Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Apr 1923, p. 11

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y SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1925. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HOWTO AVOID RICKETS| pg 'A Nutritional Disease Affecting | Young Animals, [ITER AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES |Cheese, new, 1b. ... 30, Cheese, old, Ib. ..... Eggs, fresh, Kingston Markets Friday, April 27tt Local dealers state that prices on sugar will advance within a few | days as soon as the present stock 4 exhausted, the wholesale quota-| | attention given your family | tions having been advanced slightly. ds going to or return from | whey butter has disappeared from | y,nq 1p 3 the Old Country. Passports arranged |, market. Maple syrup is more Oleomarzaring. Chronic Runts. 19 or nforuiation and rates apply to | Plentiful amd Is slightly Sows. Ou Maple Syrup, gal. ..........32.00! 4. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.7.!er prices remain about the same Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- | Apples, . : ston, Ontario. Bananas, doz. 80 to 69 Shorts, ton, Open Day and Night | Grape fruit, each,.. .10. 2 for .2; Straw, baled, ton, : : Yen LtroR ties 40 to Go Straw, loose, ton $7) 'PHONE 39, Oranges. doz. 30 | Wheat, local, bus. .. $1.05 to $1.10 ee | oi ii | rao EA | re Cal. Buckwheat, .70 |] : 98 to $1.00 | | Cal, 1 ; & Drove, a 1b Corn, feed, bus. .... $1.00 to $1.05 | 1 eaches, evap, ? | Hay, baled, ton ... Garden Produce Hay, loose, ton 5 | Oats, local, bus, Beets, 1b.... .. (Carrots, 1b... .,.. 3] Celery, head ... .. « ..20t0 25 '8 ; a 5 oq | Beef: | Lettuce, head .... «.10 to 20 Ieieat, porterhouse, if |ettuce, eat, . 1h | Steak, round, Ib. : mnions, domestic, . . a % The new Doric, famous Pores rn | Beiting cuts, Ib. .. Regina, superb Megantic |Parsior * [Stewing cuts, Ib. and popular Canada pro- {Parantpe, |Seet, Wesrars, gu «rie vide unsurpassed service § |r, ipe. Beet, Mites, oxi fortravellerswhodemand § | reer vagetablos- | Bear, tural. 1. the best at moderate cost. Garrats, bunch 5 Pork: | feeding of youns pigs excessively on | Comfort and satisfaction Jor Say litowers. each ...... .3¢ Loin roasts, 1b, i corn and also keeping them excly- | Whi Sassenger ov on | Ca age, > Shoulder roasts, ... ... 1 23 | sively on a sloppy diet of buttermilk | ili | Tomatoes, 1b. . | Hog, live weight, ¢ ¢ 1s at times responsible. In some famous. Baturday sailings. | Spinach. io ll ] i d Star and |i:pinaon, io. Chops, Ib. cases there appears to be an inherited | White Star, Re ili Beets, bunch | . | tendency in litters, due possibly to | Line regular sailings | Hogs, dressed, cwt. New ¥ k to E 'g Sreakiest errors in the management and feed- from New Yor urope. [on yaa i a.... ing of the sow while pregnant, and . G. Thorley ' . 41 wr Strees 1 Toronto. 5 lr.amb: » after farrowing. "or Local Agents. ee th Symptoms. | Fronts 15. _. In the case of calves and colts be- WHITE STAR Hinds, 1b. .. .. ... soning ho ir exes hey DOMINION LINE Sausage reat /Pp nthrifty and develop imper s tesee ve wisi fectly. The bones of the legs become Mutton, chops, 1b. ........ 20 to softened so that they gradually bend 0 | Mutton, carcase. . and become distorted, causing the THOMAS COPLEY | Poultry: Carpenter. Phone 987. animal to be bow-legged and enlarg- Fowl, 1b. ed at the joints, and otherwise un- Chickens, 1h. sightly shaped. They are prone to lie See us for all kinds of Carpentry down a great deal of the time, and work. Estimates given on Lew floors | In walking they move stiffiy. i Iaid. Have jour hardwood floors clean- ed with our new floor cleaning ma. chine. : 68 QUEEN STREET. granulated, 12 Sugar, yellow, 1b. A115 | Sugar, icing, 1b. 16 Sometimes Called "Bullnose™ and | Flour standard, cwt, . 25 "Snuffies" -- Caused Largely by i Rolled oats, Ib. . Unfavorable Conditions--Preven. Honey, 5-1b. pail tion and Treatment--Get Rid of Sugar, (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto ) { The occurrence of this diseass in | young animals seems to be largely caused by unfavorable conditions of lite, inducing impaired nutrition of the body. In particular there appears | to be a lack of bone development, due | to a deficiency of lime salts and other bone-forming elements in the body. Lack of exercise and close confine- | ment in damp quarters are predispos- | | ing influencas and are a cause of the | disease occasiomally in foals and | | calves. In pigs the disease occurs general- ly soon after weaning time and par- ticularly in litters born during the | late fall and winter months. At this | time, improper feeding of the young plgs associated with exposure to in- clement weather and close confine- | ment in cold damp quarters combine | . | In accentuating the tendency towards | faulty nutrition and ill-health, which | | are forerunners of Rickets. The Hay, Straw and Grains 70 to Barley, bus. Fruis corner} a0 pk Meats and Poultry 1/28 to 33/1 20 to 2% ooivy 10 8 to 13¢ 121 to 14 Barrett Everlastic Giant Shingles Lay Them Right Over the Old Roof These sturdy shingles are made and laid 3 to a strip. Thanks to their extra weight, thickness, and rigidity, they can be laid right over the old roof. (Use 14" Surf galvanized roofing nails). This means big savings in money, labor and trouble. You can rely on these shingles to stand staunch and tight against storm and blizzard throughout the years. Their base is of extra-heavy, best grade roofing-felt, saturated with high grade waterproofing material. These "Giants" for service are strikingly handsome. Their surface is of everlasting mineral in artistic shades of red, green or blue-black. Because of this mineral surface they are highly fire-resistant--never need painting or staining. Bloaters, each Cod, 1b. {Cod roe, ' FHets, ib, ... ... ... Finnan haddie, 1b. ... Haddock, fresh, 1b. .... Halibut, 1b. «. 22 to .28 to S. I. S. Roll Roofing (Seventeen Inch Seloage-Edge Roofing) Total width of roll 32 inches. 15%of the width of roll is mineral- surfaced. 17% of the width is plain surfaced to insure firm resenting of the overlap. A roof I. 8, is double thickness throughout with weather-proof, fire-resisting mineral surface in red or green. Everlastic Liquid Roofing Cement. Gives new durable sur- face to worn-out 'rubber' and other prepared roofs, stops leaks, Plastic Elastigum Patching ement. Stops leaks in roofs; re- pairs flashings, gutters, cisterns, etc. Sticks to wet or a¥y surfaces. Creonoid Fly-Oil and Cow ope 13 Co bo 83 Dor oer Perch, 1b. . .e Pike, 1b Jd23 Salmon, Ib, ........c...L "8 to Sea Herring, 1b. Trout, salman, 1b. White fish cs to "ran of 8S | Hips, Wool, etc. | Deacon, skins, each, 20 | Horse hides, each,.... ., . "Y | Hides, 1b | backbone also becomes crooked in some cases. Young pigs frequently | become affected and, at first, appear | to thrive poorly and have an abnor- | mal appetite. This causes in them | a craving for dirt and to keep picking up and chewing pieces of stick and bones. They soon Begin to develop | 50 $3 | L081 25 ! Veal skins, Ib, .10 ti esiy, 40 Wool, washed, Ip... 20] trea can 35 | Wool, unwashed, 1b. 17 | Those who are base, afraid to ven- 3 ture into uJdanger, are often very Da'ry Produce talkative and fierce with their! Butter, creamery, lb. tongues. Butter, dairy, 1b. .. 15 to Buy Productive Cattle A PEDIGREED cow may be valuable, but the wise farmer makes sure she is from a pro- ductive strain--it is an important point, Keep good stock, either the best grade cattle or pure bred--they will pay you well in the long run. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA LOCAL BRANCHES: KINGSTON BATH ODESSA WOLFE ISLAND VICTORY LOAN ~ COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to your credit in our Savings Bank where they will draw interest at 87 per annum, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Kingston Branch . . . F. E Dench, Manager. /~ 1\ Gas Ranges and Plates, McClary's Sunshine Furnaces Installing receives our careful, i personal attention. "GRAVES BROS. Plumbing, Tinsmithing, Hot Air Heating, House Furnishing. 211 PRINCESS STREET HH PHONE 832. - N Bf s i Lo : be iy; re O finest Crops ' SOLD EVERY WHERE IN Send. for * 507TH ANNIVERSARY $ ILLUSTRATED CATALOG h STEELE BRIGGS SEED CE... . TORONTO' 'mesina(_-- ] Fmt eg . WiNNIrES 1] hg HamiLTOND > ov) ~f 4 Aree CANADA Raw Furs-- Wolt up to $15 up to $20 + Muskrat | Racoon up to $1.50 trersscesaas. UP to $1.50 Beeswax, Ib..,. .. .... Gnseng, 1b. .. a se Buckwheat, bus. ........ -------------- 65 to 70 || THE MAN ON WATCH] There is certainly no valid reason why women should not pay statute tlabor tax, unless it is just "be- cause." > The Irish rector of St. Paul's is a popular man- with other religious |denominations in Kingston. He [feels at home among the Presbyter- ians and more especially at, the "Armagh schoolhouse" on Brock street, where he attended the other night to give a welcome to Cooke's new minister. The new Cooke's minister has among his possessions a fine Jersey {ecw and therefore he cannot be num- |bered among the "drys." The clerical hat has not been en- tirely discarded in Kingston. Some of the preachers still wear this "lid," which distinguishes them. The sugar prices are soaring and the housewives are souring. One war that the women all favor is one upon the sugar profiteers. By the way if you want to see a good vaudeville performance you will find it at the Grand all next week. Good citizens will at once clean up their premises and not allow their old paper to blow all over their neighbors' lawns. With Dr. Austin and his St. George's society on guard there will be no chance for Bolshevist teach- ings in Kingston, There will ne doubt now big a big run on roast beef, which should assume popular- ity, even in boarding houses. The mayor of Kingston is an Eng- lishman, but it is told of him that he did not know that Monday last, the 23rd of April, was St. George's day and asked why the flags were fiving on the city hall. Oh, Thomas man! The demand for go-carts appear to be so great that these wee wagons are being stolen off the streets. The occupants, however, are kindly left, being cbneidered of little value. What is the matter with the Bad- niington devotees that they are neg- lecting their play? This is a game that appears to Le strenuous enough cnly to receive notice in the social columns. : Things have come to sucha a pass that even the Children's Aid society, which should be wholly supported by the provincitl government and the municipalities, is asking for financial help. T2is society is doing a great work and should not have to pass the hat around. Let the municipal- ity do its duty. b --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. abnormally and disproportionately, while remaining stunted in growth. They become pot bellied and the head | enlarges, giving it a bulging appear- ance, with the snout deformed, hence | the name "Bullnose" being | They may also breathe large. The skin often becomes thick- ened and cracked and gets discciored | Booty | Sooner or | with dirt, giving a bluok appearance to white pigs, later, the bones of the legs begin to bend and they become deformed. This ed and makes them walk ver, stiff and awkward. The joints becume en- larged and the pigs lie down a great deal of the time and, on rising, they keep resting on their knees, The usec. | witn a souf- | fling sound, while the head remains | causes the legs to become badly bow- | Comein. See these modern roofings. Get our estimate on a complete roof of Barrett Everlastic Giant Shingles. Prices are extremely moderate. MESSRS. JAMES DONEVAN & SON, The Gn Compay Offices ind Plants at: Mogureal, Toronto, St. John, N. B., Halifax, N. S., Winnipeg, Vancouver Spray -- An effective fly-oil, lice- destroyer and cow spray. Barrett Products are made in Canada by Canadians Gananoque, Ont. lower ends of the ribs also becomes | | enlarged and seem to bend inwards | under the body. the rickety pigs become with piles and prolapse of troubled tumor-like mass behind. Finally they become miserably wasted and thin | and remain worthless stunted mor- tals of no value. | Prevention and Treatment. To prevent the occurrence of Rickets, one of the chief essentials is maintaining a proper mode of liv- ing for the thother while pregnant and for the young during early life. This entails rational dieting accord- ing to their needs, combinea with comfortable living quarters and a reasonable amount of regular exer- cise and outdoor life in fine weather. ficially on cows' milk, it should be diluted with about one-third water and sweetened with a little sugar, In suitable diet after being weaned. on dry corn, nor on chopped oats composed largely of the hulls, nor entirely on buttermilk. In winter, young pigs should be giver & clean, dry, warm, place to sleep in and the bedding should he changed daily, This is particularly essential in the case of late fall and winter litters. oats free from hulls, corn meal, ground barley and shorts with a lit. tle salt, chalk and charcoal added from time to time. The feed should or bone meal and skim milk is also £é0od. As the pigs increase in size the diet can be gradually changed. They should be allowed plenty of range and pasture in summer. When young pigs are noticed showing a tendency of developing Rickets, the progress of the disease can often be arrested and a eompiete recovery ob- tained, if taken in time, by changing and supplementing their diet with tonies. The diet should be arranged as already described, with the addi- tion of some digester--tankage and bone meal. To the drink can be add- ed lime water and to the feed a tonic composed of sulphate of iron one part, bicarbonate of soda and charcoal four parts. 'inese ingredi- ents are mixed thoroughly togethe: and a spoonful of the mixture added to the feed allowance of each pig once or twice a day. In cases of pronounced Rickets in pigs, where they become chronic runts, they are not worth treating and should be got rid of--C. D. McGilvray, Principal, Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph. -- The sow and the cow and the good laying hen Have proved the financial salvation . of men. ------ ---- To Sell Bernhardt's Books Paris, April 28.--Sara Bernhardt's books, pictures and furniture-- the things she loved, many of them given her by notables--are soon to be sold at public auction. Her iibrary con- tains a number of beautifully bound works, some with autograph dedi- cations, by Dumas Fils, Sardou, Ros- tand and others in whose plays she starred. The diet should be suitably balanced | and consist of a mixture of ground | be given mixed with milk or water as | a thick slop. A little ground oil cake | At times many of | the rec- | tum, causing it to protrude as a red | | In the case of colts being raised arti. | the case of pigs they must receive | They should not be fed exclusively | en putting up Peerless Poultry Fence you don't NVhen pul with boards or top rails. The stiff stays save you the expense and trouble of using lumber. Peerless Poultry Fence unrolls perfectly flat--much easier to handle than netting, much heavier, less costly and r service too. Peerless dealers can show you heights from 3 to 8 feet in styles to suit your requirements. Peerless Fence is best of all, be the chickens large or small, PEERLESS WIRE FENCE CO., Limited HAMILTON, ONTARIO "It Pays to Advertise." Fort Willlam, Apri! 28,--The com- | pelling power of advertising was {never better exemplified than in the case of an advertisement placed In a local paper by Dudley (i. Dwyer, U. 8. vice-consul, saying that unless the {rersons who removed a step-ladder {from outside his residence, whose |rames were known, returned the article, drastic measures would be {taken for its recovery. { Yesterday three step-ladders wera |secretly left outside the vice-consul's house. And not one of them was the cne originally © Sen. Mr. Dwyer {is withholding 'for a day or two to see if m3 more step-ladders come along. ---------------- It is not the quality of meat, but [the cheerfulness of the guests which | makes the feast. Where there is {no peace there can be no feast. } PEERLESS FENCE A real fence for-every need on the farm or lawn. All styles carried in stock. Get our prices. LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET GREAT WEST LIFE EVIDENCE OF PROSPERITY AND PROGRESS : (1).--Substantial increase in new business and in business In force. (2).--Assets of nearly $50,000,000 | (3).--The interest rate for 1922 was 7.18%; the expense rates were materially reduced and a very low mortality rate was experienced, re- sulting in:-- further demonstration of the Company's superiority in proe fits to policy-holders. RINGSTON OFFICE, 41 BROCK STREET AAA AA APA AAA A fei oy COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ALL STANDARD STY AND BIZES. OR SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY QUIREMENT. LOW- EST PRICES AND GOO \ SERVICE. PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH -- i BRITISH WRIG JOB DEPARTMENT 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Oat, PHONE 243,

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