". WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1923. ee Tr e---- IMPOSSIBLE 10 For Summer bySNng | $3.75 LOAD ! DRY HARD MAP : Cut 12" long. } $4.25 per load. 'our winter supply of Iga, Don't wait tin you want to burn it, and can't get it. We deliver when you want it-- NOW, W. A. Mitchell & Co. .~ 15 Ontario Street TFelephone 67. -TO LET MAITLAND STREET--Furnished | flat to October 1st. 6 rooms. All| conveniences. Price on application. | General Insurance. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell "a on 338-508. 88 Breck St. DRA. W.WINNETT, DENTAL SURGEON, D and Wellington y {Corts "" Jetmaon Phone 363 nt ASK FOR BEIA'S CUCUMBER CREAM ! (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always 3 All Ways. Moving ot ymmiawT, FURNITURE, pages, CARTAGE and STO HFLANOS, VERY DESCRIPTION Transfer Co. Ewe 3231. Thon NOON \ a | . --y Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM LDS, D.L.S, ington and Hrock Streeta. Nellis 159 Wellington St. Evening by appointment. PHONE 470. ~r ~~ WATTS Fiovist" 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral and wedding Phone 1763. and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & 00, Grove Inn Yard Phone 3133 TENTS, MARQUEES, BUILDING MATERIAL L Cohen & Co. 207-273 ONTARIO STRELT | PHONES 836 and 837, W. H. Godin So INSURANCE | ~~ -- ---- GET RELIEF Until She Started To Take "Fruit-a-fives" The Medicina Mads From Fruit R.R. No. 1, Everett, Ont. "'I had been troublad for yearswith Dyspepsia, Liverand Kidney Trouble, | and conld not get relief until I started t-a-tives". Thanks to action, T am in'normal taking "J their bene 1 health again". Mrs. THOMAS EVANS "Fruit-a-tives" alone can give such happy and successful results because **Fruit-a-tives" is the famous medi- cine made from fruit juices and tonies. "Fruit-a-tives" is pleasant to take and will always restore the health when taken regularly as directed. 80c. a hox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 23. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. ELECTORS You'll vote for our service every time. Try us. Our aim your satisfaction. : Everything ia Smokes, Maga- es, Musical Instruments. "NEWS OF THE WORLD" See our Special Prices on Har- monica's. Next Door te Canada Radio. ACK ELDER'S CIGAR STORES 70 and 269 Princess Street EMMONS' 24 HOUR TAXI SERVICE PHONE 32 PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning. Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H, Butcher, 37 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. fon Cuticura Soap Complexions Are h 1 oo ealth oy yy Ay THOMAS COPLEY ter. Phone 987. See us for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given om iew floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean oo wn our mew floor cleaning ma- chi SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET. - «a nm mth D® THOMAS' ECLECTRIC oO DR. H. A. STEWART Wishes to announce | that he has resumed | his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart ll Cormer Princess and Wellington | =F || ing from a broken lmb he was im- il | indoors. li | plenty of fresh CREAM CENTRE CHOCOLATES |i Our home-made Cream Centre Chocolates are made of rich § fondant, heavily coated with high grade Chocolate, hand daip- } ped, ensuring a lasting flavor and a soft, creamy centre. ' A choloe selection Fresh Fruits The Star Frait & Candy Store 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 273. 2 J. FB. JARVIS wishes to an- nounce 10 the pubiic ia this viein- ity that he is now in a position to supply tuem with the highest grade of Jhaking. Hs represents Bodley's of Toronto, aad Ham- brooks, of Kingston Also agent for Nellson's Ico We deliver from § am. to 11 p.m. We call for yous orders. We ssud to your coor, We give you best value, Weat can we do more ? PHONE 23873m. >» First class companies repre undertake a thing, others while they are doing it, and etill others when it is over. . 3 : v Some men are wise before they em -- fin Ireland on Sunday night, and his THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | | KINGSTON anp VICINITY Does This Suit You? We are showing a full range of | men's suits at prices to suit every | man. See our range at $15, $18, $20. | Prevost, Brock street. | Kiwanians-tp Visit Quebec. It is expected that many local Ki-| wanians will make the trip to Que- | bec City next week when the dis- | trict Kiwanis convention will be| held in that city. i Transferred to Vicjand, | Jackson Kilborn, of :he Athens! branch of the Standard' Pank ° for! [the Jast two yeas or 30, has ben | | transferred to the branch at Mic- land. het Floated at Half-mast. The flags om the city hall t- | {ed at half-mest on Tuesday 'and | Wednesday out of respect for the {late Dr. D. E. Mundell, who was a clty alderman thirty years ago. Entered Partnership. Dr. J. E. Minns, son of Inspector Miune, North Hastings, has entered in partnership with Dr. Kindred, Tweed. Dr. Minns is well and favor- 2blv known in Tweed and sur:round- fhe country, { | ---------------------- i Engagement Announced, Mr. and Mrs. John McArton, Car- leton Place, announce the engage- | ment of their daughter, Margaret | Hope, to John J. Dunlop, B.A.. Will- lamstown, the marriage to take place this month, Were Paid Rain tnsurance. "be G. W. V. A. Bnlleville, re ceived $1,000 a; rain insurance for thelr King's pirthday celebratisn. It rained one-teti of an inch, "a- 'weer the hours of > a.m. and 2.30 {pwm. on Monday, June 4th. Expressed Great Interest. The delegates to the Ontario and Quebec (typographical conference were shown through Memorial Hail on Tuesday morning, and expressed great interest in this striking monu- ment to the valor of our Canadian | dead. | Died Quite Suddenly. | At London, Ont., while preparing | to leave his office on Monday after- noon to visit a patient. Dr. Charles E. Jarvis wes stricken with an at- tack of heant disease, and died in- |stantdy. He was aged sixty-five years and at one time practised in Kingston. -------------- R. A. Reid Won. The Danforth Racing Pigeon As- sociation held a club mace on Satur- | day from Kingston to Toronto, a | distance of 155 miles. Owing to the | late arrival of the birds at Kingston |they were not berated uintil 3.40 | pam:, daylight time, the winner being {in at. 85.32 p.m., daylight time. Dagens Sins i A Sale of Property. | According to a real cstate trans. by M. W. Bro. -W. B. Simpson, a:- ing grand master, Changed to Carleton Place. Harry Shannon, Barrie, has re ceived notice of transfer to the Car- leton Place branch of the Bank of Nova. Scotia. He will missed, particularly in musical cir- oles, he being a popular soloist and one of the most valued 'members of Andrew's choir. s ------------ Graduating o = The graduating exerc of the Cape Vincent, N.Y.. high school will be held on June 25th and 26th, the St. {class day. exercises on the former and the commencement exercises on the latter. The class is composed of the Misses Elsie Pratt, Mildred Wil- loughby, Winifred Wiley and Aga- Paul Grandjean and Sidney Gordon ---------- Another View of It. "I was very much interested in the remark of an Anglican regami- ing parliamentary candidates beinz alone developed in St. Andrew's and Ohalmers churche's, said a Sal- vationist, "but I was unaware that churches were created for that pur- poe; in my innocence I thought] Ahurches were 10 develop Chistian, | not politicians?" | ------ Death of R. W, Bell. Dr. R.- W. Bell, chief provincial! medical inspector of health, died on Saturday of heart trouble, at his| residence in Toronto. { He! *as born at Carleton Place, in 1851, | the son of Robert Bell, M.P. Dr. Beli was a Presbyterien, a militia man | an Oddfellow and an honored mem. | ber of other eoecicting. Dr. Bell's| wife predeceased him by about two | vears. He is survived by two sons. -- Married in the Church. marriage took place in St. John's Church of Miss Elsie Shane, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shane, Smith's Falls, and Fredor- ick Langly, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Langly, Hastings. Miss Rose Langly was bridesmaid' and Harry Shane best man. Rev. George Code conducted the ceremony. The bride wore a French blue canton | crepe gown, with corsage bouque* of | sweet peas; also a large black hat. | The bridesmaid wore a rose crepe de | chine dress, with hat to match. Foll- owing the ceremony a wedding sup- per was served at the bride's par- ental home, about, twenty friends mn be greatly|. tha Ryan, and Wellington Burdick, | PF. being present. The young couple left upon a honeymoon tour, the bride travelling in a threc-plece | navy costume with bat to match. | They will reside in Belleville. | -------------- To Give Music Lessons. | Harold T. Packer, A.T.C.M., Arch! Street, who has been attending tha | Toronto Conservatory of Music, is expected home at the beginning of July, and will give instruction to a Hmited number of pupils during the |! summer months. Mr. Packer is one jo! the city's brilliant young musje- | \ fans, and has @, great future gheai of him. His friends will be pleased | to learn that he has been offered aj | position on the teaching staff of the | | Conservatory, which he will prob- | {ably accept. His decision to give in- | | struction to a few pupils in his home city this summer will afford an ex-! {cellent opportunity to tié ducky be-| ginners who enroil- with him. ---- To Join Mahood Drug Co. G. W. Mahood, of the Mahood | Drug Co., having found his duties | too omerous, since the enforced ab- | sence of his former partner, J. B.| Phillips, has now taken into asso- ctation with him M. T. Saunders, | Oshawa. Mr. Saunders is an honor | graduate of the Ontario College of | Pharmacy and gold medalist in dis- | pensing. He has been for several | years in charge of the Oshawa stores | of Jury and Lovell, Ltd. i fully quelified to assist in maintain- | ing the confidence and trust reposed | by the people of Kingston in this | well known store. | Mr. Mahood will also have the! able assistance of Mr. McGlynn, Mr. Cleland and others of his present staff who are already so wv and favorably known. ------ At Smith's Falls, on June 7th the ; For Biliousness H cadach I's and Constipation 1 Dr. Chases | By 11 NTN SN Sr Nt Se gay {fer recorded in the county clerk's {office, at Watertown, N.Y. Ous A | Hunt has sold the Union House pro- perty, Cape Vincent, N.Y. to Johan W. Reed, Jerome BE. Lewis and | William G. Motherseil, Watertown, N.Y, for a consideration of $2,500, ------------ Burial of an Infant. You will feel comfortable during meal time at this Res-/ taunrant, and you'll feel satisfied after a delicious dessert has lulled your appetite to rest. We serve politely and with knowi- edge. NEW ENGLAND CAFE 331 King Street. Kingston, Oat. Phone 633 After The funeral of Donald Harold Parker, infant.son of Mr. and Mrs. | T. H. Parker, George street; was on Tuesday morning under the | n of the James Reid firm. The servicé was held in St. James chapel by Rev. T. W. Savary, inter. ment taking place at Cataraqui | cemetery. Able to be About. The many friends of James Swift are muoh pleased to see him about again. On Tuesday he was driving, this being the third time he has been out in the past ten months. Suffer- proving when pheumonia threatened. Then the long cold winter kept him With bright sunshine and air, Mr. Swift's friends hope for his Permanent re- covery. -------- Died in Ireland. David Boyd, Syracuse, N.Y., died remains are en route to the United States, accompanied by his wife. Mi. and Mrs. Boyd had been tour- ing in Europe and were ahont to sail for home when Mr. Boyd was attack- ed with pneumonia. - He lived only [ten days efter. He was an insur lence man and a brother-in-law of Mra. George Mills, Uniy -------- * Will of Joseph Horner. 5 Apres to the will of the late Qsaph ver, Hope township, wiao died dn February, 1923, his wife is bequeathed a farm of 150 acres, al- 80 furniture and residue of the es- tate after bequests are paid, so long as she remains a widow. A som, James Wilbur, received $1,060 and & daughter, Martha also received $100. ss Col. Ponton to Deliver Address, Most Worshipful Bro. Col. W. N. Ponton, K.C,, grand master of the Maconie Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario, will deliver a commemora- tive address on July 1st 'at Napanee, when the Masonic brethren of Union Lodge No. 9 will attend divine ser- vies at St. Mary Magdalen Church, Napanee, to celebrate tne semi-con- tenial of the laying of the corner a ¥ Stone of She sacred edifice in 1273 It combines the many Nr ------ Every Meal "A bite to eat~a bit of swpet" After a substantial meal, the children naturally want to top off with a bit of sweet. Give them the great Canadian Sweetmeat. enjoyment - of sweet with Beaver Board In that unfinished attic, good partitions and walls can be quickly made of Beaver Board. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Streets, KINGSTON, Out. Factory Phonan. 1413 Wellington Office Phone 66. Oxford Bargains Men's Black Calf Oxfords, medium width toe, Goodyear welt, oak-tanned soles, rubber heels, solid throughout. Worth $6.50. Special Price for One Week _ cee... $4.95 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231], 70 Brock Street. GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS : At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House We are showing a beautiful range of these materials. : * Canadian Ginghams at 19¢. a yard and a very special line, 32". wide, at 30c. a yard. Scotch Ginghams, 32" and 36" wide at 45c¢. and 50c. a yard. Plain Chambrays in all shades, both in Canadian and Scotch makes at ~ 30c. and 45c. yard. : Siam Drste at 47.93 soo is a very ial offering. Si to 44. Extralargesizes 43 to 51 at $3.75 -each. - These dresses are form-fitting, fast colors and good styles. W. N. Linton & Co. § \