Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1923, p. 1

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<« h Whig | IT WILL BE 1927 BEFORE THURS., FRI, SAT. _ RICHARD BAR TO-DAY se MESS, DOROTHY Gisn in "BELLBOY 'THE BRIGHT SHAWL ¥ ~ | 13" A ------------ = YEAR 90; No. 138. 3 4 ELEVENTH-HOUR ELECTION 10000009000 0000000) Ban 1 Baily KINGSTON, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1923. LAST EDITION. News off the Wires In Condensed Form ! 4 FEAR BULGARIAN | : COUNTER REVOLUTION + | | ! { ¥ DECISIONS BEING MADE By Prospective Candidates As Whether They Will Accept Nominati A 0 To * Much Interest Aroused By the 0.TA. Debate ~¥ to Take Place At Fergus Between Raney And Ferguson. Toronto, June 13, --~ Lukewarm prospective candidates for the On- taro general elections are today mak- ing their eleventh hour decisions as to whether or not to let their names stand at the official nominations to- morrow for the legislature. Un- doubtedly there will be many seratch- #s before the big race officially starts, A dlosing up In Liberal ranks In ance Act. Dewart Sticks to Toronto sake the riding of southwest Toron which ing, tion to W, PF. Nickle, It bas been sdered doubt. tive wandidate, Hartley Tul whether Colonel Cooper would be . the official nominee. Captain H. 8 for other |jty » west Toronto fight to fin 31st to debate the government's en- forcement of the Ontario Temper- Toronto, June 13. -- Questioned this morning .regarding rumors which have been circulating through- out. the province that he would for- | to @ represented In the last le- gislature, and accept the Liberal no- mination of an eastern Ontario rid- Kingston, in dppost- K.C., {Conserva- H. Dewart, K.C., declared that he is "'in south- sh" and will win the seat with a handsome major- "It is true that suggestions have According to the Globe's corres- Yondent with Hon. BE. C. Druty, the {éral Tidings in the. province that wremier is setting the pace for all {would be able to carry," other leaders in the vigor of his | Dewart, speaking tours. The premier is ad- tots const dressing more meetings and making {sane the ¢ longer speeches than his opposing recent co Geaders, and his voice shows the ef- fect of the strain. : | Sir Adam Beck, chairman of the | tion, but T a provinelal hydro electric commis- |, ronto; sion, .and Conservative candidate in southw London, attacked the newspapers 'which, he suid, were opposed to hyd- |jegislature, 70 and public ownership. "This med- | time, leave a dling with hydro affairs must be from the Ce . stopped," said Sir Adam. Much interest 'has been * aroused cement that Hon, Howard Conservative leader, and W. E. Raney will meet on: the m going to remain I em in this fight est Toronto to a finish and I would not, at te fight seat outside the event I would mot oppose Nickle, in Kingston, 'where it been 'suggested that I be Li standard-bearer," 'Hon. 6 Dr. Ric when the jury return NO BILL" IS RETURNED Son arose May Dunn uary. The provincial Investigation and . as a charge was lodged against ardson. When the cor The charge agai over the death of result a verdict ."" In the case of Mrs. Loud he? Miss May Dunnett, with ¢ of causing a miscarriage. Mrs. Dunnett was brought beto His Honor and discharged. "The grand that the crown has brought in 'no bill," Madden. "you are discharged' The case of Mrs, Dunnett dealt with speedily. od under arrest on M by Provincial Inspector and Provincial Constable was arraigned before Farrell, in ithe police court Tuesday morning, committed trial, and her case Srand jury at the Peace the same case was reported jury when court sald J What were you paying Madam for RENT OF 6 ROOMED HOUSE? 'Ottawa Says these were the average prices early in April Month al In the case of The Ferguson, for theft, "true bil." In the case of The Ferguson, reckless dni causing damage, "true bill." In the tase of Mrs. theft of money, 'true bill." ed Including the charge against Dr. Ww. Richardson, that of perfor an illegal operation on 'Dunnett. The count adjourned this stage to resume When the court . grand jury reported * case of Dr. Ri ed "true bill, k, of * in the case of J. FoMowing the re jury the court taok up the case Mrs. Carola Hamm. C. Hamm, charged 250 from the Bank J. Rigney cond and A. B. Cun counsel for with theft of Montreal. es ningham appeared How do prices in your locality com- | © B8re with other cities? Are you pay- Ing or toc pies than ayerage ! Thy "°8 are for average good quaiity ivered" goods. _ Watch for the es n this chart next month. -- am going to again represent it in the milion dollars wil] be s | | Dr. a been made to me that there are wev- 1 said Mr. "and Liberal leaders in var- ftuencies, who strongly re- reatment I received at the nvention of southwest Tor- onto Liberals, have urged me to con- sider the offer of an outside nomina- in in 1 constituency that I won nservatives, and which has sent me twice to the legislature, city, in any Wor has beral #ame platform at Fergus on June E NO DHI? | fom sso hardson was not in court ed its findings, Dor was he called before the court, nst Dr. Richard- Miss ett, in Kingston, last Jan- | a urt opened at 10 o'. ay morning, the of se with having used | daughter, he intent re and | theological wig e vas She was ple- onday evening | Hammond Roy Clark Magistrate on for given over to the Sessions of the afternoon. The on by the gramd King vs, Roy King vs. Roy ving in auto, Carola Hamm, After the grand jury had report.! On the cases mentioned, the mem- bers retired to consider other cases, ming {y Macallum at at 11 o'clock. resumed the 'no bill," in the ochardscn, but repont- | oo Bedford, charged. with port of the grand of wife of Stanley of Tr ucted the prosecution Mrs. Hamm. The caso has London, June 13.--Great an- # xiety is entertained in Allied 4 quarters over the course or % events in Bulgaria, Fear is # ® expressed that the peasantry % © will rally to the call of their de- ¢ © posed leaders and attempt a + 4 counter revolution. \ + l : 2 * (498044444000 04 0000 ---------- Five in-a Family : Pass Century Mark Souris, P.E.L. June 13--The death at the age of 100 years, reveals a remarkable record dor longevity among members of his family. His mother, Mrs. Angus : in Souris in 1885 aged 104; his sis- ter, Mra. Hugh Macdonald, in Souris, in 1916, aged 104; his sister, Mrs. MakKefllick, Jn, Beverly, (Miass., in 1918, aged 102; his brother, Ste- {phen A. Macdonald, in Souris, in 1921, aged 87; his sister, Mrs. Deagle, in Souris, in 1922, aged 103. The total ages of the six ds 600 Years, or an average of 100 years each, . er ---- Methodists and O. T. A. Toronto, June 13. -- Toronto Me- thodist conference Yesterday aftov- noon, without one word df discus- sion and without a dissenting voice, reaffirmed its confidence the righteousness and efficiency of the O.T.A. and expressed deep appreci- @tion "in the splendid leadership giv- eu to this great cause in itario by such men as Hon. Mr. Rowell, Sir William Hearst, Hon E. .C. Drury and Hon. W. E, Raney, ~------------ Gives $200,000 To VU Clayton, N.Y., June {Douncement was made of the gift of $200,000 to St. Lawrence Un- versity from the A. Banton Hep- burn estate. This brings the total in the mililon dollar drive to $950,000, Just $50,000 under the objective. With the drive continued it seems assured that anof obtained. -- Discussion Ended London, June 13. -- The British {Teply to the last Russian note states that "the Soviet government, having omplied, with. the essential oondi- tions of the demands put forward by his majesty's government, this Correspondence may now be brought to a conclusion." Paid Death Penalty Kenora, June 13.--Mely Wyksych, Sentenced to death for the murder of Waayl Podbicky on Tunnel I- land near here in 1919, was hanged at the local jail this morning, Wyk- s¥ch. walked firmly and composedly to the scaffold. Opens In Convocation Hall Thursday Morning--Dele- gates Who Will Attend. On Thursday morning at 9:39 o'clock the Canadian Universitins confersnce at Queen's begins. After registration in the Senate room of hall, the delegates wil) Proceed to Convocation Hall where all sessions will 'be held. President MeoLean, University of Manitoba, will open the conference. The fol- lowing delegates will be present: Acadia University, Wolfe Island Acadia University, Waoitville, N.S, Fresident F. Ww. Patterson ang Prof. Wheelock, Royal Military Col Pot. H. J. Dawson, University of Saskatchewan, Sas- 'oon, Sask., Dean Ling. laiversity of Toronto, Prof. wil. liam Pakenham, Prof, James Play- fair McMurrich, Prof. Alfred Tenny. Prof. Clarence Leslie lege, Kingston, C.M.G., DS.O. coner, President of th Torent, Victoig College, Toronto, Prof. Norman Wentworth DeWitt, Ph. D. Univesity of British Columbia, Vancouve, B, C., Dr. H. Ashton, Dr. D. Buchaan, Dean F. M. Clement, and Presient 1. §, Klink. . MoGHll niversity Montreal, Sir Arthur Curie, principal, Dr. F. p rdon Laing, Dr. F. C. Harrison, Pot. 'Ira Mackay). Dr. A Western lafversity, K.P. R. Nevik, Dr. H.W. Hill, Dean Sherwood Fo Mount Allisy University, Sack. ville, N. B., Dr Roy B, Liddy, Dr. J. ". Cohoon. © University of London, Dr. University ofMontrea!, Mo treal, Canon and two "other ($9200 000000 0020000 » In Order to Exti uish Num- ber of pe Fires. SITUATION 15 DANGEROUS { In the Porcupine District The Wind At Present = Is Favorable. Timmins, June 13.-- The bush fire situation in the Porcupine dis- | trict is liable to become very serious {if rain does not soon come arouy. {It is now nearly three weeks since |light showers laid the dust on the | roads. Persistent dry, hot days !since then have Caused numerous {fires to spring up, From Sunday fattsrnoon till now, a Healthy young blaze has been in, progress along the high ridges between McDonald lake {and the Vipond mine in the town- {ship of Delora and about one mile | West of the Paymaster mine. This fire is now almost burned out, and trafic to Paymaster mine has been {Tesumed. About fifteen to twenty {miles west of Timmins, a big blaze [nas been going om for three or four days, but no danger is anticipat- ed from that direction. The most serious outbreak has been in the region extending west from | in the township of Hollinger reserve Fire Ranger Hamil- |the Hayden mine | Ogden, past the | mine, and Chief niversity, {ton is fighting this fire with a strong Skull. 13.--An- s endangering | (force of men, as it i the power transmissi Wawaitin Falls, North to northeast winds prevail- (ed here until late Sunday afternoon, {when the direction changed to due west, Today it Is South and most on line from il Soh of the fires are being blown back that they desire to open on their tracks with the exception of the one in Ogden township. London, June 13.--The latest Rus- | sian note in the give-and-take ex- | change between London and Moscow is In the form of a conciliatory reply which the Russians here consider precludes' all possibility of a break in the trade relations between the two countries. Summing up its position the soviet fully concedes four points to Lord Curzon. The offensive Weinsteain notes in regard to the Prosecution of | the Russian ecclesiastics will pe withdrawn, the British fishing claims - |admitted, compensation for repres- |sive measures against two British |agents allowed and the pledges of { non-interference mutually renewed. It Maintained that the Russian re- Dresentatives in Teheran, Persia, and Kabul, Afghanistan, cannot be re-| called. The soviet make compensation to British subjects. ---------- DRAGGED TO DEATH f BY RUNAWAY HORSE | i { also declines to | for all injuries | f 5 -- Farmer Kicked in Head--Ail|! Clothing Torn From Body. -- Picton, June '3.--Thomas Strain, u farmer lviag on the Milford road, seven miles from here was killed by {¢ horse Monday morning. Strain wus hitohing up the horse, Preparing fur work, when it kick.d him on the head, and then Tan away, drag- King his body after it, When found Strain's clothing and shoes were torn off Mis body. The halter shank was ted '®0 his arm. He leaves a wife, but mo children. ------ Representative citizens declare me is ripe for Toronto to demand action from the government over the wretdhied waterfront dsituation ob- taining through inaction of the rail- ways! " » 3 At Chicago, hog values touched $6.75 on, Monday, the lowest price since Jamuary, 1912; . EP ------------ + 290908 Wikis Vriests and thrediay members. Dalhousie Univrsity, Halifax, N.8. President Stanley Mackenzie. Nova Scotia Tednical College, Ha- 1 Sexton. i iE i Others elected an. President Mae- lean, Dean Prouse, University o% Manitoba, Prasidentro, td, Principe: * Harrgn, Colleges Presiden seph's Dr. Seed boo ~ NORTH NEEDS| The British Commons firmly sup- Farmers in, Halton county: ¢om- mence cutting aflfalfa, | The trial of Rev. Father Delorme |is set for June 20th at Montreal. | Princess Maud and Lord Carnegie | [win marry towards the cnd of July. { Over a hundred thousand auto- {mobiles were purchased in Canada | | last year. | At New York on Tuesday Babe [Ruth hit his thirteenth home run of | the season. | Frank Tabeek, Lowville, N.Y., was | [likely fatally injured by a falling] tree. His skull was fractured. 1 The Cannon-ball Michigan Cent- | ral flyer sideswiped a freight train {at Grayling, Mich., Three are| |dead, and three injured. | Blackett Robinson, Ottawa, prom- | Ottawa, June 13, -- There was a ent as an editor and publisher for [slight diversion yesterday afternoon ore than fifty years, dled on Mon- in the House of Commons in the | Snape of the discussion about the fate offic-' of a fair but partisanly Tory post- |ials of the York, Pa. city bank, were | mistress. But the rest of the day | sent to prison for twenty years each | was spent over two large items of {for embezzling over $1,000.000. the estimates, the votes for the new | Northern areas in prairie prov-| Welland Canal and for the national inces have advantages of being well [mercantile marine, : supplied with trees and waters ac- There were very few formal pre- cording to letter from W. L. Smith. | liminaries, Capt. Shaw was the only At a well attended meeting in]inquisitive person on the orders of Chatham a Board of Trade was|the day, and the premier had to re- formed with a membership of 340.(%r him to the minister of the inter- George Wands was elected presi-|ior for information about the de- dent. signs of the Calgary power company The late Capt. W. J. Dail, Ogdens- | upon the water rights in the Natiopal 'burg, N.Y., left his entire estate, |Park at Banff. [valued at between $25,000 and $40.-f Toes The Bouse Moved late 1 , i »| supply for the spec - pos, 10,018 only daughier, Mise shy lowing Mr. Baxter to raise the ques- ; b baseball | tion of the fate of Miss Adrienne | deffally struck of aan { Roulay, lately postmistress at Bay- {bat at a game Fors e 2 {Herman Dulles, of Windsor, ig | abec in the Souniy of Jeatane, charg {in the hospital with a fractysed] ed with political partisa Ip. The house then proceeded to con- dals | 7 0 for con- troyed | fider a vote of $11,800,00 yanta id Yvan re | work on the new Welland jloney mad and society ladies' | anal this year, and Mr. Church Wem . ros | ©1 expedition in the work. ear. 1% eaid acid and. knives Graham explained that although 31 Pd dibines of the Canadian) Million dollars out of an estimated : cost of eighty million had been ex- lines notity the Railway epoaon | ended, no single section of the ea- ual had been completed and that fons rosarding wages and working | | would not be finished till 1927, | conditions. W. M. German said the value of |, Comadian Pacific Ratlway Sar the canal would be limited unless it ings for the week ended June Hh] ns extended to reach tide water, [were $3,189,000, as compared With), 7 sugested that the Cae od {$3,061,000 @ year: ago, an increase uow come for Canada to make of $128,000. a move about the Sf Law- The tax rate of Kent county hd waterway scheme and been struck: by the DER discussions about and a quarter mills on the the United States ; reduction of a quarter of a John Millar, Qu'appélle, thought the from last year. completion of the canal would per- The street railway company of mit large lake freighters to go dowa London has granted its employees |, "yo eastern end of Lake Ontario, wage increases from two | tut a lack of depth in the harbors cents an hour, restoring the former on the upper lakes would probably {maximum schle, i \/ prevent their loading to the full Mrs. Herbert Taylor, head 'oggthe twenty-five féet depth. establishment of Louis & Company, New York, leaped to death from the | steamship Adriatic off Nantucket Island Saturday night rates, 65 per cent of our grain be- Brantford merchants have Instal-| po shipped via American ports lay led 100 darge signs within a radius |i, ino fact that rates from New York of twenty-five miles of the city Ol ito Liverpool were 2.55 cents per bu- the township roads, bearing the in- shel less.last year than from Que- scription "Buy in Brantford." | bec although the St. Lawrence route At Miami, Fla, the 40,000-pound | y 54 shorter. He would prefer to Sea monster caught by Claude Nolan | saa the latter used more extensively off Long Key after an all-day SUTUR-| a5 thore was undoubtedly some adul- €le has been classified as being of | taration -of Canadian "grain in New the species rynondon typeus._ =| York, but one of tha obstacles was At Paris, Sarah Bernhardt's stage | Jewels: went under the hammer aj! public auction and they will remain in France. Sentimental considera- tions made the sale a complete suc- cess, : While Roy Lockenbour and Jos- eph Meyer, of Kitchener, were hunt- | ing squirrels, the latter was shot in| the arm by the former. Lockenbour | will be charged with criminal neglig- ence. : jin im {day in his "eighty-sixth year, T. B. Baird and W. H. Boll, Fright Rates. The reason for thd cheaper freight deartment of trade and commerce | Must bear some blame for this, along with the Montreal harbor commis- | sion because they had failed Ao divert | grain to Quebec and had dammed back the outflow from the wegat, with the result that rates had risen and the farmers incurred a serious loss. Such a catastrophe must be averted at "al costs this year, and the gov- | ernment's duty was to prevent such ebuses. He was not satisfied that there was any desperate demand in the west for the completion of the Welland canal, and noted with dis- and Approval that the final cost bade ' | fair to be three-fold the original es- wi Into Houses In timate. He was dubious of the val- ue of the St, Lawrence water-way Saskatchewan, scheme which should not be lightly -- oh Regina. June 13.--A plague of! undertaken and thought that ft caterpillars is reported from the Me- | might even be better to postpone Lean and Qu'Appelle districts. Mil-| further work on the Welland canal, lions of the insects the! and use the money for more usefu! leaves off the trees and crawling | rurposes. His last advice was to the into the houses, according to reports | cffect that if there was a bumper crop reaching the Provincial Agriculture in-the west, the elevator capacity at Department. Montreal should be increased by While the outbreak seems to be floating elevators, and the Quebec most serious at McLean and Qu'Ap-| elevators should be utilized exten- pelle, the caterpiliars are reported at| sively. il a number of other points. WEST NOW PLAGUED WITH CATERPILLARS Insects Denude Trees Elevator System Improved Mr. Robb admitted the congestion last year but thought it was not re. sponsible for the increasing freight rales on the upper lakes. In the past the elevator system at Quebec had worked very badly, but it had now been improved and arrangements had been made at Quebec and Mon- treal go' avert any possibility of ccn- gestion. facilities at Vancouver Free Trenton Rotarians to Run Newspaper for One Week ~--At the fast Rotary Club PP400catsee $4040 000000 { Mr. Graham defending the i ed cost of the canals said House of Cold. Discs Cura And the Canadian Grain Trafic, proved And There Glut That Occurred Last Should Year. Brockville, the Erle canal would bs unable to compete with it for busi- |1ess. The object of the new canal Was to bring western traffic as far {east as. possible without trans-ship- ment, and even the saving of a cent |ber bushel on grain would mean" a very bigsum for 'the farmers, : S-- St. Lawrence Scheme, Mr.. Grabam after dinner discue- sed the St. Lawrence water way scheme and outlined the negotia- (tions which had already takea |place. He pointed out that provin- |eial governments had en interest in {the scheme and there Was some dis- "¥reement between them and Og- tawa about their respective rights. The scheme would undoubtedly em sure the development of impontant electric power and the completion of {the Welland canal might we! form the beginning of the large enterprise and be a large part of Canada's con- tribution to the cost. | Mr. Church, however, was cop- ivinced that our canals had never [been given a adr chance, and re- [proved Mr. Mular for giving inac- |curate figures and expressing doubts {about the value of the Welland en- {terprise which ds one of the fore- {most economic necessities of the |day. He supported the demand for extra elevators. A. J. Lewis, Progressive, { Current, A work should have been made years ago and could dis cern no possible advantage either from it or from the St. Lawrence waterway schemedn the way of Government. not afford any more extravam 1 projects. Mr. Graham again reiter- ated his belief"that the new canal would help to lower freight rates, Andrew Knox thought expendi- ture on the Hudson's Bay route would be more advantageous to the . western farmer, but Mr. Hocken was sirong for the Welland capal and foretold a reduction. of seven to twelve cents per bushel on grain rates. § J. F. White, Conservative, Lon- don, and J. L,. Brown, Progressive, were both well disposed, to 'the St: Lawrence scheme, and the form- er was informed by Mr, Graham that there has been no discussion be- NE tween himself and Sir Adam Beck about a plan whereby Ontario should take over the whole scheme 4s a provincial enterprise. $ W. M. German was a much stronger advocate of the scheme and after outlining its various merits, urged an immediate conference with the Americans, | Meighen Favors Welland. Mr. Meighen defended "the Wel- {land canal project, and contended that it would be justified 4f § saved only 1.1-2 cents per bushel He felt western . opposition to it was mis taken, and while he believed dn the completion of the Hudeon's Bay road, he felt that the new Welland canal would do "more good. pointed that the Progressives' lclsms of the Weland as an plece of folly," and he .repeated his faith in the Bt. Lawrence waterway cheme. > -------- A deadlock prevails on the Ottorpan debt. . ---------- PE40000000 400004 He also pojnted that the |? ki : Shanghai, June 13.-- Condi in China were termed the Boxer out-

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