Nowa. JUNE 11, 1989, I The Open R THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG oad Is Calling You. TReadthe Ads and Buy a Good Used Car Index to Classifications ! ai following classification headings ar in thig newspaper in the numer- | " order here given, closely allied ciasgifications being grouped together. The individual advertisements are arranged under these headings Ia \phabetital order for quick reference. ANNOUNCEMENTS Engagcments, Marriages. Deadihs. lig Memoriam. Card of Thanks $--Xuneral Directors. p--Funeral lowers. #--~_emetery. Lots, Monumenta. ¥--Lcdge Notices. §--Loming Lveals #--Persounals. Wr -Lost and Found AUTOMOBILES p----Automobile Agenciea Automobiles For Sale p--Auto Trucks For Sale, j=-Auto Accessorics--Tires--Parts, jarages--Autos for Hire--Tax'. Motorcycies and kicycles. Repairing---Service Stations --Wanted---Automobiles. BUSINESS SERVICE ness Services Offered. Building contracting. }--Cleaningt--Dyeing--HKenovating. --Dressmaking--Millinery. ating, Plumbing, Roofing. 3 [nsurance. Laundering. Moving, Arucking, Storage. Tumis, Papering, Decorating. I, er Professional Services. fdrchiioats. chitecta BArchiieen" $g=DenitL 38e--Legal. §f--Medical. teopal teopat. 4 Physiclans. Repairing. Talloring and Pressing. ~-Wanted--Businesg Service. The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADV ERTISING. Indexéd, standardized and popuisr« ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM inc, Philadelphia, Pa, All ads. are restricted- io thelr proper classification, and to the regular 'Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive lasertions: Minimum charge, 29 cents. Dally rates peor line. Charge Cash 6. days ress 4 days i 1 day ... EL ® Deaths=---Une insertion, charged. Births, Engagements, Marriages, $1.50; cash, $1.00. Card of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.80; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for Irregular fusertivns takes the one-time lnscr- tion rate, no ad. taken for less than basis of four ilues. Count six average words ine. J Charged ads. will be received by Jels pone and if paid at The Brite n Whig office within § days from in first day of insertion, cash rate will be alidwed. Ads. ordered ior more than one da; and stopped before expiration wi vnly be charged for the number of simes the &d. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. rate per line for white | 3pase is the same as & line of yp special rate for yearly FP Nertiaing upon request. rublishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Welephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. sesassrnenes to the Announcements _ Personals v FINANCIAL usiness Opportunities. nvestments, Stocks, oney to Loan. hmWanteg--To Borrow. Bonds ISHES--Halr, Moles. er SKIN BLEMIS Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, etc, removed permanently. Satisfac- tory Glasses fitted aud furnished after others have failed. Goitre cured with. . 38 vears' experience. Dr. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Fhroat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone lw. House 1135J. INSTRUCTION ndence Courses. al Instruction Classes. al Dancing, Dramatic. private --Shatrugt) on. LIVE thn --Dogs, Cats, Pets. Horses, Cattle, Implements. Poultry and Supplies. Wahtea-Live Stock. MERCHANDISE --Articles For Sale. a--Barter and Exchan Business nd Office Boats Bulldi and Bullding j--Farm and Dairy Pr Da uaa. Ban ipment. § Materials Homemade Things. Household Goods. ewelry and Watches. $1--M chinery and Tools. [usical Instruments. $4--Specials at the Stores. $--Wearing Apparel S$6--Wantea--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT 67] re To Ear here To Shop in anted--Rooms or card. BEAL ESTATE R RENT Apartments an and Flats. usiness Places For Rent. rms For Rent - . . COLLIE DOG--Los ENVBLOPE BICYCLE--Found. PARASOL--Lost, in Al Lost and round 10 BLACK GLOVE--Found, silk, lady's, al- new. Owner may have so baby's boot, ¥ Shop, 142 same at Quick's Butcher Clergy Street. . - an cok tag No. 845; las een running with car on Bath Road, Sunday afternoon. Please care for him and notify Wil- Mam Bermingham, Centre Street, Kingston. Phone 513. - Found, containing stamps, picked up in the post office lobby. Apply Postmaster James Stew- art. COVER--Found, for Detroit Free Press cart. Owner may have same at 154 York Street. Owner may have same by proving property at 13 Low- er Charles Street. KEYS--Found, on Princess Street, two on ring. Owner may have same at W fice. s Theatre, on Thursday evening, 3: Blue Silk, with ivory tip and amber and blue hahdle. Finder please phone 1248J. Re- war PRAYER BEADS---Found, Catholic, on Union "ttreet. Owner may have same at 42 Wellington Street. VALIBE--Found, contaluing fountain pens, on. York Road. Qwner may have same at Gourdler's. "86 Princess Street. WEDDING RING--Lost, narrow, gold, with hinge. In Cataraqui Cemetery. Finder please return to Whig Office, louses For Rent. Reward. Automobiles a laces For Reat. 3l--Wanted--To Rent. Automobiles For Bale ~ REAL ESTATE POR | SALE R--Brokers- 4 Real Es Bh a Sale. Houses or Ale ts F Property or Sale. CARS--GRAY AND GRAY DORT. NEW | PRICE LIST. STANDARD TOURING $1365; PHAETON TOURING $1395; SPECIAL TOURING $1485; SIX CY- GRAY r, bearing | _____ | inal you need at the lowest possi as many people as possible. just right, though most of i will never buy. name and address. Alphabetical arrangement conv Made-to-Order Some of the ads in the A4B-C Classified Section every day are made just to your messure--fit you down to the ground--Dbecause they tell you how to get egctly what Most of the advertising you see is ready-made--to fit But when you turn to the A-B-G Classified Section to-day, you can put your finger directly on the ads that interest you--as surely as though they began with your enience--that's the answer! ~ eed the A-B-C Ads regularly--Dbeginning to-day! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ~ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY, ble cost. Some 'of it may hit you t is about things that you of ads means classified a a -- Automobiles. es MoLAUGHLIN--35, 4in first class con=- by rT very reasonable. Also one Ford a car. Blu Garages, Ltd. er mm UDEBAKER--FouUr passenger, clu Deter first class condition, five new cord tires. Phone 359 or 1338w, UDEBAKER-- Flve passenger tour- gy fully equipped; excellent condi- tion; cord tires. A bargain. Apply Myore's, W Wellington Stre ret. Auto Accessories Tires--Parts 13 OIL--We can supply you with any kind of oll, and we seli at right prices. Any old way you want, from a pint to a barrel. Corner Queen and On- _tario streets. Garages--Autos wor Hre--1ax 14 TAXI--The only place which furnishes LUCY--or. George Fy SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, Business Services, TTS ES -- Chiropractic MARCELIS--Wm., "A. D.C. Ph C., cor- ner Princess and Burin Streets. 3nd tioor, barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation tree. Telephone 832). Hours ¥ 10 12 am, ito § p.m. Lr. Jennie A Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists a Graduate Nurse, 330 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone 943w. Hours § to 13 a.m. 1 to §, and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis and con- sultaticn free. Iesidential calls by polintment. Dental 28d. 159 Brock. Wellington street, corner of Ehone 348. KNAPP--Dr. A. B, Dentist. O Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 653w. Open evenings by appuintment a proper 24 hours taxi service. 8494. _M. Corkey. ~ Business ¢ Service CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barr and Solicitors. 78 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. | AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon-| est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King] Street. Pnone 820J or 1:35w, NTERING -- "Carpenter Tr and builder. kstunates given on all class- | es of work; hardwood fooring. James | . Jarrell, il Bagut BStreel. taone! PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim | Reporting, Auditing, Advertising. Bus-| iness Service, 14 Market Street. hone a BELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water hot: Fey the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary weil drillers in Froutenac and Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. lor full information, write to FF. J. Garri- olebrook, Unt. axing: tillinery 21 HATS Mrs McLaughlin, 113 Lower He ham ptreet, will take orders tor | making trimming and remodeling. Terms moderae. HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleats ing; work guersateed. Mars. BE. A Card, 3o% Barrie Sureet. 1% blocks SHEA--Ambrose, Bb. A, UPHOLSTERING ~ 'REVELLE -- Adrian 1, Barrister and Solictor, 69 Ciarence Street, Kingstun. Phone 2475. Barrister and Solicitor. Law oftice, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money te=ioan. Phone 1999. Usteopathy | PRACTICAL SUGQESTIONS--On to answer your child'y Suestions about birth, etc. Send lve. tor to Dr. and see street. Rubber vice. real and Queen streets. ser« 'ourner Mont- UPHOLSTERING--New of oF Naed" Fural- ture, work guaranteed. Call rop a W. J. davine, 21¢ Bagot street. vered uttons ordered. Upholster- prices." BE. J. Good- Nags: 244 University Avenue. Phone card. from Frincess street. a Insurance FIRE--AutomoDie Gud Casually insure | ance. i. M. Crumley, 42v Earl Ntreel. Phone 1782M. i! FIRM --Heaith, Accident and Automos bile Insurance. For rates vr.aay in- formation call or phone k. W iliams, 2 VI Representing reliable companies in all branches of the business. 303 hing Street. Phone 394. COOK--Ge! LPHULSTERING--ARd gonera! Tepalr, ing. Leave orders at or drop a 'te F. W. Harvld, 134 Clergy ie EN SESE Employment Help Wanted--semale 32 ral, mi Teaged person preferred, family of three; no laundry; woman in to clean gvery week; high- est wagés. Apply Box V-2I, Whig Office. v Help Wanted--Female 32 INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B, Cooke, lastrict asanager. Phones: Res.. 343w., Omice: Suéw. = 1% liable INSURANCE--Omiy tfle most le Strange GIRL--For general housework; tw in family. Apply Mrs. Hanson, , Wel- lington Street. HOUSEMATDO--Who WII assist with children. Apply Orphans' Home, Union Street. | DO Emplo yment ~ Help--Male or Female Ba SMACK--The ideal soft drink flavor: cov, refreshing, satisfying, healthful and delightfully tasty; made at home --in a Jiffy; enormous demand; pro- mise to solicit orders with ten cents will bring selling sample enough for twenty-five glasses. Secure thig bysi- ness in your territory and make money hand over fist this summer. Belling experience or capital unneces- .y Bradiey-Garretson, Braatford, nt Salicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 NURSERY STUCK--An agency for a reilaie nursery drm | profitable. You can sell (n country, tewn or city. We Srvw and sell the best only, and waat reliable, energetic agents 10r unrepre- nted terr tories. Write Dow. Bel: ham Nursery Co. Toronto. Financial Money to | to Loan x FRONTENAC--Loan an Society: incorporated 1361. nt W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. BARU Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mor Ayes pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; de- osits received and interest sllowed. C. Cartwright, mauager, 37 Clarence Street. Kingston. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board 67 BOARDING HOUSE--Openea for sum. mer visitors, good bathing, boatir f@shing, goud accommodation Apply Mrs. john Lyon, Canningten, Ont, R _R. No. 2. BOARD AND ROOMS First class, by day or week. All conveniences. Rea- sonable rates. Avply 298 University Avenue, near Broc treet. FRONT ROOMS--Two bright, with or without board, for two ladies. Apply 19 Lu University Avenue. Phone 60d. UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First glass rooms and board; all Improve. ments; centrally local ROOMS --Warm, "S0od board, TeAsOR- able rates: close to the down-town business section, Mrs. Todd, 11¢ John- son street ROOMS--Furnished. with board. Ap- ply 212 King Street, corner. Earl or shlong 335%. Rooms With Board 67 ROOMS--Furnished, modern convenis ences; every room has running water, ood locality. Apply 406 Johnson St. Bone YN. ere: WASHBURN--Rooms to rent in house on Rideau river. Daj stage to the city. Address W. J. mpson, "Bon- ple View," Joyceviile P.O, or phone 1103 r 23. Instruction Correspondence C Courses. 43 "YOU WANT A BETTER JOBI-- Learn to do some one thing well. See the local representative of the I. C. 8S for rull particulars about the work of your chote 130 Clarence Street. | ats, Pets FRENCH POODLE--Phone 2136m. Morchandise Articles For Sale 61 ANTIQUES~Poster Beds, Rosewood Parlor Table, sets of six Antique chairs. Lesses Antique Shop, 07 _Princess Street. Phone 1045w. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes, Life Savin Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. _Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phine { -. BABY CARRIAGE--Cream Wicker, or, baby sleigh and sidewalk sulky. Ply 390 A Alfred Street. BABY CARRIAGE -- White. In first class condition. Apply 182 Barrie St. Phone _830J. : BOOTS--Army, new and used, fine boots, tan and black, running shoes, pte. Prices reasonable. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. BRICK--Hard and soft, Apply E. E. Walthem, and ing eed Streets. 13% FURNITURE--OId fashioned What- -not, davenport, round parlor table, "music rack, piano stool, Columbia Victrola with cabinet and records. Apply Care- ier St. George's Hall, or phone 1846, a FURNITURE-- Bu Buffets, book cas: Que oking stoves, with improve- ments; sks. We also buy. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phohe 1600w. HARD COAL COKE--Reduced to $10.00 ton as 1 have no room to store it. Save the difference and be sure of your winter supply. Sawdust, $1.00, cart load. Cinders $1.00. Clinkers 50c. All delivered. Baggage and general cart- e 1058w. 248 University C. Bruton. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE - ln yi any quantity. corner Birch one 613 or erfect running order; owner leaving city; sell for $85 cas cash. h. Apply ! 94 ¢ Queen Street. INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE--Cheap. p- ply alter 4.30 evenings to 94 Quee® St. LAUNCH HULL Kingston built, 39 ft. by 7 ft. Cedar planking, Carvel built, 7-8 inch on oak frames, oak deck, can- Vass covered, water tight, with wheel, shaft, muftier and rudder Write Drawer 599, Gananoque. Photos at 'Whig Office. HOW ERS Fakes: Loaders. See Cram- er & Chalmers, Frost and Wood Agency, 238 Ontario eet. Phone _23i1w or 2263). OIL STOVE--Three burner, MeCIlary's, perfectly new last month, will sell 4 $15. Apply 29 Upper William Street. PURE ICE--Harvested outside Health Officer's flag. private houses only. Ap- ply . & Son, Beverley POSTS --Five thousand first class, eight foot, cedar posts. Apply W. B. Dunn, _Yarker. PYRO EXTINGUISHERS -- Killa fre quick. Fire protection for your home, "ol ~~ Rooms Without Board [iT BEDROOM--Furnished, &ll _conveni- ences, central Apply "163 Sydenham Street or phone 1025J. ROOMS--Two or three, furnished, hard- wood floors, electric light, gas, private balcony, housekeeping if uesired, use : Dhuse. Apply 545 Alfred or phone Wanted--Roonis or Board 78 UNFURNISHED ROOMS-- Two, ~one from room. Apply Box U-9, Whig Of- ce. Real Estate For Rent _ Apartménts and | Flats APARTMENT -- Small, furnished, on round floor; one. block from Park; wo blocks from College. Apply Box _P-8, Whig Office. APARTMENT --May 1st, four rooms aad tiled bath room, fireplaces, gas ra refrigerator, hardwood floors. electric lights, well heated. Apply 69 Brock Street. FLAT Three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, gas for 'cooking, electric light, go Jocality, Rn Boon ren. Apply Box V-§, Whig Of FLAT--360.00, No. 1 Mack hs 8 large rooms and bars two fireplaces, beautifully decorated, heated, in an exclusive location overlooking Vic- 'toria Park.~ Phone §3%w. E. W. Mul- lin & Son, Johnson and Division Streets. AS Business Places For Rent 75 LODGE ROOMS--Roomgs on Kin street ~--formerly occupied wy the LOO. Apply to Cunningha Pasture to -- re PASTURE--For rent, for horses. Ap- pty C R. Webster, 33 Brock Street. Phone 203. Houses For Ren: 7 HOUSE--Furnished, for July and Au- gust; modern conveniences; close to Queen's. Apply Box L-14, Whig Of- Ce. HOUSE--Furnished, for July and Au- gust, all modern conveniences. South side. Three minutes' walk from St. Apdrew's. Rent moderate. Apply Box S-8, Whig Office. HOUSE--SIX roomed, in good condition, yard, shed, cellar, toilet, heated by stove. Possession July 1st. Rent $15, includes water rates. Write Box L-8, Whig Office. 487 ALFR electric Wi ly H. F. Norman, a y 80 COTTAGE-- Furnished, on River Bt. Lawrence, in good location, also skiff, nearly new. Apply between 8 and 10 am. to 101 Victoria Street. Phone 19287. ROBINSON'S POINT--Rooms to et in house. Also space to rent for tents un int. Apply C. Ww. Neville, 149 _Col- oT Teer. City. BUMMER BUNGALOWS-- At Eastview Park, furnish¢d, with fireplaces and screened verandahs, five and seven rooms." Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. UMM ER COTTAGE--For saly hn Dead Man's Bay, cont Rings Jeon large verandah, partly encios- ed; fireplace, garage and private wharf. Apply hees Bros. 244 Bagot or OF to "74 | Real Estate For Sale. Houses kor sale trou nent fn. YWELLING--14 rooms, stone | central, first clasg r piece bath, gas, barn, large grounds. Thire ty-elgnt hundred, for quick sale. Box W-11, Whig Office. SEE--Bateman's large Rats Estate ade vertisement, page 3, co HOUSES=--A S--And lots in all parts of the ad Apply H, B. Wilson, Uptown I _O. 316 barrie Street. Phone 1088. SIXTH STREET--7 Foe rooms, trame, piece bath, electric lights, hed fioors thro ut, Colianade arches with white enamel finish woodwork. Jobs by One, brie $2.800. 17 Ryne 11 SUMMER AG Sydenham lake, including a supply or" Tee, plano and (nearly new Apply to Dr. Oud Yarker, ont. BRICK HOUSE--§ rooms, on stone Joungation, good cellar, with stalls, 'drive shed. hen ho Soul lot This house was built present owner. Price $3iv0. "rms can be arranged. $ ¥ M. B. TRUMPOUR | 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 848J. ___Wanted-- FARM--Want to hear from owner ' loweat price. *Jouil, Bosh Cure & 0 1a 2 , Wisconsin. ky ¥ Aopawh a te a CLASSIFIED DISPLAY savertising is always printed just tollowing the sified aavertsir if you want yi 4d there, ask avout the 8 To-Day's Blunder Corrected (See INustration on Page 14.) A woman in the picture is em- izing her own engularity by the long, sweeping lines of her clothes, Tale is especially true of her bat, th its high, straight shape trimming. 3 wd ee W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Buildin, 3 King Streets. Phune i on ok General Insurance Vo Writing: --Automobile, Fi Acel« dent, Sickness, Plate Glas: Burglary ste. Represen ing only rellable com. 8. ecial rates. EES FOR SALE A NUMBER OF FINE Building Lots on Terorto Streets, at a J Apply: and Mscdonnell reasonable price. R. ATKINSON, ©€0. Macnee and Minnes. Situated 7 minutes from Home| hade t i Rouse with' cedar kif © Hr ished, § 0 screened verandah, open raninseS fads bath. Ing. ticulars obtainable a . P. JENKINS co. ° --mee ER GMA ND] we. te ou EY £ Turk' « AUIK 8 PHONE 708. land ferry. Large river-fronmt House comfortable and completely" orn ing and fis Tr rrr rr 'MERCHAN 158 PU pres Reason- Well wali > a rgiht price. LINDER TOURING, $1750; TOURING $785; STANDARD SEDAN $3095; SPECIAL SEDAN $2250; COACH $1650. F.O.B. .. KINGSTON. TAXES PAID. CHARLES PESTER, KING STREET GARAGE, PHONE 939. companies represcuiecd. Strange, established in 1560. Uillice: 86 Clarence Streel, vpposite Fost Office. Moving, Trucking, Storage a3 ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean Job done. a. Macudregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2386. STORAGE SPACE--F or furniture, clean and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 ' 4 Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or 618. FORD--Runabout, in good condition.| BAGGAGE. 1aite guarantees good Apply 177 Queen Street, service in Baggage, kxpress and mov- ing. reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Stree, JAext to Armouries. Fuone 1484. 5 MORAG hk OF Iurnlsule, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own luck and key. Frost's City Siorag 333- 305 Queen St. Phone 536. H Hes: Ssvw "Pat v Vapering, Decorating 3 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. Apply E Jenkins, corner York and Raglan Road. "Phone 1583F. ESTIMATES Given for painting, paper-hanging, decorating and hard- wood floor nnishing; workmanship uaranteed. BH. Horton, 206 Alfred treet. 1'hone 1§%1w. PAINTING--Papering, Decorating -- farst Work ana work guarsnpteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagit street. Phone 1966. PAINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco- rating: wall paper samples; metallic Mold letters for store and office win- dows. Estimate submitted J. Flana- "gan, 247 Phone 1433, MAID--For general housework, family |" of three. Apply in the evening to 303 Queen Street. arm factory, school, hospital, auto-| Street, mobile and garage, for only $:.00 post alg ne A. Snider, Harrow- suit. = Waniod--10 wat Bi COTTAGE--Furnishéd, on the Rideau ' Lakes, fox August. Give particulars. Apply Box'N-7, Whig Office. n HOUSE--Must have at least ¢ rooms Ohi garage. Apply Box No. T-8, Whig ce. Real Estate For Sale. Farms and Land For Sale 89 FARAM---OTf 136-acres for sale or to rent, or would exchange for city propssty, 12 miles from Kingston, 3 miles frou 3 villages, ib or 30 acres plow land. 3 acres seeded, 25 fall plowed; well wat? ered; frame house and barns. Ba'e- e. man's Real Estate Agency, 159 We W = ts A y, Limited, 121 Princess - st. lington Street, Kingston. & WE anted-- dition. Apply 101 Fra 4, in good con- ? OME --G00a W We need on, 'rontenac Street, or you to make sucks on ag, fast, a, phon site ol ASK THE peopie Who nave ads in learned Auto Knitter; experience une sag bi. soft wood 35.38 quarter the classified ad section to-day if y necessary; distance lmmaterial; posi-| cord; new and second hand lumber, ant Ae ON a hetiier Riese :Hittie was tively no canvassing: FAIR 8 supplied. 8lso matched lumber and cedar posts. Partigulars, 3c. stamp. =G v - Aho Rmcter Cos alana Ph 4G) Tricia tiga, WIL Taibo st Cuts: MAN--We have a position open in| Division. FPhone 2302W. SEE US EARLY, Motor Boats and Engines repaired.- Work done satis- factorily and prompt- ly. : DAVIS DRY DOCK (Co. East End of Wellington MAID--For general housework. Apply Mrs; Gardiner; 68 Johnson Street. MAID--For general housework, good 8, nO washing. Apply 197 William Phone 1963J. WOMAN--Middle-aged, as companion and housekeeper for an aged lady. Apply Box 19, Harrowsmith. = YOUNG GIRL--To help with house- work, or a woman to do sweeping, etc. Mrs. Brocks, 13¢ Earl Street. YOUNG WOMBN--Two or three, neat appearing, for pleasant outdoor em- ployment. Apply $7 Johnson Street, between 7.30 and 5.30 p.m. PIANO--Hale & Co. Square, walnut case, ivory keys, a good practice pi- ano for a beginner. Price $75.90. Terms: §§ cash and §§. monthly. CQ W. Lindsay, Limited. STOVES---Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and fieaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phoae 33%wW,, oppasite Urange Hall. TY TYPEWRITER Bookkeeper Desk and desk chairs. Prices reasonab FORD--Touring, good mechanical con- dition, cheap. Also gas and coal com- bination, nearly new. 71 Lower Al- fred Street. - Ring 1154J. a Monument to Plus X. Rome, June 11.--Pope: Plus has decided to inaugurate a monumen: to Pius X. in the aViican Basilica. The ceromonies wiil take plake ou the eve of St. Peter's Day' June 28th. Plus X., the 259th poniill, died ine 1914. - ---------- Major Ralph Wilicock, M.C., DS. Q., has been appointed Principal of Woodstock coliege to succeed Dr. Wearing, who recemtly resigned to toba, {accept a professorship in Oolgats THE : CLASSIFIED ad the ia the class quick, profitable el ud what Kingston and yicinty for a live Xe man, must have ability to organise an B-- direct sales force. If you have the hot ua Baby's, on wheels, Ap ability we will train you in the work. University ellucation Feloried, but not essential. Address 1, Pet- _erboro, Ontario. ~ IN Ta A hi tate rice: Box white. t rn A ppl N-16 Otlee. ply t OLD he or Faln Teeth, for SHOW W. ke money at home, §15 to 0 0 paid woe Waals iy for your time cards for as. Ne sanve treal Street. rd Sarr oe struct and supiy With Work B 1 ¢ is a upon the _y of his or 1 crisis may result in an elec order-in-council referred to 48 one concerning investments Harris Turner, M.P.P, tor Saska- toon. Sask:, blinded at the second tattle of Ypres, has been appointed editor of the "The Progressive," the new afiiclal weekly newspaper of tho Suskabehewan Grain Growers' Asso- clation. i It is better to decide a difference between enemies than friends for one of our friends will certainly owe come an enemy, amd one of our epemies a friend. Eigin county ~couiell 'shocked hy size of provincial road bili. Perth county finds error of $86,000 in its bill and Oxford county bill is $62. G40 out. The Canadian Kroa Seale Co. ot Hd iniversity, Willeoek graduated Hamilton, N.Y. Major with honors in lassics from MgMaster University in $13. Content is the philosopners stone that turns all it touches into some, BIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 275 Bagot strest. oy 28h. ST and Livy 1st Tl, West-Angus how + lee, 217 le ie Bid. Loronle an nw ring. tn n writing. Jon. Treasurer, §4 Gore direet. cash or exchange. Ly 244 Princess street, Kingstow, oat, LOOKING FOR desk room or office space ln town? Watch the ads in clas- sification 78. »" i ho SEprEIT eek hd FR Sorger of fAt--Use for Daily Wht pa ahead for Pro- esults. SOME READERS are already answer ing ads in to-day"s clissified ad section. se -e tl A James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street PIECE OF PIE FOR CHARITY? IT'S ONLY TWENTY CENTS A TH? WHY OID MAGGIE BRING ME TO }180-LA P# ME - 0-0-0! A a EVER ZAAR?