§ THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1028 _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG [BUY DAD "A GIFT--F SUNDAY, JUNE 17th Buy Dad A Tie For Father's Day June 17th If Dad has lots of Ties possibly something in the following list would be more appreciated: -- New Straw Hats. New Summer Shirts. New Summer Hosiery. Combination Underwear. New Pyjamas. New Style Collars. New Summer Caps. Wool Bathing Suits. White or Grey Flannel Trousers. SPECIAL ! Ask to see our new samples of Grey Flannel for 2 piece Summer Suits -- dark or light shades. Made-To-Measure, $18.00. BUY DAD SOMETHING. THE CLUB 3 Doors Below Grand Opera House BIBBY'S "BUY DAD A TIE-- FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 17th. A new Shirt, new Collar, and new Tie will make Father's Day a Real One ° for Dad. SUSPENDERS A 'genuine Silk, glastic, in- visible , Suspenders = regular $1.25 values. FATHER' Ss) DAY PRICE NEW ENGLISH SHIRTS Genuine Potter Prints for FATHER'S DAY $2.50 It's really surprising the change a good-looking, nifty Shirt will make in Father's ap- pearance. NEW PURE SILK TIES Neat patterns, nice cglorings. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 val- ues. FATHER'S DAY PRICE 5c. $2.50 and $4.50 PAIR NICE TROUSERS FOR 85.00. PYJAMAS Nice ones--$2.30, $2.95 BIBBY'S Men's and Boys' Wear ied %8, 80, 82 Princess Street. FATHER'S DAY This is the first real day he ever had 80 make ita good one. He would surely appreciate a box of Grimm's Home Made CHOCOLATES or perhaps some of the delicious Nut Taffies, Creams or Fudges we make. You know Father likes Candy, so don't disappoint GRIMM S 102 Princess Street. Phone 797. Popular imagination is demanding that some recognition be made of father's share in the burden of the work-a-day world. With no thought in the world of robbing mother of the cherished place she occupies in the hearts of every daughter and son ia the broad universe, little children are beginning to ask, "Why isn't there a Daddy's Day?" A number of letters five: appeared in the public press lately-- some from little children, some from older children of the fairer sex who know that father had a place in laying the foundation and building the structure of the home--asking why there- shouldn't be a "Father's Day" and suggesting that oné&" day ouf of 365 be set aside for him. . y And why shouldn't there be a Father's Day? Has he not endured the heat and burden of the day, too? Has he not been inSpired by the same high motives as mother in giving his sons, his daughters a better chance in the world than he had? Has he not car- ried upon his shoulders heavy burdens of responsi- bitity, endured anxieties, fought his way through difficulties, mace innumerable sacrifices for those dependent upon him? There is no one who realizes this better than mother, daughter and son. That is why - popular imagination is demanding a Father's Day. 4 STORE FATHER'S DAY STORE --Buy Dad a Tie= FATHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 17th. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" Buy Dad a Little Remembrance -- Something He'll Ap- preciate--we have dozens of Suitable Articles Soft Collar Pins, Cuff Links, Belts, Pencils, Golf Scorer, Playin Folds, Fountain Pens, and hundreds of little gifts that would be Priced from 35 comnts up. Cards, Bill il every day. _ KINNEAR & PESTERRE MAKE HIM SMILE ON SUNDAY Treat him to a box of our Home-made CHOCO- LATES. 'We have different kinds and prices to please all. 40 CENTS A POUND BOX AND UP. Fresh Fruits and Candy Our Specialty. BELMONT CANBY SHOP 286 Princess Street. Phone 2168. : DAY Get him a nice Tie or Shirt -- Bt | he will appreciate it. : 'We have a large range to choose from. Prices to please all. Everything up-to-date in Gents' for Father Sec our choice' assortment. Cut Silk Ties $1,00 and $1.50 $2.00. COMFORTABLE SHOES FOR 'FATHER'S DAY Cushion Soles in E. and EE. width. Shoes that give comfort R. & R. SHOE STORE - PHONE 486. SUNDAY, JUNE 17th Is : "FATHER'S DAY" Remember Dad With Something to Wear NECKWEAR For Father's Day - Each Tie individually boxed from 50c. up. Néckwear that 1s sure to please Dad. a, Fe amy AK HO } Give Dad a pair of Silk Hose--in Navy, @ Black, Brown, otc at ..,....- Be. up. fF I . 336 Princess St. "The Hat Store™ Hats Off To "Dad" "Father's Day" Bring "Dad" to "The Hat Store" on Father's Day and form a habit that if kept up he will always appreciate, Give him a stylish, serviceable Hat or Cap that will serve as a | datly reminder of the giver. We sell all kinds. A Straw Hat ? Finest English makes. $1.50 to $3.50