IHL UAILY BRITISH WHIG Ses : WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, va EE -- ---- = mt ees -- WATER 15 VERY LOW [BATSTONE SELECTED | INTHE SI. LAWRENCE} AS TEAMS MANAGER CORD THIS WEEK ONLY ; » °' '}|| Usual at Season--Have to |- Is Accepted With Much ; Canadian Fine || ™ aur toni. Regret L J | Watertown, N. Y. Timea. At last night's meeting of the King- . ' | The water. in the bi. Lawrence Baseball Association 4 - emmsil------------. ' Furs } > ston Amateur | River Is lower ac lis seazon Of the |i. chief business transacted was the 3 y year than it has been at the corres-|gno0i fH B to the DD ey asst one OVERSIZE d M | | ponding tine in several years. Capt, | post of playing manager. The move 1 > ink- Ins J | = S. Keeler, of Alexandria Bay, one | wag expected by those who had known Fisher's Sables, Mink an artins, . § lot the best known and one: of the [that Joe Daley was about to withdraw For Fords, Chevrolets, Max- i Stone and Wood Martins, Silver Foxes, J imost efcieht of the older steam-|but was only decided sites consider. Eo in Black. B} J | boat men on the river, says that the | able discussion. General regret is felt wells, Starr, Durants, Mc- . 5 Silver Cross Foxes; Foxes in ack, ue, height of th¥, water varius during (that Joe Daley is severing his con- i : . . : Laughlin 4's, Brisco's, Dorts. 8,000 miles guaranteed. ! . i 3 . . \ each year, but that for a period of [fection with the team for which he < White, Platinums, Browns, etc. ' seven years it will gradually fall, | has done so much. The present C. O. jj jand for. the next seven years it|B. team -is constructed on the 4 sre = rod i FUR COATS, JACQUETTES : | Will rise again by degrees. '.nis i of the old Ponies team, -------------- \ 9 : Fs. : . is [year Is the period of the lowest wat-| which started out as a junior organi- 3 » ---------------------- We invite you to bring your. visitors to Jlier. Next year's average will be | zation and went on into senior city OPEN EVENINGS § OPEN EVENINGS . . | slightly higher and so on until the [baseball and later played independent- ---------------- . see our beautiful Canadian Furs. [seven years have passed, he says. ly here in Shion jules Fn Joe TO y hs "In the yearly changes of the Daley has been the leading factor in TIRES-- Slice, ! { neight of water y the St. Lawrence | building it dp and keeping it together. YS--SPORTING GOODS pater) i [the lowest point is ip January," | His resignation comes as the result | | | says Captain Keeler. * "About the | of his not holding an amateur card and ) first of February it commences to although he could secure one without : {rise and continues until July 1st to|a great deal of trouble, Joe is con- John McKay Limited | 15th. tented to step out and let some per- KINGSTON, i CANADA | {| "This year the water is at a low- | son cle take over the reigns of con- ¢ ; §f [er point than it has been for some trol. It is an opportunity for which he CIN EE -- {chine It is at the present time fully | has been waiting as he has desired all | ; * b.1 b§ mmr | ©lghteen inches lower than is usua: | 31008 to join the ranks of the specta- jat this season of the year. The | tors. 5 " | raise since February has been only | Final arrangements for the Belle- em (A [four inches. It is easier to navigate | Ville trip today were made and the G : A | the St. Lawrence now, because 5 | team was notified of the necessity of Sh us | ® : chosing a captain now that Batstone J ; 3 ASK YOUR GROCER ABOUT juany Te are ule water aud has been :promoted. No decision has 4 > {in sight. ut the low water has : . 9 ve . ' OUR DELICIOUS | brought other ks néarer the sur-iY% been reached but the name of Jack £5 g ATTRACTIVELY PRICED F( JR Evans has been mentioned in this con- "SULTANA CAKE" ip y ey ae in lan water, |. tion. (Other matters of immediate = 2 pod 9 . Bovice should st ® Care| interest to the club were decided upon. ' " THURSDAY 3 : School Butter, and the finest of " " : i es Defeated Pittsferry. n ! New laid Eggs, Dairy 1 Bul e nest, o Many of the landing places on | t ) 72 inch Bl hed Sheeti 50c d eache eeting .... fee's ene os s'i'nia . yar Sultana Raisins all help towards making this one of the the river have had to be lowered sv! Th. Kin i gston Business College . finest Cakes obtainable. as to get easy access to boats and baseball team paid a visit to Pittsferry 72 inch Unblea i y eeting ... + «waters: i» 35. yard . v++eee.I5¢ yard up Bay it by the pound at your Grocers or---- at some of the islands there is 30 | recently and defeated the team there 36 . ch BI If you prefer something a little different, our j1uttle Water a $e Hrke that the} by 15 to 8, after a hard fought battle. nx eached Cottons Cele, Argor boats ave Ro pu | One of the features of the game was a . . "ME A DOWC R EAM' [mmission yet. However, it is ex-|home run by MeCullough of the Pishvy Creutar Pillow Cottons. . . . 45c. yard up pec © next few weeks will see| Kingstonians. A return engagement inc . a decided change.' will be played at the cricket field early eecy White Flannelette "oe «oe... 20c. yard CA KES The same situation prevails at| Thursday afternoon. Fine Huck Towels, size 17x34 inches 25¢ each Clayton and pilots on the St, Law- . rence at that point are compelled to | Pure Linen Huck Towels a8 4 0 ue ean. 39¢ each CANNOT PAIL TO PLEASE, keep 4 lose aich ou the tip IN MARINE OIROLES | Hemmed Pillow Cases, all sizes. ..... ...... «+e. .25¢c. each CROTHERS : KINGSTON i | Fine Hemstitched Pillow Cases. .... '50¢ Eg, ta. : Embroidered Pillow Cas a Re. on The steamer Jeske atvived in' dhls . low 88 "+o at a ninniine ses vv BIC. euch I ts I» 56 inch Unbleached Linen Table Damask. ....... $1.35 yard -- ---- : ME ise Chiba io me 36 inch Bleached Damask . . . . .... fy et ABE yard The Most Powerful Flame RC : Richardson's whart unloading coal : Pure Linen Bleached Damask . . . . . . . cern ene.. $2.25 yard ; ; ev Capp Bunalty axeiv: 18 inch heavy Roller Towelllng......onus coco .. 5c. yard in all the world is probably that crea- ; 3 ed from Montreal on Tuesday night 1 : . . ¢ ted by oxygen and acetylene gas. The WN and cleared for Toronto. HM inch Savy; pure Linen Towelling with red 'border or oxy-acetylene torch melts like butter \ The steamer Brockville arnived gré stri all hard metal with which it comes in {trom Picton on Wednesday morning yy Po5. rah Barriers aesiras anion 300) yard contact. Used With. Skill wn with canned goods and other pack- Linen Glass Cloths with red border or Checks, hemmed it, it is a valuable aid to every in- < age freight. : d f dustry. : The steamer Clty of Ottawa arriv- . ready loruse'. ............ .. 00 29¢. each N ed from Montreal on Wednesday hnesL. . and cleared for Toronto and Ham- . . Bishop Machine Shop \ es "I ) The steamer City of Hamilton ar- 3 KING AND QUEEN STREETS . rived from Toronto on Wednesday 7 is afternoon dnd cleared with package : aw freight for Montreal. : add The schooner Granger arrived || . ; with hay from Wolte Island on Wed- The Big Dry Goods and House F urnishings Store, GET SOME Tb aty. omy The steamer Turret Cape, arrived OF THESE J trom Port Colborne on Tuesday night and cleared for Montreal. ------ BARGAINS THURSDAY 2 The steamer Paliki, which has WEEK-END CHOCOLATES / been undergoing repairs at the Coll- S 35¢c. a Ib. Box LUX ingwood shipyard for the past week, || ALL MILLINERY AT REDUCED MARASHINO CHERRIES b Thursday, per pkg. ..... 8c. has been floated, and the steamer PRICES; A Good Property To Bu " 49¢c. a Ib. box D Saskatoon, which arrived from - ¢ \ y LAR Montreal on Tuesday morning, ki| Parisian Shop 1 Montreal Street, with a frontage of 66 | NUT CENTRES WITH MILK Mathew Pufe Lard for particu. § |. : now dn the dock for minor overhaul- 822 BROCK STREET f eet and 200 feet deep. 'A brick dwelling with CHOCOLATE lar people. Thursday, - ing. 40c. a 1b. box - 4 : i gouraT ee e------ =----||| 6 rooms, brick stable and garage, henhouse, : . 4 MISS MARY. v £ B . WALNUT ROLLS Rob usstrinne a6 Ix with ne sono Scholarship Awarded. LO CAL NEWS. : conservatory and garden. All in good condi- 49c¢. a 1b. box Tha Robert Bruce scholarship, : : A fresh supply of Quality NE a a Nop, tion for a modest price. Particulars at office. 25c. Ib. Jar. . The Home and School Club 'Of | marks on the regular examinations Central School held its fourth an-|,¢ sme first yedr at Queen's Univer- Up by the Whig Ree : Save the difference. {nual meeting on Monday evening. sity has been awarded to W. R. New York The following officers were elected! Webster, Fenelon Falls. Until 1948 k President, Rev. W. E. Lennon, Vice- : Jas Jeholrihip must D8 given toi J o. oums tuner. Orders 4 4 'Fruit St . § 11 's § [Pres. Mrs. H. Simmons; Secretary, students of Scottish extraction ore es u en 1 | Miss Harold; Treasurer, Miss Bessie ¢ received at 100 Clergy street west. | 314 Princess Street CASH AND CARRY J | McTear; Executive committee, Mise . Phone 564w. i m t flavor. | Central Home and Schooi Ciub. HUMBUGS Blend, excellent flavor. | i Ci making the highest number of Briel § . or Picked FIRE INSURANCE. | | Ryder, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. len- | Bishop BErnest Waldorf, Wichita, Kansas, with his family, have ariv/ Artois {non, Mrs. Brouton; Programme com- { -- mg | Mittee, Mr. Root, (convener), Mrs. "The Hat Store" ed at Thousand Island Park © spend the summer. Prager and members of the execut- live; Social committee, Mrs. Ryan, | . On Monday evening, James Cu-| | (conver) ; Mrs. F. Whitcomb, Mrs. | rh Sho way entertained the employees of | J. Burke, Miss Volume, Mrs. F.' Messrs. Walsh & Derry, to a ery enjoyable outing to Cedar Islani. Elmer; Home visiting committee, | Mrs. Davy, "(convenor), Mrs. Fer- of Summer Hats Heory Grimsbaw, Wolfe Idand guson, Mrs. Moyse; Reception com- has been a subscriber of the Whig mittee, Mrs. Easson, Mrs. Root, Mrs. for over fifty years. He fs soenty- Rankin; Representatives to Central eight years of age and is a great Council, Mrs. Prager, Miss Volume, reader. ' The members of the Mufciany Mrs. Davy; Pianist, Miss Harold. | p Nay ; ---- 3 g J ! Union met Tuesday evening in the Two of the very newest styles just to hand, showing the 2 very latest ideas in combinations and colors, in splendid quai. A Very Unfair Story. i Sal So oor, drew ity'Footwear at this moderate price. : There p.2 malicious sory suing yr om ppotay (1)--Pearl Grey Elkskin Oxfords wi rod hor = Tes vu i jo age. 1,000 grsons be- Leather Apron over instep, and heel ois rey Seoinkin efforts rest tthe a a ng entertained at the Thousand Is- In iS Jor Fubar hoel--"absolutely the very mewest thing } id land House, Alexandria Bay, N.Y, Ho: : ! y To They are customers of an Ohio (2)--Fawn Elkskin Oxfords, Brows Calfskin Toe Cap, Our Mill D wholesale house whos purchases Apron and Heel trim, Goodyear welted leather sole, low. heels ur Millinery De- pron sud HB dye . ta during the year amoun t0 as much All or lift--"one our most popular sport shoos. partment is a bower sizes tn each style. of beauty these days, §!! r Xi : 3 S. J. MARTIN - a ~ id |}f filled as it is with the [House whart to 50 of the party. [J 'SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION™ store so widely known. - very newest and Eph . Real English Sennit Sailors with the easy-fitting, v J ; ala eagd : . Band in V . ; 5 a th Sh easy-fitting, ventilated : daintiest creations in By kind permissin of Lieut.-Col. or Sweat Dandg--this season's newest Summer Hats. E. B. Sparks, the And of the ¥.w. Committed For Trial. ) v O.R. will play ¢@ following pro-| After the taking of evidence in the 'White, of course, is the pre- ll {gramme in Victcia Park tonight, [police court on Tuesday forenoon, valling color fn various ma Ji| (weather permittig, ) , Magistrate Farrell committed Mrs: erials. = "QiMarch ........... New Colonial |] suice Dunnett for trial, on a charge \ Overture ............. Lustspiel |of having used an instrament on May Our Milan Hats are creating Bivalse ........ ' Southern Dream Dunnet, with tife intent fo procure a great interest.' Popular prices J {Fox Trot ......Toot Toot Tootsie | miscarriage. The witnesses called were prevail, ~~ NiSelection ........Bonny Scotland [Horace Wilson, a young man who hia mr {March ......... Viscount Nelson. ||ived in the Dunnet home, Dr. Young, Fantasia ........... In Coonlend | Peterboro, who conducted a, post- .e martem on the deceased, and Inspec- tor Hammond, of the provincial po- lice force. The case was then trans- ferred to the June sessions. \ aX i | i | i } I ih i ir I Fi i {