TO-DAY Mighty Lak' A Rose EE -- ------ YEAR 90; No. 107. Che 3 COMMUNISTS TRYING TO | PUTS BLAME |". TRAIN SEIZED (Their Propaganda Is Directed UPON LABOR "355 BY BANDITS i and Boy Scouts. rs : Montreal, May 7.--- A concerted For the Lack of Foreign In- =»: = commuaistc Kens imo - - migration Inte Canada. {them while they are prastic and im- ------------ { bressionable is being made by the . 1 -- | national executive committee of the | young communist league of Cauava, «Says the Hampering of Io- dustrial Growth Will Re- it is charged hore, - act on Farming. The firs: of May was the signa for an outpouring of communist leafllets designed to catch the eye of | the youths of the city and arrange- {ments made for street distribution. Special warnings against the Y. M. C. A, the Boy Scout movement, the church clubs, and other organiza. . tions for young people were convey- New York, May 7.--Organized lab- [eq in an open letter. "To all youmy ©! in Canada is blamed by the Times 'dor the lack of immigration Into the cince the May Day parade which was dominion. In referrug to statements headed: "Do you belong to the made in the Mouse 0' Commons re- Young Communist League of Can- ™ cently that Canada can assimilate ada?" fcr hundred thousand immigrants A Year, the Times asks: "Why thén { "the lot of young workers in Can- goesn't she allow them to come in !ada is not a happy one," as capital, mocording to those judicicios selec- [ists will use you in place of adul | workers in fxatories because you can me LAST EDITION. CHURCH UNION CALL. NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Archbishop States Exclusiveness Too Often Shown. | Vancouver, May 7.--Archbishop du Vernet, addressing the triennial | session of the provincial Anglican WONT TOUCH 1 | & workers," distributed during and lightly discarded important historic ipl Farther 'Evidence of Col The usual means of causing the {lington Hay, leader of the Ontario . THE 0. L. A on the question of church union. f S-- slements, inust give way to the spirit of fellowship if there is to be reality -- Adrenalin Brings Life to Child Born Dead! lapse of UF.0. Woodstock, May 7.--The Liberal Leart to function having been ex. {Liberals, as he arrived here from hausted without success, the group | Listowel. Proposed or contemplat- "The 'spirit of axclusiveness," ha! » said, "'too often shown by the Church Without P Ss Mandate of England in its bearing toward | Declares Leader . -- , 3 in our talk about church union. In THE RETIREMENT OF RANEY this province our historic church has rd shown itsclf ready to co-operate with Dallas, Texas, May 7.--A child Party will not tamper with the On- born dead was given life by use or tario Temperance Act without a man- adrenalin bydro-chlorite in a hospital Gate from the people. This was the of surgeons present infected agdren- lag amendments to the prohibition re- al'n and in a few minutes the tiny | strictions of the province must have heart began beating, according to Dr. the consideration of the people irre- other reformed churches, which too | other churches in many practical Regarded At Woodstock As here, it was learned Saturday. | public assurance Saturday from Wel- J. B: Smoot. [spective of such anti-O.T.A. prppa- After warning young people that KINGSTON, ONTARIO. MONDAY, MAY 7, 1923. $1 rents os ARECHARCED I Thrift, ho says, is sot always the | 2 -- basis of riches. Efficiency comes | 5 . = 'hws Whe Capture 150 Passeg- ir: « With the Kidnapping of Little The Independent Labor party is | Schenectady among the workers ¢ Great Britain | . to prevent the ent from MEN ARE AT THER MERCY Ese 5 i RST OF THE. MEN agreement. ---- . . Skilled artisans fom northern 1 . Sister-in-Law of John Pj; Brea countries fre rushing to Original Plan Was to Kidnap rorts of a labor sho that will exhaust . These Released. Old Sister. Poking, May 7.--Reports trickling Watertown, N.Y., May 7. Mrs. Linghang, where early yesterday one dall and Mrs. H. A. Grinnell were thousand bandits seized a Shanghai- arTested Saturday by Sheriff GiMett av wo 13 Judge Alexander, Schenectady, Fukow railway and tcok captive 150 f passengers, indicate that a British charging them with kidnapping. a : tained only as material wiinesses in and a number of United States citi- the sensational kiGnapping of Vern- Zens, probably all men, stood in Ie Cn ? {money until he was forty years oid. | first and 1t takes forly years to at. # R W crganizing this week a movement ! Boy. including _-- of the trade the United States in » Rockefeller, Jr., Among the Boy's Seven-Year- in here from the Shantung border at Wava B. Fairbanks, Mrs. Ruth Cran- Poking express train on the Tiensin- On warrents issued by Municipal fered i subject n i Rothman was killed Heretofore the women had been de- er Alexanderson, six-vear-old Sche- 3 " . mine o'clock last night the C.P.R. Fiogiation of using." be made to do the same amount of ering its own question - it | work for less wagas™ the leaflet goes ys: "Because organized labor for- fon: "The organizations which you ids. Agricultural laborers have to { Join, thinking that they are built to be admitted to comciliate Se power- conduct eports, etc., are 'suppor.ed Ful Sermere. To the m'diie ciass is by financiers and magnates because [ranted a quota cI domestic ser- |; these osganizailons you are taught Masts. Organized labor orders the to be a willing worker, to respect the door shut against all other labor law and become a good citizen." @nd so hopés to maintain its mon- Young people are informed that onoply. That policy. is unintelligible they are "The most exploited and and is practised in United States, a veril at the mercy of the brigands this afternoon. Among those report- ed held were Robert Scripps, news- paper publisher, Major Pinger and two other officers of the United States army, named Roland and Al- len J. B. Powell, editor of the Week- ly Review at 8hanghal, and four others named Henly, Lee, Solomon and Levy. . worst treated of sre whole working highly developed country. The Can- class." #dian situation is different. | *"You are cheaper to the capitalist The paper asks if C ada: is to be | than an adult worker therefore he t with being mainly an agri- puitural community and declares that | "2X8 8reater profit by hiring ,"' the leaflet says. ~ #he hampering of industrial growth Fou, olen ~ mill react on farming. IMMIGRANTS ENROUTE Hebrides Party Will Be In Toronto Monday Nght. Campbellton, | N.B., May 7.--At LIVES OF FIVE PEOPLE Col. Ponton and Other Masons All the women captives, including Lucy AMerich, sister-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Miss McFadden nectady lad, found Thursday. Bours after the automobile abandoned at Alexandria found by Detective Ben van Dusen, of Schenectady. The men were seen in the local railroad yards by a rail- road detective, who established their identity after scrutinizing police cir- culars issued. Later the same day a local patrolman saw Crandall, but and Miss Corelli, have been releas- ed. THE FIRST STEAMSHIP TO REACH MONTREAL The Montrose Was Delayed by Ice Conditions in the Saw Belleville House on Fire. . : Train with the Hebrlaes tmmigrants iad reached Campbellton, N.B., and Is expected to be in Montrea: cms ---- = i This should get them into| Belleville, May 7.--Homecoming bnto Monday night. The ravages | Belleville passengers of the early the. Boas t Socks in. New Brun-|morning Brockville to Toronto Can. ore J Xt (adian National Railway train, prob: nt dn the summer kitchen of Street ind | al dust which | residence ab, Py Bat- e 'Up alongside the tracks|urday morning, and awakened the on the side of the river. Although | inmates just in'the nick of time to the water had not gone down ap-|escape from the 'building. Dreciably, the railway tracks were! Col. W. N. Ponton, K.C., grand quite safe yesterday. weveral trains | master of the Masonic Order of Can- passed over the danger spots aurmg | ada; Alderman W. R. McCreary and the night before the special got un-| W. H. Towner, superintendent of the . der way. All trains, of course, |Grand Trunk shops here, were on 4 very slowly over the re-|their way home from the depot af- paired washouts, ter having arrived from Brockville -------- where they were in attendance at a gE > Masonic ceremony. BOP ONIICISIIPIOIOIGOIT As they were traveling up Olive * . ® street they saw the summer kitchen # KING AND QUEEN * of No. 8 to be a mass of flames. This w ARRIVE IN ROME. %|pouse is occupied by Henry R. ®Mooreman and at the time Mr. ® | Mooreman, Mrs. Moofeman and the In &| two children, Dorothy, aged six, Lois Rome, May 7.--King George and Queen Mary arrived el i the a 4 yo ging Gulf. -- Montreal, May 7.--The first pass- onger liner to reach Montreal this season is the Canadian Pacific ln- £r Montrose, which arrived shortly did not know he was wanted. -- Canadian Police Assist. The two men are sought by police Doth of this country and of Canada, where they are believed to be in hid- ing. Warrants were ordered prepared by District Attorney Alexander T. Blessing, of Schenectady county, who Questioned the women. oritative sources it was learned that interrogation has led to the belief that the five plotted to kidnap the boy, son of E. F. w. Alexanderson, Chief engineor of the Radio Corpora- Y, KC. Toronto, May 7~% -announced retirement of Attornejeneral Ran- before noon. The Montrose diseru- Dumbering 393 cabin first class passengers. The Minnedosa, which like the Montrose was delayed by ice conditions in the gulf, reported Yesterday that she expects to reach Quebec late this afternoon and Montreal tomorrow afternoon. The Minnedosa is bringing 325 cabin amd $38 third class passengers from Ant- werp, Southampton and Cherbourg. -------- OLAIMS $3,631,639. For War Losses to Canada Steam- ship Company Vessels. Ottawa, May 7.--Hon. Wilam Pugsley, K.C., LL.D. again heard witnesses in war claim cases, Sat- urday. Only fiye claims 'were heard, that of the Canada Steamship Com- Rome at three o'clock this af- aged five, and Mrs. Mooreman's mo- ther, Mrs. Sine, were in the build- * ing. Emmanuel, + The three men lost no time in got ng busy. Alderman McCreary im- mediately rang for the fire alarm and the other men tried the doors, but they were locked. It was impossible to awaken the inhabitants of the house, so it was Initial however, by climbing a ladder and getting in through the upstairs window. The family were sleeping soundly, * Quite unaware of the danger in which ¥/they were in, They were quickly awakened and rushed downstairs to pany for $3,651,639.38 being the most important. The company is claiming that this loss was incurred through the sinking of eleven ships through enemy action. The amount is the difference between the actual value of the ships and the amount (of war risk insurance which was raid at the time of the sinkings. Other cases heard included that of Mrs. A. L, Elliott, of Carleton Place, who claimed $20,000 for the loss of her husband, who was drown- ed when the Lusitania went down, and $1,877 for personal effects lost at the same time. Mrs. Elliott only escaped drowning through her abil- ty as a swimmer. a or Sy the Dalities : Inte a od consulting en- » DoH \ Thea Bb] _Com- in regard to the adminisition of the retiring minister, his |g pns for stepping out at this june- ture and the man most hy ¢;, pe called to succeed him in $ onerous office. \ United Farmer sympath,; ang temperance people generally; not hesitate to express their over the action taken by Mr. Ra: and the opinion was expressed hs successor should bs appoin po fore the government goes iy, country. : To supporters of the U.F.0.,. ernment the news came as a si, shock and to the Conservative, the city as welcome intelligence. profess to regard it as the action a man deserting a sinking ship. x ity given the case by newspapers and by radio led to the diseovery of the boy with Mrs. Grinnell In a cottage on the wooded shores of the Indian River, near Theresa. Mrs. GrinneN, who was hired by the men to care for the child at the Indian River cottage, told Sherif Gillette that she thought Fairbanks and Crandall had a bootlegging ven- ture in view and that the parents of the boy, whose name she was told Was Vernie Miller, were partners in the project and would Join them later. ' Her suspicions were first aroused, she said, when she saw Fair- banks trying to teach the child to write the name "Miller." . : Federal officials here and a: Alex- andria Bay declared they had kept Fairbanks and Crandall under sur- Veillance for some time in connec- \ion with a narcotic drug investiga- on. Premier's Statement. Milton, May 7.--"I have not r ceived Mr. Raney's resignation," sal Premier Drury Saturday afternoon. "He will not be let out before the election. - Personally, I think he will run again." ' sn ma-- Planned to Kidnap Girl, That the men planned originally it dnap seven-year-old Gertrude at Theresa on Stanley Crandall and Harry Fair- banks, for whom warrants charging kidnapping have been issued, were in Watertown on Thursday, a few they Bay was From auth- | The premier said he thought was largely a matter of Mrs. Raney's kealth. Ole Indian iY instead of the boy, rted by Bert Jarvis, owner River cottage, who i d the identity of the 8309070098093 000e |" nis picture printed in a nows. + ; 8 |P®D\ Jarvis declared that when A TOWN DESTROYED. ® C-- |e \juctors came to him three : ow to rent the cottage, one ® Constantinople, May 7.--The &[0f th yoiq nis daughter had just # town of Soulu Sela, near Tokat, TeCOV™ om a throat operation # In the vilayet of Sivas, Asia ¢|and ti pe her to stay in- © Minor, has been destroyed b 3} Goon \ quiet place and rest. | ------------ * Uncleam § * -* & : Wasaion, istration! to recommend moderateny ons to the next es ; hall here Saturday afternoon. $ ---- : Ma: 7.--The sdmin- CAMP ON THE DOORSTEP OF THE PENSION BOARD Veterans Insist Upon Declara- tion Regarding Findings of Royal Commission. Ottawa, May 7.--Alleged disre- |gard by the Board of Pension Com- | missioners of the findings of the {Royal Commission in the matter of {S: W. V. A. charges against the board, is given as the cause for C. G | Macneil, { tion, presenting a demand to Col. John Thompson, chasrman of the board, that he make a definite state- | ment of the Board's Intention. bs Until a decision is received mem- bers of the Dominion command de- clare that they jon the doorstep of the pension com- | missioners' office. and urgent cases have been pre-emp- torily turmed down during the past week, i a more aaah The Political Pot. in Halton. Milton, May 7.--Premier F.-C. Drury was: nominated to contest Halton riding at a U.F.0. convention held in the local theatre Saturday afterngon. No other name was brought before the gath which Was a fairly large and representatives one, but not strikingly demonstra- tive. Mr. Drury's candidature makes the contest a triangular one, the Con- servatives having nominated George Hillmer, of Oakville, and the Lib- erals, B. Roy Dale, of Georgetown, Ont. North Wentworth. Dundas, May 7.--Hon. F. C. Biggs, minister of public works, was un- animously nominated by the U.F.O. convention here as candidate to con- test North Wentworth in the coming provincial elections. North Oxford Liberals. Woodstock, May 7--Edwin C. Farker, a prominent farmer and clerk of Fast Zorra township, was Saturday afternoon chosen as the standard bearer of the Liberal party ir. North Oxford. . ---- North Grey Convention. Owen Sound, May 7~The North Grey Conservative convention held y afternoon unanimous illiam Breese, alderman of the city of Owen Sound aad ex- warden of Grey county, as the can- didate in this riding. 000 population the perienced adults over experienced aduita (over six months at $10, six $i young ginls ( vention of Liberals held in the eity fo ganda now emanating from the Con- | servative encampments, "It is easy to make empty prom- {ises."" pointed out the Liberal lead- | er, touching upon the currant repor: {that the right hand followers of [Howard Ferguson have undertaken a whispering campaign about modi- |fied O.T.A. legislation and other re- | Yelations of the future in the event jof a Conservative sweep at the {Fells | Wellington Hay discounts this lat- ¢st Conservative pre-election dodge and questions what definite procla- {uation relative to the O.T.A. has {emanated from the Conservative - (headquarters, on behalf of the assocla- | | "Changes in the O.T.A, is leogisla- [tion to be enacted by the people," he concluded decisively, It returned to {power the Liberal party of Ontario 'will promote no legislation of this nature without a mandate. Tha - is upheld as long as it is on tatutes. That is incorporated in our platform. The rank and file of the Liberals convention here Saturday appean- to regard Mr. Raney's retirement. 8s further evidence of the predicted collapse of the U.F.0. fabric. They: out from under, ---------- Prohibition Great Issue Says Christian Guardian S-- Toronto, May 7.--"It will be con- tended by some that prohibition is not an issue in the Ontario elections and that temperance men have no right to drag it in. The man who talks this way fs surely anxious to avoid the issue or else he is ignorant of what is going on around him," says the Christian Guardian, under the caption "The Great Issue." In another article it "brands as an ab- surd falsehood" a statement of the Moderation League that "it is now generally conceded that we are at last within striking distance of se- curing a system of government con- trol." NEW FENALE WAGE SCALE In Kingston $11 a Week Must Be Paid to Experienced Adults. SE-------- Toronto May 7.--A new ting wage Scale for female workers in Ontario, into operation ties over 30. wages for ex- 18 years shall than $132, tn. 13 years) months at under 18 years) months at $8, six months at $9, $10. In cities amd 10,000 and 30,000 ced ' ~--AL a convention delegates of the rid- 'Saturday, H. 8. Colli- on first ballot.