Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1923, p. 4

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The Coughs And Colds Of Children ret. Only the mother knows how hag it is to keep the children from taking cold, they will get overheated and cool off too suddenly, get their feet wet, kick off the clothes at night, and do a dozen and one things the mother can't prevent. A great many mothers are now giv- fog their children Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup It is pleasant and nice for them to take and relieves the cough or cold in a very short time, Mrs. J. Wilson, Portage La Prairie, Man., writes:--"1 have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for my five children.. My little girl, two years old, had a very bad cold last Winter, which I thought was croup, I had scme "Dr. Wood's" in the house so gave it to her and she was fine the next day; also my baby, three months old, hac a bad cold and I gave it to him. It cuts and brings up the phlegm, and is the best cough medi- cine I ever used." Price 35c. and 60¢. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co, Limit- ed, Toronto, Ont. [ AUTOMOBILE TOPS RECOVERED Write for Prices to JAS. W. JUDSON BROCKVILLE, ONT. Fhone 663. » CARS FOR SALE Two Chevrolet Trucks. One Overland Touring Car. One Ford Touring Car. These Cars are in good condi tion and prices right. CLARK'S GARAGE Cor. King and Princess Sts. Phone 2357F. THE DAILY BRITISH "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" > You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your piano. comic hits Watch nightly for this big ae BUTCHER THIS ON YOUR BANJO. 1°LL BET YOUR FATHER CAN'T PLAY BALL - GEE WHIZ -HE'S MUCH TOO FAT - HE MAY Bg CAN RUN! -~ STOUT, BUT HE HE'S OFTEN TOLD Eesti fee feassenesch ye 1 tT x os sinristose set ne 1 4 * ¥ S Ss FOREVER = returned from Kingston | friends. visiting rn A. ag From the {Countryside Frontenac KEPLER ;, April 26,-The sugar season fis over; about an average yield is re- ported. The land is Grying fast and seceding will soon be commen- Sed. The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ¥rank Johnston 'was held last Thursday. The sev- e in memory of the little daughter f Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wartinan, who disd suddenly a few weeks ago, th scarlet fever, will be held Sun- y, May 6th. Quarterly services will be held next Sunday. Fran Johnston is moving into the village. Visitors: E. Caverly and family, Cat- raw, at E. Lawson's; H. Townsend d H. Campbell, Brockville ana Miss Lillle Guess, Sydenham, at A. Yownsend's; Miss Gladys Potter has Leeds SAND BAY. April 26.--Stanley Kelsey, who is hired for a year by Joseph Lappan, has moved to his new home here. Miss G. Kelly, school teacher, spent Thursday evening last, at B. Gavin's. Ray McDonald is working at R. Mec- Cormick's, Fairfax, B. Gavin went to Brockville, Monday evening, to attend the funeral of the late J. | Gavin, held on Tuesday. M. Fodey and C. Gavin spent Sunday after- noon in Beeley's Bay. Mrs. C. Mc- Donald and daughter, Marcella, spent Sunday at A. McDonald's, Fairfax. to Gananoque in the near future. week-end with friends here. "> POOLE'S RESORT April 24.-- Sugar making ana trapping are over and fishing is in the week-end parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kelly, Mallorstown. Mrs. B. E. Poole and children were week-end guests thé home of 8. D. Wilcox. "nn of woman. in tropical t Soap its soft rich makes Sunlight Sosp . ust as the Soap is sunlight itself is the very essence ' 'is more thanthe name of a 3 it stands for b! homes, 1 and money EE Sunlight today. J. McDonald and family are moving M. McDonald, Gananoque, spent the full swing. ~ Mrs. J. T. Weeks spent at the home of her Ford Davis returned home from Dur- and, Mich., on Friday last. Miss Edna Wilcox underwent an opera- tion at the Hotel Dieu hospital, Sun- day night. George Wilcox spent Monday in Kingston. 8lrs. Cherry Buell and grand-daughter, Iris Buell, retyrned home from Brock- ville on Saturday. Miss A. Purcell spent the weekend at her home near Athens. Mrs. Ford Davis and William Wlicox are in Kingston to- day to see their sister, Miss Iidna| Wilcox, who is ill in the Hotel Dieu hospital, f ? | Lanark t J FALL RIVER | April 25.-- The weather is getting | milder. Some of the farmers around ! here have started to plough. Sugar making is over for this year and it! has been reported a very poor year. The hum of the saw-mill is heara in thigsvicinity. The trappers nau | not much success in trapping musk- | rats this year. Herbie Whiticar fis on the sick list. A little daughter | has come to brighten the home ot] Mr. and Mrs: Wilfr.d Wesley. Mr. | at Mrs. | |and Mrs. Archie Gray were visiting | | friends at Sharbot Lake last week. | Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Conroy and | family spend Sunday at Robert Sarg- eants; Messrs. William Palmer and Elton Morrison at Robert Buchau- nan's; Master Willie Duffy spent | Sunday at George MoFarlane's. | Wedding bells will soon be ringing around Fall River, MOVING TO SHARBOT LAKE. Quite a Few Visitors Reported--A Regretted Death. | Sharbot Lake, April 26.--Herbert | Smith is moving into his new home ; this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fair, Mississippi, will take possession of | his property on May 1st. Mertin Buchannan has moved to the village. | Miss Muriel Buchannan has re- turned from the hospital where she | was operated on for appendicitis. Mrs. E. C. Walroth also Mrs. J. Bourk have returned from Ottawa. | Floyd Allen has returned to King- | ston for medical treatment. Mrs, | R. Butler has returned to her home | in Ottawa. We are pleased to hear that Mra. H. Thomson is expected home this week from Kingston General Hospi- tal. Rev. C. Baldwin has returned from Montreal. Melville Drew and family, Long Lake, have moved to the village hav- ing "brought T. Monroe's property. Carl Capnon, Kingston, at Dr. Ka Suddaby's. Maple syrup is quite plentiful here at $2 a gallon. Mrs. Norman Thomlinson passed peacefully away. this week. She was ill only a few hours. She was a Methodist in religion and always cbeerful and ready to help in any good cause. She leaves a husband and a large family of grown-up sons and daughters. The funeral is to be held from her home, on Friday, interment to be made at Oso ceme- tery. Had a Serious Flood Lee Valley, April 26.--A dance given by the Women's. Institute ou Monday night, owing to the spring flood was not very well attendea but those present spent a most en- joyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt furnished music for the dancers. a ! series of dances on each | house. la good run of sap. | months night will follow. The water in the Lachashe Creek raised the highest this year than ever was known. Many bridges are gone and part of others are mis- sing. The planking of the bridge over William's Creek has pone and this road 4s not passable. have been 'in such a condition that the mail-man has not been in the Valley with the mail for a week. Clifford Root and Gordon Andress are working for Patterson Bros. at the sawing of lumber. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andress and family have rented. and moved into Wilkinson Harold Hunt has gone to work for W. McKpight sawing lum- Ler. tee cet Wagarville Briefs Wagarville, April 28.-- Suga: making is about over and all report Everybody is glad to hear E, Simpkins is improv- ing, after. his .recent illness, also Frank Snider, who has his leg injur- ed. Ashley Wagar is seriously ill. He is under Dr. Genge's care. Every- body hopes for a speedy recovery. Russel Jackson has returned to Hamilton, after spending the winter with his parents. Edward Kirkham and bride have returned from their wedding trip spent in Toronto and other places. John Simpkineg is visiting his brother, Enoch Simpkins. Mr .and" Mrs. Vic- tor Kirkham, Echo Lake, at Phil. Wagar's; Miss Zelda Cousins, visit- ing at Mrs. F. G. Kirkham's; Mrs. Joseph McRory, at George Good- berry's; Mrs. W. A. Cousins visited Mrs. E. M. Storms on Wednesday. B. Sparks and C. Brown, Enter- prise, are doing repair work at M. Kirkham's cheese factory. It is vain to learn wisdom and yet to live foolishly. Monday | The roads | WHIG MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1923. proven by fidence; in tw increased in years of that ONFIDENCE of Cana- dian newspaper 1eaders in The Mail and Empire is circulation--Ilarger than any other morning paper in Canada-- with only one edition--vouched for by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Mail and Empire steady consistent growth further proves reader con- 36,624 to 102, That proportion of growth has been steadily maintained throughout. The Mail amd Erapine Published for fifty years at King and Bay Sts., Toronto Te Mail and Empire 102,337 Next largest morning Circulation 98,406 its dominating enty-two years it has circulation from 337. In the first 14 period, it doubled. = | THE LAPIDARY. By pangs which seem cruel, By anguish profound, Man's spirit, God's jewel, Is polished and ground. Time's wheel steady turning, Pain"s fiery law, By grinding and burning, Expel the last flaw, O Gem, in the Artist Rejoice and be still} Each ray which thou dartest Is proof of His skill. His skill stern and tender, Which never lets go, Till blazes in splendor God's jawel aglow. When ashes join ashes, And dust goes to dfist, The glory that bashes Shall vindicate trust. --C., Field, in Cambridge Review. | | | | | | Nature has laws and this fs one-- a fair day's wage for a fair day's | work. CASTORIA| For Infants and Children | InUse For Over 30 Years | Always bears | the Signature of 6.4.in JAN 6.2 in DEC Iv WAS~._ NEMPLOYMENT IN CANADA . AMONG MEMBERS OF TRADE UN/ONS 15.1 in JANUARY 1022 RETAIL PRICES THE AVERAGE (OST OF A WEEKLY FAMILY BUDGET IN SIXTY CITIES JANUARY 19273 ll $10.52 - DECEMBER 1922 Hl 510.30 JANUARY 1922 [lll $11.073 JANUARY 192! SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT ARNIEL & HAMBROOK (CATERERS) F.C, HAMBROOK 115 Brock Street Phone 10235w. WH. J. ARNIEL Earl and Alfred Streets Phone 829. NO DINNER TOO LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. SPECIALS Men's Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Balmorals .... ......$10.00 Growing Girls' Patent 1 Strap Shoes .,.........cc isteieiniei: 32.05 The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159, 184 Princess St. RY 1023 ER 1922 JUNE 1920 HEF CANADA'S INCREASING PROSPERITY. The chart shows the decrease in unemployment and the| "decrease in the cost of living in dropped from 15.1 in January, 1922, to 6.4 in January, | 1923. The family budget also showed a comforting drop in the price of necessities. Canada. Unemployment i i not fandy hie is so at all {fa the very midst of dangers. : Long Term City of Toronto 5% Bonds Principal and half-yearly interest payable in Toronto. 'Denomination: $1,000. Due 1st May 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 Amount' Price -- $30,000 98.76 30000... __ 9870 33,000 . 98.65 22000. 9859 37,000 _ -. 98.54 38,000... 9849 Prices: As above, yielding 5%4% RS ---- Write for fully descriptive circular, Wood, Gundy & Com Toronto 86 King Street West Winnipeg Toronto London, Ont. Telephone: Main 4280 pany Montreal New York London, Eng. ESR SS It Is too 1ais 10 be cautious when | Ee The most timorous animals are the harest to be tamed . is ke who does There are no foolish trades--there are only foolish people. The wisest man

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