© SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1923. | gm-- __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A House With Garage Attached. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG ET VL Beaver Board 'Artistic--Sanitary--Durable--Economical The exclusive "SEALTITE"" treatment gives Beaver Board . an ideal surface for decoration, making a priming coat unneces- sary and insuring a perfect band with any good paint. Ask for free samples and illustrations at office. ALLAN LUMBER (0. "Phone 1042. J "a. x Tie tin, $1.00; one price. pint J. L. RAWBON & SON 159 'WELLINGTON ST., HINGATON, ONL ATO. PHONE SMOSW. HEAD OFFICE, TO » A word everybody honors . a tats and what everybody gets when they buy Canada Radio Stores quality radio equipe ment. Our guarantee: 'Money back if goods are returned within one week" is your assurance of being treated square. This applies to out-of-town cule tomers too. tried the peppy mail onder ae We prepay all charges and When in need of Electric Wiring or the latest designs in We can supply any size Mlectric fixtures it will pay you to consult us, as our assortment panel. 0 large and up-to-date. If you have not alread we offer, send a sample order. ship C.O.D. if you wish. Ourrprices are right. Ss Prices always lower--goods always right. Dealers-Agents--enquiries invited. oe SRAHAM ELECTRIC 1944. NOW BELLING WD12, WDI11, UV3201A, C301A Vacuum Tubes. - sume CANADA RADIO STORES ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! ! Eastern Ontario's Only Bxelusively, Radio House--Redio ONLY "JIC" EATS "VIC" SERVICE Can't Be Beaten - THE VICTORIA CAFE King Street. Jewly Lee, Manager. Telephone 762. Y What about the garage? In building the modern home this question must be answered, and for the best results it should be given thorough consideration before the house is built. If the garage i» left as an after consideration, it is often very difficult to find a satisfactory solution to this important problem, Of course, & garage can be erected on the rear of the lot after the house is built (providing proper pro- vision has been made for the driveway and space has been reserved for the garage) but what about convenience? Will heat be provided? Rlectric light, water and sewer service? The latter two are of course necessary but heating and lighting are real conveniences that are generally omitted on account of the expense. All of these objections can be overcome by attaching the garage to the house, but, here again, due con- sideration must be given the design, for, if the garage is simply "butted" to the house, it ruins the appearance of the latter. : The architects have embodied beauty, convenience, comfort and economy for both garage and house, in the example herewith illustrated. The garage entrance is on the rear. permits the main entrance to the house, with vestibule and coat cleset, to be provided garage extension. The plan of the house shows an arrangement that Is convenient and livable. Three bed rooms, a bath and 8 study are provided on the second floor. Cost about $3,600. Completes working plans and specifications of his Bouse may be obtained' for a nominal sum - from the Building Editor, Refer to House A-78. : Nan ROSE TEA ROOM OPEN SUNDAY versity honorary degrees are always . FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. The Man On Watch accepted by those to whom they are offered. Many men refuse to accept th them as they do not care for title Now we hear about the high cost adornments, and do not wish to be 302 KING ST. « =~ = PHONE 141. of the Sunday school picnic. Surely [encumbered with honcrs, ° > the steamboat owners cannot be ac- oF . ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN. eight mile boat ride to and from the \ronde point. sane asylum to a local bank the other Condition of the Blood. day. The bankman who was taken Fierce darting pains. Pains like COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ALL STANDARD STYLES AND 'BIZES, OR SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT. LOW- EST PRICES AND GOOD SERVICE. PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH--- : BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT 806-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 343. This overcomes the objections of large doors toward the street, and in the front of the ENGLISH TWEEDS, DONEGALS, HOMESPUNS, FANOY WORSTEDS . WE ALSO MAKE AND TRIM, SUITS $30. EXTRA TRS. $5.00. CRAWFORD & CO. 173 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2450w, : has been doing some painting at A. E. Whitmore's. Miss Georgie Acheson left lest Wednesday to enter Kingston Gem- eral Hospital for training. . Mr. and Caser Myers visited Mrs. Myers' mother, Mrs. Cauley, at Smith's Falls hospital where she is a patient. She is recovering from the operation of having her foot amputated. Wil- liam Young, Soperton, is assisting Roderick Stevens in the cheese fac- tory. The farmers are all working on the land these fine days. Three bodies were taken from the vault and buried in the Roman Cathole ceme- cused of "hold-up" when they do not The story is told of a visit paid by -- charge twenty-five cents for the one of the inmates of Rockwood ola Nerve Trouble Due to a Watery for your HOTPOINT ELECTRIC GOODS---HEATERS, or anything you may need. DISTRIBUTOR FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS BURKE ELECTRIC CO, 72 PRINCESS STREET, IRONS, in has decided that he would never care to sit on a jury to decids jwhether a man is sane or nutty, Deo not forget to give your clock a little attention tonight. When you the hay" just push of your timepieces time Sunday mora- majority of the city ylight saving, but the 84th of May would be soon enough to put it in force. We are reminded that the coming week is "clean up week." It would 'be better if people would keep thoir premises clean all the time and be as ready for the sanitary inspector's visit in November es in May. Peaple, who weit for these yearly "glean up" weeks are like unto those who fusist upon waiting uatil Satur- day night to take a bath. However let us clean up and not be like Bol- ishevists, - Sr The has always been looked upon as & divine institution, but now comes a claim that the U.F.0. is also divine. Perhaps it is, but the busi- men would like to see the U.F.O. red hot needles being driven through the flesh-----in the thigh, perhaps down the leg to the ankle--that's sci- atica. None but the victim can realize the torture of this trouble, But the sufferer need not grow dis- couraged; the trouble is due to the fact that the are being starved by poor, watery blood, and when the blood is enriched the pains of scia- tica will disappear. As a blood en- richer and purifier no other medicine can equal Dr. Willams' Pink Pills. They bring to the blood just the ele-|y- ments necessary to restore it to nor- mal richness and redness, That is why so many sufferers from sciatica, and other forms of nerve trouble, Beachburg, Ont., tells what Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have done for him ows; "Some years ago I was with sciatica, I could 3 Ed 2 E 331 un E E : : 8525 E35 fs E f tery here last Friday. The Misses Slack, Delta, visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dermott Cau- ley, Ottawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ceaser Myers over the week-end. Harvey Davison, Brockville, spent a day with his mother, Mrs. Julia Davison. Miss Mamie Downey spent the past week at W. B. Newsome's, Plum Hollow. : Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Halladay are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Baker, Rosedale. Miss | The line to walk rs that which it DESKS in Golden Oak--all sizes. Typewriter Chairs, Revolving Chairs. self-depreciation and haoy at a strong