THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG © THOS. H. INCE PRESENTS Douglas MacLean "BELLBOY 13" A HILARIOUS COMEDY DRAMA WITH THE STAR OF "THE HOTTENTOT" 9 AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About ' Coming Attractions DOUGLAS MACLEAN AS "BELLBOY 13" Douglas MacLeari has done it again! Those patrons of the Allen who were fortunate enough to gee him im "The Hottentot" have never forgot- | ten the laughter and thrills in which The prodigal son of a more or Tess | jrich but impotent father, Meighen, as { Kirk Anthony, goes. the limit. The { picture introduces him as the idolized {head of New York's young college {set and he busts records and his fath- {er's bank roll with equal recklessness. ! | Anthony attends an evening's cele. | | bration for the victorious rugby team | {and also in attendance are two confi- | | dential agents, one a police officer and | one in the employ of his father. There | is a mix-up at the affair and the even- | ing ends in the policeman being in- | '9 % TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1038. a, INDEPEND ORDER OF Closes Its Forty-Eighth Year with FORESTERS Full Insurance Reserve . . $38,537,068.00 Special Reserve and Surplus $1,790,483.63 Now sells 20 Pay Life and 100 disability features, at very low rates. . The 100% policy matures as an endowment at age 70. - . Both policies have cash withdrawal values, and automa. tic non-forfeiture features after only two annual premiums have been paid. Age limits 16 to 55, for Men or Women. Premiums may be paid monthly, RATES FOR $5,000.00 100% Plan 20 Pay Life $ 73.80 $107.00 85.00 116.55 this production abounded, but in jured and in Anthony being drugged ao. iin au he Alen Br, bMS hr sen od Sapghac | ba made pcan ig nda coma A 10 Teta tht on ho to have reached the acme of Jerfee But he soon picked up acquaintance cemeg; P18 SHISTUmEN. On with a oraz: sud sings wer ae "Hotlsator" gov will remem | 700% at Panama oll his father sent a b h i teeple-chase rid {letter denying the kinship. between eTome 3 cimpion steeplechase rid-| wo 0 Anth t ot rer; in "Bellboy 13" he takes a Posi] young Anthony went out ; jon his - tion as bellboy and the thrilling and | "pp Te ef ably Sates amusing situations which he stumbles ed their part of the Strand's pro- into, will provide you with a Stes gramme last night with their songs tainment for over an Dus, f Te > and jokes. The hit of the evening was BL Ear OR eR Ne {google Eyes" and the same song will Another feature of the bill is Lloyd | be repeate an Hamilton in "Extra Extra" a hilar- peated at performances this week. ious comedy of the struggles of a i -------- poor cub reporter. In this meets, MRS, DUNNETT ARRESTED ON SERIOUS CHARGE 35 Lloyd Hamilton establishes himself, Beyond a doubt, as one of the fore- 121. 144.45 In Connection With Death of | S 192.95 197.80 most comedians on the screen. The Fox News, items of interest from all parts of the world, round! out an exceptionally fine programme. ; PauGiien--Base In Above rates provide for Medical attendance, F raternal : and Sanatoria benefits. Sickness and Accident Benefits optional. Pays $28.00 month and $40.00 monthly for next five months, e first cost is only Three Months' Premium, I have a good offer for members anywhere who can help me. For full information apply to:-- Deputy Lloyd Hamilton i Ex! Exra! A-L-L-E-N Now Playing % Protection Policies with 5 + { Age 20 omas M ighan ° STARTS TO-DAY. ' Evenings . ADOLPH ZUKOR PRESENTS . N » . » ' : - ~The Neer-Do-Wpel) -- SPECIAL ATTRACTION-- THE FAMOUS THOMAS MEIGHEN SCORES HIT IN "NE'ER-DO-WELL" F. E. PETCH, BASS; Y J. THOMPSON, BARITONE. Provincial Inspector Hammond and | Provincial. Constable Roy Clark late! on Monday aftemoén placed under | arrest Mrs. Louise Dunnett on aj | charge of "unlawfully using an instru- | | ment on her daughter, the late May | | Dunnett, with the intention of procur- WE SHOW THE NEWEST STYLES FIRST |S The accused was arraigned in the s » » police court on Tuesday morning and KINGSTON h | In "The Ne'er-do-well," the versa- tile Thomas Meighen scores a big hit. first Pa -------- Po ----. FRANK MULLETT, District 134 EARL STREET, KINGSTON. PHONE 647. or E. O. Clark, Odessa. KINGSTON [moe 0 June 15 INET Cc IRC el TRAINED. WILD ANIMALS N S gamtacs BIG BABY ZOO What is wrong with this menu DALY STREET PARADE AT [IAN from the standpoint of health? 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY The answer will be found among ARV 3 RN TR RT RN PE TT to-day's want ads. Tickets on sale Cirems Day at Best's Drug Store--same price as on grounds. | pleaded "not guilty." A. B. Cunning- | {ham appeared as her counsel, and T. { J. Rigney, crown-attorney, conducted | the prosecution. The evidence of Horace Wilson and Inspector Hammond was taken in the case. May Dunnett died in King- ston in February last. PETERBORO BELLEVILLE Sait | STORE OPENS » Ant DAILY. Ne NO -------------------- PALMISTRY MADAME CLAIR, famous Scotch Palmist and Clairvoy- ant, will be at the RANDOLPH HOTEL for a few days. Room 4, 1st floor, < Hours: 11 am. to 10 pm. READINGS, ONE DOLLAR. es en inn CLOSES 5.30 P.M. DAILY. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION President Reviews Work of Year -- Hour Difficulty Being Adjusted The second of the daily sessions of [ the 12th annual conference of the On- | tario and Quebec Typographical union { was held on Tuesday morning in the [city council chambers, the business of { the meeting being devoted to the read- ing of various reports of committees, f the adoption of several important re- jSpitions, and the annual addresses of President A. J Bolwell, Treasurer Hugh S. Bently man Hugh McColl of committee. Your Last Opportunity to Procure Canton and = ons LC ---- ELECTORS OF FRONTENAC - I respectfully solicit your vote and influence to elect me at the coming election as your representative for the County of Frontenac. If re-elected I shall in the future ~--as in the past--serve You to the, best of my ability. A. M. RANKIN~ Secretary- and Chair- the apprentice and Art school, and an explanation of Good r f si range or sizes. | young men the elements of their trade. ces were given the opportunity of Worth up to $47.50 for . vi. One of the most interesting fea- - | tures of the session was the exhibition Numerous of apprentice work accomplished by the system in vogue in that city where two full-time and one part-time instruc | The work showed many examples of There is still 1 choosing from this {originality and rare talent, and many lot of exceptionally smart Dresses. You viewing the exhibits. Numerous $ 6 95 students at the Hamilton Technical Styles 1 * Colors tors are engaged in teaching boys and apprentices from local printing offi- had better choose early on Wednesday be- President Bolwell stressed the im- portance of the campaign to educate jcountry printers as to the advantages HORSEMEN, ATTENTION! PP The pure-bred Clydesdale stalilon, this opportunity again, j 7 Created from loosely woven, summer hues. A cuffs and skirt of coat is shown aay aodel festures a semi-Tuzeda sides by means of a belt of . Here nd 33 Erion mooie of tait. Hero we find and Cuffs. There are other attractively styled mum from too. Just drop in and try them on. Priced at . ... x cause after to-morrow you will never have in fact you will never see these Dresses again. Ultra-fashionable, correctly tailored frocks, d little different effect. WEDNESDAY, the last isplaying that, just a day; at ..... $16.95 Summer Suits Displaying New York's Most Recent Style Achievements Heather Homespuns of light plain sack model fastening at side front with the strings of self with just a touch of Paisley trimming: around collar, in a green heather shade. front, but is fastened at} we find a light shade of of Coat, Collar bers to choose 25% Ratine Skirts __ For Sport Wear. 3450 Gingham Tub Frocks 3.98 v Washable Gingham Frocks that have distinctive styles of '| lesser numbei~ of coming into the union. The appren- tice. work was also taken up at some length. The speaker stated that the 44-hour difficulty was being gradually adjusted with each month showing a drawing strike" allow- ance. * The report of the secretary-treas- urer, Hugh S. Bently, was most en- couraging; this official referring to the revision of the constitution and by- laws; the organization during the year, the improvements in working service and conditions; and the render- ing of the financial statement. Mr. Bently spoke of the historic interest attached to Kingston and also ex- pressed the pleasure of the conference in being here this summer, » The members of the conference vi- sited many points of historic and sce- nic interest in the city and surrounding district during the two days, and on Tuesday afternoon they are to visit the Royal Military College and Fort Henry, after which they are to go on a picnic up the Rideau. BRERA" ih American League. Cleveland, 4; New York, 3. Chicago, 5; Bostgm, 4 Boston, 3; Chicago, 10. Toronto, 7; Reading, 3. Syracuse, 1; Newark, 5. : Rain prevented many games, --------i Belleville Also Both Kingston and Belleville had Maryfield/ Lad, No. 21890, will stand for service during 1923 for a limit- ed number of mares as , follows: Monday morning, leaves Kingston, down Front Road to Henry Mac- Leans f6r noon; 'from there to John McClement's at the Finger Board for night, Tuesday from McClements down Front Road to Thomas Max- well's for dinner; from Maxwell's back to Finger Board and up Middle Road to Sam VanHorn's for Tuesday pight. Leaves VanHorn's Wednes- Jay morning and proceeds to Bern- ard Moran's for Wednesday noon; then to Berrigan Hotel at Kingston for Wednesday night; leaves Thurs- Jay morning .to Portsmouth Road; John Redden's for dinner and thence across to Bath Road and back to Bernigan Hotel; @riday to Wolfe Island at the Johnston hotel until three p.m. and then back to King- ston, at Berrigan Hotel Saturaay and Sunday. ' This fine young horse was bred and raised by Smith and Richara- son, Columbus, Ont. He is jet | {black in color, face and hind {egs white; a perfect horse; good heavy bone; plenty of action, good feet and a gentle disposition; only has to be seen to be appreciated. See this horse before making a selection of a sire, as he is bred from the very bes: strains, Terms: Two mare proving in foal and owned by the one man, $28; one proving in foal, 315; mares must be returned each week to the horse or pay onme-half insurance whether in foal or not; parties dis- posing of mares before foaling time will be held responsible for service, fee unless satisfactory proof is given to the owner of this stallion that Notice to Creditors of the Estate of Mary Ann Potter, Late of the Township of Pittsburg, in the County of From- In the Matter Se ---------- AUCTION SALE Thursday, June 14th, 182 Wellington Street, 10.30 a.m., at the Home of tease, Widow, Deecea: NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN - suant to R. 8. O. Chap. 121, Sec. 56, that all creditors and others havin against the estate of the said Mary Ann Potter who died on or about the 25th | day of March, 1923, are required on| or before the 30th day of June, 1923, to deliver to RIGNEY & HICKEY. 89 Clar- ence Street, Kingston, Ont., Solicitors for the Execsitors of sajd estate, their names and addresses and full particu- lars of their claims and of the securi- ties, If any, held by them, and that af- ter said last mentioned date said 'Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased among the per. song entitled thereto, having regard to those claims only of which they shall then have had notice, and that they said assets to any person of whose claim they shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution RIGNEY & HICKEY, Solicitors for the Executors. will not be liable for any Part of the o Miss Greasua Nordheimer solid walnut éase cabinet £rand plano, valued at $800, to be sold at 12 o'clock noon; brass candlesticks, congoleum rugs, brass Jardinier tables, nats, rugs, curtains, chairs, asettees,! beds, dressers and stands, mattress, | bedding, davenport, sideboard, clocks, Screens, eleetric fixtures, tollet sets, show cases, glass- upboard, mantle bed, rockers, bird cages, wax and bronze figures, china, crocker glassware, ocak heater, lady's trunks, Happy Thought range, frigerator, kitchen utensils, Perfec- tion ofl heater, sealers, and a host of other articles. EDFORD, the Auctioneer, --_. Kingston, May 28th, 1923. IN MARINE CIRCLES i ---- | One The steamer Glencadam passed up on Monday night on the way from Montreal to the head of the lakes. The steamer Saskatoon arrived from Montreal on Tuesday morning and cleared for Port Colborne. . The steamers Jeska, Susie Chipman, and Brantford all cleared for Oswego on Tuesday morning to load coal 'for Kingston. The steamer Glenafton arrived from Port Colborne on Tuesday morning and cleared with freight for Montreal. The steamer Mapleboro arrived from the head of the lakes on Monday night and cleared for Montreal The steamer Arabian arrived from Montreal on Monday night and clear- ed for the canal. Plumbing and Heating Formerly of Davie & Barrett Mex 780 9 Metreal §t Your Summer wardrobe is not lete unless it contains one of new Ratine Skirts with the waist attached. - You ay wear such mare was not in foal. All ac- cilents to mares at owners' risk. We hold claim to all mares and colts until settled in full. Peter J. McCoy, Kingston, Ont. Husband Kills Wife And Shoots Himself St. Catharines, June 12.--As the their revenge, Yesterday, for Satur- cay's losses and by a strange coir- cidence the scoras were the same. At Belleville yesterday afternoon Man- ager Gerow's nina came through with {a 10 to § victory over Peterboro and made tha league race much more interesting. The standing now is: Won Lost Tied Peterboro .. «3 0 Eelleville ., se Waseaad Mr. Swaine, piano *uner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west Phoné 564w. their own, shown in pretty Checks and Plaids, in a myriad of colors. Sizes for Misses and Women 13 to 40, and only es --i3me TUESDAY. JUNE 12th--Regular run to Picton, leaving Kingston 5.00 'pam. (fast time). . ngston THURSDAY, JUNE 14th--Princess Street Methodist Church Moonlight to ina rg Spear ead Gananoque. Leave Kingston 7.350 pm. (fast time). p Sport' Frocks -- : E «-¥ Stewart, Ong hour in Gananoque. * . : : » 5 FRIDAY, Juxs 15th--Regular run to Picton. leaving Kingston 5.00 p.m. » {fast time). Scores Monday. they are different. H. W. Newman defeated D. R. E. i 13-12, " 1 1 ° "rEw aan BATURDAY, JUNE 18th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay. leave King- ston 2.00 p.m. (fast time). Ons hour at the Bay. SUNDAY, JUNE 17th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay a at 2.00 p.m. fast time. One hour at the Bay. BOAT LEAVES WHARF FOOT OF BROCK STREET Sparks, ~ C. Sleeth defeated J. Newell, 0-7. -- F. Crozier defeated C. Crozier, 11-10 Dr. Cartwright = defeated A. E. Leavy . Kingston