THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ----- . = In the Realm of Women---Some I nieresting Features ' THE CHARMER Wa} SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1923. By Juanita Hamel: 007 Cod The flavour of A 7 {7 yk PHONE FRONTENAC TAXI SERVICE 279 KING STREL. ea a GET IT REPAIRED | Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied, Sang filed, knives, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. kheys fitted 10 all hinds of lvcks, All makes ul Luwn Mowers sharpesed and re- paired. Wwe van popair anything thut is repairable. . J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phome 2058J. 1s quite unique. Orient fruits and spices perfectly blended with pure mait vinegar give H.P, a delicious flavour and piquancy that suits all tastes, Baker's Cocoa is the ideal drink for growing children Not only does its delicious flavor and aroma appeal to the palate but it supplies the body with a considerable amount of pure, wholesome and nutritious food. Children, owing to their almost ceaseless activity, frequently require as large an amount of nourishment as adults, and good cocoa is a Valuable aid in "the carefully arranged diet. But its quality must be good and no cocoa can quite so well meet the requirements of dietitian, physician, nurse or housekeeper es '" BAKER'S" ee MADE IN CANADA BY WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED Established 1780 Dorchester, Mass. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free Next to Your Doctor Our Prescription Department is Your best friend. J. and J. z Parke Da- and B. and Fi Wame n. Gauze, poles and B. Bandages, GHD Co's and Cot Pharmacess toms. ticals, v 414 Princess A. Street ---- NOTE: --We use Distilled Water only In preparing solutions. It is best. PRINCESS PHARMACY Speak well or your friend, of your enemy either well or not at all. PHONE 2018. Some men live all their lives in a barrel and look out only through the Lunghole. pg ~- . A man who is voung in years may be old in hours if he has lost no | time. ~ With DU-KO Filling as your ai You'll find that you are able To make delicious wholesome things My yes! Unless you To put upon your table. be quite outré, Dealers everywhere have Merc ury's with Pointed heels, wish to Three Flavors: ' LEMON CHOCOLATE MAPLE CREAM With strangely preoccupied ajir--as though no eyes could pierce the armor she wears {==she strolls;--or tides; through life-as gaily as though she tuted the world: But what is it | she holds within her hand? That little figure atop her riding crop seems to stare chal- lengingly at her as if to say, 'Charmer though you are, within my power lies far greater {charms than even yours, my dear. Evade it as much as You may try, love some day will Ty POINTED HEELS MERCURY MILLS, LTD., HAMILTON, CANADA - ~ {bend you to your knees and to love's way!" recommend it and it stands high in the balanced ration 'in the estimation of the home dietician, The lettuce diet is one of the new fads for reducing flesh. By giving up meats and sweets and eating THE HOME KITCHEN 'a By Jeannette Young Norton "ees Nat 11 dregelsts Ly ell druggists, o gonad cn bia cf 9 pamphlets THE COCK MEDICINE co. | TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windoar.), Author of "Mrs. Nortun's Cook} | Book. la day, exercising and so on, the trick {is done. Health | Five Recipes § x Delectable and Sea- But for those who object to so 2 strict a green diet, a compromise sonable Salads [may be made on a plentiful doin The popularity of salads is ever {ot salads in the diet of mixed variety. increasing and the search for new The best of oll and seasonings, the recipes is always on with women who [freshest of lettuce, and other salaa make thelr table a study... | The wholesome salad has much to i8ds are to be crisp, inviting and LADY SMITH ASKED DAD. HE NO'D! SO SHE WILL NOT BECOME A MOVIE STAR PSS 3 ! a POP = Signs of Good Strony Healthy Jrgans, that function Regularly and Freely, ins Pain or Delay-- Dr. Martel's Female Pills | Have helped THOUSANDS LAST HALF | CENTURY. Sealed tin package only. One | Period Treatment $2.00 Druggists, or direct by | m... Knickerbocker Remedy Co, 71 E. Front St., Torento, (/. . Scrat Contains no lye or acids. 'Madein Canada SETI NUR h You won't see LADY ELEANOR SMITH in the movies unless ber father, LORD BIRKENHEAD. changes his mind. LONDON--When a movie magnate thrust a contract in front of Lady Eleanor Smith she, like a dutiful daughter, asked dad. He said no at a third more it he is worth anything. } And, being nothing less than Lord B:i-k:nhead, lord chancellor of the British Empire, he had his way. lady Smith is an enthusiastic movie fan. She bas considerable talent for the stage. He who never boasts is esteemed than his value, three or more heads of fresh lettuce | {materials, aresnacessities, if the sal} eet ct tt tl ttl i Lealthful, -------- Asparagus Salad Trim freshly boiled asparagus stalks down to the tender point. Then cover them with a marinade of vinegar, a half-bud of gavlic, pep- | | per, salt, a half bay leaf, two cloves | and a small sliced onion. Set aside] to chill. When ready to serve | {drain and lay the stalks on lettuce | leaves, allowing five to a portion. | Get a teaspoonful of chopped pep- { per, celery and onion mixed on each | | portion and a tablespoonful o1 : French dressing. . . | | | Prepare the asparagus as directed | [in the marinade and allow it wi | stand for three hours. Then drain | {it. 'Have ready a package of lemou | | gelatine dissolved in a pint of boiling | water and cooled. Arrange the as | paragus in a wetted mould that has | been smeared with a coat of the] gelatine which has euffenead in place. Put sliced boired egg be- tween the stalks and scatter in a few washed capers. Then cover with the jelly. When hardenea and ready to serve, turn out and with a sharp hot knife cut in slices or cubes, and serve on lettuce leaves with a little heap of mayonnaise on top of each portion This makes a| hearty luncheon salad. Strawberry Salad Wash and top a small box or ripe | strawberries. Then cut them into halves. Add a cupful of minced celery and fold them in mayonuaise that is made without mustard and | lightened to a fluffy texture wah whipped cream. Add a teaspoonful | of gifted powdered sugar to the way- | onnaise just before it 1s used. Serve| in white lettuce leaves and garnish with sprays of fresh mint leaves that have been washed, then dusted with a little sugar. Vegetable Salad Boil and dice six young carrots, one new turnip, two potatoes, a vup- ful of finely cut young string-beans, a half-cupful of peas. and a table- spoonful of finely cut chives. Dust with pepper and salt and a teaspoon- ful of sifted powdered sugar. Fold in mayonnaise and serve on lettuce leaves. Garnish with olives stuffed with peppers. .e . Cherry Salad . Jake two cupfuls of ripe stoned cherries and set to drain and chill. When ready to make the salad, add three-quarters of a cupful of minced celery. Fold in very stiff mawon- naise made without mustard, and serve in lettue leaves arranged in cup-like form. Garnish with cheese straws. The salad should be sery- od at once before the fruit juice thins the mayonnaise. No man who loves applaus: more than ine truth will add much to the Jelbed Asparagus Salad I world's progress. The remedy of tomorrow is too Wis for the evil of today. For perfect Pies and Puddings use Du-kQ With DU-KO you can feel quite confident that your pies or puddings will be a success. 'The ingredients are so pure, so full of food values and so perfectly blended that no sugar, eggs or additional flavoring are needed to make them palatable. With a light, flaky pie shell and DU-KO, made according to instructions contained in every package, you have a combination that will make as luscious a pie as you,ever _ tasted. DU-KO takes just five minutes to prepare too. DOUGLAS AND COMPANY Napanee, Ontario ¢ AT ALL GROCERS uaranteed or refunded. Satisfaction money will Also put up in large con- tainers for confectioners bakers, restaurants, ho- tels, etc. Write for prices and saraples. "100 rel NN & VARNISHES 5 Paint Up Now is the time you can greatly improve the appear- ance of your home with a touch of paint here and there. 'Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork. A coat of protection will work wonders. Save the surface and you save all. MARTIN-SENOUR Lu PAINTS AND VARNISHES For the Walls and Ceilings For Hardwood Floors NEU-TONE--the washable, MARBLE- ITE -- The perfect sanitary finish that will not fade floor finish that withstands the or rub off. Many pleasing tints hardest usage. A hard finish that and suggestions for stencilled will not mar nor scratch white. borders. It can be washed with soap and For Woodwork, etc. water, MARTIN'S WHITE ENAMEL For Furniture : --(the goiaiel de June) a beaut}. WOOD LAC STAIN-iy many ful finish for bathrooms, - shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, oo etc. It stays white. etc. Gives to inexpensive woods For Floors the ap, of the more 4 costly. Easy to use. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT -- a wide range of colors. It dries For Verandahs hard with a beautiful enamel OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT-- finish that wears and wears and dries hard in a few hours and wears. wears like iron. Come and consult us on any painting you contemplate. We will be to advise. Te a full range of MARTIN- OUR Paints andVarnishes--the easiest and + most profitable to use. Fcr every purpose--for everysurface, SIMMONS BROS. ~ Kingston, Ont. he Ss sive Sirtace (Wav | | "Sas ave