Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1923, p. 7

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1uss, . THE DAILY BRIT --_--_-- TTT ISH WHIG DELPARK FORSYLK Summer Combination . NDERWEAR In All Styles. "stress s sess nanmesees $1.50 FORSYTH'S LACE MESH ........$2.00 cenees..$2.00 i HATCHWAY, NO BUTTONS, UNDER- WEAR--price .. .$1.50 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. IF A CHILD ISHEALTHY yet complains of headaches, the chances are ten to one that the eyes are at fault. This is par- ticularly so if the child does much studying. It your child is troubled in this way or is unable to study for any length of time have the eyes examined, Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 108 Wellington St. Phone 236. Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. English Leather Hand Bags We are showing a beauti- ful range of fine English Hand Bags in the newest shapes and colors. Priced Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON. from 150 WELLINGTON ST. Coats relined. Tailor. a Sir Henry Thornton hands a dofi to'his critics. He is not disturbed by them, he says at Quebec. Turkey insists shecannot pay the bondholders in gold. The Problem Is Solved When you come to us for your Wedding (Gift - Ee You find it city to make a selection from our large and well assorted stock of FINE CHINA, " VERWARE, etc., at the lowest pos- sible prices, quality considered. SPECIAL: Minton China, solid colors, Cups and Saucers $1.75 each. Before deciding it would be well to "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" ROBERTSON'S Limited CUT GLASS, SIL- REMOVAL NOTICE Removed to 97 WELLINGTON ST. Far L. WINSTON, Ladies' " "Phone 998. THE GENERAL ~ SESSIONS Opened Before Judge Madden i --Five Criminal Cases On Docket. The June sessions of the Peace opened on Tuesday afternoon. at 2 [daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William o'clock, before Judge Madden, but | the entire afternoon was given over {to the consideration by the grand | jury, of the criminal cases to Come | before the court. The grand jury | was in session untfl 7 p.m., when it | was announced that their report | would be submitted to the court on Wednesday morning. There was quite a large attendance at the op- ening ofthe court. The grand jury is composed of the | following: , James Greenlees, Joycevilla (foro- man), George Bishop, Barrie; Monty Fawcett, Wolfe Island; Cralg Haw- key, Kingston, R.R. No. 2; Amold McGinnis, Oso; Charles O'Connor, Svdenham; Robert Smith, Kingston township; Karl Vanluven, Batter- sea; John Woodruff, Cataraqui; Her- bert Murray, Barriefield; Alexander 'Atkins, Portsmouth; Matthew Shan- you, Kingston township; Thomas Cashman, Glenburnie. | "In his address to the grand jury, | Judge 'Madden referred to the cases lin the docket. The list of prison- {ers contained the name of one per- {son who was confined in the jail, |awatting trial. However, there were [four out on batl. The conditions on |the whole were about the same as {at the last session of this court, | while the alleged offenses were also {stmilar. To cases were of a very {serious nature. The list of offenses charged inclu- {ded the pgrforming of an illegal op- |eraticn, theft of chickens, theft of | money, and furious driving in the | highway, causing damage and en- |dangering life. From Whig Fyles OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. June 18th, 1913. The members of the Frontenae county council vote down a motion to increase (their sessional .dndem- nity. The Stormont and Glengarry Highlanders, who are at Barriefield camp attract a good deal of interest among the citizens. Cold weather is prevalent and crops as a result of the late spring. June 18th, 1908. It 1s announced that United States capital will be involved in the new cereal mill to be erected in Kingston. The citizens are reminded that Just twenty-seven years ago a dis- astrous fire destroyed over four blocks of the business section of Princess street. A mass meeting is held in the city hall to discuss plans for the com- ing "Old Boys' Week." The annual closing exercises of the Kingston Ladies' College are held. ; . -------- Hussars for Petawawa. According ito recent militia orders, a detachment, of fifty members from the two Kingston squadnons of the 4th Hussars may be sent to Petawa- wa camp for a short training period about the end of June. LETTERS To The Editor What Is The Matter? Kingston, June 10. -- (To The Editor): After having been away for thirty-five years, and having come hback for a visit to my native city, 1 [see it has grown in the residential section, but not in the manufactur- Ming line es it should, for it ds one of the oldest cities in Canada today and should be four times the size of Toronto, Montreal or Winnipeg. When I was here before there were more manufacturers then than there are now. Where have they all gone® Fas the educational craze driven them out of the city or have other PECIAL!1 Women's Patent Strap Slippers, Co- lonial Tongue with Grey Buck trim- ming and heel quarter--the latest style in combination footwear. Price 2 $5.00a Pair © On Saturday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Osmond, Brock- ville, their younger daughter, Miss Winnifred, became the pride of William Homer Dram- ond, engine -despatcher, at the PS rockville terminal of the Canadian National Railways, son of Mr. and | Mrs. James Drummond, Prescott. Books are men of higher stature the home of the bride's the farmers are predicting poor | monwealth, or any other of the 48 GANANOQUE | June 13.--A pretty June house wedding took place at 8:30 o'clock | on Monday evening, June 11th, at parents, Marian, eldest when = Marguerite Kidd, was united in marrage to Alan Roy MacKay. The bride, un- attended," wearing a handsome gown of bisque crepe, leghorn hat with French flowers and carrying a bou- quet of Ophelia roses, entered the drawing room, which wus lovely with flowers and bankings of fern. on the arm of her father, as Miss Pearl! MacKay played the wedding march. Rev. R. W. Spencer, rector of Christ church, performed the ceremony efter which Miss Rita MacKay sang very sweetly ""'Be- cause." Mrs. Kidd, mother of the bride wore a becoming beaded gown of navy charmeuse. Following the ceremony, a largely attended re- ception was 'held, at which Mrs. W. C. Landon and Miss Uretta Sin- clair poured coffee. They were as- sisted in serving by Misses Ruby Lasha, Margaret Chapman, N. Kidd, and Kathleen Kidd. The happy | couple left on the midnight train, | carrying with them a host of good | wishes from their many friends, and | will visit Toronto, Chicago, Yellow- stong Park and Vancouver, B.C. The bride travelled in a blue silk frock and fawn wrap. On their re- turn Mr. and' Mrs. MacKay ' intend | taking up residence in Gananoque. | Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. MacKay, father of the groom, and Misses Peanl and Rita MacKay, all of Brockville. i The town council has decided to take a vote upon the new public | school question, and a dircular will be distributed explaining the situa-| tion. In this circular it 1s stated that ft will cost $28,000 to put proper sanitation and heating in the exist- ing public schools, and that the school board recommends the build- ing of an entirely new school at a! cost of $80,000, to take the place of | the present King street school and | the Stone street school. The West | Ward echool wiil be continued, but | modernized. The vote is ito take | place on Monday, Jume 18th. * | WwW, F. Hyde, teller, Bank of To- ronto, has been called to his home his father, in Montreal, | A. G. Kerr, Belleville, is reliev- | ing on the staff of the Bank of (Montreal, during the absence of Mr. Bernie who is away on his holidays. Charles Rackham, Winnipeg, ar- his brother, Captain Rackham. Oscar Henne is in Montreal for a few days. | Gananoque's programme for | Thursday will dnclude a | band concert in the park, moonlight excursion" from and the Canoe Club dance. George Gibson was in Kingston on Monday. Dr. Worth Haigh, left last night for New York, and will shortly em- | bark for Cartagena, Colombia, South America. a ------ KENTUCKY TOAST ---- Applies to Women and Robinson's Circ Kentucky has always boasted of its lovely and beautiful women cand thoroughbred horses, and when the | John Robinson Circus and Trained! Wild Animals appears in that com-| Horses With us. states or the provinces of Canada, its striking beautiful women a.d excep- tional horseflesh compare: favorably with the celebrated toast of "Old Kintuck." When the big tops and the hundreds of little tops of the John Robinson Circus and Trained Wild Animals are raised in Kingston on Friday, June 15, these facts will impress the crowds during the parade and during the af- ternoon and night performances, so the advance representatives declare. No show, it is claimed, can boast of more beautiful women than Ola Dar. ragh, Harriette Guilfoyle, Rose Leh- mann, the Lordon Sisters, Erna Rudy- noff, Mary Bedini, Pompey Baio, Eet- ta Carreon, Miss Julian Rogers, Lela Plank and Mrs. Eva Dixon and the Morales Sisters. These stars of the galloping white horses and the aerial wire, are celebrated in vaudeville and the circus world for their charms and they are only a few of the two han- dred women under the John Robinson banner this year. _ In the opening spectacle, "Peter Pan in Animal Land," in the rings, stages, arena, in the air #hd on the track, the hundreds of folks with the big show assert they have the best looking girl performers ever seen un- der the white top. As they offer to prove it circus day, it's only fair to wait and see. So that everybody in Brockville owing to the death of | rived in town yesterday on a visit to | | Such submission A By-law to ratify and confirm an agreement with William Colle, of the City of | Kingston, in the County of | Frontenac, Manufacturer, and | to authorize the issue of de- | bentures of this Corporation | to the amount of $7,500.00. The City of Kingston and William Collie, of Collie's Limited, have eater- ed into the agreement set forth in the Schedule hereto annexed, and the Woollen Mill said William ing industry the Municipal Collie is a manufactur- Act. now operated by the | within the meaning of | The Council of the Corporation of | the City of Kingston submits . 5 By. ldw 10 the electors to authoiize the issue of Jebent tures to aid in the | equipment and extensidn and opera- | tion of said woollen mills. The amount of debt to be created is $7,500.00, payable in payments, the amount to be raised annually will be ment interest thereon. and $252.00 to 'form a sinking fund for the payment of the said debt, making the annual amount $627.00. This By-law shall come in force and take effect on receivin, the as- sent of the electors and Ag a third reading Ly the City Council. SCHEDULE THIS INDENTURE made in tripli- cate this 6th tween: Willlam Collie, of the City of King- ston, in the County of Frontenac, carrying on under the name, style Collie's Limited, the party, OF THE FIRST PART, --and-- THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON, Hereinafter called the Corporation, OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS the Party of the first part is carrying on the business of the manufacture of cloths at the said city of Kingston, and has made appli- and firm of hereinafter "called cation Lo the Corporation for a bonus. of $7,500.00 to assist in the establish- ing and the extending of said busi- ness. > AND WHEREAS it is expedient to grant the said application of the said party of the first paft, but subject {0 terms, conditions and provisos herein contained; NOW THIS INDENTURE WIT- NLSSETH that the sald parties here- to hereby covenant, promise and agree each with the other of them as follows: 1. The party of the first part shall operate and carry on his present busi- ness of manufacturing cloths for the period of twenty years to be com- buted from the 1st day of January, 1923, and so that in each year during the said period of twenty years at least $40,000.00 shall be disbursed as wages to workmen in the employ and about the said business, exclusive of the salaries paid to the party of the first part or any other person or persons that shall be admitted to the firm of Collle's Limited, or uy other firm that may carry on ness in succession or substitution for the said firm as partners or otherwise. 2. The Corporation shall, by its Council as soon as yf be procure to be submitted to the Electors af the Municipality of the City of Kingston under -the provisions of the Mun cipal Act in that behalf, a By-law author- izing the issue of the debentures of the Corporation to raise the sald sum of $7,500.00. : 3. In case the said By-law upon receives" the assent of the said electors as by law re- quired, the Corporation shall by its Council pass the said By-law and shall pay the said bonus of $7,600.00 to the said party of the first part upon being satisfied that the factory now owned and operated by the said party of the first part has en fully equipped for the manuf: 1oducts by the said party of part, and is in actual operation and 48 in its permanent and continous employ such a sufficient numb. r of workmen as to insure payment of the amount hereinbefore set out as wages. 4. The factory and premises of the party of the first part shall be ex- empt from taxation (except as to school taxes and rates) from the first of January, 1924, during the "said period of ten years or uch portion of sald period as the party of the first part shall well and truly observe and perform the stipulations, provisos and conditions herein on their part con- tained and the said exemption shall extend and apply to the business assessment in respect of the said fac- tory and premises as well as to the realty assessment. 6. The Party of the first part shall not sell or otherwise dispose of said factory and premises at any time dur- ing the said period of twenty. years, except to a person or persons, or company to be approved by the Cor- poration, and upon such person, per- S0ns 'or company so purchasing ent- ering into an agreement wit the Corporation binding such person or persons. or conipany to assume for the portion of the said term of twen- ty years which shall be then unex- ired the obligations herein assumed y the Party of the first part and who shall be in all respects substituted hereunder for the Party of the first part: Provided that LE Party of ha first part may mo! ° factory and premises for money loan- ed or to be loaned, and such may contain the usual covenants and the usual power of sale on default of payment of the mortgage moneys. 6. The Party of the first part shall in each year during said period of twenty years, furnish tb the City Clerk of the Corporation a statement verified by a statutory d tion (of one of the said parties of firs! art' showing the amount disbursed PB the party of the first part for wages in each such year as herein provided and the City Auditor of the Corporation haye access from time to time to the books of account th of the first part to veri 25 the Pasty . . case sald by-law shall not - Fond ren ores the as- sent of the electors as req bok et than this agree 1 PY o and void and of nome effect. 8. This indenture and the several terms of the same shall respectively be binding upon the heirs, executors, She. est part ed ure Lhe hd and of the \ day of June, 1923, be- 20 annual | $375.00 for the pay- | | | business at said city | The Egyptian Trend in Fashions is met by SANDALS in the realm of footwear. They are presented in as great a yariety of styles as those ancient SANDALS which Inspired them. They are sensible as they are smart, cool and come fortable--an ideal Summer style. WHITE BUCK, PATENTS AND PATENTS TRIMMED WITH GREY BUCK. $9.00--$8.00 AND $5.00 v Abernethy's Shoe Store Now is the time to prepare for Summer. What about your Hammo-Couch for youl verandah, and Verandah Chairs. We have a large assortment to choose from. --$2.50 to $8.50 JAMES REID LEADING UNDERTAKER. ELLIOTT 378 BROCK STREET Phone 147 for Service. & WILLIAMSON PHONE 1089. ABOUT SECOND-HAND CARS AND REPAIRING. Pleasant Water Trips-Str. Brockville TUESDAY, p.m. (fast ) THURSDAY, JUNE 14th--Princess Leave Kingston Gananoque. One hour in Gananoque. JUNE 13th--Regular run to Picton, time). leaving Kingston 5.00 Street Methodist Church Moonlight to 7.30 p.m. (fast time). FRIDAY, JUNE 15th--Regular run to Picton, leaving Kingston 5.00 p.m. (fast time). SATURDAY, JUNE 16th--Regular ston 2.00 p.m. (fast time). SUNDAY, JUNE 17th--Regular run at 2.00 p.m. fast ¢ime. One h run to Alexandria One hour at the Ba to Alexandria Bay. Leave Kingiton our at the Bay. Bay. Leave King- y. E BOAT LEAVES WHARF FOOT OF BROCK STREET by the followihig Deputy Returning Officers, namely :-- SYDENHAM WARD, Polling Sub-Div. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Cor. Union and Di- vision Sts, C. R. McLeod, D.R.O. ONTARIO "WARD, Polling Sub-Diy. Nos. 4, 5 and § at Council Chamber, Robert Haasleton, D.R.O. ST. LAWRENCE WARD, Polling Sub- Div. No. 7 at Cor. King and Prin- cess Sts, Forg. Webster, D.R.O. ST. LAWRENCE WARD, Polling Sub- Div. Nos. 8 and 9 at 293 i Sooke 8t, A. E. Hunt, D.R.O. ' CATARAQUI WARD, Pollin Div. Nos. 10 and 11 at 61 William Woods, D.R.O. RAQUI WARD, Polling Sub- hot 1 Ne 13 at Cor. Montreal! and John Sts, John Handley, D.R.O. FRONTENAC. Ww. Polling Sub iv. 'Nos. 13 and 14 at Cor. Barrie and York Sts, Robert Cowle, D.R.O. Sub- y St, EAU WwW, Polli Sub-Div. Nos. 17 and 15 at Macdonal d School, Willlam Saunders, D.R.O. RIDEAU WARD, Pollin RE Oscar Telgmann, D.R.O. VICTORIA WARD, Polling Sub-Di Nos..21 and 23 at. Victoria School: Herbert Stover. DRO. WARD, Poll Cor. King ang Ash. 0. Sub-Div. st, Sub-Div. VICTORIA No. 23 at Beverley Sts, John hoard day of July, 192 x hoop Sola clock" of the or some of said - of the said. and sum up against the Municipality the Clerk Municipality shall attend the votes given for and proposed By-law. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the fores oing Is a true copy of a y-law and Agreement of the Core: poration of the City of Kingston take en into consideration and which ; be finally by th sald Corporation in the assent the electors thereto, after one first publication the W. W. BANDS, Kingston, June-13th, 1920. Ta NOTICE TO LEASEHO HOLDERS A Leaseholder who 1s entitled to vote on thé foregoing By-law is one who has a lease of property in the City of Kingston which extend: the period of time Yithin wh lease, has covenanted to pay all n cipal taxes in respect of the p leased (other than the taxes 1 loeal Pmprovements), ° By-law City rk, = Zaye Drier, to the date of

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