture to-day There is a still more amusing represents a dog bringing a rabbit [thing in the dog's history. to a Stone Age hunter Besides {thousand years ago, the people of catching rabbits and other small [Ethiopia (a country south of Egypt) | game, dogs could help the hunter |plected a dog as their "king The! in another way. They could catch [dog was given 'officers and guards, the scent of such animajs as bears, 'and was kept in great state. When | lions and mammoths, and could lot fit fawned upon the officers, it wai their masters know of the danger by {supposed to be pleased with what! Yelping or whimpering. they did. When it growled, it was Above all, the dog became a friend supposed to be angry over the way of the children. He played with them things were going! in meadow and forest. He was always That was very foolish, of course. ready to give his life, if necessary, Those Ethiopians couldn't have had | to defend them. much common sense to expect a doz | During the tens of thousands of to rule them! ~~~! Although it knows nothing about Had An Awful fruling. a dog knows a great deal Cold and Cough about being a true friend. Was Confined To Bed inna se years dogs have changed a great {deal in appearance. Nowadays only {a few kinds of dogs look like wolves. The nature of dogs, however, has ki died | { | | Some coughs and colds seem hard to shake off--stick right to you in spite of all you do to get rid of them, These are the kind that are danger- ous--the kind that weaken the lungs 80 that the germs of consumption find a raady foothold. Obstinate coughs and colds yield to the grateful soothing properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup it soothes and heals the irritated lungs ang bronchial tubes, cuts the Phlegia, and aids nature clear away the morbid accumulations. Biv ¥. ty Several | children Steamer "Montiaurie nd enjoy the rest an ocean oyage should be. | THIEVES SURPRISED | | BY AN EMPLOYEE | [In Store at Clayton, Called Policeman Who Made Arrest. | Clayton, N.Y., April 27.--A sen- sational earlw evening burglary at ithe Levy brothers clothing store in | laa: nes sireet was frustrated by the) jene Speciad return of William Mon- lteith here on Tuesday night. He |surprised two thieves while they | Iwere at work, called a policeman and | [their arrest followed. ! The men, arraigned before Justice {Harrison Cole, gave.their names as iGeorge Harris, twenty-five, Belle- ville, Ont., and W. Cain, sixteer, {Watertown, N.Y. They waived ex- | |amination and were held for thc | grand jury. | It is bolieved the men effected en- | trance to the store shortly after Mr | | Levy closed 3 at 9.15 o'clock. Mr. nt onteith, wi®' had forgotten some books, returned to the store shortly | [att er 10 o'clock and found the men jselecting suits, shirts and other arti- | le: les.froin the stock. Policeman Mar- (shall, who was only a short distance away, was called, and the men were jarrested without any trouble. They {1% not have time to make their getaway, and from their actions, it is | | thought, this was their first attempt at the game. | They had taken a suitcase from {the shelf and had filled it with shirts { neckties, stick pins and other arti- | cles, valued at more than $109 ® DOMINION OFFICIAL : RETURNS TO CANADA Will Make Report to Ottawa on Dairy Industry of the Antipodes. Winnipeg, April 27.--The mission of J. A. Ruddick, Dominion Dairy Commissioner, and W. A. Wilson, formerly head of the Saskatchewan Co-operative Creameries, to Austra- lia and New Zealand, where they in- vestigated the dairy industries as carried on in those countries, was successful in every respect, Mr. Rud- dick stated here. | | Mrs. Geo. D. Langdale, Barton, 8., writes: "In the year of 1920 I Was taken with am awful cold aad' cough, and was confined to my bed for some time. I thought I was going into consumption. I commenced to use Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and found it to be an excelent rem- edy. I san Bighiy recommend it to every sufferer from coughs and colds." 7 Hers we sca a wolllike dog per- forming ono of (ie mauy services | its master, a man of the Stone Age. Next---What Did Children Do® Copyright John F. Diile Co. -- i There is one art of which avery | man should be master--the art ot} reflection. t Price 35¢. and 6c; put gp only by ape.T Milburn Co, Limitad, Toron- !the richest if he wili give all ke can. ! it, The poorest can give as much as feou Mr. Ruddick passed through Win- ripeg on his way back to Ottawa, where his first report will be made | {io the agricultural department. Mr. | Wilson remained over in Vancou-| var, Much information was gathered | that will be useful to the dairymen | of Canada if they will make use of | Mr. Ruddick sald. Both of Aha | ntries visited had made great Pro- gress in production, equipment ang methods during the past five years. "Most Canadian dairymen will be surprised, if not shocked, 'when they learn of the drastic nature of the HONORS ROCKEFELLER N.Y.-- {11ws recently enacted relating to th» Standard Oil King Awarded) Medal as the Greatest in the World. it] dustry, e said, ° especially in Australia," 'no time will be lost in plae- ling a full report of the trip of in- vestigation before the Canadian dairymen." 20. -- New York, Rockefeller April John DD. was one of five men to Suto {receive the gold medal Na- MANITOBA TO TAX {tional Tustitute of Social Sciences. INCOMES OVER $1,000] He was referred to as "The greatest philanthropist in the world, having Victory Bonds and Securities given over $500,000,000 to educa. Are Not Exempted by the tion and the furtherance of medical Proposed Act. [eisni awarded French Ambas: seddes, British {Charles B. e of the others to whom ate: medals wera Jusserand, ador; Auckl Ambassador; Davenport, biologist J Sir Jules a Winnipeg, April 27.--Manitoba"s income tax bill was introduced and given first reading in the legisla- ture yesterday. Hon. F. M. Black, Dr, and | head f the eugenic movement in provincial treasurer, explained that 1 o S eugeni ny the measure provides for a tax rang-|tRis country, and Emery R. John- ing from one per cent. on tino son, dean of the Wharton School of incomes of $1,000 to seven per cent. |the University of Pennsylvania. The on incomes of $13,000 and over. {medals were presented by Austin B. Victory bonds and securities | Fletcher, president of the institute, {which are free from the Dominion following a dinner in the grand ball [tax will not be exempt under the room of the Hotel Plaza. proposed act. The tax will be col-| The medals to Sir Auckland Ged- lected in 1924 on tin 1923, given in, recognition of their "Long A i, AS PHILANTHROPIST [" brought into even closer bonds | incomes earned (des and Ambassador Jusserand were | d Grimmer, Clifford White, Gordon Salter, Joseph Mur r boy winners of the competition held by the Young Farme Clubs of Creat Britain, have been awarded a full summer's course at the agricultural schools eof Alberta, by E. W. Heatty, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway left te right--Les: jand distinguished services which jin 1924 and Chicago. Kansas City, Buffalo and Cleveland all are in the of good will and friendship the Unit- [race to laud the Republican gather- od States and the two great nations . they represent." } stamp, a man's ability 'to stick a thing till he gets there. He is not alway: most miserable who sulfers most. Pe i, + AIA A EVIDENCE OF PROS PERITY AND PROGRESS ease in new business and in business in s 1 y 35 50,000,000 {(3).-~~The interest rate for 1922 was 7.18%: the expense rates wers materially reduced and a very ho mortality rate was experienced, re- sulting in:-- (a)--A further fits to policy-holde RINGSTON uy F FIC E, Like a postage After National Convention, | value depends on his Chicago, April 27.--8an Francisco | to is bidding for both the Republican {and Democratic national convention« force. of the Company's superiority in pro- 41 BROCK STREET MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, ete. Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. dso hstrat! me mm WHIG WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS Ad. columns. Three days' Tell your story completely and cont incingiy insertion produces more replies than one day; Nn A -- -- wae | MAIL-WANT-AD FILL OUT AND MAIL TO THE KINGSTON BRITISH WHIG Write your advertisement in the b! ank spaces below. just as you want it to appear, in the Want if you want to accomplish quick results a week's insertion is best of all, SEE HOW LITTLE IT 'COSTS 1 to 3 consecutive insertions 3 to 6 consecutive insertions . 6 or more insertions "en 6c. per line each insertion 4c. per line each insertion. 3c. per line each insertion. sam 4 LINES MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED «Classification ......... c++ Am't Enclosed, § How to figure your -Nuribe: of Days ' Are You a Subscriber ? o Want Ad.-- Count siz Average words to the Ene. "The address et the foot of your Want Ad. is counted alse. Each number. initial, etc. counts for one word. For example, jue na "John C. Smith" three words. In as You want a keyed or blind address count four words in place of ad- dress.