MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1023. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AE : ---- sagen oe Semen -- e-------- z > -- tere ------_---------------- : pr-- COAL |TheTiverls" | KINGSTON aNp VICINITY || Wood Split Pulleys is not going to be any cheaper the Road to oi more available for next e Health > s . I'wead to North Bay the community ill your bins now while Cheese Board Sales. 1 Mr. Donnan has performed the duties ng a keen forester. Mr. Turn- ¥ y ' 8 son. ing 4 Orders filled If the liver is right the whole systeny Napanee, 245 boxes at 16 1-Z¢. {ot the office under an ap; UYitull has Been engaged for the past For all sizes of electric and steam power it is coming In, is right. Carter's Little Liver Pills {Troquois, 472 at 16 1-2¢. 4s acting crown attomey since thel. oo pecivact Aric forester oo haiti I k 1 as we receive them--for will gently awaken i ------ death of the €ounty Crown Attorne Tweed inspactorate. obiefty. ig sharting. In stock at all times. STOVE QR; CHESTNUT COAL i ak ged Sold A Residence. | Willlam Carnew. Mr. Donnan has kis viens for sn. effective firs. lieve constipa- CARTE | Sheriff C. W. Vandervoort, Nap- & host of friends ih Stirling and waction. service for the districts . | Siow, Stomach lance, has sold his residence on tho | rougtiont He county. i He 8 a np" pveed inspertorate: includes S. ANGLIN & CO. | trouble, inac- Newburgh Road to George A. Hart- [nephew of JoMas. Montgomery | ome 1.500 square niles moth of W. A Mitchell & Co. | tive bowels, i Nes ; | With whom he lMved from childhood. [y "1° $:300 sliare Miles north of Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington loss of yo He has a creditable ' oversease re-| "coor AT is ord Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. 15 Ontario Street | tite, sick head- { Si : Ey ¢rvice in France assisted material- , KIN N, ache and dizziness. Purely vegetable. | To Remove to Detroit. sore Iv in the work. He moves on to fur- Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415 Telephone 67. You need them. | Mrs. Henry Paul, Newburgh, has ther endeavor in the conservation . . Small Pill --Small Dose--Small Price (left for Toronto io Dy: her son, Graduated in Medicine. of our forests as district forester in | . = (Dr. Paul, en route to Dptroit to re-| The death occurred at Prince Al- (Large of the North Bay district. | T [side with her daughter, Mrs. Charles |bert, Sask. of M: jor Earl D. Hub-| Ee TT A XxX I | McKim. | be iy Yo after a es ab i GREAT WEST LIFE ] | | rr ------------_---- Real Es ! : : n Eye to Business. EVIDENCE OF PROSPERITY AND PROGRESS | . pneumonia. Major Hubbell, who ws "Ttaat i I can hear a man (1).--Substantial Increase in ne® business and in business In force. (3).--The interest rate for 1922 was 7 18%: the expense rates were Ce x ¢! Is Out of Danger. | thirty-six years of age, was a son of | Insuran Y thirty-six years of age, was a son c snorin' under the bed! He must be| materially reduced and a very low mortality rate was experienced, re- x Car sgalist | Miss Doris Nolan, Trenton, is now {the late S. and Mrs. Hubbell, | "eters Insure your Moto? : | PHONE 2 {out of danger and is able to git up. Ty, nestille. Or here he receiv-|2 2 - : toe} sulting {n:-- | w | # Than : it, Where | "Hush, Rebecra! Don't vake him, ! {3)--A further demonstration of the Company's superiority in pro. | I (2).--Assets of nearly $50,000,000 Public Liability, Property Damage, She will have to remain several [ag pis earls school education, 1: . i 5 | fits to policy-holders. J : rire or Theft. Freee Von oles . an' den ve vill charge him for a "RINGS v - > Collision, Fire weeks longer at the Hotel Dieu here. | ) udies at Queen's Uni- night's lodgin' in do morain't™ | RINGSTON OFFICE, 41 BROCK STREET All kinds of Insurance at lowest | PIANO TUNING [ver . on, from which i | -- rates. Plano Tuning, Repairing ang To Rebuild Cheese Factory. tution he nated in 1912 r The "China" telephone exchange Victory Bonds bought and sold. | Player Piano Adjusting. Norman | Nstonal is being TENEY Jee 2 jreturning from overseas in July, lof San Francisco is unique. : The | r 27 Pine Street the ground for the now cheese fac- | 1919, went west where he com- tuilding is of Chinese architecture | R H Waddell | = Butcher, us |tory at Bethany which will be rebuilt | 1 ence Practising at Canwood, about | the operators are Chinese girls and | . . 4 Brock Bt I PHONE 1819w. as fast as possible. fifteen miles from Prince Albert. the Chinese subscribers call by nume | 5 aout you are going to set for 44 (3 roc . | i : . 4 . inner. 'ou hav Phones Soe BARE e------ -- ne -- --_-- |instead of by number. The oper- / long in thinking. of a canes | Bought Another Farm | Goes To North Bay. ators handle between 7,000 and 8,000 | 1 Bring the family here for a pleasing, well-cooked meal. He'll Dental Surgeon | S McCrea, Tweed, has purchased | In J. F. Turnbull's move from (calls daily. enjoy the change--and you'll be A i DR. J. C. W. BROOM |the farm adjoining his own, lately | Amn et rs | glad to rest. . . . } L.D.S, D.D.8. jowned by R. Latchford. Mr. Latch- | DENTAL SURGEON. | Wellington and Brock Streets. ford is looking for a location in| ig . NEW ENGLAND CAFE Entrance, 150 Wellington St. [Prince Edward county. Eczema Covered Arms : . . 351 King Strect. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Evening by appointment. | Streets Phone ses PHONE 670. BOR Eo Aer. ot | of Tl " Healthy Child | # Kingston, Ont. Phone 6585 ~---- > PN -------- | Mrs. Alexander McLaughlin, Pres- I|cott, announces the engagement of | Mrs. Alex. Marshall, Sprucedale, Ont., writes:-- ASK FOR h ae ERP | u | her daughter Carmileta F. Mastin to | i" . BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM || Dr. Wa g [Charles A. Mott, Belleville. The ? =m 'When my little son was three (Chapped Hands, etc.) | DENTIST | wedding will take place the end of | > ..\) months old he broke out in sores on { April. | v es y his chest and arms. We did all we Use Use It : : ax. |i Always All Ways. 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. | -- - | 3 9 could to heal those terrible sores, but | | See For Yourself. | \: { nothing did him much good. -Final- | RA TS r vn Is A de- | A » We carry a large range of made- | é ly I ventured on a box of Dr. Chase's For Moving eof os JHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | to-measure suitings, blue and black ¥ : 1 1 PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF serges and English worsted cloth of | : i Ointment and kept oh uling it. At © EVERY DESCRIPTION : e { last we were rewarded by the the best material. We guarantee z . oo steady healing of the sores, and . 4 : | ston Transfer Co Sewing Machines, Phonographs, joist class fit and workmanship. E =< fiscally he was completely tlieys . Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. | ITevost, Brock street. | Rez ' ii ol He i oth Yhone 377. Evenings 2231. Parts supplied. Sawn fled, knives, || = Ca ) ed of them. ec 15 no ree 153 WELLINGTON STREET. sciasors and edge tools ground. To Transform The Corner | years old, and has had Jo te A AA A AA AA A AA At Locks repaired. Keyy fitted (o W. 'A. Nichols has purchased from | turn of the trouble since. all hinds of locks. All makes vt harpened and re- Dr. Stencell the frame building on WA ] | S paired. We can xepaie anyining the corner of Coke avenue, Car DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT that is repairable. 3 Place, opposite his mill office, and | . J. M. PATRICK will likely make a transformation on 60 cents a box, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., 14d., Toronto. People's Ly | U0 Sydenham Sereet. Kingaton the Sorner later on. | oe ! - : 4 To Be Buried at Picton EE oe TOR » - | : R Florist i The death -- place at 265 York | i ~ GOU DI S 177 Wellington Street. ! a e, Winnipeg, on April 13th, ot . J pees fmer 1nd rams ant || HHArAWoOd | 5m, Visine on oe sien ol ing A $1 000 Bil Ing : Funeral designs, and wedding r bert, aged sixty-two years. Services | ABSOLUTELY DRY » A8 y-two ¥y . Se bouquets to order. Phone 1763. ot . a were held on Mondoy, 16th. Inter. | Residence, 1137. | Suitable oF kr urnace an ment will take place in Glenwood | * cemetery, Picton. would give you a thrill! You can have the same 78-80 Brock Street ee --------------------r --Als0-- thrill by shopping C. R. S. way. SOFT WOOD AND SLABS The Late Marshall Godfrey. We sell nothing but Radio and then only the best. f NO | ICE Marshall Godfrey, Bancroft, in That permits us to give you bigger and better values, . hs - -- KENNY & FALLON Belleviile for medical treatment and you are sure of the goods you buy. If they don't ~~ 1 3 ! rassed away Wednesday evering. satisfy you, come back and get your money. i Any Repuics ole with R. 3 1 PHONE 637. Deceased was fifty-seven years of "Second to none" is the C.R.S. mail order service. Rodger w sold unless a de- || 137-141 CLERGY STREET |age and is survived by a widow and | [JB We prepay everything to your door. Send us your or- posit is made at once. - - | family. The body was sent to Ban- | der. We'll ship C.OD. if you wish. Deale 1 Agents--we want you to write too! | croft for interment. i L C HEMSLEY | "A Really Truly Satisfactory Radlo Supply House" ® ° | The Trustass Tok The Hint \ | yet 1 Pracoal Hardy of he Fort Col. ANADA RADIO STORES nine wimnaow! | legiate Institute observed to Perth Eastern Ontario's Only All-Radio Head! 8. 1 0 5 A quarters. 149 Sydertham St. Board of Education that prizes and py rT - \ ; Ill Special For Saturday ll roshies vero cores hurr sors a. el z i Eh ¢ Scud [59% some soe siusatios. "Thy war a STEP INSIDE AND WE WILL SHOW | | | | Brazil Nut Caramels . Bananas or : J YOU THE FINEST SPRING SUITS, The Star Fruit [| ore i Sor TOP COATS AND GABARDINE & Candy Store ||c, commer viske, sesk. ett on | RAINCOATS AT SPECIAL PRICES, 66 PRINCESS STREET ver, B.C., where she will enter as DURING OUR ALTERATION SALE PHONE 273. rurse-in-tralning at the St. Paul's Hospital, IT WILL MEAN A BIG SAVING FOR ---------------- ! ' Given a Present. | There was a happy gathering of YOU, friends and neighbors at the home - . of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frandis, Cen- 5 Try to make yourself a new Hat ||tenary, in Hastings county, on Tues- GOLDEN LION out of materials that are as common da in L ROCK, as postage stamps. You spend from y evening, when they met to pre , Clothing House sent their daughter, Myrtle, with a $3 £0 35, spend houra tn the making If ° bag, prior to her departure for Keep fit and fine with RRR, of it and what have you got when it is finished? Something your friends || Kingston to take up the nursing pro- laugh at a block away. No doubt you have a Hat you used fession. SO OA to lke bat Are Nred 2? ihe Shape, ---------------- F | ( ! Let us reblock it up-to-date. ou Old Resident's Death | 4 will have a Hat when it is finished. It won't cost more than $1.50 and Robert Pinney, an old time res!- probably less. dent of Nanaimo, B.C., passea away and Cannel Coal. on March 29th, aged eighty-three after every meal. The Kingston [yew rus ts ir. Fans ser been a resident of Nanaimo for the Mixed Wood cut in ' Stove lengths. Hat Cleaners |: wvoniy ire reas iowa a \sety, chew Jour by his wife and two sons, W. R. BOOTH & CO. 163 Princess St. Phone 1488. || Pinney, Nanaimo and N, R. Pinney, digestion a "kick" with i Grove lnn Yard Phone 133 San Francisco, WRIGLEY'S. dog Farm | - ~---- re dng Fam a ex Beet Sound teeth, a good o_o from J. M. Hughes, the farm adjoin- | appetite and proper At Vi Attractive Prices Dominion [fis vie or sos wi we digestion mean MUCH fo " homestead of the late John Hughes. | Fruit and | | . He has also purchased from T. nd your health. NEW SCRIMS--in White, Cream Vegetables Meat Store i farm, Tuows 3 the) WRIGLEY'S Tis a helper in and Ecru, at 12}c., 15¢c. and 19c. yard. Opp. YYM.CAA. Phone 1268J. : | oa ster, with all the stock, including | all this work --a pleasant . . Pics EL nt.. Bananas, horses, cattle, pigs, poultry, and ali beneficial pick-me-up. : Try the MARQUISET TES in plain hem- | ra e es, || hi | mr [I ommewn sasmuss [hie poised usin, "lol BR rarc materials, sctoptic 2 [stitched and fancy borders 25c.. 30c. Bon : "0 65.08 a Dinercar Voss | manufacture, absolute NIPS and 35c. a yard. ON MARIE Srgceny : Capt. [Harry Ellis, Belleville, a cleanliness -- then sealed | ; . Phone 1844. fee Sepument visitor ot Lous. das weveph- against all impurity. That MADRAS in pretty patterns with .. 5 ow | * | el : Dominos OF the Ob ea is WRIGLEY'S as you get candy., | bordered edges for 39c. a yard. Pr veereramnr. 06 JliCo. and wilt trade Between Amer- it--fresh and full-flavored. jean_yonts : NOVELTY CURTAIN Materials - ' 8 the Bay of Quinte. All materials for | ROR Boot oon es go as tho ditinction ot being the : oi at 35c., 40c., 50c. and 59¢ 11d Pickled Hocks .......... 8c return some time later to take an-| , buildings at lowest Hamburg ........ 8 Ibs. 28¢c. [li oener voyage with one of our most prices, bright young ladies. oa ee" >> SYS 0 : Prompt Delivery | croms ery Sevres. Gy 1 W. N. Linton & Co. I. Cohen & Co. ment may be expected shortly con-| ST" . | The Waldron Store. 267-273 ONTARIO STREET PN Se firming the apopintment of Bryson | Some persons, by hating ¥ies too | C. Donnan, Stirling, to the office of | 'much, come to love men too, little. | crown attorney of Hastings county. A PHONES 836 and 837.