2 Cars Chestnut Coal Have Arrived We have a limited surplus. Orders filled as they are recelv- ed. : Stove Coal In This eek DON'T DELAY! Everything points to 'more trouble in the mines this Fall. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. FOR SALE ot Street E.--Frame, 10 rooms, 3 El electric light, gas, good cel- Pe barn, garage for two cars. Chatham Street -- Frame, § rooms, electric light, bath and toilet, cement cellar, good sized lot. Prices on application at office. LEY ished house, 6! rl Street Furnis ou. oe electric light, gas. May 15th to] mo. Oct. 1st. $40.00 per Totus ard on Street--Brick, 7 Dar roatri light. $23.00 per month. Earl Street--Stone, § rooms, electric light. $20. 00 per month. R. H. Waddell Phones 326-806. 86 Broek St. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and W. Streets ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. For Moviag ef FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, 1 CARTAGE and STORAGE oF VERY DESCRIPTION Kungston Transfer Co. 377. 165 WELLINGTON ST STREOT, WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Phone 363 NOTICE Any repairs left with R. J. Rodger will be sold unless a de- posit is made at once. LC. HEMSLEY 149 Just Of St. Street Constipation and Sluggish Liver Don't take chances. Get Carter's Little Liver Pills right now. They never fail to make the liver do its duty. They relieve constipa- tion; "banish in- digestion, drive out bi ousness, stop dizziness, Sleatthecum- 'plexion, a healthy gh cheek ai aries in the oe. Be sure and get the genuine. Small Pill -- Small Dose--Small Price TAXI PHONE 32 {| PIANO TUNING | Plano Tuning, Repairing ang {| Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H, (Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. ~-- - An Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington Sg. Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Not a Laxative Nujol is a lubricant--not a medicine or laxative -- so cannot gripe. When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lu- bricating liquid is produced in the bowel to keép the food waste soft and moving. Doc- tors prescribe Nujol because it acts like thisnatural lubri- cant and thus securesregular bowel movements by Nature's own method -- lubrication. Nujol Sy "A LUBRICANT-NOT A LAXATIVE | and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths. . BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 BURNS' IDEAL BAKERY TRY BURNS' WHOLE WHEAT BREAD THE STAFF OF LIFE W. BURNS 61 Frontenac St., North Phone 1896\,. "FOR SALE: $3,000--Frame, 7 rooms, § bedrooms, 2 ». B, cellar, poreh, electric and sas and 3 extra lots. $5,000-Stone, 10 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2»: B, electric and gas, gavage, * $6,000--Solla Brick (double) 7 rooms, bedrooms, 3 p. B., and verandah In hot wate $7300--Frame )3 houses), 7 rooms, 4 d ap B., § Just a tint of Rouge before using Face Powder gives that color 80 becoming to every lady. We carry all the popular lines and invite your patronage es- pecially at this season (when the cheeks are pale). . 'Buy your Tolletries from-- KINGSTON anp VICINITY | Pembroke Rector Recovers | | broke cathedral, |received the appointment of mana- Rev. W. P. Breen, rector of Pem- ger of a drug business on Danforth who was a patient avenue about a block from where he at the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, has re- has established himself. turned home. Archbishop to Visit Tweed. administer the mation in St. Tweed, Sunday May 27th. Work Has Resumed. The contractors have resumed op- erations on the new Carleton Place Collegiate Institute. Work will be carried forward without gntermus- sion until completed. St. George's Society Meeting. A meeting of the old members and prospective members of the King- ston St. George's Society is tc be held in St. George's Hall, Thursda;, {May 10th, 8 p.m. Contract Awarded. The Chisholm Weliage Constrac- tion Co. has been awarded the con- | struction of four miles of Macadam {base course on the provincial high- | way in the township of Front we. | Yonge, | Res Retreat For Prisoners | A week's retreat for the Catholic pri s in Portsmouth penitent- lary, opens next Sunday, May 13tn. It will be conducted by Rev. John E. Burke, C.S.P., rector of Newman Hall, Toronto. See For Yourself, We carry a large range of made- to-measure suitings, blue and black serges and English worsted cloth of the best material. We guarantee first class fit and workmaaship. Frevost, Brock street. Tourist Trafic The tourist trafic from the Unit- ed States will be starting within a few weeks. The roads throughout this section of Ontario are reported to be better than last year, and many will cross the border at Kingston, via the Cape Vincent ferry. Engagement Announced, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wurtele, Lachine, Que., ancounce the engage- nent of their daughter, Brenda, to W. F. Lundy Carre, son of the late Henry Carre, CF., and Mrs. Carre, Belleville, The marriage is to take place ealy m June. Degrqs Conferred. "The degree of Bacaetor of Veter- inary Science was conferred at a special convocation of the University of Toronto, on A. L. McNabb, Smita's Falls; W. R. Gunn, Avonmore; C, Young, Foxbar; A. W. McLeod, alex- andria. Water Is At Low Mark. Waters of Lake Ontario and the St. "Lawrence are unusually low this spring, according to cottage own- ers who have visited their proper- ties, Reports from the Thousana Islands place the river as two feet below last year's mark. Grant To The Fair, A check for $3,046.20, represent ing the maximum amount of stare aid in reimbursement on premiums pail at the 1922 exhibition of Cape Vincent, N.Y., agricultural fair hold last September, was received from the slate department of farms and mar- kets at Albany. «+ A Block Bang Robuilt. The - Saylor block, in Trenton, which' was patially destroyed by fire some months ago, is fast getting into shape again. The three store sections on the ground floor will be in readiness for occupancy in the course of two weeks and the second floor, which is to be fitted up for general meetings or lodge gatherings, will be completed shortly after. Dean Quinn's Funeral. The arrangements for the funeral of the late Rev. Father John Quinn have been completed, The runeral will take place at the parish church, Tweed, at 9 a.m. on Friday, when a solemn requiem high mass will be sung by His Grace Archbishop Spratt, for the repose of his soul. A large attendance of the Priests of the diocese is expected. Noted Best Capt Corps. On Friday, Captain Herron, tue District Cadet Officer, inspected the P. C. I. Cadets on the collegiate éam- pus :* Perth. A large crowd of Perth citizens witnessed the mspec- tion, The be 2m received most un- 8 praise from Capt. Herron, who i ttally declared them to ! | | | His Grace Archbishop Spratt wilt | Hollinger, who passed away Sacrament of Con- |! week at a hospital in Honululu af- Carthagh Church, ter an illness of two wears, was re- bo the best cadet corps he had ever i including 4,325 magazines, Passed Away In Homululu. News of the death of Charles E. last [ceived in Almonte with regret by his |friends, The late Mr. Hollinger was 'a resident of Prescott prior to his departure for Honululu and was em- ployed as clerk at MeDermott Mec- Carthy's store. He was born in Almonte forty years ago, and fo: the past seventeen years had been a resident of the Hawaiian Islands. Canadian Pacific. 180 Wellington street, advise the following arrivals of their steamers. Empress of Scotland, from Cher- bourg and Southampton, due Quebec, May 10th. Mont Laurier, from Liverpool and Greenock, due Quebec, May 14th. Minnedosa, from Antwerp, South- ampton and Cherbourg, arrived Montreal, May Sth. Marloch, from St. John, due Liver- pool, "May 10th. Marvale, from Glasgow and Bel- fast, due Quebec, May 10th. Empress of Canada, from Vancou- Hong Kong, May 20th. Empress of Asia, from Vancouver, arrived HongKong, May 7th. Empress of Russia, from Hong- Kong and Yokohama, arrived Van- couver, May 7th. eect The Penitentiary Library. In the library at Portsmouth pem- itentiary there are 11,819 volumes, 2,159 fiction, 3,297 educational, 634 his- tery, 117 biography, 277 French, 49 Italian, 75 natural history, 'as wen as books on agriculture, . botany, chemistry, mining and other tech- ver, due Yokohama, May 14th and nical subjects. The library is 1n- | dexed and handled on the regular | card system. Each inmate 1s uy | lowed to have ome book at a tima| as well as books necessary to any: special course he may be studying | He makes out a list of the books he wishes in order of preference and is | given them, one at a time, as they are available. His reading iz done | in his cell during the noon hour anc in the evenings between six and | nine. From Whig Fyles May 10th, 1913, At meeting of the Board of Educa- tion it was decided to allow the for- mation of a cadet corps at the col- legiate institute. The local Board of Trade will work for better wharf accommoda- tion in Kingston. Two Kingston boys found body ct Frank A. Copley, with bullet in his brain, in old poathouse on Barriefleld shore. City Baseball League organized and schedule drawn, with C.L.C.'s, Victorias and Athletics entered. May 10th, 1903. Large bush fire reported west of Westbrooke. D. P. Branigan advertising mana- ger. of .the Victoria Day celebration committee, is making good progress in "talking up" this feature through- out Eastern Ontario. It was announced at opening of new "Keswick" restaurant, Brock street, thdt meal tickets could Le purchased at rate of thirteen cents per meal. Y.M.C.A. lacrosse club organizad and an endeavor will be made to en- ter in distriat league. Appendicitis Be a contd Jus 201 3 Sass; a box, "I Avoided an Operation Mrs. James Wells, Udora, Ont., writes Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills Disappeared" All dealers or Edmanson, Bates the health and whole family to This is not such a expense as some oeciarys 4 s dealer Kiros d uiune Comfort For Them What a difference it makes to For ve a warm, imagine. 1 be Sia : home Js Su heme plan the the heating system; install it: and of satisfac that sero weather . at your ot es" of the Le OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS || AGO. ; Builders' Woodwork Any of the above can be built specially for your home. Come and see our designs--they are very suggestive. KITCHEN CABINETS MANTELS MEDICINE CABINETS STAIRWAYS a SUN PARLORS SLEEPING PORCHES SIDEBOARDS BUFFETS PERGOLAS ETC. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, 1 Ont, "Factory Phonv 1413 MOTHER! YOUR by BIT hy Tou CHILD) KNOW THAT ¢ ONE ou EVERY FIVE SUFFERS ww ix E MALNUTRITION? IS YOUR CHILD p on LISTLESS, NERVOUS, NO APPETITE, FRET. FUL? THE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH. YOU, GIVE THEM OLAJEN. CHILDREN LIKE IT. AND SEE THEM ROSY, RUDDY, ROBUST AND STURDY. PRESCRIBED AND ENDORSED BY LEADNG CHILD SPECIALISTS GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Automobile Rugs Beautiful pure wool Scotch Plaids * and plain Mohair in the new colors at $13.50, $10.00, $7.00 and $5.00 ea. NEW SILK SCARFS Plain and fancy weaves in the new « shades at $1.25, $1.75, $2.00 og] $2.25 each. SWEATER COATS * Our assortment of Sweater Coats is very large and comprises all the new. est of this season's styles and makes in Slip-overs, Tuxedos and Jacquards