'MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1928, A THE BEST Film Finishing BETTER RESULTS QUICKER SERVICE | | LOWER PRICES We do our own finishing, We have our own eguipmen?' and know how to use it. For your satisfaction Jzave your next Film with L. T. Best PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. Bateman's Real Estate $1,600 Frame, 7 rooms, Ports. mouth $2,000--Frame Bungalow, 4 rooms, 2 pe. bath, elec. lights, good cellar. $8,600--Frame, 7 rooms, 2 piece bath, elec. and gas, large lot and barn, nice location. $6,000--Brick, © rooms, 8 piece bath, elec., deep lot and stable | Valuable Farm----4 miles from city. Thoroughly equipped for truck farm- ing and small fruits. Good buildings. Customs Broker. Money to loan. 136 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office HERR, Hotel Frontenac Kingston's Leading Hotel Every room has gunning hot and cold; Water. One-half block from Rallway Stations and Steamboat Landings. J. A. HUGHES, Proprietor The Itelian cabinet, considering the high cost of living, has decided to abolish or substantially reduce ths customs duties on the most impori- | Has your buy beem coaxing for a WRIST WATCH and never had one, because you did not wish to put a large amount into a Watch for a small boy ? Here is a chance for a Watch ~-reliable for old or young--- 'and at a small boy's price. $5.95 For a 7 Jewelled Strap Watch, lumin- ous dial and hands in heavy solid nickel case and with wide Strap of pure pigskin. These are dependable time- pieces and are fully guaranteed for ome year. SEE OUR WINDOW ! SMITH BROS. Jewelers, Limited Established 1840. Kircg Street, Kingston | Chapter 56--The Horse and His Lost | . Toes. | One beloved animal is the horse. Its | history has been traced back to a time | when there were no people on earth! Horse skeletons have been found hyn- {dreds of feet under thessurface of the lground--far deeper than the bones of any human being. : The earliest members of the horse family lived two or three million years ago in forests. Instead of such hoofs as we see nowadays, they had feet with five toes! Another thing proved by skeletons is that the first horses were very small --about the size of dogs or foxes. How would a pet horse of such a size ap- peal to you? 5 : When the horse was the size of a fox, it had 44 teeth," much like the teeth of pigs or monkeys. To-day there are only 36 teeth in a horse's mouth, These are better fitted for grinding grain and grass. The five-toed feet of horses did not suddenly change to one-toed hoofs. Look: at the sketches under the little three-toed horse pictured. You see the bones of horses' feet during different | periods. ] First there were five toes of full | size. Then two or the toes began to wither away. The third sketch shows the foot with only three toes left. The | fourth sketch shows two or more toe | bones getting small. Finally you see a | single bone--the kind that is now in- side a horse's hoof. The question comes, "Why did the horse's toes wither in this manner?" Scientists answer: -- DEADLOCK MAY MEAN ELECTION IN MANITOBA 8ir J. A. M. Alkins Says The Government Acts With- ° out Authority. The Standard Metal and Waste Co. is at all times ready to attend to any orders received either by phone or by mail, in country or city. Phone 2060J. M. ROSEN, Manager. OFFICE: 170 Rideau Street.. Warehouse: 172 Rideau Street. Winnipeg, June 11.--A situation which may . result in a provincial election in Manitoba has arisen as {the result of differences between the |Lieut.<Gov. Sir James A. M. Afikins, jand the Bracken government, it is |declared in a news story published {by the Manitoba Free Press. "The crisis," says the story, "has |arisen over investment in provincial imeunicipal and city of Winnipeg bonds by the Manitoba Bavings Bank before the lieutenant-governor had [signed the 'order-in-council approv- . apt food stuffs imported. N------------ {ing the purchase. . "Sir James has submitted a briet REFRIGERATORS FOR HOT DAYS | No. 101, Galv. lined, 40" high, 24" wide, 17" deep No. 502 White Enamel lined, 45" high, 30" wide, 20" deep, $27. No. 508 White Enamel Lined ......... terete iediemus. B28 No, 4 White Enamel Lined, 50" high, 30" wide, 20" deep, $50 No. 400 White Enamel Linen, 44" high, 82" wide, 20" deep, $50 No. 8 Barnet Porcelain lined, 50" high, 40" wide, 22" deep, $100 Screen Doors and Window Screens in stock. Special prices on Lawn Mowers. - Let us install a Gas or an Electric Water Heater on your Range Boiler, McKelvey & Birch, Limited lists, Steam Fitters and Plambers, Werk; Electric work; Painting and all kinds undertaken. Stoves, Shelf, Heavy t Supplies, Sheet Metal Paper Hanging. Spectat g§ito Premier John Bracken in the form of a lengthy legal argument, in which he takes the position that the request for his signature to orders- in-council after those orders have ail- ready been executed is a plain de- claration by the government that they regard him as the merest sort of a figure and is a reflection upon the dignity of the office which he holds." SIR M. SADLER HONORED. D. Litt, Degree Conferred by Leeds University. London, June 11.--Sir Michael Sadter, the noted educationalist, who is leaving the University of Leeds, where he is vice-chancellor, to be- come master of University College, Oxford, was paid high tribute at the Leeds University, and the honorary degree of doctor of literature was conferred on him. All the speakers at the gathering expressed 'keen re- grét at Sir Michael's impending de- parture from Leeds. Bir Michael Sadler, replying to the tributes and expressions. of regret, and thanking the aniversity for the degree just conferred on him, re- ferred to his recent tour in Canada. He said the tour had deepened his conviction that liberal education of the widest and 'highest kind was of fundamental interedt to the British' (Commonwealth and not least to Great Britain itself. When horses lived in forests, their five-toed feet were handy in running over underbrush, and in turning quick- ly. Later 'the climate became drier. | Trees died for lack of moisture. Prai- ries replaced forests. ! In the new surroundings, the horse found the four extra toes useless, Na- ture always tends to get rid of useless things, and the extra toes slowly with- ered away. until all that was left was the one very big toe--the hoof! 4 While this was happening, other changes took place in the horse's body. Its legs grew longer, as did also its neck and head. It began to look like the modern horse. SAR NY] LB | The picture shows the horse as he| looked when there were three toes on | each foot. The sketches below show | how the toe bones slowly withered away. Next--The Horse Gets a Rider. f FOUR HUNDRED ARE - DROWNED IN FLOOD Seventy Thousand Are Home- less in the Volga Russian Region. | | Stockholm, June 11.--Russian correspondents of the Stockholm Tid- ningen report that nearly 400 per- sons have been: drowned ard 70. 000 rendered homeless by flcods in the lower Volga region. Another far-off corner of Russia ~--Ferghana province, in Turkestan --has been stricken by famine. 'A message received here says that 400 - 000 persons are affected by the food | shortage, which has already resiilt- 'ed in many deaths, The population | is reported to be eating grass. i | | MAKES. ANOTHER BID | FOR BRITISH BACKING End Ruhr Resistance, Poin- care's Conditions for Sign- ing Joint Note. . Sonic" Paris, June 11.--Premier Poin- care notified Great Britain, Italy and Belgium Saturday he is willing to sign a common reply to the German reparations proposal, provided it Is siniply a demand that Berlin abandon her policy of passive resistance in the Ruhr. The French premier pointed out to the allies that thig could constitute a first step, whioh he considers ab- solutely necessary before discussing an answer to the latest Cuno note. ------ -- ¥ Earl Reaches Buffalo To Meet Dancer's Parents Buffalo, June 11.---David Ludovie George Hopeton, eleventh ean of Northesk, of Ethie Castle, Arbroath, Fortarshire, who came 3,000 miles to marry Jessica Browh of this city, former follies dancef, arrived here | Segue Po [ o Saturday, to make the acquaintance of his flancee's parents and to con- sult lawyers here as to the possibility of having the marriage performed. in Canada prior to October, when Miss Irown"s divorce from Cyril Lewitt Reinhard obtained last fall in Chi- final. NOTICE Tuesday, June 12th,1923 Campbell has been fortw. | have a Detroit architect obtain cage b -------- University Promised $650,000. Ann Arpor, June 1l.--United Stgtes Senator James Couzens. of De- troit has informed President Burton of Michigan University of his inten- tion of giving the university a $650. - C00 nurses' home. Senator Couzens said he would | de- tails for the building, and it is his intention to have the ground broken 'and building started as soon as pos- sible, sometime in the early sum- reer, he hopes. hil 3 F passenger engines ada, of which the engine in the : The engine is ninety feet long and it weigt ; engines are buil: at the Canadian Locom owned railway lines picture ston, and represent the last word in development of s and power locomotives. "> ia PROBS: --Cool to-night and Tuesday. Showers. mi -- EE 3 appreciate morrow-- special feature attraction. Tuesday Morning from 9 to 12 o'clock should prove an advantageous shopping time to all who tting the greatest value for their money, backed up by~quality merchandise. early in the day shopping we offer for three hours to- Double Discount Stamp: Shop early to-morrow and take advantage of this Bo to encourage i SUNSHINE DAYS AHEAD! PLAN NOW FOR A JOLLY VACATION June is the time for-vacation fore- thought, before the hot weather sets in, and Steacy's Limited is the place, where all the newest vaca- tion things are assembled, in splen- did assortments, and where "qual- ity" is the password, as always, for merchandise. Bathing Suits In splendid assortments for Children, Misses and Women --in fine Cotton Jersey, fine Wool Jerseys and Worsteds. 'The colors are Navy, Black, Paddy, Powder Blue, Copen, Purple, Brown, Rose, Maroon and Grey with combination color trim- med. Insizes from 24 to 44. Priced from $1.25 on up to $6.95 each. TUB DRESSES In a host of attractive styles and colorings, developed in 'Anderson's Ginghams, Crepel- las, Voile, Organdies, Ratines, + Linettes and Novelty combina- tions--all sizes from 16 to 44. Specially priced from $2.98 up through a broad range of prices to $25.00. @ SUMMER SUITS Fashioned in fine Cream and Colored Flannel, Twinkletone, Wool Knits, in a complete range of the wanted Summer shades. There are smart Jac- quette and finely Tailored Suits in abundance -- suitable for all occasions. Priced from $11.50 up to $29.50 each. New Summer Millinery a wonderful colorful picture--of jaunty little Sport Hats--many of Felt -- the more sedate shapes for Matrons and beautiful picture hats for. afternoon and dress wear. You must really come in and in- spect them to appreciate their loveliness--and too the prices are most moderate.