Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1923, p. 9

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a at HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee -- w-- Las bee id a1 ation | : Ph al A B. GLARK SELECTED 1o5e- OE ae a gd Its Sale 1S enomen qa an, PS |aiready failing, - Comméreial houses | mance cn) pital 5 Its Quality is Irreproachable Park [00 them, but they are imposing on Sed Fo ee 'Beaver Board rine Yha : ¥ The wide ™ spread--io+--~-- ~ | o 7 > TINE 0 io ig pressed in |FTiCe8 is the factor that is going to | Artistic--Sanitary--Durable--Economicsl princi; P! destroy thi old nd- | 3 | »" (Applause. or aa ny y 11: . : De Fe ! The exclusive "SEALTITE" treatment gives Beaver Board I more educatd No art % an ideal surface for decoration, making a priming coat unneces- ro g p {Ino 2d on. You may be a pro-| \ i ' rfect band with any good t U.F.0. people's 1 (fessional man, but. you do not know sary and insuring a pe n y paint. James Bell mad : 2ppeal the needs of this counts : i . . Lo he support of "his busie| Tn the'past you never saw a farm- Ask for free samples and illustrations at < ; a , hb ate, although ot {er on a platform or a woman either, oe ES] 8 "289 | office. "In the past, leg n was carried | - ness demands tc v aw his n It : 3 rs {better them Mrs. Laws today? We | pn Dot for tho people but for the lyon ihe right road ana we are 18 the Purestand Most Cleanly Prepared Tea | omen! of some he $4 ed of coming to the rescue of the people. in the World - : group," said he. 4 in {We had no right to be in politics we 3 2 2 + . Frontenac's mi is been ,. [Were always told in the past. Old | r » aid aver wi 1 Drone govern. |SimJohn A. Macdonald is quoted as : Il VICTORIA STREET. Phone 1042. said about what brary 8 came |30VIDE We asked for nothing and _ i Sas not le. Tite precept | OTS easily satisfied. J K (a I : The J. K. Carroll Agency member for Fro 1c is a'marnufac- F A - i . . 1.14 ink armers Apathetic. turers' candidat 21d 1 do not think "We find it hard to get the farm- The place where 56 BROCK STREET . Phone 68. Res. 2240m--1123w. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS Lut did' you ever gee a woman do he has over advocated any measures {ers out at club meetings, and these T : ° of economy wt it Toronta, On are the ones we ghould reach. We dining out is truly the other hand, at the record of |, \; ope people 'n towns that we ure 3 An Rie ; ° Fremier Drury znd Hon. Manning going to lift them up to a high plane Q delight Doherty. Mr. Doherty Jee been ihe {against their will. The old two- PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S best minister of asricultur ne old. |FATLY * system was very bad. We . | ever had. (Applause) T @ OX Ivoted withbut giving the questions i OFFERS FOR SALE time slogan handed lo he Parmer ja BINEITHOUZAL. We BAVE DEEN JAX | TootmSmrinit Shree eer ee mh eee Ante Mee St Yr rer Ary aeet | ON UNIVERSITY AVENUE--Brick, seven rooms, hard- wag 'Produce,' 'Produce, without Te ltoo long and have suffered from our wood floors, electmic light, garage, well built, and in first class ference to our profits. Not so with {regligence. The lawyer knows the condition. Homo Mandir A -- jleast about the Interests of Canada. We Have (ars of Chestnut Coal enroute | UNIVERSITY AVENUE--Ten rooms, electric light and gas, [The ma rs what s 13 n on the farm knows what eT irable for doctor. culture #nd wc see his work in the {1s best in detail, for through his two entrances, very desirabl removal of thc cattle embargo IN feooyupation he comes in contact with Orders taken now to be delivered on ar- ! SEVERAL LOTS tor sale oy tone. Britain and in his immigration pol- everybod = Da . ? ¥, and when he meets th ri e. or or on eas rm fey. (Applause) Mr. Doherty got |; wyer he has only to pay his bill. val of sam results." (Applause.) . (Laughter.) Something must be | 28e.! In concluding Mr. Bell 'appealed |.ong gor agriculture, and we can't SOWARDS COAL CO for the selection of a candidate with {purchase goods made in this country PHONE 155. { the ability to represent Frontenac |ang financed by tie bamks; znd when UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE evro et tu e er "for ourselves and for Ontario" {the manufacturer cznnot convert PHONE 811. | | 1 - | delivered --_-- his commedities into cash they go Wo have a few good Used Cars which we are offering at A. E. Weller. after him. a 5 Mr. Weller presented a Sagtenly "Phere is only one freedom for us -- N---------- I -- statement on the achievements of |, ' regulate our purchases. | oe the Drury rovernment. "Many talk- | wo nave sontrer of nese. we are ||| MAKE YOUR WORK EASY The Central Gar age Limited ed of debts, but the place to begin constantly throwing away valuable : . ; economy was in the municipal coun- (machinery fnstcad ot replacing the Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your |. Phong G00: Brock abd Montreal Streets. AME (ails, said he. "All debts had to be {worn out paris at a cost of $25 eo d : WE NEVER CLOSE. shouldered by the farmers as pro- |erought to put a $300 binder in frst. ||| home. We have everything you may need to ducers. It required great courage to [aja ape." - . carry on farming today and there | ye Seeaers concladed with «||| bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. was no place for the pessimist. All strong appeal for the support of the | has to r¢ that they were going [Drury government. to the country today under exactly -- | Reduced Prices, as we need the floor space for our new cars. ) COLBORNE STREETS ie -------------- -- Maxim Gorky, the Russian novel- The Castle of Chillon 18 a celebrat- - . | ist, and Chaliapin, the newest great ed fortress and castle at the east end Halliday Electric Co. | discovery in the operatic world, were of Lake Geneva in Switzerland, the 3 CC tic in 1919. H Mark Chose brought up in the same poor-class|Chillon has been immortalized i gn sire G. A, B. Clark Chosen, PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS, street in Kazan, the capital of an|Byron's poem, "The Prisoner E saw no ence for the farmers The scrutineers consisting of 2 . " om 4 ws _ iin 4 TO ia. ' Chillon. Sven your family |, tp, problems to face. If |Major E. C. Barrett, J. L. F. Sprotile, -- orn -- -- RAGS province of Russ ee rnin from selected as candidate I wil give my John Walker and Mrs. A Graham. i) bes$ services." reported the result of the ballot jon and rates apply to ea which was announced by Mr. Good. C. P, and T.A.G.T. R. J. Bushell. and Mr, Clark's name was grected "I see people here in this gather- [ith a gresnt outburst of applause. ing who do not quite agree with me," He had been very brief when he said fald Mr. Bushell in opening his ad- [he would permit his name to stand dress, 'but I am not going to ask |and he now ~ime forward to express them to leave the room as some wers |hjs profou:d thanks to the delegates. told here on a certain previous occas- "I counted the cost," said he, "and fon." (Prolonged laughter.) "No. I am out to run this ficht to win, this is no democratic country, and (Applause) and if we go into it with 1 welcome all those who do not agree |g united front we are sure to win. with me." (Applaunse.) This is the only condition upon Fo want to take this opportunity which we can win. I did no? ask a to YOU a test Trili Helrews: single delegate to vote for me, and 'Stand ye firm in your faith, they | realize that I am your voluntary have pledged themselves to you." To choice. I will not betray the trust give this a practical application, frou have put in me. 1 endorse the 'Stand firm with Drury who stands [platform because I believe that it is with you'." '(Applause.) the best put before the country. I Mr. Bushell enumerated various |will accept your direction and the acts of legislation by the Drury gov- |recall. (Applause.) ernment that marked a great ad- "I am proud today to see such en- eer po wen LT. Station, corner lo vance in the social life of the people, {notably the Mothers' Allowance Act. | Referring to the Conservative timber {scandals, he said the government was charged with spending $286. 1€00 on the Shevlin-Clarke investipa- thusiasm when you 2ll are so busy with your own work .at-such a_sea- son and I feel that this is enough to make a man confident of carrying this constituency under the banner {of Premier Drury who has won the frien, "But I want to tell you that right to hearts of the electors of the that sum brought to the provincial \province of Ontarid." (Applause.) treasury $1,500,000, and it was only James McGlynn moved that Mr. by changing the government thet (Clark's nomination be made unanim- the province got this money." (Ap- ous, and that all present pledge him rause.) their hearty support, and the mo- He defended the government's at- {tion was carried by a standing vote. titude on the hydro radiais matter The other speakers were Mrs. R. by pointing out that the proposed |J. Vair, Lt.-Col. _F. S. Ferguson, lines paralleled the existing railways [Colin Rogers, T. A. Kerr, R. J. Vair end it was a wise policy to put a stop land W. S. Reed, M.P. . Mr. Reed to their construction. Mr. BusheH {told of the work of the members # explained that Mr. Rankin, the op- [varliament and spoke highly of position cindidate, was his Brother- [Robert Forke, Progressive leader. in-law and he docided not to stand as | p-- a candidate. He announced thai-he ' e kad obtained a reduced railway rate Resolutions Passed. of one fare and a third for all farm-| A, resolution moved by R. J. For Baby's Bottle HE qualities which doctor, nurse, and mother seek in milk for babies are found in Carnation Milk. For it is simply pure, whole cows' ers to visit Ottawa in June. Buspell seocuded by J. L. L. Soraule milk with about 60% of the water removed by evaporation, sealed er EE TC BrP Dy ah 4 Aash in air-tight containers and sterilized. It is always uniform. "And you "I believe that the UFO, fs a i. |" ¢° their complete satisfaction never run short, because Carnation keeps--you can order a month's supply on for the rapidly vine institution," said W. D. San- |" '} 'lo manner in which be con- at once, even in summer. Your doctor will gladly recommend Carnation popularity of the ers, of Exeter, member of the On- |4uct>d ihe affairs of the province taro executive of tlie UF.0. in 107i" he past four years, aud grat for your baby. Order several tall (16-0z.) cans or a case of 48 cans from opening his address, "and I have n ['"° *¢ grec its system, your grocer. big heart for it. We are living in Re neaspuuke, ge lifung of Jie . the age today described in the Bible, . gant, tue fore soi . . man . ry aD ASS 10M Gaserive trom ambush |"*!I°8 of 'co-operative selling or- Try this recipe and write for free Carnation Recipe Book, including the and be leaders of men'. fanizations . ahd the granting: ef formulae for infant feeding, . hn "When you find mere good in men mothers' allowances and many other = . than bad then give them the prefer- Measures. It promised unswerving ence--give them another chance. IL 0Y2'y and support in th: coming tooth ARN. x always did so with children when I A od resslution, moved by J . C ATION AS A DRINK y taught school. This "ripple" in Tor-| ' : : . Ia ry Mr L. F. Sproule, seconded by R. J. For drinking purposes, use one part Carnation Milk mixed with an equal portion controversy, only serves to do much | CUS! Was passed expressing ap- of cold water, or two parts Carnation to three parts of water -- according to how, good. This government has given us |Preciation of Robert Forke, leader of ; rich you care to serve. Ice and stir well. A booklet containing recipes for twenty. much better legislation n any ithe Progressive party in the House five drinks will he t £ y - : 4 . {of Commons comeluding: *"We are sen other government ever did. But why |" 8 did the farmers go into politics and |"2ticlieC with hic attitude on the dif- organize? The manufacturers or prent uuestions, and that he will ganized, and so have the dealers anqy//'"d us loyal to the Progressive CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO.. LIMITED, 443 JOHN STREET NORTH, AYLMER, ONT. professional men. The farmers wer<°2Us?, and in the next election we bl to do the same, not to tak will again return a Progressive can- Tiger a but for protection, and uidate ns member for Frontenac we have a long way to go to get an |"OUUtY- equal deal in this country. We want suits, and we ao living fn au' sca |, 75%, Trehton elles _ department when fair play should be dealt out, |, Black's dtorehquee. Part of them and we are going to get it. I fia] | Balance that this government is gong to bo | Tramps @ oY nd the = Mustained in this slection.' | Three threes things most difficult : : Mr. Sanders doclared that the {for some are--to keep a secret, to ' Y : party press was not fair to the U.¥.0. | forget an injury and to make gooa BB MB a 4 {in this campaign and did not stats |yse of labor. . : g x SJ. rue Site oF alge. Thee ve. That and that alone is a disgrace T : " oh | : - ports falsified om ¢ ; 'which deserved : . \ a ' existed between Mr. Brae and apy joa 4 he lias » on tented Cows 3 to oS . 4 The label ts red and white An Morrison. "Their policy is destrye ; : gg Made fn Cansds by |tive, whereas our policy is the ; "that can save Ontario and Ney

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