Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1923, p. 8

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Be erence IFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Women's Page, Tele- ivate 'phone 8357w. -. . y and sixty little girls us time on Saturday en -- the closinb - exer- sewing class, which urday afternoons dur- r at the Welfare Sta- rie street, under the 8 Victorian Order Com- held. Prizes for reg- mee and proficiency were y 8. T. Lilley, who is Uf the organization and wi ready to help the good work pf the V. 0. N. Mr. Lilley also vom- plimented Mrs. W. Miller, the in- ictress of the pupils, anl led the y singing and the cheers. A at of ice cream and cake, given L by Mrs. B. W. Robertson, was wuch ployed by the girls. Several memwm- of the V, O. N. committee were ot to enjoy the pleasant affair. last meeting for this season Garrison Badminton Club was Saturday afternoon, when esent were, Col. and Mrs. Anderson, Col. and Mrs. tine, Mrs. ¥. W. Hill, Mrs. glas Jemmett, Major and Mrs. lafferty, Major and Mrs. Dobble, pe Victor Tremaine, Mrs. Alan t Powell, (Ottawa), Mrs. W. P. 'Wilgar, Prot. and Mrs. Keith Hicks, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Doris Me- Ray, Miss Louise Hill, Miss Mary Ogilvie, Miss Hca>n Strange, Miss Edith Carruthe®, Major Carson, ® Oapt. Lee, Dr. McKee, D. Carruthers. Mrs. Alcombrack, , will leave for f week. ont Hill, Ont. ® Principal and staff of Queen's! visit he for | and ity have sent out cards At Home" to be hold in Grant F On Tuesday, May Sth. Shirriffs MARMALADE Unequalle@ purity and flavor old favorites : Shirriff's nce, Shirriff's Jelly Powders. B Coton Root Compound. THE on! MEDICINE CO; ueen's Univer- | Mrs. Harold Menet, who was in town for the Roberts-Stewart wedd- ing, has returned to Hamilton. Miss Johnston, who has spent gev- eral weeks at the Y. W. C. A. Joan- son street, left for her home in Des- eronto to-day. Mrs. Herbert Roberts, who was with Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Bagot street, for the Roberts-Stew- art wedding, has returned to To- routo. Mrs. Cockshutt entertained at tea at the Government House, Toronto, on Friday after the meeting of the Canadian Council of Girl Guides, when Mrs. I. G. Bogart, Kingston, Was among the guests. Mrs. Luther H. Breck, Earl street, and Mrs. Haynes, Toronto, who has been visiting her sister, leave on Tuesday to spend a few weeks in Atlantic City, d, University avenue ------ Iv isiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Morri- |son, Brockville. Miss Ruth Huffman, attending Queen's Umiversity, has returned to her home in Brockville. Miss ° Marjorie Booth, Queen's | Residence, left for her home in To- [ronto on Sunday. | | | | | | Miss Esther Wagner, Queen's Un- | iversity has gone to Toronto, to join her mother, Mrs. A. Lingham Wag- iner. Miss Marion McArthur, Residence, left for Smith's Fa day. lls to- Rummage sale in Hall, 10 a.m. Thursday. St. George's holiday at Atlantic George Ma has left on/a itv. J tion at the home of Zyrrell, Toronto. . Mining Mrs. The last social evening of the session of 1922-23, was held "in Grant Hall, Queen's University, on Saturday evening by the final years SERVICE of the faeulties. Mrs. James Miller and Mrs. Douglas Jemmett received the gucsts and Treneer's orchestra played an inspiring programme of dance music. Miss Mary Taylor, Osgoode Hall, | Toronto, will return to the Princt-| pal's Residence, Queens Universrty, on Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Chapman, street, leaves for Ottawa today to r daughters, Mrs. W. C. Way | Peaker. . Garrett | Mrs. Roy * . Miss Bessie Hogan, Kingston, Is | min GALLAGHER'S ike 960 DAY AND NIGHT . Fruit Cakes a Specialty | specialty of WEDDING CAKES, BIRTHDAY We make a CAKES. We give special attention to make to your order FRUIT CAKES, If you want the BEST, try us. F. A. ATKINS QOor. Princess and Alfred Streets. Phone 373. | Ansley & Gaudreau 846 PRINCESS STREET oa ~~ PHONE 2449. { House Cleaning Time | Is Here! We are in a position to low prices. give you these lines at remarkably SEEING IS BELIEVING Phone 441 167 PRINCESS STREET Sold 18 of these fast Fall. Ask any of our patrons about it, and they will tell you it is a wonderful labor and clothes' saver, Let us demonstrate. 'House Wiring our Specialty. MATHILDE McCORMICK Granddaughter of John D. feller, who, after a romance \ias interested two continents, secretly married recently in London to Max Oser, her Swisg riding master. ETHEL TWIGG, KINGSTON, 10 RECEIVE SILVER CROSS For Heroism in Rescuing a Child From Drowning Last August. Rocke- which Miss Ethel Twigg, patrol leader of the 9th Kingston Company, Girl Guides, has been awarded a silver cross by the Canadian Council of the Girl Guides' Association for hero- ism is rescuing a child from drown- ing. Miss Twigg has been notificu of the award and the presentation will take place in Grant Hall, Queen's university, at the annual concert tc be held in May. The circumstances connected with the incident created much comment at the timo.of Miss Twigg's feat and attracted the attention of the officers of the Canadian Council of the Girl Guides' Association. August last, Edna Geraldi, aged twelve gears, got beyond her depth while bathing at the Richahrdson bathing beach, Macdonald Park, ana|Many years ago as a young man he [looks forward to a successful sum- only the prompt and heroic action [occupied the Princess street Method- |muer. of Miss Twigg, who was near at hand, saved her life. The matter was reported through her company | commander, Mrs. T. W, Savary, and Mrs. I. G. Bogart, Kingston Com- missioner of the Girl Guides. Miss|truths, as a student into the philo-l¢y Twigg is a daughter of ex-alderman William Twigg, 192 Barrie street. Triplets at Picton. Picton, April 30.--The stork was mi el generous to Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Rattray. Triplets--two girls and a boy--arrived 'to bless their home Saturday. These are the first triplets born in this vicinity for years. Mr. Rattray is accountant at the Bank of Montreal here. Moth- er and babes are all doing nicely. Tbe wonderful refined, entran: complexion Fendered.® bein back g the appearance of ty Highiy 2 Aton. 1] sooth: aa : 5] soothing action. BE ats White Send 10¢ for Trial Size 1 ve 3 J w-- A eed W ) ¥ iA) Queen's RECIPES IN THIS WEEK'S MENUS TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Strawberries Cereal Wholewheat Toast Coffee Omelet { Luncheon Baked Macaroni-Cheese Dish Lettuce Salad Stewed Rhubarb Tea Dinner Lamb Rissoles Baked Potatoes Spinach Romaine, French Dressing Coffee Lemon Gelatine Asparagus Loaf: Cook two bunches of asparagus then cut the tips from the stalks. Take a pan which is three inches deep ana which holds one quart and butter it thickly; cover the bottom with pap- er and line the bottom and sides with the cooked asparagus tips. Now make a sauce as follows: Melt two tablespcons of butter in a sauce- pan, rub into it four tablespoons of flour, at the same time adding grad- ually one cup of sweet milk. When this paste has cooked until thick (about four minutes), add to it one- {half cup of cooked veal (the left |overs from yesterday's veal cutlets was| Will do). also one and one-half cups |lish | of cooked asparagus stalks cut emall {and one teaspoon of salt. Pour this mixture onto four well-beaten eggs | (off the range), then turn it into | the pan which is lined with aspar- | agus tips. Set the pan in a larger | pan in which sou have put about one {inch 'of boiling water ( that is, enough water to rise ha way up the sides of the smaller pan). Bake in a |slow oven until firm--about 5 min- utes. During this baking period | the water in the larger ren must | not boil. Serve the loaf turned out ! HONORED BY QUEEN'S. Rev. Ernest Thomas Is to Receive | Degree of D.D. | Among those whom the Senate of Queen's university will honor at the | convocation, on May 9th, will be | Rev. Ernest Thomas, one of the |staff of Evangelism and Social Ser- [vice of the Methodist church. He will have the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity conferred on him, |and those who':know this cultured | educationist, clergyman and astute In| writer will concede that the honor MIN, and a tete de negre hat with |is worthily placed. Rev. Mr. Thomas is well known and highly esteemed in this city. [ist church pulpit. In this eity he | was married to Miss Jack and to- | gether they have. heen a force for good both in Eastern and Wesférn Canada. As an expofient of Biblical {sophic side of Christianity and as an ethical teacher Mr. Thomas ranks among the foremost of Canadian | preachers. He wields a facile pen and his writings find wide publicity because of their clarity and the sym- [pathetic treatment of any subject | De discusses. At the recent convo- jeatien of Queen's Theological Col- | lege, Mr. Thomas was invited to be the baccalaureate preacher and most }inspiringly did he perform the duty. Queen's, broad-minded and eminent- 'y Catholic in its spirit, is congratu- lated upon having tendered a D.D. to so capable a theologian, preach- er and writer as Mr. Thomas has proven himself to be. O'Donoghue-Livins Wedding. Monday morning, Serg't John O'- Donoghue, M.M., one of the most ropular members of the Royal Cana- dian Horse Artillery, and Miss Liv- ins, formerly of London, England, were married at St. Mary's cathed- ral by Rev. Father Hanley. The happy couple are the recipients of good wishes from numerous friends and acquaintances. On Sunday the groom was presented with a hand- some clock by the sergeants' mess of the BR. C. H. A. Serg't. QDonoghue, has seen four- teen years service and served with distinction in the great war. He is provost sergeant of the R. C. H. A. and one of the most popular mem- bers of the permanent force. Serg't and Mrs. O'Donoghue will 'ake up residence on Montreal street. At Pacudah, N.Y., Mrs. Rosetta Daugherty Warren, aged thirty-four, was instantly killed early on Mon- day in a dynamite explosion which wrecked her home. Her body was badly mangled. Elzabeth A. MecCrodan, Belleville, widow of the late John MecCrodan, died on Saturday. She was a native of West Huntingdon but had lved most of her life in Belleville. Harry Langley, Smith's Falls, has been appointed bridge tender at the Rideau Ferry, Rideau Canal, in suc- cession to D. Campbell, who retired. Considerable losses from winter killing reported by beekeepers the United States, . The Ontario Red Cross will take jover the administration of the hos- pital at Cochrane, Selected farms poultry flocks in ment. Ontario county prove good invest- | Jonto a platter covered with a simple | |cream sauce to which you have added {a few extra asparagus tips. od Jellied Apples: Mix together two! cups of granulated sugar and two | cups of boiling water; add to this six tart apples quartered, and turn | the mixture into a baking dish. Bake | in/a hot oven until the apples are | pink. At this stage, take the disn | from the oven, lift out the apples, | and put one and one-half tablespuons of granulated gelatine (softened with a half cup of cold water) into the hot apple juice; set the baking dish containing this mixture away to cool | and when partly cooled add to the | apple juice the juice "of one lemon | and of one orange. At this point, | too, a little pink vegetable coloring | matter may be added if desired. Now | place your baked apple-quarters in| a mould, turn this ,.ratine and! friut-fuice mixture over them, and | place all fn a cold place to solidity. | Serve with a custard sauce or just as it is. Take she gelatine from its | mould easily, dip the mould up to its rim for a moment in boiling water; this melts the hardened gel- atine slightly just where it rests against the inner surface of the! | mould -- thereby loosening the | mrould's contents so that it can be | slipped out onto a platter, | (Note: On Wednesday I will pub- four more recipes for this week's All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficlent Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in their turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is, desired, a stamp- | ed and self-addressed envelope must | be enclosed with the question. Ba sure to use YOUR full name, street number, and the name of your city and province. ~The Editor. tnt ttt tana | What ihe Editor Hears | Stet t mmr | What the Editor Hears The Earl and Countess of Minto attended the wedding of the Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes- Lyon at Westminster abbey. The Countess of Minto was wearing a gold embroidered lace gown, with hand-made light brown beaded trim- shaded brown glycerined feathers. { That the Cataraqui Golf Club The rain has given the links la touch of green and pretty club house is already a favorite meeting place for the club members. That a Toronto Anglican bemoans e loss of the good old days of more earty congregational singing. He ays that the idea seems to be that [people want to. be entertained rather [than to join in the worship of God, and if they can get a "live wire" for a parson they feel that a crowd will be attracted. But this, he says, {doesn't seem to meet the case as the church attendance was much better Years ago when no one thought o* trying to lure people to church by the same methods that are taken to fill a concert hail, . In s That Glamis castle itself is no Dore mediaeval than the moire wed- Ging gown of the Duchess of York. So closely has a Florentine picture model been carried out that Lady EHzabeth Bowes-Lyon will be famed as "the Botticelli bride." To carry out the Florentine ef- fect the bride's shoes were copied from an old Venetian slipper, with a long pointed toe, a high vamp and a These are the Styles the Spri g Season Brings and Patent Leather. Travelling Goods Colonial Tongue ! Pumps & This style took the Blue Ribbon at the Chicago Show in January. We have it in Black Satin, Suede, Beige, Black and Grey $6.50 and $10.00 HOSIERY TO MATCH £9 Lockett's \. satin, closely sewn with heavy seed pearls. That already Kingston's market presents a refreshing hint of spring for as well as fresh butter, eggs and vegetables, flowers were to be seen in abundance on Saturday. The florists' display of roses, daffodils, cliocolarios and pansies was rivalled vby pussy-willows and hepaticis from 'the woods. To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble TUESDAY, MAY 1. The prospects for a lively successful day are brilliantly and fore- ---- A eee wa h Pe ee told from this day's planetary opers ations. With Jupiter, the great benefic, a dominant influence both by solar and lunar direction, there should be growth of business and ine crease of fortune, as well as gens erally-fulfilled ambitions. There may be opportunity for a change of pronounced benefit, possibly involve ing removal or travel. Avoid Wor= Ty and shun quarrels and litigation. Those whose birthday it ts may look for a splendid year, with in- crease of business aml money, an unexpected opportunity for a change of advantage, and with possible jv- moval and travel. They should avoid worry, law and quarrels. A child born on this day will make a success of its affairs aesplite a vis- position to worry, which may be curbed through early training, Seek betterment of your fortunes through the want ads. En Your Cuoice-- CHASE & SANBORN'S _SUPERIOR TEA 4 low heel. They were made of ivory Last Year's Homespun Suits ARE LIKE NEW WHEN DYED-- tendencies of the present. SONORA "BABY GRAND" PHONOGRAPH The beauty of the Bulge Model Sonora cannot be over com- mended. Apart from the fact that it is exclusively Sonora, it depicts a scheme of cabinetry which well represents the artistic $275 EASY TERMS ARRANGED.

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