"MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1vs8, mss a iit SPECIALS IN SUITS Blue Indigo 'Serge Suits, double or single breasted. These are extra good Suits and correct style. Price ....$35.00 See our Donegal Tweed Suits. © Some dandies. Price ...... $25.00 and $30.00 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. | Phone 362w. « IF A CHILD - ISHEALTHY yet complains of headaches, the ¢ chances are ten to one that the eyes are at fault. This is par- ticularly so if the child does much studying. If your child is troubled in this way or'is unable to study for any length of time have the eyes examined, - English Leather Hand Bags We are showing a beauti- ful range of fine English Hand Bags in the newest shapes and colors. Priced from +o ee $4.00 up. an l Optometrist a LEQ. FALS TO | (Continued From Page 1) were the last to organize. And is it |not curious that they were blamed land criticized for organizing, and especially by those who were them- |selves benefiting most by organiza- ition?" | . The speaker went on to tell of the {many benefits derived from organi- zation. Every branch of work was [today organized. Even the boot- {blacks iu Toronto were organized, {ahd it cost $5 a year to be a member. "And I was going to say that they {know more about organiastion than {a waggon load of farmers," added the speaker, Bl Organization Everywhere. There is organization from one end of the province to the other. This is right and should be promot: ed. People worry over the crops and yet they say 'why should the farm- ers organize?' Then they find the farmers will not stay on the land and girls leave the farm. Our forefathers cleared the land for us and left us a heritaga, but it is going. And why? Because we thought that all we had to do was to work and let the other fellows make the laws. We aro running into the ditch and we are starting late to ohange the order of | things. { 1 make the challenge here, and I {hope it will start a controversy -- Ithat the agricultural industry fis operated by the Inefficient group ol {the peeple . It is a hard thing to say, but it is true. My industry and your | industry has gone on the pike. The ipéople are leaving the land and go- |ing into the towns and the cities, and (can you blame them? It is because | they can earn more money. The {great dynamo that draws a person is |the almighty dolar. It is absolutely i necessary for the farmers to organize {for themselves and take an active |part in the counsél of the nation. | Women to be the Dynamo. | "Women are going to be the dyna- {mo of the organization," declared they continue to worry. The boys and | . THE DAILY BRI a P t for the rest of his life. ""Thig is the great trouble," added the speaker; 'some have just partly turned. They have one leg over as it were, and are always turning back see what is left. They think they are independent, but they have not gone into it in a wholehearted man- ner." Mr. Morrison said he did not be- Neve in a two-party system. He felt it would lead to a serious condition of affairs. ' "I claim that when the personal interests of the elected man comes into acute conflict with duty to his state, that the state suffers every time.* I never knew it to fail, and | we would not be human if it were not so. » { "I believe In the soMdarity of in- dustdy. We cannot divide. I am linterested in every product until it comes back to me in the finished product. We have to have organiza- tion. It is up to you to maintain your standing and demand that you get equal opportunity. Don't be satis. fied to be on a lower plane." ---- VERTISE independent, and he 'hoped to be in- PRINCESS STREET CHURCH Rev. J. A. Waddell To Farewell .On | 24th of June Two very inspiring sermons were preached by Rev. J. A. Waddell in Princess street Methodist church on Sundav, the scrvices in the morning theing featurad by the singing of the junior choir, composed of young beys and girls of the Sunday school. | pastor took as his subject "The Boy | €buoy) that Wouldn't Down" and the {musical service included the follow- |ing selection: "The"Beautiful Bright |Sunshine," by the junior choir; 'We will Follow Jesus,"-trio by Miss Mar ion Marshall, Miss Edith Culcheth and Miss Mabel Waddell, "The Gooa +Shepherd," solo, Master Willie Tim- {merman. The young choristers were jtrained by Mrs. L. L. Loney, the or- | ganist. | The pastor, Rev. J. A. : Waddell, |who is leaving his present charge ear- |ly next month, after service in the | Princeda street church of five years, | will preach his farewell sermon on June 24th, which will also be the annual flower service. The new pas- TiSh WHIG B0O-H00 MAY BECOME "MASCOT OF THE ULF.0. And Return In the Autumn To Perform at Queen's Rugby Games. "Boo-Hoo, the Queen's university cub bear, who was wrongly report- | ed by the Standard as having paid the death peralty by order of the! chief of 'police, still lives. The or-| der was that Boo-Hoo had either to | be kept In close captivity and cease | frolicking about the streets, or de. destroyed, but Boo-Hoo will not be | disposed of just yet. So long as he is | frolicksome he will be retained, for what would Queen's students do without their greatly-prized mascot | in the autumn when their champion rugby team starts in to defend its title? If Boo-Foo-¢ould not be pro- | duced, Chief of Police Robinson and | "Billy" Hughes would be in danger of their lives, for there might be more than a Queen's initiation cere- mony performed. | Toronto- Riverdale Zoo authoritfes wanted Boo-Hoo shipped up there, but "Billy" Hughes would not con- | sent to the cud going to the Queen | City. "Billy," it is said, is superstit-' fous, and fears that if the cub wen: to Toronto, Queen's rugby luck might be changed; so Boo-Hoo is to spend the summer in Frontenac! The | ® Kingston and the county, away from the streets of | policemen and [ their guns. In fact, Boo-Hoo may | become the mascot of the U. F. O.! { during the next two weeks and per | haps bring back luck to the farm- | ercandidate of Frontenac. In the autumn, if all goes well, Boo-Hoo The Egyptian =~ Trend in Fashions is met by SANDALS in the realm of footwear. They are presented in as great a variety of styles as those ancient SANDALS which inspired them. They are sensible as they are smart, cool and coms fortable--an ideal Summer style. WHITE "BUCK, PATENTS AND PATENTS TRIMMED WITH $0.00--8$8.00 eo will likely again frolic on the gridi- | | ron sidelines and possibly have as! | a companion no less a celebrity than | of the 21st | Battalion, who saw service in France {and had a trip into Germany. | and Boo-Hgo would make a winning | couple for the Queen rugby club. Boo-Hoo is even mentiined from | the pulpit. In Chalmers church Sunday evening, Dr. R. Bruce Tay- lir, Queen's principal, in referring to | Nan, the mascot goat Nan | GREY BUCK. AND $5.00 | AI] [RE - Established 1854. Ji o - by Registered i 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. | Dr. Waugh A 106 Vit | the slothful man, mentioned in the | | Book of Proverbs, as giving the ex- | | cuse that he might meet a lion on | the way, said there was no mote | | chance of him meeting a lion than {there was of ourselves meeting a | | lion--or Boo-Hoo. nn : ) political life has to be built up. It} is a hard job, but I think it can be || GANANOQUE | done. I think we are all ashamed of | | of some of the things we did. > June 11.--M - | Worse now ting to out ou pt. JB 11m Jack Nelewn, ca | | tical life on a higher plane. We do { mother, Mrs. Eliza Toole, ~ Brock }Notes Compiled by the Kingston $ | not want abuse, but the best in poli- | street. Society. ; tics. People look for better partizan- | "coo ve Toner, fisheries inspector, | \ Ship but they do not get it from us. |). "guered a slight stroke while * What a terrible thing it is to have {in Kingston General hospital for! June is the month of peondes as our leaders wbusing one another. (treatment, is reported as slighty (Well as roses. Note the peonies that Who is interested in that? Is that improved, you admire and plant some in Octo- the great question before the people. left for Toronto on ber. Splendid varieties are Felix, Dr. Bird And yet we are listening to it. ard Crousse, red; Pudalis Superba, pink; "I see a wonderful possibility be- Sutiivay Sd WIR be 49a about 's v ' Ty week. and Festima Maxina, white. fore the women. They have been in- Miss Helen Byers, Watertown, who| Dwarf lilacs on their own roots yited into politics at a bad time. has been the guest of Mr. and Mra. prove more successful than the graft- Mr. Morrison. In fact they are now |tor, Rev. J, K. Curbs, Winchester, the dynamo of political life, and [who fs exchanging pulpits with Mr. through them we will destroy party (Waddell, will probabiy hold his first polities. Out of the young people |gervice in Princess street on July must come the future of the people, |1st ., and we must educate them as re- | gards the right kind of leaders. The | sea Kinnear & d'Esterre | 5 Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON LF oS { Phone 256. Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 pm. Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. * The DALY TEA CO. Limited, have Just received the scsson's stock of DALY'S GOOD TEA Get your supply; you will appreciate the quality and fragrence. Order to- day from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORER HORTICULTURE Now is the time to prepare for Summer. What about your Hammo-Couch for youl verandah, and Verandah Chairs. We have a large assortment to choose from. --$2.50 to $8.50-- JAMES REID 4 4 * No man can answer for his cours. age who has never been in danger, Most of us are the slaves of opin- ion. THE BRIDE ~ WOULD APPRECIATE A GIFT re fen Fine China Our large stock gives you a choice of ° CROWN DERBY, ROYAL WOR- CESTER, COALPORT, MINTON, DOULTON, Etec. COMMUNITY PLATE SILVER- WARE. is the most popular. WE HAVE IT. We will pack for shipment anywhere, | ROBERTSON'S Limited A Ay Women's Patent Strap Slippers, Co- lonial Tongue with Grey Buck trim- . ming and heel quarter--the latest style They have been asked to come in and do some housecleaning. They may become disheartened and turn away, but I think they will eventually rec- tify things." Independent Now. Mr. Morrison recalled the fact that at one time he was a "terrible Partizan." He was a Conservative first, then turned Grit, and later on DRECO HELPS "I feel better than I have for months," says Mrs. J. o "The first of this year I was attack- ed by what I took for rheumatism, the pains were so severe all through my limbs, making it impossible for me to get up-and downstairs. My knees were terribly swollen. Joseph Case, returned homé on 2ri- fed one. But after all--for the or- day, |dinary garden--there are not many Commissioner Charles Sowton, of- that will prove more - satisfactory ficer In charge of the Salvation Army. than the Persian Mlac or the old fash- LEADING UNDERTAKER. work in Cara, east of the Great Lakes, was in town for Saturday evening and Sunday. On Saturday evening he addressed a large aua- fence in Grace Methodist church, and yesterday afternoon and even- ing in the Salvation Army parracks. The Kingston Salvation Army band was also here Saturday evening ana delighted the citizens with some very fine concerts on the street and before the lecture in Grace church. C. 8. Lee, Oshawa, spent the week- end here. : Frank LaQue has been appointed staward of the Yacht Club for the season, { Mrs, Charles Cartwright, (nee Gretta Butler), left last night for Detroit to join her husband, who has a position in that city. Gordon Brennan left for Mattland on Saturddy to visit his mother. Harold: Hampton and Gerald Leakey left last night for Detroit. Gordon Davis, Syracuse, spent the week-end with his family here, The Gananoque baseball team played a game at Grindstone Island on a short visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. Ball, Brockville, Mrs. (Captain) Bsford, Kingston, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harry K Forrest Grier, Bank of Toronto, Lyndhuret, was in town over the week: : No U.JF.0. in Grenville? Brockville, June 11.--Rumor has it that William Buchanan, nominee {of the U.F.O. for Greaville, will not seek 'election and that the Drury verpment Will not bave a candidate in Grenville. The Advance has been 'ormed by an adherent of the * who is in the know if the Liberal candidate, Mr. '<oned purple and white. Mrs. W. J. Jacobe is leaving today { An excellent prop for a row of to- [rato plants is a ladder laid horizon- [tally with supported ends about {eighteen inches from the ground. | Few plants have ever equalled the {geranium for bedding qualities. It |is usually in bloom when planted and {the bloom lasts until frost. Salerio land 8. A. Nutt are excellent varit- |ties. If your garden is the ordinary back {yard and space is- necessarily limited {try some dwarf fruit trees, such as Duchéss pears. They de not occupy much,' room and when well estab- lished give good returns. Obtain a copy of the Horticultural Society's prize -list from Secretary Mclean for the September Show. Prizes are given for plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables. 'The Horticultural Soclety seeks to improve, or inculcate the desire to improve, the home surroundings. One's example actuates others and thereby the whole city is visibly im- |proved. A town is known by its well- keptness and every individual effort [to improve gives visitors a good im- pression. Congregational Union Gets Assembly Greeting Ottawa, June 11.--At the closing meeting Saturday of the Congrega- tional Union of Canada, a 'message of thanks was received and read, from the Presbyterian General As- sembly' now in session at Port Ar- thur. ' The wire read: * "Port Arthur, June 8.--To Wil- liam P. Gunn, secretary of the Con- gregational Union, Ottawa. The gen- eral assembly have received with joy the gracious message and prayer of the Congregational Union of Canada. The assembly reciprocates most heartily these kindly greetings anil : .that God will guide our urche and such action as will make them @ united force fof righteousness Hogs, live weight, cwt. .... . (Sausage Phone 147 for Service. | ] { * PRODUCE MARKETS. Napance Retail Market. Napanee, June 9, Apples, pk .... . Celery, head. .™.... Lettuce, head Green Onions, bunch. . 05 | Onions domestic, pk,. .. .. ...:20] Potatoes, bag .. .... ..$n00-§1.1¢ | Rhubarb, bunch eB Butter, creamery, 1b. Butter, dairy. 1b.... Cheese, new, Ib Cheese, oid, 1b... Eggs, fresh, doz. lard db. o....i. - Oleomargarine, 1b. . Shorts, owt..... .. 1.60 Straw, baled, cwt.. .. .. .. 50 Straw, loose, ton .. .. $6.00-§7.00 Wheat local, bus. . wre 30.40 Bram, ton... .... ev. o...320.00 Buckwheat, bus .. ..., ., ..3160]| Corn, feed cwt. .... 6 000n.s $2.25 Corn, car lots, cwt.... + 138 Hay, baled, cwt.... v. .. . 13 Hay, loose, ton. ... .. . 10.00 Oats, western, bus b Oats local bus.. ... Young pigs, pair.... .. Beef: Steak, porterhouse 1b.. .... ..28 Steak, round, Ib.... .. .. .. 20 Boiling cuts, 1b. . «10-13 Stewing cuts, Ib. ... .. .. ..8-12% Beef, hinds, oft. . Beef, local, b.... Veal, 1b.... Pork: Loin roasts. 1b. Shoulder, roasts, «een 40-50 ..15-25 i 10-20] | Sesemecenanes .25 sae sas ce we ww ee 10-12 sesssn mens 35-28 m.... ++$9.25 Chops, Ib. ... . co ee en B02 Hogs, dressed, cwt.. «uss 28 Bacon, breakfast, 1b. ........30-50 Ham, smoked, 1b. . ..30-35 Picnic Ham, 1b. ... cove ++ ..20-25 Hinds, Ib.... .. ... .. 28 to .30 meat .. .. .. 0. .. L022 | Lamb Carcass, yearing, 1b.... .. .. Carcass, spring, b.. .. .. . Fronts, yearing, 1b.. .. .. . Hinds, yearing, Ib.... .. ... .23 32 Sheep skins, fresh ........75-3$1.25 Veal skins, b.... .. ees 10 Wool, washed, Ib. ............28 Wool, unwashedy bs. ....e... 17 Number No Indication. Toronto, 'une 11---The Star says editorially that the number of candi- dates put forward by the various parties cannot serve as an indication of the result. The Star says: "In the . last election, which was so disastrous to the Conservatives, that party had |candidates in 105 ridings, four of whom were unopposed, yet it elected only 256 members. The Libergls had 7% candidatés and elected 29. The Labor party had 24 candidates and eiected 11. The United Farmers had 68 candidates and elected 45." Seize Counterfeit Stamps, Detroit, Mioh., June 11.--Between §500,000 and $600,000 worth of counterfeit Canadian and United States government stamps were sols- ed by prohibition and secret service officers in a raid on a West Warren avenue shop. The seizure included thousands of labels of all principal brands of Scotch, Canadian and Am- erican whiskeys, branded corks aad Wrappers. : I ---- Playing with what was thought to be an unloaded rifie, Vera Steen, seven years old, of Deleau, Man., was shot by her brother Thursday wight. She will recover. Magistrate Jelfs, of Hamilton, urges the police commissioners to keep the streets froe of ign boards and compel newspaper publicity to be used, CASTORIA Su Quarter, spring, 1b... .. ...35-45 Mutton chops, 1b. ... .. .. ..20-25 Mutton Carcass Ib, ........15-18 Poultry: Fowl, Ib. ...vvive wovuieicdB-28 Chickens, 1b.... «uo .. «.. .25-30 Ducks, Ib. .cv vo vs wien 28-39 Geese, 1b.... .. .. .. uo. ..25-28 Hides, ete.! ras | Deacon Skins, each ............830 Horse hides.. .... ..32.50-33.40 AD WANA cela Ssssw o8