Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1923, p. 3

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. FRIDAY, APRIL 2i, juss, T H E DAILY BRITISH WHIG 3 ---- TTT ------ -- -- Et ---- ee ---------- w= NIE BEor --S I The Political Pot PROBS: Film Finishing Many so-called Ma- | Pastor May Oppose Ferguson. A=E Egy 0 | iT Saturday, fair, warm, scattered showers Smith's Falls, April 27.--~Temper- 'BETTER RESULTS hogany C a n d 1 e }{|snce. U. F. 0. and independent men QUICKER SERVICE | Sti k h at land women of Grenville county have . _ ICKS are snown |been making overtures to Rev. A. E LOWER PRICES !Sanderson, Merrickville, looking to [1 WE REFUND FARES TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS times, but very rarely {his acceptance of nomination' as a . . 5 . We do our own finishing. are they-- candidate for the legislature in o0p- According to a specially prepared schedule---no matter what your conveyance or distance {position to Hon. G. Howard Fergu- you come from We have our own equipment son. Mr. Sanderson, who is pastor . and know how to use ft. Genuine lof Merrickville Methodist church, | {has beem a resident of Grenville For your satisfaction leave ° {county for eight years, having spent | your next Film with Solid [four years a Spencerville and four . | |at Merrickville. He is Inclined to ac- i cept the nomination, feeling oonfi- | Mahogany | dent that if opposing Mr. Ferguson L. } ® Best | las a supporter of the Ontario Tem- | é é perance Act ind the Drury govern- | Fo re See mm rm en [2 mm eT El yp) Aer GREAT BARGAIN DAY OF OUR SENSATIONAL ANNIVERSARY | ALE Open Sundays. ? from the genuine wood with. |says that in past elections he has | [voted as often for Liberal candi- | \ |] out any veneer, at-- a f , . . . " . oe ry Seman, rie | As a fitting climax to the greatest Anniversary Sale in our history, we have prepared FOR SALE $3. 50 - $5.00 tics. A convention of those men and | for Saturday shoppers a host of super-value attractions. All previously advertised bargains omen ©! the county favorable to} remain on sale until closing time to-morrow. 19 | PER PAIR his candidature will be held at | BATEMAN S {Spencerville soon. | A CLEAN SWEEP SALE These are most attractive |] | | Real Estate {}] in design and have the beauty [}| Donovan for Brockville. Brockville, April 27.---The name ! ji100--Frame, 7 rooms, electric light, Sf grain and Suish that only jof A. E. Donovan, Toronto, former | $ ® Bortamouii | member of the legislature fo- : \ ' . "« $2.900--Frame, § rooms, 4 lots and gar-| TRUE Brockville, is being linked with the | age. Conservative nomination for the §2,600--Frame, 6 rooms, B. and T., Gee MAHOGANY |same riding at the coming provincial tric lights; 3 to choose from. | possesses. | general election. He has been in the.| $3.800--Frame, 6 to 10 rooms, improve- 'riding this week. No party conven- J ments; 5 to choose from. tion has as yet been called fin | / T300-R. C. 7 vouits. 5 aun rd | Brockville, Leeds or Grenville rid- | / electric lights, h.w. floors, large lot and M {ings, and political activity 'has been FN --_-- stable. Extra lots if required. | e |] confined to executive meerings, \ | \ \ \ ff | I} Farm for sale or exchange--127 acres, J | Limited X \ 0 | o ° low, balance ure, we ewelers WOMAN RETURNS FROM | AL ogo | a eames, Distus j fasyaas nic |" THE SHADOW OF DEATH \o ) Sea ; Saturda V Half P rice = T Customs and Insurance Broker. | -- ig | SN | Money to loan. Call and see me. King Street, Kingston | Describes Her Resurrection | omy i : | | After an Injection of : -) l Your choice of our entire stock of the season's smartest styled . | | Fa { . . . . 159 Wellington St. Kingston am a Adrenalin. | al | | | and beautifully tailored--novelty, tailored and Sports Suits. | | Ly m---- =x | . : oo, . . . Phone 396w . Is H g|| Omaha. Neb., April 27.A graphic = 4 Developed in such materials as Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Twill Ann | Spring S @r@.J | account of how it feels to die and | l > h [then awaken again in the flesh and | Cord, Serge, English Tweeds and Homes un--in Black, Navy and Hotel Frontenac Housecleaning begins. When ||p1,04 instead of the spirit world, was | / . g g . P y Kingston's Leading Hotel desirous to dispose of your cast- given to-day by a woman, restored | . high shades. The sizes range from 14 to 481. Every room has running hot and cold Swaye So Jot loteet 1 Ting 30504 Ito life by science | 1 TEs TREES a, Spivey | he ir Reais Soca, 8, mas fo 75 SUITS IN THIS FINAL CLEARAWAY SALE J. A. HUGHES, | jrestored 10 2 Nel /| . 5 ; Proprietor Standard Metal & jsnadows St death By u% of advert | ' / | ol Priced from $20.00 on. up to $60.00 each: h At Bt. Louis six prisoners were shot | Waste Com La, injecte nto Ber heart RY EFT? = A E P I ES énd seve-al others beaten severclr, pany W. A. Gerrie, when the physician | 7 SATURDAY SAL RIC coven. $10.00 to $30.00 when the guards frustrated a wholo- 2 ee as ha rena 0 Sodas She Fave | 4 . ' ain fi mle soap at the city workhouse on i ppl OL 2 Ne er ne] Every Suit marked in plain figures. Cash and carry. No returns. : : |beart action. Prayers lor the dead | were in progress in her bed cham- |! if i SALE SALE / She had resigned herself to death . ik to die '"'beautifully" and NEW YORK WRAPS AND COATS NOVELTY SILK DRESSES , |became confused and puzzled upon TURD regaining consciousness when the SATURDAY LESS 20%. 36 only eas TL RDAY, 31585 in Canton {powerful gland extract started her 50 ly, rt, Burbe T Coats' 1 Novelty Wraps -- + : ~ -- ' {heart to beating and sent blood | WORT ae of fabrics pdt an To a tats Crepe: Flat Crepe and Alltyme Silk Crepe Mistes'. styles and 4 | pulsing through her arteries. [ from, in the season's most advanced modes. Priced from $18.50 sizes in a broad range of attractive colorings and trimmings. | Mrs. Mercurio is the mother of | to $30.00. Regular $19.50 to $35.00. {sixteen children. She has ten grand-'! Saturday "raed eda. Se teens Less 20% Saturday S000 eens ateivan, »e $15.95 {children and three great-grand- {children. n= zzz TT TTTT--------re - ¥ -- | * ® JIE en Ans wo J Main Floor and Basement Specials i --m ON SPECIAL SAL {The Front of Building in Dub- S E SATURDAY | lin Damaged and Drug MONARCH DOVE AND FLOSS, 18c. BALL Store Wrecked. | 1500 balls of the celebrated Monarch Dove and Floss Sweater Wool--in all of the sea- Dublin, Apri 3E tire: meal son s newest shades--done up in full one ounce balls a special value at 25c¢. ball. {and a woman drove up to the Cen. | SATURDAY eh ies 18c. BALL | tral' cinema theatre this OE IIE RS seas tt mi ORD UINEIY LL eel, ue . (av aon wide, vo uittiog lf HEMSTITCHED PILLOW SLIPS, 25¢. EACH... ye {damaged only the front of the the. | 300 fine Cotton Pillow Slips with hemstitched ends--in 40, 42 and 44 inch widths, A or 8 Week Only ||: bu wrbked 8 nears dru splendid value at 35c. each, SATURDAY ....... v vere» .28e. EACH THURSDAY--FRIDAY--SATURDAY the miscreants is believ od to h : 0 » Sve will offer in WEAR-EVER Aluminum Ware been injured. iin sl WHITE TERRY TOWELS, S59c. EACH . . NO. 7 SIZE TEA KETTLE, 5 quarta--rogular price Mi Si Pa Es 150 extra large, heavy, White Terry Bath Towels--regularly priced at 75c¢. each, 8 QUART COVERED SAUCEPAN--regular $3.55. | Bongard's, April 24.--The wind on | SATURDAY s0i80ve 004s Steen 59c. On saleat ....... tite Sratenven meaner, $1.87 {Sunday last entirely cleared the bay ' STEEL WOOL CLEANSER ................ t5c. package |fjot ice. The Ladies Ald will meet PENMAN"S LISLE HOSE, 25¢. PAIR-- h 9 i . » . . . . - . Go [Ha a erate tn 450 pairs of Penman"s first quality Lisle Stockings, in Black, White and Cordovan, McKelv ! Picton, wero recent guesia at AL regular 50c. values. SATURDAY ............... 25¢. PAIR cy I (K e lan Harrison's. Prayer meeting will y » be held on Sunday evening next at! CANTON CREPE, $2.69 YARD-- wa ek 2 very. tm id 75 yds only, Silk Canton Crepe, full 40 inches wide. The colors are Black, Brown and -- Mr. and Mrs. N. Ackerman, Royal Navy. A splendid wearing quality; worth $3.50 a yard 's » cks' | ' . on Sunday "P. Thursion mas pur. SATURDAY .........co.0v v0 82180 ;chas hy | Eaton entertatned tho pupils mt bo: NEW LINOLEUMS, 75c. SQ. YD. . : Sunday school class to tea on Mon. | 300 yards of heavy quality Linoleums in a broad choice of attractive patterns and Herroering. Mr. and Mrs. Allan, colorings. Worth $1.10 a s d {Harrison visited with friends at gs. o . a square yard. Cressy on Sunday. SATURDAY ie vie Teste oni vig 75c. SQ. YD. | Pio, tit Mes. Dv. McCormack. | WINDOW SHADES, 75c. EACH | Ficton, were in 8 vicinity recent- . : ir. site Mis Murioh Baton had 360 first quality Window Blinds, in colors Green, White and Cream. Regular 95c. [badly smashed by a Sk op ser : values. SATURDAY ............. ++ owen 45C falling on it. Fa h | soding operations. F. Baton 1s pre SCRIM AND LACE CURTAINS, $1.39 PAIR ; } HE! srect 4 bam, 100 pairs of fine Scrim and Nottingham Lace Curtains; full 2} yards long. Regular ------------ ; : > Jeph Ei News of Verons | $1.75 pair. SATURDAY ........ . crvvevs ein: $91.39 ! Verona, April 25.-- Mr, Pound, 2 sists ll (NEW YOR MILLINERY 50 Beautiful New York Hats developed in Str \ NV i A . on . . : ;. ' |as Dr. Lawson is spending ti 0 K i uti . ew Yor ts evel m Straw, HOUSE FURNISHINGS [|i cas il | Saturday $4.95 ji nd Satin smartly trimmed -- with no two | WITH THE ADDITION OF A NEW WALL PAPER DEPT. | vices. "James MaMler, pending | alurday : alike--priced regular from $6.75 to $10.00 each. § Wo have the most up-to-date Houso Furnishing Department [the winter at Schreiber, has return. 4 i - Nuun Ontario. {ed to his home. Miss G. Jeffrey is . ool : . . : | Per Se a item ee [vv meni, | See windomne ey crvised specials remain on sale until closing time Saturday. | oun PCTS RHE" Toms raga ot to wef] comt_mvomae mur" Pe : REPAIRING AND RECOVERING FURNITURE Fairbairn, Westport, visiting friends | z A SPECIALTY WITH US. in this place. Miss C. Knowrton, | 9 é é "3 i WORK GUARANTEED TO SATISFY. Kingston, at H. J. Wagar's. r i 5 . ! -------------- 3 5 | The monthly evening meeting of 1 i £ T F > Ed | {the Kiwanis Club is to be held in k ole hy Phone 90 ithe Frontenac hotel on Monday. A 3 number of important matters will be dealt with. Frank Anglin, otf 54 Anglin & Co, wil be the bouster, ] oo] : : i oh Bas ds i 2s de Ell ae Sa eR pb bh a a RA aa a i a ab i acid 2 ge hil a

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