Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1923, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG pp Ee ---- ~ LATEST LOCAL BOLTON WANDERERS T00K ENGLISH CUP Defeated West Ham 2-0 Be- fore King and 200,000 People. Wembley Park, England, April 28.--In the presence of an enormous and record-breaking crowd, Bolton Wanderers won the English Football Association Cup here this afternoon from West Ham by a score of 2-0. No accurate count could be made of the exact number of people present, because many stormed the fences around the park and enjoyed the game without payment. The game was not a good example of cup tie playing because the crowd impinged on the playing field several times during the match, and cramped the outside wings. The goals were scor- ed by Jack and R. H. Smith of the Bolton forward line. The game was witnessed by the King, who presented the cup and medals for individual players to the winning team. The line-up of the teams follows: Bolton W. West Ham U. Pym «+ ....Hufton Howarth «+....Young b.....Bishop b b..Treasadern f.....Richards «Cl Jennings. ....... 1. h Butler......... ro Jack. .......... Tr. § J.R. Smith. ..... cr John Smith. ..... LL. ff... Vizard ..... ado Bolton won the toss. An official statement issued after the game said that by 1.45 p.m the stadium's capacity was filled and the gates were closed. This informa- . +. .Moore Ruffell tion was telephoned throughout Lon- | con, but thousands of persons still continued to arrive, and Scotland Yard was asked to furnish a large force of extra mounted pelice. The statement estimated that the total number of persons wio paid admis- | sion, or who broke ir, exceeded 200 - | G00, of whom probably 150,000 had a good view of the match. While the Paper reporterd casualties becausa o? the disorders, apparently no one was seriously hurt, the injuries con- sisting of minor bruises. 5 hat Knute Rochne, tha coach, has developed a corking fide track team to go agains: Yaie ut New Haven next month. Ruictioneer! Auctioneer! We condwet sales in Kingston and Frouteaac County. E.W.Jackson & Son PHONE 11300. Se I THEY ARE HERE . ..Henderson | FRST MATCH WoN BY RAC. STAFF 'Defeated Artillery 2-1 on | Slippery Field on Sate urday Afternoon. | The first of the games of the King- 'ston and District Football Associa- tion" was played at the R.M.C. grounds on Saturday afternoon be- tween R.G.A. and R.M.C. Staff. The Staff must have been inspired by the victory of Bolton Wanderers over West Ham in the English Cup final for they showed surprising ability end gave the soldiers something to j think about from the minute the {gama started. | The R.G.A. eleven was not quite so well trained as it might have been land the players had not become ac- jcustomed to each other. Tibbets, | who played at centre forward for the | Vocational, champions of a few years {ago, and "Ginger" Guy, who was at | cutside left for the same team, both lappeared on the 'Tillery"s roster, Guy | {in his usual place and Tibbets at in- [side right. Incidently the big inside [right scored the only goal for his team. R.M.C. Staff looked good and {chould go a long way towards win- (ning the series. Their team work was good and in spite of the poor ifocting they kept things moving at fa lively pace In the other game scheduled for Saturday, Queen's vs. R.M.C. Cadets, the match had to be abandoned. [Cadets are unable to break away from examination work and it is idoubtful if Queen's could have gath- jered a team. Next Saturday 4th Hussars, in the {general run of things should be drawn to play with either Queen's or R.M.C. Staff. It will likely be Staff |and a good game should certainly | result -------- { It is claimed from London that {before the English Cup match was |jover on Saturday over 200,000 peo- 'ple-had-jammed into Wembly Stad- ium in spite of the police. Even the | | New York Giants or the Yanks can | feel envious over that turnout. The County League will start its hind grind again with the meet- ing tomorrow night. There rumors about that it will be a warm session and that the Ontario Legisla- ture will look tame beside it--and | snats saying som®thing. A. Davis & Son Baseball Club is tarning envious eyes on both Harry Sargent'd trophy for the senior city and that of Arthur Horwitz for the Mercantile. The Tanners will be on the job all through both schedules. {a real comebaek this season. {Cuban' twirler had a disastrous sea- a a SPALDING | The official Baseballs, Baseball Gloves, Mitts and everything for Baseball. GIANTS--BRAVES--BROWNS won't use anything but Spaldings, and as they do not cost any tions, why would you more than the imita- not use them ? Sole Agents for Kingston and surrounding country. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 529. | - The fire which seems extinguished slumbers beneath the ashes. Am yr 1 \RRH LADDER eh Smee F an SPORT are | --_ 'THE JUNIOR SECTION GAMES ARE ARRANGED |'8chedules for K.A.B.L. Jun- lors Announced by Com- mittee--@Good Outlook. The committee appointed at the genera! meeting 'of the K.A.B.Li, on [Thursday evening last to draw up the schedule for the junior section kas completed the biggest part of its {work and it only remains to desig- nate grounds for the different games, {eet the time of Saturday games, and have umpires appointed by the lea- gue. | The juniors have four fast teams and wiil play oif two rounds during the summer, the winners of the firs: round to play the winners of the {second round for the junior section jtitle. The games and their dates de- |cided upon are: First Round. 7--Park Nine at Hillcrests. 9--~Circle-Six at Midgets. 11--Hilerests at Circle-Six. 12--Midgets at Park Nine. f 15--Midgets at Hillcrests. { 17--Cirele-Six at Park Nine. | 19--Hillerests at Park Nine. | 21--Midgets at Circle-Six. 25--Circle-Six at Hillcrests. y 29--Park Nine at Midgets. f 1--Hillcrests at Midgets. 4---Park Nine at Circle-Six. {June June Second Round. 9--Park Nine at Midgets. 12--Circle-Six at Hillcrests. | 15--Midgets at Circie-Six. 18--Hillerests at Park Nine. | 21--Circle-Six at Midgets. { 29--Park Nine at Hilleresis. July 3--Park Nine at Circle-Six 6--Hillcrests at Midgets. | * 10--Circle-Six at Park Nine. 13--Midgets at; Hillcrests. 17--Midgets at"Park Nine. 23---Hillcrests at Circle-Six. The juniors will play all but Sat- {urday games at twilight and the time {1s set at 6.15. The four teams en- tered have all been rounding out some nice players and there will be a nice contest in this section. ---- The Syracuse University lacrosse {sor if it duplic/tes its success of last vear, when 15 games were played and all of them won. The shortest major league game jon record--that between New York and Philadelphia (N.L.) on Septem- ter 28th, 1919 was played in fifty- |cne minutes. { Anyway, the engagement of Percy | Haughton as football coach at Col- {umbia has brought to light the fact {that the gridiron game is known on Morningside Heights. Pot Moran, the Cincinnati boss, is {banking on Pitcher Luque making The son last year. | Manager Fred Mitchell of the Bos- ton Braves, believes he hooked a real ball player when he purchased Shortstop Bob'Smith of the New Or- leans club. NI ING | PORT | NAP | HOTS } | Washington finished second in the ! American League in 1912 and 1913. | Cleveland fans call him a second Bill Bradley. Report has it that Simon, the Bay iCity recruit, is the best bet that the Browns have to play the third sta- tion. The Dallas, Texas, Athletic Club lhas begun the construction of a 14- storey home that will cost §1,000,- 00 when completed. | | The boxing world learn whether Georges Carpentier [retains his famous speedy "hay- {maker" when he meets Marcel Nilles {mext month, A trio of ring. notables, Jim Cor- |bett, Benny Leonard snd "Philadel- rhia Jack" O'Brien, acted as honor- lary reforees at a New York boxing show recently. Many fans are picking Bert. Daley, {Dick Spoor, Herb. Teeple Harry Batstone as the infield of the | Big Four team. Outside Del. Cherry the outfield is a hard guess. ls { ~0ndey When the Frontenac and Lennox {and Addington Baseball League {meets in the Whig building tomorrow {evening there will be some interest- |ing matters to come up and this meeting will mark the point which | wil decide whether the league is to {80 forward or backward in the fut- jure. i The fever of all the districts in the province to organize their own small {leagues and then affiliate with the |0.B.A.A. has spiit this camp asunder, {for the Lennox and Addington {group suddenly decided to steer their own events, after being but one {rear under the wing of the original {County League. However, this difficulty may be |solved and there are 'a number of {fresh fields clamoring for develop- ment so that there is plenty of scope for the parent body as yet, and it wil - always have its Frontenac county teams on which to form a foundation. The business of the mesting will be to elect officers, adopt schedules, consider applications for entry, and other matters. Something interest- ing may turn up from Wolfe Island direction and there are many other 'things to be thrashéd out during this |session. Considerable interest attaches to the county league this year becauss the Kingston City League may be pitted against it in the 0.B.A.A. play- Lffs and the respective bodies will be watching the moves all summer. Quarter Three noted Jimmie O'Connell, Willie Kam, $100,000 Sox, and Jack Bentley, the baseballers third Million Dollars Worth of Basebal snapped to, 75,000 fielder of th ird baseman $65,000 pitch BRINGING UP FATHER probably will | and | | ] COUNTY BASEBALL { 3 7 GENERAL REVIEWS 1 Walter Lutzke, the Indians' young | {third baseman, looks so good tha: | | | | | i { | | | | | | i | | | | fat IM Ch WEST TN FAR ON From early morn till late at the bicycle plays an important Pi daily life. mr It does its work so efficiently, Quietly, so smq we scarcely realize its pre Ride to Work Throngs of workmen cycle to alym work every day, saving time, car fare 4 discomfort of riding in packed street ca; walking long distances. Multitudes of happy children -- teas too--ride bicycles to school. And what world would the Boy Scouts do witho cycles? Economical Deliveries , All days long messenger boys--and making light deliveries-- flit by on bicyq Occasionally a plumber pedals by on wheel on a hurry call-- perhaps, a leak pipe! 1 A carpenter with his kit wheels from one job another. The collector and the insurance agent glile along to make calls--many of them not near a car Pleasure and Emergencies Out in the country, the city man rides for a da fishing with his rod tied on his wheel. wards him a farmer's boy wheels hurriedly to the city to get a spare part for a farm machine that has brok down. Away down in California, Mary Pickford as Douglas Fairbanks ride bicycles for pleasure and keep fit. An example that other men and women cox; follow with Benefit to their health. More People Riding More i. i cycles Ls i, bo 1 Sing sonyly past. The paved roads are 80 smooth, so clean, and so easy to ride on, they are creating new riders by the thousands. lasting. And the gl ) nickel. It's done over . per so it won't rust. Glimpse the new Gi Pedal, too--so light strong. Its silvery of aluminum and rust. Stand back and the C. C. M's tri ful, racy Ab 3 Ab ty Proud. And one | give ars and y aithful service. You need a bicycl, everybody does. Slip into th dealer's and talk i with him, He h all the new m 1 ing the new C. C. Model for the wants something Just climb ona C. C. M. yourself and see how exhil- arating it is to ride a bi- cycle. See how easily it glides along, thanks to the C.C. M. Triplex Hanger -- the three-piece hanger that-gives 80 much speed--and pep--and power. Then press back on Jou pedals and see ow quickly.and smoothly the Her- cules Coaster Brake acts. Note how and rigid the He It's of English Seam- 'M- Bicycle CLEVELAND--MassEY--CoLumpia PERFECT--RED BIR; "The Bicycles with the C.CM. Triplex Hanger" Canada Cycle & Motor y, Limited Montreal, Toronte, WESTON, ONT., Winnipeg, Vancouver 88 PRINCESS TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS C AGENT FOR KI NGSTON AND DISTRICT. A eae It is a legal tie game if the side just at bat in the fifth inning hag equalled the score made by its op- ponents, even if the side has not been retired when the game is called on account of re¥n or for other cause. The city juniors are starting away i with daylight savi ng as they must play-offs and all before the Pick your oe r the first round. Tot Ie ead TT ---- It is said that Cairns the Odessa, The recognized 'hurier of the Kingston C.0.B.L. team. STREET PHONE 529 a terna are pr relieved ot nd D2 THOMAS' ECLECTRIC o twenty-yard dash is 2 made by BE. B. Blos in : By GEORGE MM last year may be out with ! HAY 4 DAD - SHIRT- : IRT-1Te -

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