Daily British Whig (1850), 25 May 1923, p. 14

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FRIDAY, MAY 25, 102%. GRAND ALL NEXT WEEK MUSICAL COMEDY and FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS JOE MALL PRESENTS The Rose of Panama Girls FEATURING VERA HASSEN, Singing and Dancing Soubrette-- BABY DOROTHY, the Child Actress in Songs, Dancing and Comedy ~--JOE MALL, that Funny Comedian. . PRETTY GIRLS----BEAUTY CHORUS, A SIX REEL FEATURE PICTURE RUDOLPH V in "THE DELICIOUS LITTLE DEMON" m Complete Change of Programme Thursday PRICES... .. Lower Floor.35c. Balcony 25c. Gallery 13¢. . Matinee, 25¢. and 10c, | AMUSEMENTS eS Musical Comedy. and Pictures. Theatregoers of Kiagston will be offered a noveily bill at the Grand Opera House for one week commenc- ing on Monday, May 28h with a mat- inee on Wednesday and Saturday af- | ternoons. The programme consists of musical comedy and feature photoplays. "The Rose of Panama Girls" featuring Vera Hassen, Sing- ing and Dancing Soubrette, Baby Dorothy, the Child Actress in songs, dancing and comedy, Joe Mall, the funny comedian and a beauty chorus who sing and dance their way to the hearts of the audience. The pic- i | ture part of the programme includes | a six reel photoplay featuring Fod- | olph Valentino and Mae Murray in "The Delicious Little Demon." Thedfrégoers who have made a fav- - aarice GREAT MYSTERIOUS MARTINE IN HIS WONDERFUL MIND PUZZLING BOX FEAT One of the most mystifying acts on the stage to-day. To see it once is to see it again, ALLEN Te, la 18 DIV) on a Sourh | Big Double Bill Lo WI EV, Te | LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. Mr. Swaine, plano "nner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 564w, Joan McCullough and J. H. Col- linson, Hamilton, were Present at the mounted sports of the Royal Military college. The Jubilee singers arrived to. day from Belleville and are being entertained by members of Princess street Methodist church, The band stand at Macdonald park will have to undergo some elec- irical work before it will be ready for the bana concerts, Arrange- nients are being made for this work now, The remains of the late Mary Hutchison were sent ' M. P. Keyes fi ing to St. Ca thent will take place. On May 24th there was no de- livery of mail in the city and all the stores were open. On June 4th, when the King's birthday will pe observ. ed, all the stores will be closed ana there will be one mail delivery, Take the steamer Waubic for an outing, Saturday and Sunday, May 26th and 27th to Cape Vincent on Saturday, Trip through the Islands and Cape Vincent on Sunday, leavy- Ing Kingston 7:00 a.m. ang 1:15 p.m. Fare for day only 75¢c return. AUCTION SALE Saturday, May J0tn Market Square, 12 Studebaker (6), Chevrolet Baby nd, Maxwell and Ford Roads all in good running order. RB RS WM, MURRAY, NOTICE I will be pleased to conduct Auction Sales in Kin; Frontenac. gston or the County of ates reasonable. Arran made at my office T"Eements can ™ J MUNRO, uctioneer, Corner Clarence = BEE "AUCTION SALE ™™ Of five-passenger Car; : Market Square, © Kingston, at a 0 EW lhcxson gon AUCTION SALE Monday, 1 pam. (Instea Saterday a¢ 113 Lower Albert Stomraréer), 3 Bedroom Suites, Brass Bed, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Dining-room Set, Chi- nas dalkery, Happy ought and Gas and Hose, ote. we Toy W. T. Twigg, 'action: Phones 1785W, gao°s A Ser. wn. to Creditors -- of Alfred Simmons, of the City of ge NOTICE is hereby glven that all - Sons having claims against the estate of the above nameq Alfred Simmo who died on or about the 30th day of ber, 1922, are. or delive ors Chae ay er Sa 8 hy ay of ys 193 which' sdminiatraior vin" Sie say's ert havin Neath then have notice. gehich bo # Dat ims of which he sha ed this 10th 5 > " WALKS ALI Administrator, VIVIAN siMGNE Administ : J Mrs. . Only 2 More Days Don't miss it ! AT ---- AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP Saturday Matinee serves. 2.80 | Evening ..2 shows 7 and 9.15 SPECIAL PERFORMANCE SATURDAY MORNING For Children 10 o'clock ICE is hereby given that the of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Pittsburg, ll be held in the Town Hall, Barrie- Monday, June 4th, 1928, at o'clock, a.m. All persons having business at the Court will please govern them- accordingly. WM. MURRAY, : Township Clerk." Barriefield, May 26th, 1923, first r orite of Rodolph Valentino the hand- some young Italian screen artiste 'who has played with Dorothy Gish, Clara Kimball Young and Dorothy Philips; have probably recognized this dark eyed young man as the pop- ular dancer who formerly acted as partner for the graceful Joan Sav yor. As Miss Sawyer's team-mate, Mr. Valentino became the social | favorita of the east appearing in | New York theatres and dancing pal- | «| aces and also on tour of the Keith | and Orpheum circuits. | On At The Allen There is nothing new in sending a | motion picture ovmpany to foreign lands to film a production. It's be- ing done now every day. "Tha Christian" was partly filmed in Eng- | land; so was 'Sherlock Holmes." | "Ben Hur" is to be photographed in Palestine and Italy. But Goldwyn | established a precedent when it sent } the entire cast of "Lost and Found," | the photoplay which was shown at | the Allen theatre yesterday, to the | island of TRehiu in the Souh, Seas. | This was the first time in the history | of the island that an entire company had been sent there to make a 1ea- ture production. Undoubtedly it | Was a costly expedition; but the beauty of the tropical settings more than justify the effort and expense. | The thrilling dramatic story was ex- pertly directed by R. A. Walsh. The Mysterious Martini mystified | the audience at the Allen last night with his escaping feats, using strong box locked, enveloped in a canvas | cover and bound with rope, a pillory | steel color and handcuffs, | The feature of the act was his en- | trance into a solid wooden box, double locked by a member of the audience, tied with 75 feet of rope, then enveloped in a canvas cover fastened with eighteen straps and buckles and 'then bound with an- other 75: feet of pope. Martini claims his act to be the only one of his kind on the stage today. Robin Hood. The immense popularity of "Robin Hood," starring Douglas Fairbanks, as the Strand Theatre this week is evidenced by the fact that this film is now completing a full week's run with crowded houses at every per- formance. Regular movie patrons who have seen "Robin Hood" al- ready are loud in their praise of this magnificent film which is filled with action and wonderful scenes through every foot of film. Telling. their Iriends' of this great picture the | | ran ashore crowds have continued to flock to the Strand, knowing that they are assured of seeing one of the best plc- tures that has beem shown in King- sten in a long time. On Saturday morz'ng a special performance is 0 be given at 10 a.m. for the child- ren. for the picture is especially ap- realing to them and many of the kidiies have mot yet had a chance to ree it, On Saturday night it wil be shown twice, a 7 p.m. and 9 p. m. There are only these last few opportunities left to see "Rovian Hood" and anyone who is interes:ed fa the finest example of "'Bettar Mcvies" should mot overlook ths up- portunity of seeing it. er ea A STEAMER RAN ASHORE NEAR BROPHY'S POINT Maplebranch Believed to Have Had Trouble With the Steering Gear. of the Donnelly gs? red at noon on Friday, to go fo the assistance ot the' steamer ° Maplebranch. which S during the morning near Brophy's Point. It 1s understcod that experienced |ed at Queen's lower campus on Fri- MATERIALS: Voiles, Voile. COLORS are Lemon, Gingham, Normandy Beige and Tangerine. Featuring Styles That Are Particular Expressive of Ratine Dress Special 6.50 In all shades--made with contrasting colored trim- mings and binding--belted at side with hand-drawn work. Sizes 34 to 42. MAUVE GREY HOSIERY SPECIALS SILK STOCKINGS 89c. PAIR (Standards) They are pure Thread Silk Hose-- very durable and only slight imperfections have prevented them from being sold at $1.50 pair, and when we say slight imperfections we mean defects that will have little or no effect on the wear. SAND ROSE BLUE WHITE LIMITED I'4 PRINCESS STREET THE COLLEGIATE JACKSON-MFITVIR <UL aCLOAKS A SUPERB SHOWING ® Pretties Sport Rose, Almond, Mauve, Grey, French Crepe, Ratines, Dotted Swiss, Green, Pink, Youth Suits For Outing and Sports Wear. Speciall Priced for Quick Sale Saturday y *19 S90 Values to $35.00. All styles are included in this range -- Box Back, Norfolk--plain tailored and Sports models--in shades of Blue, Fawn, Tan, English J Grey and mixtures. Materials of Wool, English Tweed and Homespun, An Sizes 34, 36, 38. Cream Flannel Suits Tailored Box Coats, full lined, in attractive styles, Sizes 34, 38, CLOCKED SILK HOSIERY $1.50 pair Extra quality Pure Silk Hosiery with Silk embroidered Clock--all Brown, Fawn, Grey and Black. the new shades: INSTITUTE SPORTS Being Held on Queen's Campus | --Results of Morning Events. The annual field sports of the Kingston Collegiate Institute open- day morning; a number of events being run off in preparation for tue more important events in the after- noon. There was an interested crowd of spectators on hand for the occasion, and the many close con- tests provoked a great deal of up plause, Capt. H. E. Law, physical instruc tor at the collegiate, was in charpe of the proceedings, which were stag- ed with very little delay between the series. G. Scott made = record | showing in the morning events of | the senior division, taking first place in four events, and second in another. B. Vince captured the | honors in the junior boy's series, heading the list in each event that | Mayell and R. Skinner. be entered. Miss A. Somner made 60 yard dash, semior, H. Kennedy, a good showing among the semior|R. Skinner and G: Holland, girls, while Miss Cooke was the best 100 yard dash, junior, Miss Cooke of the juniors. A tug of war be- Mies Simmons and N. Trenhaile. tween the girls of 2A and 2D re- 60 yard dash, junior, K. Somner, sulted in a 'win for the former after D, Burns and H. Friendship, two hard struggles. {o--t---------- Following are the results of the a A UNITED STATES LOAN -- © Senior ] iy % mile run--R. Gardiner, 0. Bear ; ol! ; @nce and R. Burnside, time, 2 min. { 12 sec; 440 yard dash, G. Scott, 0. Bear-| Great Britain Thought Likely ance and R. Burnside, time 531; to Display a Sympathetic Attitude. sec. 220 yard dash, G. Scott, R. Burn -- New York, May 25.--Although side and I. Fraser, 26% sec. 100 yard dash, G. Scott, R. Trow. | wan street brokers and heads of 3 Investment houses exhibited consid- % | erable interest today in reports that zd | négotlations were under way for a --g i States loan of $25,000,000 to the Irish 'State, none would in- silk $21.75 DIED AT WAGARVILLE. ---- The Late Enoch Simpkins Aged Eighty-One Years. a Wagarville, May 22.-- On Wednes- day evening a highly reapected resi- dent passed away in the person of Enoch Simpkins, aged elghty-ons | years. A few woeks ago, deceased | suffered a stroke but recovered, ana was able to be out. On the Saturday before his death he took pneumonia and another stroke and passed away. He was a good neighbor ana always ready to lend a helping hana to those in need. He leaves to moury | his laws his third wife Mr. Duncan, officiating, after which the remains were laid to rest at Par. ham cemetery beside his first and second wives, A number from here attended the convention at Tamworth last week. In what way is one of these eof ers breaking a courtesy dictate ot the game? - The answer will be found among today's want ads. -- ------ On May 14th, Almira Brown, wife Mies Gladys Cronk 1s under the doctor's 'care at Ente She 1s suffering from rheumatism. Frank Snider arrived home from Kingston General Hospital and is gaining nice- ly. W. A. We bas - purchased a of the late A. C. Dalmadge passed away at her home, Royal street, in her eighty-fifth year. Deceased was born in the township of Athol 'and had lived her entire life ia Prince Edward county, The death of George M. Weeks, Gshawa, formerly of Melville, oceur~ Ted on May 20th, at Toronto General Hospital, where he had gone for me- dical treatment. : AAA at i 4 SPECIAL SALE IV TRIMMED HATS $5.95 Mec- | dicate that his company had been - 376 Princess Street.

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