THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG |[connuorsgss ve. CONVENIENCE | bring the same element of dauger.|for which no one party was respon- | Objection has recently been rals-|Failure in their quest did not neces- | sible any amore than another, the lod to the use of the term "Anglican [sarily mean death to them, but fail- members who voted in favor of sus-! i on government forms, the ure in the attempt of Amundsen and | pending the order in council which | his pilot means a forced landing in | made oleomargarine an article of ' a region of ice and snow; with no tduaily use in Canada will have their means of rescue available, and with | individual responsibility in the mai- | {no reserye food supplies to keep! ter. [them alive while a relief expedition | | was belag organized end sent to i {their ald. It virtually means success | ap 9 {or death, and .for that reason there. Along Life $s Detour spectacular | BY SAM HILL 8 Isms THE BRITISH WHIG 90TH YEAR. " BALE MEN'S UNDERWEAR SALE MEN'S HOSIERY. G | Church" Joabetitation of the correct game: 'Church of England in Candda" be- ing - reconnunendad 'Anglican," it is claimed, is merely a nickname. The Concise Imperial Dictionary, on which all loyal Ontario children have lately been brought up, does not justify euch a viewpoint, "'Ang- licam,"" qt says, comes from the La-| i3 something tin * Anglicus, English. TherAngl- about it. - {oan Church, it adds, is the Church, The whole project, however, is | That's Different. {of England and the Protestant Epis-|mot one which commends itself to| 1 don't care if they dock jcopal churches in Ireland, Scotland |anyone, not even the scientists who | The horses and the boats, ead the colonies. This, surely, in- are usually behind the exploration | dudes (the Church of England In|projects. There is nothing to be | Oanada, so that "Anglican Ch ch," | gained in any .way by the fact of| while a little less deflite. thay the two men being @ble to fly across the : fi other name, would not be any less month pole. Their success would not hed, nally And Sem) sek ine | applicable, [be useful. It would not open up any | C0, LIMITED | The situation is somewhat ad it a! brospect of regular edr trips from' -- : +... President man objected to being called an Am- | Alaska to Spitzbergen, It would | The Ananiag Club. Managing Director |erican and insisted upon the appella-| bring no scientific ' returns worth | 1 made a lot of ved sesolutiony o8 {tion: "Native of the United States."| While. Men have already flown Zor | Xow a Anan a man to 'us| Technfcaliy he would be within his| longer distances than that Which | oe Tor 243 rights, since Eskimos and Patagon- [they plan to cover, and have remain- | lians are also Americans. But even ©d in the air for a longer period than 6.00 at that, he would hardly assert that | it would take them to make tha trip, Sue Jean. I paid tn auvanes .... 35.99 |" American" was a mickname,--'a | 0 that there is no value in the at] Jinks: "T'!l say it does. Every time | Ome year, to United States $3.00 contemptuous or familiar name," as, tempt from that angle. The Project | y pet on a horse that absolutely can't | ow Year oo Woekly Xditiva) $1.00 the above-mentioned C. I. D. defines] is heroic, but it is a useless one, «ne | lose it does." : ce $1.00.t. "Anglican" is not a nickname in| Which will brimg only glory to the : | he year, to United States ......81 {this sense, either. Its character be-| WO men if it is successful, but noth- | En TOWN CIRDENTATIVES es plainer when it is contrasted |iD& else. Whether it-is worth while | #8 W. Thompson ....100 King St. W. with "Methodist." The latter is alo risk death for the mere ake of :, T t » a » } Letters te the Editor are published €ODUINe nickname, for it was first | loTy Is very questionable. We are { living in a strange age, and Juen are SYer the actual name of thelygeq 4 mild derision of that seat's doing unusual things, This is one er. - | methodical habits of 'worship, Rlinahed is one of he best Job", rican' Ame such im-|©°f them, and while Amundsen and his companion will be showered with ting offices in Canada. | - » | plication. As we have said, it may The circulation of THE BRITISH praise if their attempt is sucoesstul, it will be but a nine days wonder, ites a little indefinite. But its WHIG is authenticated by the |shortness has, endeared it to a i : ABO {harassed officlaldom. It is so handy, and the world will be no richer, no wiser, and in mo way benefited by Audit Bureau of Circulations tbe expioit. TRY BIBBY'S SUIT SALE ASTONISHING VALUES IN MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S r 1 SUIT S : It surely gets my goat. Observations of Oldest inhabitant. 4 : . $ : The only kind of an "Ole Swimmin' | : ; Hole™ the modern kid knows any-| thing about is the concrete tank in] : the school gymn. i of 4 es grimly «+ _ Summer and Spring Suits, many of weights suitable for fall wear, are all marked down in price. We've rather spread ourselves in light colored Suits. They're not second rate clothes -- they're our high-grade Suits. And they're just filled with quality, style and the prices are astonishing -- they're so low. : OUR BLUE AND OUR GREY SUITS ot genuine West of England Serges are the best that money can procure. Ten differ. ent models to choose from. $22.50, $28.50, $33.50 and $37.50 N LOOK THEM OVER Straw Hats. . ..... $1.39, $2.50 and $3.00 3 TELEPHONE Private Lxchange, connecting all ~~ departments SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i (Daly Edition) year, In city it It's & Sad Tale. | Blinks: "The impossible often hap- | pens." | The Limit. | Alas! It surely is { Enough to make a fellow cry To see them making a Billboard out of the sky. Speaking of Wild Things. How about-- --Wild oats, --women, --waves, ~horses. ~nights, --eyed, --animals, --and old Ogecar co -- Only Thing in That Line She Had. "Have you any of the overstuffed furniture in your home?" aJked the new acquaintance, YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY SALE SHIRTS, $2.50 You want to get the most for your money * =you will if you take advantage of this spe- cial. Every kind, every size, every color -- they'll wear long and wash nicely--you can't beat them at the price. and so very inoffensive, that perhaps 'we may still hope for its retention. Right smart looking --ripersr | - "The idea some persons have of an independent opinion js one that ag- OLEOMARGARINE : After being suspended for the pest | six years, the prohibition of the sale, CONDITIONS IN RUSSIA. There is a curious dissimilarity in rees with theirs. A mad RE parliamentary timber, " Bowever, just because he qualifies #8 a sounding board. "It is cheaper to smoke cigarettes than cigars. "You don't mind ask 19g a friend for a cigarette. When some men complain that the day of opportunity is past they mean that jails ere more plentiful. 'Another good way to keep a foun- pen from leaking in your pock- is to leave it on your desk. freponts which come from Russia re- garding the condition of the people. From one source, there comes a re- port ithat the country is threatened with famine, that four hundred thousand people are threatened with death by starvation, and are living only by eating grass. Almost at the same time, there is a meport from Moscow of a great grain surplus, of farmers finding themselves unable to dispose of their crops, or of receiv- ing next to nothing for the grain which they bring to the market. There is a report that the market is now glutted with flour, and that a huge sufplus will be avatlable for | manufacture and importation of ol- eomargarine ig Canada. will be re- newed as the result of a resolution passed in the house of commons last week. The last stage, apparently, has been reprhed ofa fight which had occupied the attention of the house of commons each year since the conclusion of the war, for the suspension of the prohibition of ol- eomargarino as an article of food and commerce in this country was intended to be only a temporary mea- sure to be enforced only during the war, In the final vote on the sub- ject, there was an absolute depart: "Not unless you could call my grow- ing boy and my husband furniture," wearily replied the-over-worked house wife. Sm. If They Caw't, Bridegrooms Can, Can any little boy or gir! in the au- gets more new clothes in June than she does in any ether | year ? Cools "Em Down. Hot words and hot water account for the love of so many men growing cold.--Sam Hill in Cincinnati En. quirer. Hardly ever get any coals of fire heaped on their heads.--"Dusty" Miller. How Tightwad Member Sees It. dience tell us why a preacher's wife | month of the | | BIBBY'S NEW APPARATUS IN ABUNDANCE We have just received a shipment of the New Super UV199 Tubes. Just the thing for camp. Also Amarad Will be demonstrated in our store during the week, June 11th to 16th. MAZoLaA is the wonderful Salad .and Cooking Of} extracted from Corn. ure from political lines, for some of the Conservatives voted for # and some against, some of the Liberals Variometers and Couplers. Com- pleter line of Michigan Radio Cor- The preacher's job is for the meek, Who warns of life's alarms; He fills the pulpit twice a week expont. Correct this sentence: "How dainty It is hard to reconcile these two graceful you look," said he, "while eating corn on' the cob." - Nr ------------------ itrfotism is the quality that mak- it dishonorable to be a pacifist the tiddler"s bill is presented. i ere is one nice .thing about be- ig a nobody. You ean get away with 'without consulting your attorney. ~The cxpense did not look so fo:- midablo Jast winter when many per- $ were planning a summer vaca- for girls may be nothing serious than rouge advertise- Genius has given us many wonder- phrases and beautiful thoughts, ) nothing more satisfying than "Attaboy." : x I ---------- Something should be done to pro- us from poison-pen letters that by saying the account is long due. 5 ee Most of the time the average man jovid not have anything worth file to say it he dM talk back to § wite. i "The law of compensation works in- ly. Gascline up when flour down keeps the necessities of life . balance. Ao usual, however, the crops irre- ruined by late frosts will be d at a loss on aecount of ov- duction. . -- are decadent times. Rabe is away behind, und the Still- don't average more than one pdline » week. good name may be rather to mn than great riches, but the rnmient cannot collect income f from a good name. uncertainty in 'political fields be dug to the fact that multipli- of leaders has left nope to ly as followers, 3 n artist says that an impressive n can be bought for $100. that matter, a framed $100bill 8 ni a = % his vacuum sweeper idea isn't ely now. As we remember it, id-afshioned hired girl was a Teponts. Bach of them, possibly, is exaggerated, while each of them may contain a cemain amount of truth. The condition of famine in one sec- tion and plenty in another is evid- ence that the trouble in Russia is not the lack of food, but the Jack of facilities for getting it Sato the hands of the people who are in such need of it. The need 4s not for the other countries of the world to send sup- plies of foodstuffs to Russia, as they are asked in some quarters to do, but to send along a few transporta- tion experts who will be given the opportunity by the Russian govern- ment to put the railway systems in a fit condition to distribute the sur- plus foodstuffs .of one to the famine strilven people of another. The fatluré of the Soviet govern- ment to solve-this problert of trans- portation of grain and other food- stuffs is ong of the main reasons for its failure wo stabilize conditions throughout the country. It is the biggest problem of that big country, and the government would be wise- ly advised to call in some who have experience in organization of trans- it self-sustaining from standpoint of foodstuffs, and any ap- peal for relief of that nature can- not carry with it any strong influ- once while the government is making no effort to supply the means of get- ting avatlable food to the people who are said to be in sudh dire necessity, plover, accompanied by a pilot, starts on @ flight from Wainwright, Alaska, in an effort to fly across the North Pole and land on the island of Spitz- bergen. The attempt js being made [after Jong preparations, after many tests of weroplane engines; and both voted on both sides of the question, and the same is true of the Progres- Sives. That Progressives should vote for the continued sale of oleomar- garine, am article whih comes into direct competition with butter, seems rather peculiar, but it shows that some of them, at least, are sufficient- mers suffer from this competition it a great body of people is to be {| benefitted. . The prohibition of the sale, manu- facture and importation of oleomar- garine, hawever, radsed a rather fine point dn regard to the coramercial side of the subject. There is a demand, and a large one, for oleomargarine. It has had a big sale during the past six years, and has become an article of common use in many households. In most cases it has had no effect on the use of butter for table nee, but has simply supplanted it as an article used in cooking and baking. For this purpose # was entirely suit- able, and the saving of a few cents on each pound made it worth while. Its prohibition, however, will pre- vent that saving, and the house- wives who have practiced economy by using it are likely to be sorely disappointed if they can no longer obtain it. The whole question is one of the right of individuals to Ye allowed to purchase the kinds of food they wish to use. There has been no complaint that cleomargar- ine is not wholesome, that its use is injurious or has had any bad effects, The only reason which can be given for its prohibition is that it comes into a direct competition with butter, an article produced in large quan- tities in Canada. To the people who have been buying it, this will hardly seem a sufficient reason for forbid- ding them to use #t in the future, The real effect of the resolution, unless it is nullified by the passing of some new legislation on the sub- ly broad-minded to let the dairy far- \ With voice and waving arms. --Canton (Ohio) News. But if the pulpit's all he fills, Thena new job he'll have to search; Since poor collections will he get Unless he also fills the chureh. ---. -- A New Oune On Him, "Where's that young men who was calling on you? asked her dad. "Oh, he left in a huff," ghe replied Sprelessly. : { "A Huff? A Huff? muttered the old man. 'Huh! They are getting 80 many new cars on the market now a fellow simply can't keep track of them." Would Make It Perfect. "The Egyptians. almost-live on the products of the date palm, which sup- plies ofl, wine, sugar, matting, pal- ings, roofs, baskets, bags, fans and a variety of other articles." -- News item. Now if it only could produce gasoline and the momey to pay the Installments on it, it would solve all the problems for the cost of living. and we all would plant one in our back yard. That Body of Pours By James W, Baron, M.D, _. Did You Eat Too Much? During the war there was not only less food eaten, but the gar bage collectors reported a great di- minution in amount of food thrown out, . Many people actually felt better decided that war or mo. war they were going to cut down on the amount of food eatem, for the rest of their lives. a. Now what is the advice the age man gives you? Run your motor with as lean a gar- Similarly you should run that body of yours on the smallest! 167 Princess Street. \ passes out from the intestine, pax it isn't needed. In many cases it simply stores it up as fat, and you find yomrpelt sluggish and heavy. So if you find yourself geti- ing heavy, or you feel sleepy dur- ing the day time, just try eating a little less food during the day. Of course if you are outdoors, working or playing you are going to need.plenty of food because 1t will not only be needed to maintain animal heat, but also to Tepair the tissues you wear out. when ~Fyou work or play. : ---- Canadian Questions and Answers Q--What are 'the present savings in Canadien banks? A--The deposits in Canada's banks on March 31, 1923, which. repre- sent the savings in part of the peo: ple, totalled $1,718,000,000. ia Q--What was the Treaty of Ghent? A--The Treaty of Ghent, signed In city on December ' a, Rann, the officjal closing of the war of 1812-14 between Eng- land and Canada on the one side and the United States on the other. since when thore has beem unbrok- Q--Where did the city of Ottawa get its name? A--The city of Ottawa is named from the River Ottawa on whos banks it is situated and the word it- self commemorates an Indian tribe from a word meaning "to trade" -as they were noted as inter-tribal trad- pr PRESS COMMENT | | Doesn't Take Long, President ty of the C. P. R. says he has never had time to get married. But it doesn't fake long. ~Toronto Star. g ------ Lioyd Cporge Needed. . There is not a man jn this country poration Apparatus. Come in and see H. W. NEWMAN Electric Co. . Telephone 44]. KINGSTON PIONEER RADIO SUPPLY HOUSE. er wv NT ---------- LC HEMSLEY WATOHES and OLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 8ydenham St. Phone. 2086J. Jas. REDDEN &: Co. PHONES 20 and 9u0, "¥he House of Satisfaction" a PURE MILK AND CREAM Sold iu sterilized bottles. Place your order with Willow Park Dairy, SHARP BROS. Phone 1300 r 5. 1--Stone dwelling, Clergy Street south of Princess Street, ten rooms, modern, two fireplaces, hot water furnace, $4700. 3--Double brick veneer dwelling, Princess Street, each, 3-plece bath, goo lar. Price $5500 or $2500 one. 3--Brick dwelling, ten good cellar, NE in first class condition; 68 feet by 160 ruit trees and berries. Price $5500. arden Money to loan on mortgages. T. J. Lockhart Rea! Estate and Insurance 68 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Phones 322J or 1797). ea ttn CATARAQUL SALE six rooms d cel- for rooms, spiece bath, good eet, 1s finished? will have & It won't cost probably less. WHY: Try to make yourself a new Hat out of materials that are as common as postage stamps. You spend from | $3 to $5. spend hours tn the making of it'and what have you got when It Something your friends laugh at 8 block away, No doubt you have a Hat you used to like but are tired of the she Let us reblock it up-to-date. Hat when it is Anighed. The Kingston Het Cleaner 163 Princess St. Phone 1488. ou more than $1.50 and Russia wi} have a good wheat wep this yeas. : PHONE 9. HEADQUARTERS FOR CRUTCHES and RUBBER DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 343 en ERE'S a springtime prescription for what TH gree to be the mat- ter with you. It was written out in plain Englisu by Old Dr. Commonsense. Hé says that good co will cheer you up after everything else fails. We gever fail wo be politely attentive to our cu tomer"s wants, = Crawford