FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1928. | Frontenac BUNKER'S HILL. May, :23.--This district has beer baving a lot of rain. It has been good for the meadows and every- thing is looking fine. The majority of the farmers in this district are send- ing their cream to Toronto. The' roads are in a very muddy condition following the heavy rains. 4, ™y Te -- ARDEN. ; May 21.--A gloom was cast over this vicinity, on Friday, when death claimed a highly respected lady In the person of Mrs. James Willlam. Although she was in her eighty-first year, she enjoyed remarkable health until about a week before her death. There is left to mourn the loss of a loving mother four sons and three . daughters, Claud, at the homestead, Minor Williams, Laura, Sask.; Mil- ton and Jake Willlams, Manitoba; Mrs. H. Hall, Toronto; Mrs. Frank File, Ottawa, and Mrs. B. Detlor, of this place. The floral offerings were numerous. The Service was wonducted in St. Paul's by Rev. Mr. Coleman, assisted by Rev. H. Hall The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Mountain Grove. LAKE OPINIOON. May 19.--The big rains are a sel- back to the farmers putting in their crops. Our Sunday School opened for the summer on Sunday. A plea- sant time 'was spent Saturday, on the shore of Opinicon Lake at a birthday party in honor of Miss Olive Emmons and Bern: Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Austin are spending some time among friends here. C. CANADIAN NATIONAL RL'YS Schedule of trains at Kingston City Depot, foot of Johnson Street. - Effective May. 13th, 1923. Time) ( GOING WEST Leave City Arrive City . 19--Mail ....1325 am. 1.02 am. . 21--Fast ,... 1.20 am. am. . 17--~Fast .... % am. am. p.m. ROE Lr be ~ wo o BON UI Ww C100 80 =e) a3 No. 30--Loeal .. 11.35 pm. No's 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 20, 31 run daily. All other trains daily except Sunday For Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other jnlormation, apply to: A C.P. & T. A. Phone 99. June 1--Montealm Venn June J--Marglem .... 'lis at J. Perry's, From the Countryside a couple of days at his bome here. Rev. and Mrs. McMath spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ritchie, Perth Road, spent Sunday at A. Darling's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith and Olive at K. Darling's; H. Lyons, Latimer, made a business itrip here Thursday. H. Austin, K. Darling and C. Tolsoa- motored to Kingston on Friday. Tgqlson spent MISSISSIPPL May 20.--Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Gilmour, Elphin, spent Sunday wii Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddell. Mrs. D. Rogers, Perth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Olmstead on Friday ot last week. Russell Irwin, Ashdad, spent the week-end with friends =m the village. T. Dowdell, spent a couple of Jays with his daughter, Mrs. R. Balderson, Balderson, last week, Raymond Castle, Maberly, spent Sunday with william Riddell Robert Gibson and his extra gang, who ase working at Ashdad, epent the week-end at their homes here. OOLE LAKE. ; May 22.--Cole Lake was visited with a very heavy rainstorm Sunday night. William Kennedy has gone north for the summer. Miss Eliza Judge is visiting her brother, Wwiil- 'am Judge, in Belleville. Miss Bes- gle Kennedy has gone to Murvale for @ while. Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Wilton, spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Shillington. Arch Jacksop has returned from visiting relatives in Vennachar. Miss M. Vilneff is spending a few days at R. Jackson's. A number trom here attended the convention at Tamworth. HARLOWE. May 21.--The farmers are getting along nicely with their spring work. Nearly all have finished planting corn. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hiller, Rob- lin, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott, had the mis- fortune to break their car on their way home, and were detained over night. S. Gray, Ardoch, Miss V. Parks, Harlowe and Miss Cathaleen Gray have gone to visit at Tam- worth with relatives. Claud Parss has returned home after being away for some time. Mrs. T. Whiteman R. Cuddy at White's. Miss Anna 'White at Mrs. J. Miller's. Mrs. C. Bott, Miss | Florence and Mr. and Mrs. T. Wood 'm. | attended the funeral of Mrs. Wil liams at Ardendale on Sunday, the 20th. PITTSFERRY. May 21.--The recent rains have stopped the farmers from working on the land for a few days. Miss Gladys Ranous, nurse-in-training, Kingston General Hospital, is home [with her parents for her holidays. Rev. Mr. Caswell presented himsell for a call at St. John's Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. A large number of members were present. Owing to the severe rain storm om Sunday evening there was no ser: vice held in St. Lawrence church. Miss Lottie Sliter, Lansdowne, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ranous for the week-end. R. Watts, Woelfe Island, spent the week-end at B. Orr's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Me- Fadden and son spent Sunday at J. Edgar's. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean motored to Perth on Saturday FLORIDA. May 21.--The weather continues cold, with rains nearly every day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, West- brook, and little daughter, Orabell, vigited at Mrs. C. Garrison's, Yarker, recently. Miss Eva Guess spent the week-end at her home in Sydenham. Mrs. William Shillington, Cole Lake, kas returned home after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mra. John Peters. Mrs. AMred Comptoa and children visited friends in King- ston. Edwin and Hilton Jeffrey, Hartington, were Sunday visitors at their brother's, Charles Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Martin, Odessa, at Fdward Martin's. A number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of John Peters on Thurs- day evening, May 17th, and gave a Ri:'shewer" in honor of their daughter f{ana her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- am Shillington. An enjoyable time } | was spent. NN KEPLER. May 21.--The recent heavy ratus 5 g i a CONCRETE HIGHWA are economical MANY municipalities have learned by roads are. Swiftly moving nized road 'traffic. For modern traffic trucks have revolutioni nent highways are necessary, and ultimate economy must be consi ing our highways. when experience how some vehicles, and heavily laden perma~ idered The country's requirements call for an even greater speeding up of Canada's modern road building programme in order to cope success~ fully with present day traffi C. Concrete highways aré permanent. They reduce upkeep costs to a. minimum and thus lessen the taxpayer's burden. Experience has shown that Concrete roads are most economical in the long run. Concrete highways lower haulage costs, thus benefitting both farmer and consumer. The even surface invites tourist trade and contributes to the comfort of every user. Faced as we are with the need of providing roads capable of withstanding the increased strain of modern fic, we surely must recognize that road economy calls for the adoption of that higher type of paving which concrete makes possible. CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED " Canada Cement Company Building Phillips Square Montreal TORONTO WINNIPEG CALGARY week-end with friends here. T. Lawrence and. wife and daughter, Bernice, Bath, visited friends here recently. W. Brawley and family, Spaffordton, were recent visitors at Howard Buck's, Mrs. Bushey has gone to the city. E---- UNIONVILLE, May 21.--The farmers are far ad- vanced with their seeding, some al- ready finished. Things are looking better since the rain. Preparatious are being made for the new schooi. They are busy drawing sand for mak- ing the brick." Willie Davey, Veroun, bas drilled a well at the school. Gor- don Clark who has had rheumatiom is improving. Mr. Kpapp, who has teen with his daughter, Toronto, for the winter, returned, home for a few days and is iow on his way to Vao- couver to spend the summer With his aister. Jennie Schaut is with her sis- ter, Mrs. Earl Clark, Glenvale. Con: gratulations are extended to Glee MecRory who got her B.A, at Queen's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin at John S¢haut's, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Blake who have been visiting at their brother's, Elwood Silver, have returned Home. Claude McRory is home after teach- ing. David Clark was in the city on Saturday. TICHBORNB. x May 19.--The weather being fine most of the farmers have finished their seeding. ~The L.O.B.A. bal on time. Mr. 0'Tool, Ottawa, 'business trip to his mines on Wednesday last. He intends i 23 gf i Sis at Cedar Park and they are enjoy- ing the. good salmon fshing. Del- bert Corey has purchased a cur. The boys are enjoying themselves here in the evenings practising foot- ball. M. J. Johnston is preparing to build a barn on his farm at Web- ster's Bay. ROCKFIELD. May, 21.--The rainy weather of the: past week has put a stop to all work on the land, and the road commissioners called out their men and dM some repairing on the roads on Friday and Saturday last. John- ston Warren is able to be around again after being laid up for sey- eral days as a result of a kick froma Jhorse. Miss Gertrude Price re- turned to her home at Mountain Grove last week after spending some time at L. O. Warren's. * R. Web- ster had the misfortune to lose a vaiuable cow last week, Mrs, Kenneth Birtch underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis in Broc hospital on Thursday last and iy do- ing as well as can be expected. Mr. and (Mrs. H. Andress, Mallorytown, were Sunday guests at 8. Green's. Mrs. Moorehead, Warburton, visited at R. Webster's last week. -- v CHAFFEY'S LOCKS. May 19.--The farmers have near- turned from Palatka, Florida, where he spent the winter. Mrs. M. II. Kieran and little eon and Miss Ethel Fleming, Moatreal; T. H. Fleming, Paris, Texas; R. J. Flem- ing, Toronto, are spending a few days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fleming. Stanley Thorpe, Rochester, N.Y., is a guest of R. J. Fleming. J. E. O'Brien, Montreal, has arrived and is occupying his cot- tage here. James Lundy is visiting at Prescott the past few days. Miss Goldsmith, Toromto, has returned home after spending a few days with Mrs. F. Etherington at "Fetter- cairn." W. E. Phillips is improving under the attention of Dr. Ethering- ton in the General Hospital, King- ston. Miss Phillips is spending a few days in Kingston. | Lennox & Addington VENNACHAR, May 19.--Alexander Jackson took a gang of men from around here to work in a rock cut on the Cloyne and Denbigh automobile road. Simon Ball, Denbigh; has a government grant of money to improve the Plev- na and Denbigh stage road. Mrs. Alberta Gregg, who was in the Gen- eral hospital, is gaining health, Miss Jannie Bebee and A. D. Bebee ac- companied by their parents, visited Mr. and Mrs, Webster, Oso, nny week. Archie Jackson, Cole Lake, is spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Jacksen. Herbert Fritch, Denbigh," made the near future. A ---------------- a Gray. send for the rest of the} 1ittle son, Archie, Toronto. were visti. | Wesley and dn ACTUAL 'RESULT OF POLICY NO. 18263 IN ON ARTHUR POWELL, 414 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON Policy Issued June 1st, 1903, for §1,000--20 Year Eadowmeat. Actual Gain 5306.00 Total [3 Mr. Powell had Free e for 20 years and $306.00 besides.. n Pawel! aad Insuring IF LEATHERLAND. "DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight PRINCESS ST. . SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT F .C. HAMBROOK 115 Broek Street Phone 1923wn J. ARNIEL and Alfred Streets Phone Rant ARNIEL & HAMBROOK (CATERERS) NO DINNER TOO LARGCE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. LET'S THINK BACK-- AND THEN AHEAD Mrs. Archie | Mies Winnie Noras, spent Sunda |. Grays: Chari Pied ot he Ber pts, Mr. and : Whiticar at George if GREAT WEST LIFE | a