THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG : ey ; MONDAY, JUN 11, 1988. -- ee TY | sieara, if; L. Warner, of; LOCAL NE ena 3h 'By Innings-- 0 0 3 vdenham --0 3 0 1 . owed ion a SE TUREERTTSts me | REPLENISH YOUR Clark, p 8 | Brief Items of Interest J shaq Sydenhd#m and Gananoque meet next ! » [rs Suaine, Piao tans _ONer sarvrtay to fight "1t out for first I"Phone 564w iplace in the group. > : : | Charles Milner, pianist at Allen's ree re - : > {theatre is laid up at his home, ow-| ¥ { HaveYour oi Sree | STOCK MARKETS | AT LOW COST Nurses, was $683.96, a very gdoa contribution. (Reported by Johnston & Ward, Donald Harold- Parker, two [86 Princess street. Members of the months' old son of Mr. and Mrs. T.| Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- o H. Parker, 10 George street, passed changes). away. on' Sunday morning after a > short illness. Montreal. The funeral of the infant son of June 11th, 2 p.m.-- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeSage, Prin-| Abitibi Power cess street, took place from James |\shestos ove Reid's undertaking Parlors 10 'St.|atlantic Sugar.. .... «. .. : Mary's cemetery. Bell Telephone : Miss Diadem Bell, a Congregation- | Brazil 1 : al missionary of Africa, who was to|g speak in Kingston on Monday and|Bjitish Empire Com. .... «+ Tuesday, has been taken ill in Co-|pBritish Empire 1st pfd .. .. bourg, and ordered to take a long) Lritish Empire 2nd pfd .. vest. 22 t% » Can. Converters t ue ceremony e new Ma- ican. t Com. TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE Co I ee i Lode Noo. agent Com 401, Deseronto, was dedicated on can, Car Com IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT in dn iian Car pls +. oe os Cn ton, Belleville. Grand Master of the !can Loco. Com. .... -..s os | Masonic Order. Con. Loto. PHL. .... -. «n+ Housekeepers are well advised to stock in abundance BEAUTIFUL SHOWING La. E- Newton bas received 3 lel-1Cqn. Steamsalps Com 3 their requirements in Linens, Sheetings and Bedding of ter of congratulation from Capt V.|Gan. Steamships pfd. W, S. Heron, R. C. R., district cadet |Cypan Can. Sugar Com. .. -. all descriptions. Our present prices are lowest in many IMPORTED JUMINGS i officer, as a result of the cadets win-| cuban Can. 8 08, J... zing INT prise' fn the Laure 56 fay Be sa MW years. Future prices on upward trend. cord competition, Detroit United .... ...« +. The monthly meeting of the Cath-|{general Electric .... «+ .- 1% » olic Women's League was held in|ygoward Smith J P L D k : ble Js RONSON a Toward 5 ure Lanen amas Ta noon, A large number of members| ysontreal Cotton .... .. .. * a loths and Napkins m committees were read, it was decld-| are clony ss BT TT od to suspend. acivitios until Sepk- He LE TABLE CLOTHS TABLECLOTHS AND ; (rece ALL LINEN TABLE NAPKINS The funeral of the late Walter Jackson was heid from hls late Assorted patterns in an all-pure BROKEN STOCK residence in Cataraqui to Christ Linen Damask Tablecloth. Size 2 yards All pure Linen. CLOTHS--2x21% yards ....$5.00 each NAPKINS--22x22 ........ $4.50 dos. Better qualities priced accordingly, church under the direction of the by 2 d Pri James Reid firm. Service was con- . : ards. Tice ducted at the church by Rev. Canon See wes " $4.25 Smith. The pall-bearers were six . Crain ive Ten sae : " i sons of the deceased, Willlam, Arn- BEST TAILORING ' old, Joseph, Harokl, Irwin and Ty- CAE ewan Sma Rea we MATCHED CLOTH PURE LINEN SERVIETTES FIRST CLASS TRIMMINGS ---- re AND NAPKINS Plain Hemstitehed Irth Linen. Size ; ? ALL LINEN 12x12 inches. :Price ( A S EB AL y Pure Linen Damask Tablecloth in $3.50 dozen. pleasing patterns, with napkins to ) SCORES Cilio ff me PRICES TEMPTING 2x2 yd. Cloths, 22x22 in. ON { eo. *® t % i JVI & on 5 SATURDAY GAMES ne Se : 1 Lard . LINEN DOYLIES. 4 g International League aw 42% Napkins A $12.00 set LINEN RUNNERS. LINEN TRAY CLOTHS. 75-79 BROCK STREET Toei Blnudndiiig BrFILE SUPPLIES 2224 vd. Clothe. 225221 EN TR "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" [fant © "°° ©) and PRINTERS "Nepkine ... $13.50 set Ih ETT Tomer of We a renting b. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR use, 5; uffalo, 3 - (First| M U. - KIN N He, 5 mer om Hand and Bath Towels game). Syracuse 4, Buffalo 3 (Second BORN. : 25c." each game.) BUR Ed Mrs. Tames Burgess. § Union Hemstitched Huck Towels, large size . . National League New York 6; Pittsburg 0. HORAN Kingston, on June 10th. Pure Linen Huck Towels : 50c. each Brooklyn 2; St. Louis 0. RR TL BR Pure Linen Hemstitched Huck Towels : Cincinnati 12; Philadelphia 2. MINNES--At Kingston, arday, Chicago 0; Boston 3. June 3th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Colored Linen Huck Towels : J. M1 . American _Loague PE ay toh. to] Solid, Gold, Rose, Blue. Obséveland 13; New York 3. lbert P 1, Detroit 8; Philadelphia 6. ae. Tr buy Benger e Heavy Brown Bath Towels, 18x36 { St. Louls 5; Washington f. SMe and Mra Wilbert Swith, Large, White Terry Bath Towels, 20x40 . --] arg -- SUNDAY GAMES ae Napanee, on May 16th Large, White Hemstitched Terry Towel, 26x46, $1 each ity er Market Service International League = Piper B Tor» Bath Towels with colored borders of Blue, Pink, Yellow Retail Market Phones 458-459, Business Office 365. Syracuse 2; Toronto 1 amt, ten and Mauve 75¢c. each and up Wholesale Department 1767. innings. MARRIKD. 3 Toronto 15; Syracuse 0 nl) BAKER--HEARNS--At Union Park. on | Buffalo 7; Rochestar 5 (first) | ABil 1Stho Rosamond Beker, Ha 300 yards Pure Linen '200 yards heavy | Buffalo 2) Rochester 1, (second) Bsa, le Nuun Hein, Dries Bs | ROLLER TOWELLING RUSSIAN CRASH Newark 6; Jersey City 5 (first) HANSEN --PURDY--At Ernesttown, on| TOWELLING { Newark 11; Jersey City 3 (Sec- June 2 nd. Sadie five Witeon bo tond) WP > to Edmund" "Clarence Hansén, Wau- 3 . . " o National League Quis: EE on Gemr. Sih. Slerel border, 17 in Pure Linen, 17 ins. wade. | Chicago 3; Boston 0. Napa cone aa Meo wide ...... 20c. YAR AR + Cincinnati 8; Philadelphia 1. Edna Ruth pn a Quaif : : 18c. Y. D The choicest Veal received this year. Chel : pypun Ruth conem. CC rouklyn-St. Louis (rain. Napanee, Harold Roger Prous to Graded No. | stock. This is a ve 1 | American Leaguo Winnitrea Pear - : ry specia | 3 1 Mus 2,000 YARDS purchase and we guarantee the quality to Westnageor 57 St. Lois 3. DIED. be the very best. i FOR Ann Ford. Nejoved wite' of SPECIAL NAINSOOK Srgen os 36 inches wide--fine, soft quality -- free from George Ford, Portsmouth ,aged 72 Choice Legs, Ib. . | On Saturday the Sydenham High Funaral win will take Biace from her late » . {school team of the Intercounty rns] Choice Loin Roasts, Ib. ............ 28c. [torus cnsneed tho Yarker Marines}. . a A welock to Cat - dressing--regular value 28¢. yard. Racks (from 3-6 lbs. each), Ib. 25¢. of the Lennox and Addington League Tr invied tosh respectfully TUESDAY, 17¢. YARD. ~B ( 5. 10 Ibs. h), bo Bre 12 on the grounds of the latter, the 30th, Leah Lilo Y reasts from eac x home team losing 14 to 1. The peo- x 30 Ph beloved wife of ic. ple of Sydenham point to the score Ham Lloyd, Richmond town-} 3 : PLAIN HEMSTITCHED PURE LINEN : HONEYCOMB Cutlets (very choice), Ib. ... . as indicative of the difference be- AE: Sudden] at the Hotel Die : Hospital. an Jane 11th, 1838, Caro: Lunch Cloths, 36x36. , BED SPREADS tween the leagues as Yarker is lead- 30c fog the L. and A. Grouping with but | Line Martin, widow of the late $2.00 éach. = Street. . . For Single bed, in a variety of s ; ne Joss. The Yarkerites have put t you wis, ne _ | Funeral notice later. TRA LOTHS, all linen. Size y h of the above cuts. much time on organization and Sat- [ TREES not sume 1000. Y C Pur oe EACH weights and new designs. » K place your order for some of |JJjurdar's result rather dampened their |" 1323, Donald STIICHE ra PURE LINEN HEM D this extra fine quality Veal. a oh hn amity ia Tuomas 5. baie, aged 3 months RUNNERS $2.00 and up. choosing a pitcher against Yarker for | Funeral will take place from nis ; $1.50 EACH g Young has yielded only an average Bene street: to bu shry ne. ol | $1.75 EACH COLORED CHOICE YOUNG FOWL lot two or three runs in the games he morsin at 16 oclick, OCH BED SPREADS Well fatted pe and-tender, averag- led el oe it ay ENGLIS HRY Large size. Rose, Blue and fancy . , ot ing from 4 to 5 ruck out ten. allowed six scattered LL, Doth Ted oir Ti colorings. "Price { Lb: 28c. hits, gave one base on balls, and en { -u - x | $3.25 $2.25 PURE PORK SAUSAGE aw Male fresh daily a carefully select- | Made in Canada--Wabasso Sheetings ig nak eliciously Hored : ings, an | 1} yds. wide ~~ 2 yards wide 2 yards wide a Yo : J t x out Shey | - 45¢. yard 50c. yard 69" quality) g 9c. yard, PERFECTION BRAND EGGS Don't you find genuine satisfaction when you open a carton | of our Perfection Brand Eggs' Every Egg guaranteed--only : large, select locals put up under this seal. . BLUE BONNET TEA Known Kingston over for its high quality. We have a ample Duckage for you. Teas that give the "Smile of Satis- KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9--5.30.