MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1923, THE DAILY BRI 115H WHIG emer ---- Su TE ------------ &-- CHILDS STORY 73 1 PROBS: --Tuesday, fair and cool, Film Finishing Many so-called Ma- | By AN BALE, 7 | - I BETTER RESULTS I hogany C an d 1 e Chapter 20--Earty Attemps at Paint- imal is a two-} THE BEST ROR Lewis i ] ing. The hind legs were mad QUICKER SERVICE Sticks are shown at |}| Even vetore yoo began 10 zo to tinct, but the front ones ware tg IN OUR NEW BASEMENT DEPT. LOWER PRICES . 'X | school, yo probably did some together. Notice t rt ant 3 0 times, but very rarely scratching ic a lead pencie You ing lines above 1 oy {did the best you could, and perhaps sre made in an We do our own finishing. are they-- you thought you were making very | thic i the 3; ictures. When you became | he er idom drawn We have our own equipment : goa P ou were able to do better y caveme t of the & and kuow how to use Jr. Genuine and ho Possibly you at first tures h: i x > . : id " ; i drew a man as if he were just a th frican lan by For Four. Aatisfaction leave S lid (head fastened to two legs (as 1 once 'the tim: art' of vlting was 3 Jour. next Film with { 0 1 otcervéd some 6-year old children | practiced { and F » i doing.) The time came when you | The third pi e is of liopin | knew better. You drew a manihcrse./ It was made on the + ail of T B st Mahogany [with a body and arms, as well 'as a jaa cave after Stone L. T.Best| {head and legs. No doubt you also better mastered the ¢ ainting. ee -- drew in a collar, a tie and shirt but- PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST We are showing at the pres- Fes | . | Open Sundays. i ent time an assortment made | 1 ai tora . : . | | " ine vithe | ying to bring back to you | from the genuine woul with [the memory of your first attempt to | out any vencer, at-- {draw, because they were something | Am rnin {Hke the attempts of Stone Age per- ORSALE [[1$3.50- $5.00 Ji == | F . - . | Someone learn®d that burnt wood PER PAIR {left black marks when rubbed | BATEMAN'S| nd aS i These are most attractive ||| very likely the first pencil. Later | Se 1 > | | » other ways to make marks w Real Estate | in design and have the beauty on, other ways to make marks Were: learned. i i 5 --- of grain and finish that only ! Frame, 7 rooms, electric light, gra Lat us t5ke 2 sood look st hs] rant RE petsran bore roan they are oo GIVE THE HOME A LOOK OF SPRINGTIME FRESH. $2.000--Frame, § rooms, 4 lots and Bar-| |copies of sketches made on the walls NES | . age. MAHOGANY |of caves. One shows a RHODE. | $2,500°~Frame, § rooms, B. and T., elec-| | It was painted in red in a cavern tric lights; 3 to choose from. | possesses. |near Pindal, Spain. The quéerest et 0 A . . FEU Feame: ¥ ro 19 rooms: Wrsscic | thing about it is tho big spot a title | JLby £ Of course, it won't be necessary to do the whole house . way 2 By e st Y Si ' : ete en Tov | [vay behind the head. The artist) STN over. Just a bitiof colorful drapery here and a new rug there Rc | probably meant that either for wef 3g 3,800 ~, 7 rooms, B. and 1. | 3 3 § . . electric lights, h.w. floors, large lot and SMI H BROS hh ry ror] and presto! the whole thing is done. A hundred and one new hy 3 8 stable. Extra lots if required. tusks, bat the paistmg sows a ways to dress up your home in harmony with the glad new sea- Farm for sale or exchange-- 127 es, mil | tusks at all! Only two legs are to ; £3 : 1 1 arm for . e--127 acr Jewelers, Limited bo coun "ihe carilest Stons © Axe| GET ee son will suggest themselves as you roam through our displays. $0 under plow, balance pasture, well! watered, frame house and barns, } . artists did not know now to show | Established 1840. {the legs on the other side. } | I | . King Street, Kingston ! Later paintings of mammoths in Money to loan. Call and see me. | sng ES | other caves are much more true 10] 3 . / life. s 159 Wellington St Kin ston |}| Another picture is copied from the | A galloping horse. gy g i I i ea | walls of & Wrench weve. The an-| (Copyright John F. Dille Co.) X rrr cc, Phone 396w : ' N= en an Spring Is Here! MIRAGE PLAINLY SEEN | Awarded $230 Against Club. AT SACKETS HARBOR Customs and Insurance Broker. 3 Richard Connell, Belleville at one Hotel Frontenac Housecleaning begins. When [ time caretiker of the premises of ¢ : si § ispose of your cast- || he Bay of Quinte Country Cl b Kingston's Leading Hotel desirous to dispose o a ; the ay of Quin untry lub's Every room has Hind i nd cold' |: @way's do not forget to ring 30604 Objects on Bay of Quinte Were | premises, in the township of Sidney, water. One-half block from Railway | Where immediate attention will be | Reflected Eighty-six { sued the club for $700 damages for Stations and Steamboat Landings. 1] given you. . | alleged. wrongful dismissal Tha J- A. HUGHES, | Miles. | urs A : 1 his dum " at $75 Proprietor | | § VA SRO SReE IsTdamages at $250, PAA naam | Standard Metal & I Falertown, NF. Tome and judgment for this amount has Lloyd George declared at Man- Waste Company | A mirage of Indian Point and Am- | been allowed by Justice Lennox. chester Eng., that free trade Is in | . | ay of "nm aii ; : ® tmade Office and Warehouse: hott Ine = the end of ihe Bay o: 170-172 RIDEAU STREET | Quinte, miles from § = i The Ontario Government hopes to | i es ver oun ! 2060J visible there on Fri- wind up its business this week., || Phone {bor, was clearly visible there {day morning. The light house and be seen, The mirage was first noticed short- Happy Experience of Hamilton Man |ly after eleven. It continued for With Dreco, the Famous Health | [about half an hour, gradually fading Builder--Found Wonderful Relief |away. The image was about 100 in Two Bottles. {feet from the level of Lake Ontario Be -- | |and the natural colors of the objects Thomas Heurter, of 62 Clvde Street, | nilton, Or ut {were well retained. The sand beach time of i aE, 1, ' Db NEW RUGS rappeared perfectly white. The light- | This amous health iilder € 2 . [house is gray but in the mirage it | p03Y, of Mis troubles with ama The finest imported and domestic makes of Wilton, Ax- pidity and put him on h | h lor. Indias sound, healthy man. Mr. Heurt : . : treet muy 1 Ir bein BCE minster, Brussels, Tapestry, Velvet and Orientals--in all southern Ontario. a Setrautie was mostiy with my sizes--specially priced throughout. . Stomach and liver, caus Mirages are generally seen here by cor i avs ha jat least once each year. Thev gen- es °F : Ty eo) appe. MATS | erally appear botween the middle and ite, For ail in a " [the sand beach on Indian Point could Says Thomas Heurter! th h 8 the ress erwi | . . [lasts April, although sometimes | hr 82, (heals : For every room in the home in a wonderful range of pat- (coming In November. They are caus-| causi: ine to bloat and belch d lori [ea by atmospheric conditions as the E 3 terns and co orings. |Sun mounts higher. Usually they | precede a strong northeast wind. | Although mirages are often In- | toh on ansad en [verted, the image seen thls morning | Jaich "hs, elusgis ne All the new patterns and colorings in a complete range of {Was not. 'This was due no doubt to | ll and toss t. 1. have : L sizes. | | | my eyes, caused from of Dreco. {atmospheric conditions and the sur- Eo {face of the lake, which served as a but it has made a b I can eat most a . g [huge reflector. Last vear a mirage aE ns iho and I FLOOR OILCLOTHS-- : For This Week Onl [of the olty of Kiogaton, Ont, waa | seh fie TF BTM | : : y [seen inverted. The year previous | mi, unta's Sqn, Dreco will al: | The largest range in town to make your selections from---- { 1 have recommended it to sevethl THURSDAY~--FRIDAY--SATURDAY UewseD Was sea but not lverted, | 1 SATS seostmended HB ever all widths up to 4 yds We will offer in WEAR-EVER Aluminum Ware . found NO. 7 SIZE TEA KETTLE Arts-- I 5 Help The Assessors { 4, Dreco acts quickly and naturally on On sale at au regular price gsi 50 Ou Tuesday, the first or ifay, the the organs of on PUTECS them LINOLEUMS-- ET o . 0 Clas ang Rr » stimu tes 8 QUART COVERED SAUCEPA [city assessor and his assistants start them into normal f oning. This is I 1 . . . ART.CoV] PAY-~tezu EY out on their yoariy rounds to as.| the sect nema functioning n a large range of plain, block, tile and conventional pat- sufferers receive fre Dreco, x /OOL CLEANSER . ..... Sess Kingston. In order that they | ev y day ailments can be 0 1 1 1 STEE): WOOL CLEANSER ................., 15 pais may socure a rocord of every mac, | Fon iein SLITS San bi traced To 3 terns--all new colorings at special low prices. {Woman and child living in the city, | Splendid Tet ator And 2h Hier, . S {householders should give them all! as it has helpey thousands AL McKelve & Birch Limi ed the information they . It is de- | ree Sontams dragLieTeury, potash CRETONNES and DRAPERIES -- . ly J sirable that the true population of | A wonderful range of imported English and American Kingston should be shown, and ther Dreco is being Specially om i is an tmpression that the Th ot troduced in Kingston by Ma- fabrics in a bro d Tange of beautiful colorings an pat: ug Store, and is sold terns. ~~ --\| persons in many households are not by a goo druggist every- SCOTCH MADRAS : |given to the assessors. Nothing is |gained by withholding such informa- where. tion. Help boost the population 2} : | Rgures by givi the city's official 1 1 : Ry, Biving the elty's otiotals O x I( E In White, Ivory, Beige and colors--priced from 35c. to | ---- er ---- $4.50 a yard. | Kingstonian Makes Change | After a continuous service of | {eighteen years with the First Nation- Phone 22 CURTAINS -- ja! Bank, at Silverton, Marion Coun- 1 FS cn Sveriom, Masion. Gous- In Scrim, Nett and Lace--the largest and most popular ® [x Ki fan, wh . | i i i | knows Kingstontan, who Jt: King: Kingston | priced assortment in town to make your selections from. CURTAINING-- . |ignation and has been appointed to the vice-presidency and cashiership Laund ! : of the Cresswell and Fruit Growers : . 'ge [Bank at Cresswell, Orop: rowers X y | In Scrim, Lace and Net with many outstanding values. |@ graduate of the Kingston Business Now situated In their new Promises | Also complete assortments WINDOW SHADES, M oO TO R | Sollsge Webster, barrister, ot a 812 BARRIE STREET | RUGS, BED SPREADS, BLANKETS, BRASS ACCES- [etty. "Best of Service Always" our motto. | SORIES, etc., etc. SUB-OFFICE | HOUSE FUR ISHINGS er Bowles Fon I a) TAGE BL: Cony stone | We invite comparison, as we believe we give better values for wir mE ici OF A EW WALL PAPER DEPT. [Steamer er ie ia ET emir Triteesy Street | ess. © have the most up-to-date ouse Furnishin } ock { in Eastern Ontario. & Department [Duluth being the first to cross the A RN a You can now select your Rugs, Draperies, Pa 3 {lake this season. The America car- DAY AND NIGHT a Furnishings at the one time and be sure they i and {Ties passengers and freight. T XI If you consider buying a PIANO or VICTROLA ! Sai '"OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Terms arranged. Seo us, { Rev. Dr. Lennon is to give an PHONE 9 ® é REPAIRING AND RECOVERING FURNITURE illustrated lecture at Maple Grove 5 ; . A SPECIALTY WITH US. |this evening om his recent trip to ae , WORK ARANTEED TO SATISFY, | England and France. \ RR GU. ' J} Miss Mary Jane Hendy, Ren- ; "- |frew, was among the graduating " ; LF H o s . + Jj nurses at the Children's Memorial DOMINION TAXI SERVICE hospital, Montreal. KING STRE ' Ki : 3 1.5, alison Limited Phone 90 Pa aly 0 toh = Br Kingston's Shopping Centre - sermiigmptninn j test Prince Edward County in the'{ EVERY DRIVER AN ESCORT. Conservative interests, * Sa