Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Apr 1923, p. 13

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> THE BALLHRDAL, AK haus wo, Aoed S DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE LAST SURVIVOR OF WINDMILL BAFTLE L. N. Fuller Writes About Nel- son Truax and His Part in Patriot War. | In another copyright article in tha Watertown, N.Y., Times, L. N.-Ful- has a story concerning Nelson Truax, the last survivor of the Wind- Battle." The article reads as follows: The last known survivor Patriot war, certainly the last who came from Northern New York. was the venerable Nelson H. Truax, who died only eight years ago. Ho took rart in the Battle of the Windmill and only his youth saved him from death or banishment. Mr. Truax rassed away Jan. 25th, 1915, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. © Walrath, in Bay City, Mich., in his 98th year. to Watertown and {North-_ Watertown cemetery. His {death came the direct result of a fall |a few days previous in which his {shoulder was broken. Mr. Truex was born in Lowville, {March 23rd, 1818. When he was but a small boy his father left homa to ler mill of the Why Chevrolet is the Fastest Selling Standard Car Made I ook at any Chevrolet Model and you will understand immediately why Chevrolet is the fastest selling standard car built, It represents the most Sensational value in modern economical transportation ever es- tablished. Chevrolet offers the most striking and con- clusive evidence that it is no longer neces- sary to pay high prices for quality trans. -portation. All Chevrolet models are con- spicuous for their beauty of line and finish, | brave Von Sshoultz {on Canadian soil The body was brought | it resis in the! and he landed Fror 1 in afternoon," he his experiences, f when the British orderad to charge bayonets you should have seen us Yankees run-- we had no 'javelins' on our rifles. three | sald "wa 1 morning until | once { were | | "We had about half a mile to run | tc reach the windn We had gone about ten rods, when we came to a high rail fence I had just scaled | s but a few feet away when | one of the rn tia rushed up, nested | his rifle on the top rail and.fired a: | me was about to put his bayonet through This man jumped the fence and | me when a British regular cama up | and pushed him away, claiming m: as his prisoner "With the other captives I was! marched to a temporary fort where | riy wounds were dressed and the | irext morning we were put on-board | a ship and taken to Kingston. We were stowed away in the forecastle, {without much room and no place to 'sit or lie down. We were in damp quarters and had nothing to eat ard it was a discouraging and miserable lot of hoys and men who comprised the passenger list of that boat. i n arriving at Kingston we were | {taken to Fort Henry where we were {confined about six months. We were | comfort, easy and smooth operation and power. Fisher bodies with their artistic ap- pearance, high 'quality construction, riding - duxury. and complete interior appointments are used on all closed Models. {seek his fortune, leaving the mother ]iried before the judge advocate of {With five children. The father never |L PPer Canada on the charge of caus- returned and the children went to |ID& the death of her majesty's sub- live with relatives. - |to the home of a relative, the lato | Of COurse were found guilty and were Mr. Truax went | Jects. We all pleaded not guilty, but | 10 for 15¢ remained there until he reached the age of 15. At that time he came to Watertown and apprenticed himself to Jason Fairbanks to learn the trade of harness making. The animosities caused by the | border warfare in 1812 had not died {down and when Papineau and Mac- | kenzie raised the standard of revolt |they found many sympathizers on {this side of the border. Truax, young and impulsive, listened to the stories {that refugees had brought back from [Canada and was greatly stirred. [When Mackenzie, the gifted leader {of the revolt in Upper Canada came {to Watertown. Truax allied himself with one of the Hunter's Lodges and attended the almost nightly meet- ings. , Through engineering and marketing ef- ficiency, Chevrolet has achieved volume pro- duction of quality Automobiles, thereby ef- fecting such remarkable economies that Chevrolet now leads all standard built cars in volume of sales. Chevrolet is also the world's most economical car to operate. Comparisons sell Chevrolet. Bs1s Ask About the G.M.A.C. Plan of Deferred Paymenta, SUPERIOR TOURING, $800.00, DELIVERED. THE CENTRAL GARAGE, Limited BROCK AND MONTREAL STREETS PHONE 600. wey I NAA ANPP PAP ll llr Pl, Pt | He joined the ill-fated expedition | to capture Prescott [tle war with Canada, when the Civil {grand review at Washington at the {which set out land probably embarked at Sackets {Harbor or Clayton. At any rate he {was among those who followed the {and serve Plus taxes, for body ut Orillia, or mounted on your old or new . Chassly for $23.50 ex- » tra, at our Ware- { houses, 477 Yonge St., Toronto, or 206 Notre Dame St. E., Mont- |Willlam McAllister of Antwerp and [S¢0t back to the fort, where we re- {mained several months more. | "There we saw our less fortunate {comrades marched out to the gal- lows. I think that thirteen in all, |the officers and leaders of the ex- {pedition, were executed, including [the brave Colonel Von Schoultz and la number of Watertown and Jeffer- {son county men. Queen Victoria {took pity on the very young men of jthe party of whom there were 33. {including myself, and she pardoned us and we were allowed to return to jour homes. Over 150 of the older ones, however, were transported to Van Dieman's land. | After being pardoned Mr. Truax { [returned to Watertown and resumed {iis trada of a harness maker, and then went to Antwerp. Later he re- {turned to Watertown. Despite his experiences in the lit- war broke out Mr. Truax enlisted in the 4th New York infantry in 1861 mild, yet sound! satisfying, prone quality and proven excellence. The flavor is delightfully NN le AU LAS Wl ul IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY or CANADA, LIMITED. | ~~ { A ns | the close of the war. In the second [battle of Bull Run he nearly lost his Iscnse of hearing, but remained with ithe regiment and took part in tha {elese of the war, He retired from active business d with that regiment until [several years before his death and ~ | A SIMPLE HOUSE IN GOOD TASTE | real. FORDS Mechanical Lifts in = SOMETHING NEW IN a 4 Passenger Coupe Rody with Turn Handle, Doors and Special Mohair Velour Trimming. We Also Have'a 4 Door Sedan Body For descriptive circular, write us. -- CARRIAGE FACTORIES, LIMITED ORILLIA, CANADA IN BS } How About Lubrication? We have installed the latest Alemite Compressor, which will grease your car while you wait. Rates $1.00 and $1.25 per car. OVER-HAUL TIME IS HERE i ---- - We have secured the services of F.E. HALL as Electrical Expert. Electrical troubles quickly and efficient- ly remedied. - STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 545. QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office) Monarch Storage Batteries Should you require a new Battery this Spring for your car be sure and ask your dealer for a "MONARCH." : It combines all that is essential to a good Battery -- _JOWER, RELIABILITY, DURABILITY. MADE IN KINGSTON BY 273 ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. PHONES 836-837. nn mn (a Car Owners Attention Have your Batteries Charged and Repaired before the Spring rush. : Batteries Charged--our price ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Kingst on Battery Service W. MILNE 113 BROCK ST. do not represent the best in home bu The curious holds one's interest force to home building; once up, What ical, simple, neat and charming, a sense of pride. The little house shown herewith (and good design. The plan is rectangular in shape struction is most simple, ! gant halls: 8 DOORS BELOW W. P. PETERS windows properly ®laced insures this. The exterior of the --SEE---. . porch gives a pleasing =" ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON 378 BROCK STREET PHONE 1039. ABOUT SECOND-HAND CARS AND REP. Cost about $6,300. ' Building Editor. £1RST FLOOR. PLAN ly ar » . Fads and fancies in house dcaign, as in most ever of taste and proportion and, as a rule, sven the living porch comes under the "The room arrangement is compact and livable; | On the second floor the hall has been reduced t This arrangement allows three large bed rooms and The simple detail of the porch and cornices, the allflend strong chayacter that no amount of Complete working plans and specifications of this house Refer to House A-64, - -n - an ~ a wn \RCHwrer & Bs Architects Logr 7s is akin to simplicity. ilding, but a short time, but rather otherwise. Freak houses, planned along sane SECOND FLOOR PLAN JENk QF Frey ---- ything else, are but short lived. . Good design is a matter built just because they are odd, | then it becomes loathsome. This applies with double a building stands for years, a monument to good taste or to bad. a community needs is well designed, attractive homes, a credit to the owner and a credit to the community, rational lines--enonom- a home that will give one is a good example of what can be done in the way of simplicity, economy , N (the most economical in form, as breaks and extensions are expensive), "gingerbread" would give. may be obtai ong main roof; the partitions are plumb over each other and the con- full, square rooms with no nodks, waste corners or extrava- 0 a size that just serves the various rooms and the stairs. a bath. All of the rooms are light and airy, plenty of large house leaves nothing to be desired. The long sloping roof that extends down over the cottage effect, while the broad dormer allows a full second floor. well proportioned windows and the broad brick chimney; ned for a nominal sum from+ the 'Sweet, whose death occurred in Pa- Nm Amt ot boarded at the City hotel for several |Henry he saw his brother Sylvanus years before going to Bay City to Sweet led out to be hanged. George make his home with his daughter. A [Kimball died on his farm in Brown- son, Floyd L. Truax of 549 LeRay | ville in 1908 and. in 1913 Josiah D. street, is still living. | Holley passed away at his home ia A number of other survivors of the | Syracuse. battle of the windmill passed away The records cf the Canadian mili- comparatively recently. William D. [tia show that the last man on that side was John Pymer who died at melia in 1905, was in that battla aud when he was in prison at Fort Bloomfield, Ont., in 1910, aged 103 ears. A A Pr A AAA AAA AA AA AAA Al Nl APA a, Ans in Safety Deposit Boxes AYA YOURSELF of the many advantages afforded by a Safety Deposit Box in our vault for the care of your bonds, deeds insurance policies and other valuable papers. BOXES are of different sizes to suit requirements, they are ac- cessible at any time during busi- ness hours, the rental is moder- ate, and as the renter holds the keys, privacy is assured. OUR MANAGER will be pleased to explain their operation to you. 108 "BANK~TORONTO Incorporated 1855 BRANCHES KINGSTON * LYNDHURS1 / KING'S BATTERY SERVICE FRED KING, PROP. "BUSINESS AS USUAL" IN THE YELLOW SHOP, 275 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 410w. RESIDENCE 8071. SYRUP oF TAR & Cop Liver Ex

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