¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG .. TWO NEWEST BATHING SUITS 3 The Latest Frocks Range From Frills to Straight ~ MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1928, UNVEILING MARTIN MEMORIAL Pure Green Tea-- is guaranteed the finest when it bears the name "SALADA" Famous for its Flavor--Just try asample. -- MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. Hotpoint Electrical Appliances Se IRONS, TOASTERS or anything you may need. DISTRIBUTOR FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS BURKE ELECTRIC CO. 73 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 433. ¢ of the more fitted jersey model. ers cap to protect her locks from the The taffeta suit is pavy with white |water. \ \ Just = dots outlining the bolero jacket and the two skirt floun The little trunks are also of taffeta. Smith's face wes wrapped wp 8 The black jersey suit is made all bandages. One could see only his in one piece, with white jersey pip- [eyes and mouth. ing and white linen belt. The wear-| "Hallo, old man, what ia the er adds a gay color note in the red, (world is the matter? asked Ms strate the radical differences of linc. [white and blue rubberized bandan- [friend. "Had an accident?™ The tiered creation of taffeta is in (nas. Beneath the one she wears as "Oh, no,' replied Smith, "I'm just direct contrast to_the straight lines a bead-kerchief is a tight little (div. [wearing these to keep warm." Now the Bolero Jacket and the Simplicity of Line Distinguishes This Flounced Skirt of this Suit of White White-Piped Black Jersey Sait, Dotted Navy Taflcta, a by Annette Bradshaw, Taste aiffers widely mn bathing suits. The choice of a bathing suit today also depends upon the locality in which it is to be worn. . While simple jersey suits are s!l the rags in some places, there are em hundred thousand would have been able to Boni. Today it is different. Most Canadians now other beaches whore the suits are in- variably of taffeta or satin or print- ed silk or chiffon. The two shown here serve to fllu- e apparently travelled greatiyl river for pe Martin in the Gulf Lawrence is also named after him. this was distinctive enough to justify the mes which has been raised to Martin in the Harbor * The handsome shaft of granite, nd T. Roxburg Smi Hon. Athanase Da d the AT BOE =e RIS "wie (m{ale. robably why Jesuit wri of Pas Abraham rT came from Perthshire and was one of the Guards of Louis XI. In 1614 Abraham brought wife to Canada and that he saw the actus) of New France may be gathered from the fact name was op the - of the ot hit parsons ip Canads from 1629 to 1632 and was He lates had ten "that who | shen known as a pilot FINGER NAIL HINTS, '_ ~ By Lucrezia Bori, the Famous Span- ish Prima Donna. Do you ever stop to. think how various parts of your body actually crave attention? 1f you think of your nails and your Bair, and your eyes and your hands as separate personalities, each ome Jonging for the loving care that will bring beauty in its wake, you will find yourself even more anxious to leave no beauty stone unturned. For if you consider them as only a minor part of you, it will be easier to deny yourself, and say: won't wash my hair today. cily, bul I'll wait." If you think of your poor bair. as actually craving the attention you are withholding, and suffering from It is a bit a "No, 1 the lack of it, you'll be much more anxious to devote & little of your time to making it mere fit and mora beautiful. It's the same way with your fin- ger-nails, about which I'm going to talk to you today. You can do much to enbance the charm of your nails if you keep the following articles in your dressing- table drawer. Of course, there are the usual manicure accessories, such as polish, pumice stone for cleaning under the rails, and your file. It is always best to file your nails, but for clip- ping them well at the corners you often find tiny nail scissors practic- ally indispensabls. I am going to tell you the special use you should make of your tube of white vaseline. When you find your nails seem dry and brittle and are prone to cracking, melt a bit of white vaseline and rube the warm liquid For months it k It's Always Sweet EALED in air-tight tins and sterilized, Carnation Milk comes to you as pure and sweet as if right from the cow. ning. eva is use. eeps sweet in the can and for several days Carnation is simply fresh whole milk with about 60% of the water removed by and sterilized. N or summer, for any ration, sealed in the container ed. Itis always , winter Keep a supply of Carnation Milk in the pantry. From your grocer o ple dn UR UR gl IE ey Cook with Carnation Milk. purposes=~Yet 80 pure an le that er aonot t cannot injure Sunlight--the purest la . . soap in Sat laundry makes it easier for you to keop the cuticle well pushed back. Remember a TE * taining 100 A delicious and dash of nutmeg - Mix well before serving. "From Contented tested recipes. Write for our new Cook Book con- ¥ CARNATION MILK PUNCH . refreshing drink may be made by diluting ice cold Carnation Milk in equal proportions. Sweeten with A (lastly, add the beaten white of an r juice may be used in place of the vanilla, according to taste. flavor with vanilla, and a CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY, LIMITED, 643 JOHN STREET, AYLMER, ONT. | n Cows"