"WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1923. LIVEN UP THE LIVER % REGULATE THE BOWELS TONE UP THE STOMACH | WITH Ta Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills HIS "DATE" \ S They will regulate the flow of! ile to act properly on the bowels, | and will.tone, renovate and purify the liver, removing every result of | ver trouble from the temporary, but | #@isagreeable bilious headache to the | vereat form of liver trouble. | » Mire. J. Schelton, Bethany, Ont, | writes:--"I have used Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills for some time. I as troubled with a bad liver and eadaghes, but since taking your Pills - '¥ am perfectly well again." ¢ Price 25c. a vial at all-dealers or iled direct om receipt of price by e T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, BEST 1 HAVE PR Tha So Says Mr. John Brooks, in Describ- . ing the Relief He Found in Dreco, the Famous Herbal Remedy. Mr, John Brooks, a well-known citizen of 82 Chestest Street, Toron- 'to, makes an interesting statement in which he praises Dreco highly. Let him tell how this wonderful medi- cine helped him. # "I have taken many things for ca- tarrh in my head, nose and throat, without relief. I bélieve it was this condition that caused my stomach to get in bad shape. The food I ate would not agree with me and would i.sour {in my stomach, and I also had * pains in my back and dizzy spells. . _ "Dreco relieved these pains and dizzy spells and I can walk along the street now without fear of them fovertaking me." I sleep fine and have THE DAILY BRITISH By Juanita Hamel] § ' ' A 27) r= Fa oC . TR J y ASN) 4 1 fr / RX ia good appetite, and no longer have that sluggish, tired feeling. Dreco proved to be a wonderful medi- cine for me, the best I have ever ken," : Praise of this nature coming from Half a dozen words may mean no more than a little dot will convey when set like a seal of satisfaction upon the day she has promised shall be theirs. All week long 'the ex- WE SHOW THE NEWEST BELLEVILLE E a gy yy KINGSTON BROCKVILLE exceptionally good-looking. fringed ties. neck and sleeves. STORE OPENS 9 A.M. DAILY. Crepe De Cheéne, also, finds a prominent place in 'these Summer Frocks. Priced at $20.50. In many cases it is developed into two-piece frocks of unusual smartness--plain White Pleated Skirts with a Balkan Blouse of Foulard Pat- terned Crepe de Cheme, finished on'left side with long One piece Dresses, made from contrasting colored ma- terials, are strongly featured, such as a chic straight line frock with skirt of Jade Green, Alltyme Crepe and bodice of White Alityme Crepe, daintily- piped with Green around There are numerous other fascinating models that will CLOSES 5.80 'P.M. DAILY. | "Distinctive Summer Frocks : Altyme Crepe and Crepe de Chene A Feature 'Event for Thursday, Friday and Saturday--Priced at *29.50 ALL STYLES--ALL COLORS--ALL SIZES A most beautiful collection of Summer Frocks for both Women and Misses' wear. Styles that will only be found in the J. A. McNabb Co., Limited, store--styles embracing the new, fwo-piece Frocks of Alltyme Crepe with their brightly hued Middics or Balkan Blouse and plain or Pleated Skirts. For the tall, slender figure, the straight-line Frocks of Alltyme Crepe in solid colors of Blue, Green or Sand, re- lieved with embroidery work, in White, Silk or Wool, are pectation to which his heart leaps comes as a lovely disturbing vision between his work and him, and yet when Saturday arrives, will he have the courage to ask the question the thought of her causes to rise to his eager lips? Will she make every day--will she for- ever be--his date? surely appeal to you the moment you see them. The pre- dominating colors are White, Rose and White, Burnt Orange and White, Black and White, Royal Blue, Navy and Grey, Sand, Jade. Green, Olive Green, etc. Specially featured for THURSDAY, SATURDAY--all at the one price of responsible people tells its own story ft the value of Dreco as a corrective for all digestive complaints. It is Brepaien expressly to regulate the | liver and bowels and offers quick peliet from many distressi 8, -- a FRIDAY AND ptom { Drego contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. It is com- unded solely from herbs, roots, rk and leaves of known medicinal value. Dreco Is being specially ine| : in Kingston by | MAMOOD'S DRUG STORE, § d Is sold by a good druggist A Wonderful Little Helper. #1 men speak ill of you, so live pobody can believe them. hat ' Venice is built on 80 islands and | my mother." bas 40C bridges. . Oh, dear!" Nellie sighed, as she sat down under the apple-tree. "I 'wish I were a great big girl, so I could help "Buzz, buzz, buzzie!" buzzed a busy y SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT ARNIEL & HAMBROOK (CATERERS) F .C. HAMBROOK 115 Broek Street Phone 1925w. WM. J. ARNIEL Earl asd Alfred Phone 835. NO DINNER TOO LARGE--~NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. "DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight OPPOSITE BIBBY'S | CAMPERS, ATTENTION | We would be pledsed to have your application for delivery © of BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY, et¢., to CARTWRIGHT'S POINT, . First class service promised. v LACKIE'S BAKERY fll 302 KING ST. . . . PHONE I4l. FOR JUNE. WEDDINGS : Place your Order at once for Wedding Cakes and Ice Cream. These add to the joy and pride of every June bride. bee, quite close to Nellie's -head. "What's that I hear you saying?" "Were you speaking to me, Mr. Bee?" asked the astonished Nellie. She had never been able to understand bees before. "Was that you talking?" "Of course, it was I talking," buzzed Mr. Bee merrily, as he tilted himself on a clover-blossom right near Nellie's slippers. "And I was talking to you, too. I heard you say something about wishing yon were big." "So I do," Nellie sighed, nodding her pretty curls. "But, goodness me! What can a little girl 8 years old do to help any one? I'm too little! Some day I'll grow big enough to help, then I won't have time to be lonesome." "Were You Speaking to Me?" "How funny that would seem 'to me!" buzzed Mr. Bee. "Why, 1 wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have work to do. I really believe I'd die. Yes, I do believe that I would. My goodness! The very first thing when 1 was--but there's no use of my tiring you with my history." And Mr. Bee gathered his pockets full of pollen and started to fly, when Nellie stopped him. "Oh, please, don't go yet," she beg- ged. "I'd really like to know anything you like to tell me." "Well, I was going to say," laugh- ed Mr. Bee, "it takes 21 days for bees like me to hatch. And when we are 3 days old we are put to work watch- |ithe yellow tones of the illusive color, ing over the cells. When I was 3 weeks old IT was put outside the hive to keep watch.over my younger brothers and sisters." "But, you see," laughed Nellie, "if 1 had a brother or sister I might take care of them, but I haven't." "All the more geason you should find plenty to do," buzzed :Mr. Bee. "Gracious! if we had to be 8 years old before we could do anything, I'm afraid you folks would never get any honey. Just think of it! I started in when I was 3 weeks old to do really { hard work." "That's because you're a wonderful child," laughed Nellie. "But I do know one thing. Mama's head is aching dreadfully and she didn't feel like washing the dishes, I'm going' right in and do them for her." And bidding Mr. Bee good-by, Nellie ran into the house, and when her mother awaken- ed from her nap. her headache was all gone. 4 She went down into the kitchen to do the dishes, and wasn't she surpris- ed to find them all done and put away neatly in the cupboard? her it was all due to Mr. Bee! X line and the sash-ends and bring out How she laughed when Nellie told CANADIAN NATIONAL RalwaYS AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family |} or friends going to or returning from the OId Country. Passports arranged ||| for. For information and rates apply to |i J.. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, | ji corner Johmson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. Lice draws to like. You'll find all the offers of one sort grouped to- gether among the A-B-C Classified Ads--for your convenience. Read them to day} | (Copyright. 1933, by Busi] L. Smith) GREAT WEST LIFE'S Wonderful result. 20 Pay Life Policy, $10,000 on the life of Mal- colm Young, Picton, Ontario. Profits paid policy up in thes 14th year. 41 Brock or 458 Princess Street. Phone 1488w. / on Rapid, Reasonable and Right Drug Store Service "THAT'S US." PRINCESS PHARMACY WHERE PRINCESS AND DIVISION CROSS OPEN FROM 8 TILL LATE, - - " TELEPHONE 2018 MAKE YOUR WORK EAS Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. The J. EK Cavell Remar 56 BROCK STREET Phone 68. Res. 2240m--1128w. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS ud OFFERS FOR SALE $5,000--LIVINGSTON AVE. modern house, all conven ences, quarter cut floors throughout. $4,700--STUART STREET, modern brick veneer houses, hardwood floors, electric lights, gas for cooking, three-piece bath. ¥ : TO RENT - Modern 7 roomed house; west end, all hardwood floors. | COUNTER CHECK | BOOKS SALES TAX INCREASE AUGUST 1st On At... ist the Sulcs Tux gn Counter Cheek Hosks will be ime creased from 4% to 6 per cent, which means an additionul cost to the merchant, ; ORDER NOW AND SAVE MONEY By placing your order with us NOW you can save this extra cont. Phone for our represeatattve to call BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT _, 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. -