30, 1923. = 'Make The S THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG pare Room Earn Money. Advertise Th Pt; h nm i (Announcement iL hig |-- ee IN, ONT. ng of jet beads, on s 1. Finder please VERTISING. Street, or phone N 'and popular- a : . ng to: | stones, on 3 | THE BASIL L SMITH SYSTEM ward on retu 33 : 1 inc. Philsdeipbia, Pa. BR A rE Rw HUB CAP-- Lost, nickle-plated between All ads. are restricted to their Kingston and Coll Bay. Finder r classification, and to the please return to James Reid and re- ] ular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per lne or consec: tive _teive a reward HAND. BAG Friday. Ow Princess Street. a : = ENTIFICATION DISC--Found, black satin, 3 (days 3 r§ PARCEL--Found, containing Boys Col- Jars, on Division St Owner may have same at 800 Princess St fe SUM OF MONEY--} Owner can have same by pros roperty. F A. Quinn, messeng hingston, Ont. ul TOP HOLDER--or cover for large ca ol 6 insertion, churged. Ie Births, Engagements, Ma. ages, 1.50; cash, §1.00. Ci of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Cnarged, $1.60; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertsing ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- found, near Hay Market. Apply 249 tion rate; no ad. taken for less than Division street, or phone 1901J basi of four lines. Gites ey - , unt alc average words to the | yng wATCH--Found, lady's. Own: rged ads. will be received by er may have same at 389 Barrie St epuone and if paid at The Brit Whig office within 6 days from je first day of insertion, cash rate = will be allowed. ke Ads. (rdéred for more than one day and st'phod before expiration will be caarged for the number of Automobiles Automobiles For Sale Painting, Vapering, Decorating 26 on wnly 4 . AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. Apply E. wimes Lhe, a sppusrec and adjust Jenkins, n cor ter Tork and Raglan men 14 oad. hone 156 . t er line for white space is aT I ee aa e per as © live of typ? . TL Paper Hangin nd Deco- ia rating; wall paper samples; metallle special rate for yearly advertising on request, RE Lorn reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising gold letters for store and office win- dows. Estimate submitted J. Flana- gan, Street. Phone 1432. . S. Robinson, rear Er none 243, ask for a want ad. "218 Bagot street. : taker. . oe ce ---- -- F Announcements 5 ASTI RR SR TT 4 Personals 9 SKIN BLEMISH E5--Halr, Moles, Warts | MERCER Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, | etc, removed permanently, Satisfac- tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Golitre cured with out operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 255 Bagot Street. Phone TOURING CAR in good state of repair, paint and 1135J, ZL Neste] A i STC) top first class, with six cord tires. Australian Communists Wa be Worth sous while ta ooo i Aid Irish Republicans =~ = = You want appearance . | Sydney, Australa, April 30,-- pep and speed. Irish republican delegates J. O'Kelly | d Father O'Flanagan addressed a ! ' Tes . one thgupand communists | CALLAGHAN S on behalf of the Irish irregulars | here yesterday. A collection was tak- | en up, not withstanding that the government had stated this should « pot be allowed. Johnston to Run Again, | ith's Falls, April 80.--Officers | of the United Farmers' organization | for South Lanark have handed out GARAGE -- Automobiles For Salo truck; both in splendid sell. Make offer. C. Street. _Phone 660; 63 the statement that the Farmer-Labor | CARS--GRAY AND GRAY DORT. NEw] ' y | | BA es feguredy Nue R Dany PRICE LIST. STANDARD TOURING) ning provincial election, and | $1365; PHAETON TOURING $1395; it the name of tire sitting member, { "SPECIAL TOURING $1485; Sx oy. - I. Johnston, will be among those | | pup TOURING $1750; GRAY] before the tonvention.. This i TOURING $785; STANDARD SEDAN| * i pment, especially that as | i "$6 candidature, leads to the conclu- | $2005; SPECIAL SEDAN, 0; COACH | in here that more than ne person $1650. F.0.B. KINGSTON. TAXES! at . It is also an- | the nomination { PAID. CHARLES PESTER, KING| | | } by the Executive that plans | ng developed to perfoot the | TORE CEES } : y the pur- | HOME OF USED CARS--McLaughiins, nization machinery for th pas | PAE OF oD | RNa ge of assuring a ropresentative | ings, roadsters. Palmer, vention. | Bagot and Queen Streets, et nn et eeneepene corner At The Yacht Club. foiees "A meeting of the executive of the ] gston Yacht Club was held on {USED CARS urday evening to consider mat- \ conee\1 with the coming sea- | m. One of the important {tems | alt with was the wharf, which it ms decided to repair and extend in i er to increase the area of the enclosed. The committee in | rge of the season's programme | [engaged In Its preparation, and | t of 19283 promises to exceed | t of any previous year. It was an- | All makes, all prices. Come and look them over. CLARENCE STREET | GARAGE + need that the club will have a | % yacht, recently purchased by of the members {n New .York. AE BIT or oe ae ow York. 124 Clarence Street | ft vessel of its class to come to ton, 12] -Will be sold at a bar-| ~ Auto 1 Trucks For Sale FORD TRUCK ------ Student Dies of Pneumonia. "Belleville, April, 30.--Gondon C.| , a student at the Ontario | rs Siyluick buyer Apply 106 Sacior'a Street north. Phone 1367w. | 4 1 for the Deaf, died on Satur- MOTOR TRUCK Reo speed wagguon, of double pneumonia. He had almost new, perfect condition, special- A | ly built body; suitable for retail de- 41 about ten days, He was # livéry; trial run on appointment. Ap- ; Thomas Slceth of Douglas, | ply i H. Fair, Stuart Stree fis and had come here to obtain | "Auto Accessorics--1ires-- Parcs 13 'education. The remaina were tak- AUTOMOBILE USED PARTS--For any the father to Douglas for bur- make or model. Palmer's, corner of Bagot and Queen | Hod CRE CR v TIRES--Get all that's coming t0-¥ou ; ---------------- ou of your tires. Use Maxgtires. | i uee Ontario Stre | . Shannonville Magistrate Dead. : BE Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 es Mayel, Magistrate of Shan- Se Prora yD bists Which furkianu, le, died at his home hers. He | M. Corkey. a native of England, but had oi here for many years. Hea was ly known in Shannonville and ity as the peacemaker. He loft idow and one son. Belleville, April 30.--William of Charles Bartlett, a Montreal taxi- | cab driver, a twenty-one-year-old| man from Pittsburg is being held | by the police. have same at 627 . IND insertions: P. A, Owner may have same at Wt Minimum charge, 25 cents. 21 TV Mor Listas Gwe : 1923 Motor License. wner ly rates per line. Charge Cash some at W. McRaw's. Phone | You may not have tim the classified section of th interest you--if you knew sible to get to the heart of minute's time. vice. | To-day's wants and off. | dexed ads to find what you Use this convenient ser THE A-B-C C | "One Minute, Please!" bound to be a number of opportunities there that would The WHhig's- way of arranging its ads makes it pos- tion--the part that vitally interests you to-day--in a Some one *8lse will find another point of greatest interest in some other column. | This time-saving and opportunity-finding feature is | one of the secrets of success of the Whig's classified ser- r groupings, are indexed for your greatest convenience-- | you need scan only the first words of these carefully in- ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY, e to read through the ads in e Whig to-day, but there are about them, the classified advertising sec- ers, in scores of different want. vice regularly! LASSIFIED ADS Business Service Business S oa AUCTIONEER--And Appralser-- Book your sales with W. Twigg, 192 Bar- *hone 820J. rie Street. CARPENTERING 'arpenter and builder. Estimates given on all class- es of work; hardwood flooring. James F. Jarrell, 71 Bagot Street. Phone 6086. --_-- Ch PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim Reporting, Auditing, Advertising. Bus- iness Service, 14 Market Street. Phone 391J. can a Dressmaking--Millinery 2 icot edging, pleat- guaranteed. Mrs. E. A. Card, 366 Barrie Screet. 1% blocks ro 1 Str . PLAIL TW ING-- 8 and repair- Estimates given for ing neatly lune. children and wome clothes. Mrs. J L _Willaré. (01 Barrie Street. Insuranc 23 --Automobi'e and Casualty Insure M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. aM FIR) ance, Phone i 2 : FIRE--} . Bh 2 and Automo= bile B, or any in- forma ne I. Williams, 2 Coupe G. HUNTER OGILVIE--Re enting reliable companies in all b ches of the business. 107 Gore Stre Phone 11 921 CHEVROLET--T uring, Ford light | condition. | Owners cannot use either; anxious to! Hill, 14 Maitland | 1 | | STREET GARAGE, PHONE 939. | & | | wooed floor nnishing; workmanship 'agfaaranteed. 3 horton, 206 Alfred | Street. 1'hone 1881 w. | PAPER Suspected of being the murderer! _ tion in Ruhr area. 'er in March. . 1087. INSURANCE--Only the mcst reliable companies represented. Strange & range, established in 1860. 'Office: 93 la, e Str et, opposite Fost Office. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES --Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. a lacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 5. SHES -- Cinders, removed promptly. Prone 86M.; all kinds of~carting and transfer work. KE. J. Campbell & Son, 25 Beverley Street. BAGGAGE--K. Talte guarantees good service in Baggage, Express and movs ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Street. Next to Armouries. Phone 1464. MOVING--Trucking, local and long dis- tance hauling of furniture. Apply p Phone is6w. - For furniture, clean Apply E. E. Wathem, "143 SL and dry. Nelson street. hone 1351J .or 618. JHRAGR--Lk or Iurniture, clean, dry, £iry rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 306 Queen St. Phone 5 Res. 989w. Painting, Fapering, Decor: ting 26 ESTIMATES -- Given for painting, paper-hanging, decorating and hard- PAINTING--Paperiug, Decorating ---- first class Work ana work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagt Street. Fhone 1966. HANGING -- House painting wall paper samples, prices reasonable, work satisfactory. H Rowley, 13% Bay Street. Phone 1361w. PAINTING--Faperi __Business Service Medical RENNETT, C. W.--M.D,, 133 Clergy St Oftice Phone 851. Res. 1845m. Office 12 am. 2-4, 7-8.30 p-m. Employment i Rooms For Rent fe Male or Female 34 Rooms With Board ___67| Bustiiess Property" -- I ie --Fi=--r---- | BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, by| GE AL STORE --- Large, attached a y Dominion day or week. All conveniences Rea- | dwelling, garag tables, all new, Cataraqui St. sonabie rates. Apply 298 University | Situated between two large mines. RoE ssers. Arents 385 Avenue, near Brock Street: | Reason for selling. Terms. Write | __ Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First| C. Thompson, Northbrook. | NURSERY STUOCK--aAn agency Jor &! Tolass rooms and board; all improve-} HOTEL PROPERTY---Known as the | leilavie nursery frm i proftable. You ments; Queen's hotel, Tamwortn. This is & can sell in Soynteys te. wn od ety. - We ROOMS. turee story brick hotel known so long Brow and sell the best only, and want able '; the down-town! by the travelling public. 'Cnis hotel reliable, energetic agents lor unrepre- " sented. terr tories. Write now. Pel-| bu son street. has just been tnoroughly siness section. Hl 35 ceclio0 For Iurther particulars apply to Mrs. Todd, 114 Jonn-1 ham Nursery Co. Toronto. _Hunter, Tamworth. ____ Financial Money w Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment! 9 Cartwright, mauager, 37 Clarence! 6 Bajus Cottage, Wellington | Apply St Opposite Freight Sheds. Phone 1045w. | 28g. to answer your child's questions about bir E th, etc. Send 10c. for copy to Dr. na Ashcroft, 304 King Street. : "Repairing . FURNITURE FINISHING--OT all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 206F. - SHOE REPAIRING--AIl hand work. Rubber heels a speclalty; efficient ser vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- eal and Queen streets, we SHOES--Repaired; saws sharpened Bs- timates given on all kinds of paper- hanging. Satisfaction my motto. W. Mclennan, 283 Division Street. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture, work guaranteed. , Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 21¢ Bagot street. G -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. BE. J. Good- riage, 244 University Avenue. Phone 2043 F. UPHOLSTERING--And goneral repair- ing. L.eave order t ur drop a card ! tc F. W. Haruld, 4 Clergy Street. Ul STERI Tailoring and Pressing 80 ing, repair All work guar ng. teed. 170 Queen Street, rear of Allen's Theatre. Phone 15569w. Employment ~~ Help Wanted--Female ? COOK--General. No washing. Refer- ences required. Apply Miss Lyman, 137 King Street West. __Phone_ $8w. COOK--General, for family of two. Ref- erences required. Apply in evening to Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, 152 University Avenue. HOUSE PARLOR MAID -- Apply In mornings to Mrs. Willlam Berming- ham, Otterburn, Centre Street. KITCHEN HELP--By May 1st. Apply Kingston General Hospital NURSE HOUSEMAID---Apply 28 Syden- _ham Street, after § p.r im e------ RESPONSIBLE PERSON--To take ner- vous patient into her home and care for her. Apply at once to 247 Brock eet. WAITRESS. Apply Queen's Hotel. ARD MAIDS--At once, for Kingston energl Hospital YOUNG WOMEN -- Binghamton City Hospital oftérs 2% year Course in gen- eral nursing to young women of good standing. Requirements: 1 year high school or its equivalent, Circular sent on application. Apply Directress of Nurses, City Hospitai, Binghamton, N. Y. Apply 65 L. Alfred Street. BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. | Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch| and Collingwood Streets. Phone 618 or| 13913 su mtr amp---- BRICK AND STONE--A quantity, sec- ond hand. Also doors and windows. | Market Streets, Kingston. | CAMP ICE BOX---Tent, 2 burner oil stove, gas radiator and fittings. Lan- ter Phone 1846J. CHOICE HARD. COAL -- { Chestnut, $15.75 | prices on large quantities. | chardson's,.2Z11m. Yard, corner Bare! Stove and delivered. Special Phone Ris DUMP CART ne Coal sleigh, and one| _Catherines Cath es Yard, Concession St. HEMSTITCHI t And Picoting attach for delivery or carting. Will sell sep-! arately. Apply Phone 618, New Eng _land ba ry, Collingwood Street. HARD COAL COKE--Reduced to $10.00) ton as-1 have no room to store it. Save| : ng, first class work; best or ria used Sample books un request. H. Ward & Son. 'Phone 1867, _132 Victoria St Architects 28b. ARCHITECTS--Vower, Son and Drever, Merchants bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Weilington. Chiropractic MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph.C., core ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd tioor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone Hours 9 to 12am. 1.10 6 p.m. --Dr. George F. Dr. Jennie A. Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 339, Besgot Street, be- 33 anted-- Male Help BOY ply Grant's Grocery, corner and Nelson street. Phone 11. CLERK --Experienced hardware clerk. Apply W. H. Cockburn & Co., 95 Prin- cess Street, DRUG CLERK--2.or 3 years' experi- ence. Box N-30, Whig Office. FIREMEN AND BHAKEMBN--Begin- ners$§lio-§250 monthly, (which posi- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone| tion?) Write Rallway, Dept. 2, Whig 943w. Hours Y to 12 a.m. 1 to 6, andl Office. aria 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis and con- HOMBWORK--G 8s. We need sultaticn free. Residential calis by you to make socks on the fast, easily- appointment. learned Auto Knitter. Experience un- a ET ry. Distance immaterial; posi- ve dellvery waggon. Ap-| Brock| automatic stop; plays all makes of re-| ROUMS--Three, completely f rooms, possession June ist; hardwood reilrigerator, hardwood neors, electric lights, Street. > : oe _ FLAT--One 4 room unfurnished fat, &is0 2 rooms on bath room nat, botn cunveniences. Queen Street, : ROOMS--Three large unfurnished; al- Livingston Avenue. | LODGE ROOMS--Kooms on King ~--lormeriy ApPIY 0 Cunningnam and Smita rooms, bath and toilet, electric lights, | side, electric iignt, J piece vath, fur- $15.00--357 | $25.00--1405 Princess sce, furnished Hat. # §, phone 773w. Queen Street. __Apartiuents_ and Fiat 7 grounds. HOUSES-- well heated. Apply 09 Brock rooms, 4 bedrooms, loors, svod cellar, deep 1 SOLID BRICK--7 room gas, 3 plece bath, ho all ot. 58 table light nousekeeping; deiephone. aAppiy or 80 use of wathroom, on wathroom flag, LXxira nic ar : Apply J. V. Gray, corner King and| Private balcony, light, water and ¢ garage. Good ot, Apply J. ii ' r B | Phone inciuded with rent. Mossession M B. TRUMPOUR | 4 once. Phone 7i2wW or call ar 64 Business Fluces For Ren Phones 704 or 8$48J. occupled by the 1LOO.F, HOUSE-- Houses ror lent 1 waggon. Phone 991J. gas. Also furnished rooms in new | -- ---------- | Jouse; 'all cunveniences. Appi 5 - Ere -- Soms nice parlor furii-| Aired. hone S2Yzw i | rk brass and iron beds, up-to-date] --~--- et te, oook stoves. We also buy. J. Thomp-| HOUSES Wu, Seven roomed, north FOR SALE son, 333 Princes reet. Phone 1600w.| iy eo rincess, $27.00. © Al HARDWOOD care fires Ce; close to rrincess, $27.00. 80 " DY OD are Ol jared Woo two apartments, zu and $16. Appiy _Ten Souvenirs of Great War. $3.00 Posy Rey ara a MF. Norman,.vy ratrick St. ellen: Son ibutions to any (¥reen) $3.75 quarter cord. Also saw-| og > 2 on Sues savin it dust for sale. W. H. Talbot, § St.| HOUSES-- p--_ yey WHIG OFFICE. King Street, 7 rooms, tof. 1 Fits any sewing machine. Price| "et, cellar, yarq. 2.50. Personal checks 10c. extra.| Bridgman Sales Agency, Box 42, Ca-| $40.00--211 Queen Street, 11 : tharines, Ont i Yahree Piece batn td : ooms, ee eepe-- A a, -- a » Bus, elegy ngt WwW M HORSE--Waggon and harness, suitable, furnace. ights, » Kent acnee Bank of Comme General Insurance Agency. Writing :--Autumebile, ire, ¥ 237 Bagot Street. rce Building, Brock and King Streets. Phone 101 'or 36m, Accle dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary renovated. J. A, Rooms Without Board 6s s and Lana © . ,| FARM--Of 135 acres for sale or (0 rent, ROOMS---Furnished bedrooms. APpI¥| or would exchange tor. city property, 12 miles from Xiugston, § miles trom Society, Incorporated 1861. President, SE ------ { 3 viilages, 76 or 30 acres plow land, 30 | W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. fousekeoping 69 | acres seeded, £5 tall plowed; well wat- B. Cunningham. Money issued on city gic a -------- --n | ered; frame house and barns. Bates and farm properties; municipal and] turnisned, tor light house-| man's Real kstate Agency, 159 Wels county debentures; mortgages pur-, Keeping, gas lor couking, = electric) ington Street, Kingston. chased; investment bonds for sale; de-| lignts. Use of phone. Apply | ee =o 0sits received and Inierest allowed.| biuck Street. Houses For Sale urnished| EXTH ROAD Hesldence of the Tate Klagston, -- | Ior ughtaousckeeping, gas and elec-| Henry Waddingtun, modern solid brick Live Stock tne Lent APPLY. doy alred Street] dwelling, 3 ruems ahd bathroom, hot i yas rn -- | Phone ie7w. ' water turnace, city water and electria Poul upplies 49 | ROOMS--Twyo or three furnished, or| light, about 12 acres of land, barns rs 4 Pou try and Suppl 37a \18Ot housekeeping; all cunveniences.| and stables: Inquire of Miss Wad- EGGS--Barred Rocks, bred to lay. $1.00} Fossession wl vace. Apply Zvi mang) 'dington Bath Road. per setting. Avbiy-D. A. Weese, 320} gireet," Co Shred COTTAGE-- Attraciive, nice location, 3 Jireer, Jom 08 pm. | ROOMS -- Three URTurBished, Targe., SIX reams newiy palnt, electric L. NS -- Sunny Brae S. C. W.! prignt rooms for housekeeping, rca-| lights, extra large garden, bargain Leghorns, famous for winter laying. sonable. Apply 101 Stephen dreret. price. Part cash, balance as rent. C. $1.00 per setting of 15. Eggs tested by! =--_ ENE Ln --== | _8. Gibb, Union Street, Portsmouth. Magic Egg Tester to pruve fertility. Real Estate For Rent TREE HOUSE--Prof. D, H. Mare I) shall offers for sale his residence and All information will be Blve PU --T'welve partridge, rock, and| APARTMENT -- Modern, four rooms.| en at his house, corner of Union stre t | one cockerel. A. McMichael. Phone! "Corner marrie and Princess street. Ap-| and Alwington Avenue. | 2294 r wl | piyi.Conen & co "CC -- ee eee Ae :andise APAKTMENT--May 1st, heated and| SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ad- Merchandise c------ | llg0led, private entrance, wil nl vertisement, page 5, column 1. Articles For Sale 81 | provements, living rooms first floor, aaa ANTIQUES--Set of Riou halts | iawn, excetlent lucation. Apply 43V| §8 VICTORIA STREET -- Solid brick, ANTIax RSet or 3% aut Sagi. Princess Street. Phone 221or. : 30x30, modern; lot 566x132, with gar. roe tables, Rr nda tases clocks, | APARTMENTS --Twou, one of 5 rooms,| age; ten rooms. .Price $6,000. Apply etc, ete. Lesses Antique Shop, 507| Possession May 1st, and one of six J. B, Cooke. IPhone, office Suiw.; Princess Street | ot re a aa 5 incess ders taken for Awnings | fours, eiectric and gas, $ piece vatns,| SIXTH STRE 1 rooms, frame AWNINgSy- b Tders taken Jor Rng | hot water heating included, in most| plece bath, electric lights, are B ents; best sel od pale ke, | Central part or tne city. Apply to H.| noors throughout, Colianade arches Satistaction Suararnies h Hay 000 ®| B. Wartel, 358 ning Strevt. Paone| with white enamel finish woodwork, 212 Bagot Street: Phone 43 ue. ean But by owner. Price $2,800. Apply . APARTMENT--May 1st, four rooms and| 101 Queen Street or phone 1796w. BABY CARRIAGE--Second hand, che P| tiled bath room, nrepiaces, gas range, nen. rte STUART ST --Semi-Bungalow, brick, 7 eleciric lights, Bas, § piece bath, furnace, nardwood 8, electric lights, 3 t water heating, nreplace, hot and cold we ter in cellar, y - & BUNGALOW----Iurnished, modern, near| _rack and Wellington reel lake, excellént residential section,| WEST END--s§ rooms, 4 bedrooms. ver CASH REGISTER National, with five! jarawood floors, garden, etc, from| andah, large lot, $3,300 A bar ; i: ills. Operated by electric or hand;| Nrst or second week in May to October! quick sale, > ee) gain fop Quarter Qut Oak. Reason for selling,| j... Apply 16 Aulce Street or paoue have taken on a cashier. Apply A.| jaaJ. . : 1-12 BUNGALOWS --$2.000 to $5,000 giilavar. J52 Nagot Steers | CONCERN SHED 39, 45, 40] wr CLUTHING--Men's new Work Shirts, | each § roums und exteusion, 3iv.0v. | WE--Also have several farms for sale black -hjue, khaki, 75¢.. Overalls, $1.25, Single garages al oy yueen bdtreet,| in good jocations. $1.50,%81.75. Men's Used Suits, good! nex: Hurkness butcher suup. Appiy condition, 38, 38 and $10. A Shapiro, . 155 Queen Street. Phone yaw. 43 Princess Street. Phone 145m. | DWELLING--$:7 Princess Stroci--six H. B. WILSON, : / Uptown Post Oftice. the difference and be sure of your] E. IN & SON ete. Representing caly rellable come winter supply. Cordwood and slabs, | ' . panies. stove length, split, $2.50 1-8 cord; saw- | Johnson an division Streets dust, §1.00, cart 'load. Cinders $1.00.! Clinkers 50c. All delivered. Ra SE rma m------ MERCHANDISE and, general cartage. Phone 1038w.| HOUSE--T ro / decorated, gas _348 Universit W. C. Bruton.| for cooking? good garden. Appiy 43 MATTRESSE "made to _Charies Street. Phune 1043J. URNITURE order; * prices from $4.50. Cot Mat- | HOUSE--Small, furnished, with all con- Of All Descriptions at R tresse 3 and up. Mattress reno-| hiences. Telephone, etc. Apply sux] able Price R900» vating eciaity. Frontenac Mat-| . Whig Office { STOVES | tress Co. i King Street. Phone| §y LARL STREET Large, commod- | Well repaired 1981J. oF Pp - at a rgiht price. ee poe apnea fous house, newly decorated, electric) REFRIGERAT JF Suitable for store.| lignt, electric attachments for 1ans,| Apply New England Bakery, Colling-| vacuum cleaners and war mers; gas tor] ? Wood Street. ---- | (CouKing; 3 p. toilet, Sunsni hot Airy ° ur S PHONOGRAPH-- Sonora, cabinet size,| }'Urnace, garage. Vacant may. J. Gil-| mahogany case with tone modifier and| bert, 194 Barrie St. Phone 254. After| PHONE 705. Box M-28,/ Suitable for butcher. Appl Whig Office. PP'Y Str Ece. 3GY--No junk wanted as we| have plenty. Write Box P-30, Whig| Eastview rark. Apply 166 Sydenham | Free Advice eet. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer| COTTAGE Furnished on w is- Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters,| land, Loughborough iy eded 1 Regarding ihe best way to re. Kdupony Ready Mixed Paints and Var-| minutes from Batiersea, fuel, ice and oat Engine PY ie, Jloter nishe 387 Phone boat. . Rent for Gif $150. Apply ar do a good Fister A te | Box C-30, Whilly-£{iffice, --- . work at reasonable prices. r, for electric or| oil lamps. Work guaranteed. Prices| uu. oe out 81 Oxy-Acetylene Welding. reasonable. Apbiy 255 King Street--| HOT E u, in' vicintty of| Oxy-Acetylene Cutting. Aare In the w {| Kingston, from July 15th to Sept. 1st. | 3 Must have five or six 'bedreoma Abe] 017-Acet7Isug Carbon Buraing. Box L-27, care Whig Office, | DAVIS DRY DOC Casn RCISTER --National, Se. | Advertizers who do not wish nd K C0. ne 220 or 39%0. Dame to appear, may have replies 0 ast End o | to @ box number at the Daily W his or ¥ast End of Wellington Stren This information is kept absolute. cords. Special price $100. Basy terms ET nny ---- _arranged. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. | __ Summer Places For Rent 80 REFRIGERATOR--Eureka, large slze.| SUMMER COTTAGE -- Furnished, at] Office. OL GOLD--Sllver, or False Teeth, Tor| cash or exchange. G. i. Lyoas,| 244 Princess street, Kingston. Dental .| tively no canvassing. Yarn supplied. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 188 paiticulars 3c stamp. Dept. 78C, Auto Wellington street, corner of Brock. Bh ome. Phone 346. LX pe ned, to help with farm KNAPP--LWw. A. B, Dentist. Office: 258 @ges 335 per inonth for the Princess Street. Phone 65iw. Open Pply-W. A. Barf, Route 3 evenings by appointment. Wolfe Island. Phone 10rd. - a one | ONE MAN--In each county to appoint Legal 28e.| agents to sell our "Magle Gas," a CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Darristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. SHEA--Ambrose, BA, Barrister and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money _to loan... .Fhone 1999... REVELLE ~-- Adrian 1, Barrister and Solictor, 69 Clarence St et, Kingston. hone 75 E May Day is to bring a big celebra- The C.P.R. net earnings were low- guaranteed product. §1 box gives 500 miles. Sells on sight. $500.00 month- ly easy. Write quick. Lefebvre Bros. Alexandria, Ont. STONE MASONS-- Apply Anglin-Nor- coss Co, Ltd, New Library Buliding, Queen's University. SHOW CARD WRITING --For us. Make money-at home, $15 to 190 paid week- ly for your spare tims writd show cards for us. Nu canvassin, ine struct and supply you with ork. West-An ow d Services, 17 Colborne Bld., Toronto. Dally Whi, Nani-ads--Read for Pro- To-Day's Blunder Corrected (See flustration page 12) When erecting radio antennae don't place them so that they cross| close to telephone or other heavily charged wires. In a storm the two may be brought in contact and cause | a short-cireuit that will set fire to] fit--Use for ul 'the house. i | SEE US EARLY PLEASE ABOUT PUTTING IN SOME COAL James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street 3 Sy -------- Grant Wage Increase. eveland, O., AprMl 30.--The Lale ers Association announces ga per cent. wage incresss over the By L. C. Phifer 32 fall scale for employees on its t lakes steamers and barges ef- ! lil | vou vo rake me ive May 1st. iad bos. 8 IR RUMBLE 2 : IT LOOK To A solid field of heavy closely LIKE os y Mked ice, stretching between Cape n coast to Newfoundland and south into the Atlantic is block the progress of fifty steamers And other craft. © British, United States and Italian . ibassadors conferred Monday with lor Cuno regarding Ger- ¥'s new reparation offer, says a al News despatch from Berlin. Taken iN a) his work, George aged forty-one, carpenter, nto, was brought to his home}. y morning by a fellow worker died 2s he entered the door of ITS $0 KIND oF JZ WHAT AN ORIGINAL WAY I fi 7