Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1923, p. 11

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FWURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1928 hay, 7 litany Goby rere + SEAL LL i133 Sold only in 3%, 1 and 2 Ib. airtight tins. Whole, ground or fine ground for Tricolator or Percolator use. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. ee a te i te tN i #4. 1 Del A i na Take it easy this Summer. Have your Dinner with us. Good things well served. Prices reasonable. THE VICTORIA CAFE 'WLY LEE, Mgr. King St. . Telephone 762, THE DAILY BRITISH | Fr rom the Countryside | ------ Fomine : 0SO STATION June 12. -- The farmers here are busy doing road work. 8. Bourk, Carleton Hall, is visiting his broth- er, Jos. W. Bourke. Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Warren spent Sunday with William Conboy's. Mrs. John Mc- Charles and son, Edward, spent Sun- day with Edward Warren: Miss Crawford spent Sunday with Miss Bllen Bourk. Mr. and Mrs. E, Hen- derson spent Sunday at George Me. Pherson's. -- LAKE OPINION June 6. -- The recent big rains are a great benefit to the crops. There was no service here on Sunday ow- ing to the minister's absence. C. Tolson made a flying visit to his home here. Mr. and Mrs: N. Watts, Kingston, spent a couple of days at K. Darling's. Mr. and Mrs. 7. Smith and Olive spent Sunday at F. Bests. Mr. E. Shales and Miss Jamieson - ll [were callers at K. Darling's on Sun- Rapid, Reasonable and Right Drug Store Service "THAT'S us." ~ PRINCESS PHARMACY WHERE PRINCESS AND DIVISION CROSS OPEN FROM 8 TILL LATE TELEPHONE 2018 5 JOHNSTON ~*WARD | MEMBERS: MONTREAL STOCK BXCHANGE TOPONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Bibby Block, Princess Street KINGSTON Moncton, N.B. Torente. A a SMA £5 Sydney, St. Jonni N Nee. Montpeal Halifax, 'N.S. Sherbrooke. London. Direct Wiré-Connections. JUST ARRIVED 200 CORDS HARD AND SOFT WOOD SLABS--CUT TO SUIT YOUR STOVE. SOWARDS COAL CO ONE 166. ~ MeGALL'S CIGAR STORE .. PHONE 811. - ' UPTOWN -OPF "MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your 'home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. 'SPECIAL PRICES C . SUMMER FURNITURE Tr seed ~~ i % Verandah Gliaiss-best made-- $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00 Rattan Chairs ..... .... .. $6.50t0 $30.00 Hammo Couche, 4 styles to choose from. - i | Road, | | day. PLLEVNA. June 11.--The spring crops: are looking fine now. The roads are ll | quite bad after the recent storms. I| A severe accident happened to Mrs. fll and Mr. Lawrence Schenour on Sat- il | urday last. While driving the horse's || bridle dropped off. The horse was frightened at the buggy top and ran lll away. Mr. and Mrs, Schenour were | thrown out. Mre. Schenour's arm Ul { was broken. Mr. Schemour was hurt > | very seriously. The party held by Mr. and Mrs. John Goer for thelr daughter, Ethel, was spent very joy- fully. py BUNKER'S HILL June 13th, ---- There hag been a. great deal of rain lately but the far- wwers have welcomed it. Low land is flooded. Danial McLeod conduct- ed the meeting in the Friends' church on Sunday. Frank Judge has | purchased a new car. There has been 'very little planting done lately ow- ing to the wet ground. James Wil- son is visiting Warner Switzer. T. Babcock is visiting his father here. The road work has started and a large number of men have turned out, LLGINBURG. June 11.--On Thursday night of last week, G. A. B. Clarke, legisla- tive candidate, held a meeting in the hall here, James Bell was the other speaker of the evening. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Codling, Carp, visit- ed at Charles Irvine's last week. Dr. Albert Leatherland, Harrisville, N.Y., is visiting his sisters, Mrs. See and Miss BS. Leatherland. Miss Thelma Collins, Harrowsmith, is with her sister, Mrs. Earl Frazer. Miss G. Phippin, Sydenham, is the guest of Mrs. M. Gordonder. Miss B. Thomas spent a few days at Joha Sliver's last week. MISSSISSIPPL. June 11.--Mrs. William Hues was into Kingston on Friday on business, Mrs, Elmer Olmstead and Miss Ethel Oimstead spent Saturday and Sun- day with friends at Clarendon. Mr, and Mrs. Ansley Gibson and family visited) with friends here on Sun- day ldst. J. Palmer, Snow Road, shipped a carload of stock ' here last Saturday. Miss Lamont spent Sun day with Miss V. McDougal. Robert Gibson and his extra gang have mov- ei up to Cobourg, where they are unloading ties. Mrs. Allan, Snow édpent Thursday with Mrs, William Geddes' last week. ARDEN. June 11.--The rain of last week put the roads in very bad condition and washed out several Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johaston at Mrs, Thomas Hughes' on Tuesday. H. Alexander, Miss G. Jeffrey, James Hughes and Miss D. Miller spent Sunday at G. Goodfellow's, Tich- borne. Mr. Godfrey, Mountain Grove, and Ernest Hawley, Olden, purchased new cars from T, J. Alex- ander on Wednesday. D. McCrm- mon and family spent Sunday at Mountain Grove. G. Steele and family at 'Mrs. Edward Hayes'. We are glad to hear Mrs. John John- ston is gaining; hope to see her out again. Mr, and Mrs, William Loyst spent Sunday at Frank Scott's. MOUNTAIN VIEW June 7. -- The farmers are busy planting corp. The heavy rains have made the groufid too wet to continue planting. Congratulations are ex- tended to Helen Prevost and Dwight Myers who were recently married. A number from here spent the 24th of returned home from Detroit, Mich. David H. Bedor has moved from Jam- es Forester's farm to J. Graham's, ¥ [Westport, spent Sunday at culverts, | the terry and bridge. | a {Newboro. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert War- {ren were visiting at Thomas Bedor's { recently. Mr. and Mrs. Evans War- {ren at F. H. Warren's. H. Blarr, Albert {Maynard's. McLEAN June 11. -- Mrs. Pamella Wells, who has been living with her daught- er, Mrs, Melford Wagar, died oun Wednesday morning. She suffered a stroke a few years ago. Confined to the house all winter, she caught cold and pneumonia set in. She was seventy-one years of age. Sue leaves one daughter, five brothers. and one sister. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell, Oshawa, came down to attend the funeral. Augustus Foster is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown and two girls spent Sunday at Frank Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Storms apd Eleta, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirk- ham, Wagarville, Arthur Wagar and Vella Smith at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell's and Samuel Wagar at William | Cousin's on Sunday. . Bmerson Sni- \der spent Sunday at John Raycrapt's. "Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Wegar- ville at A, Foster's Sunday. John Em- bury spent Sunday near Ardem and Mr. and Mys. Aaron Smith and family and William Smith and Ethel spent Sunday at Ernest Henton's, COLE LAKE, June 12 ~The recent rain help the crops and gardens as the land was quite dry. William Lee, Ross Martin end 4Migin [Campbell have purchased cars., Mr, and Mrs. Silas Martin motored to Thomas Kennedy's, Murvale, on Tuesday, A wee girl has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ken- nedy, Mrs. H. Kulhe, Killaloe, and wee son are visiting her sister, Mrs, R. Jackson, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James Judge spent Sunday at Elgin Campbell's. Mr. and Mrs, John Booth, Northbrook, spent Sun- day at R. Jackson's. James and Wilfred Kennedy motored to North- port on Friday last, FALLBROOK June 11. -- Confirmation service was held in St. Paul's church on Sunday afternoon. Both teachers and pupils are working hard prepar- ing for the examinations. The sym- pathy of the community Is extended to Mrs. Fife in the loss of her hus- band, who passed away at McDon- ald's Corners on Friday morning. Some of the boys have returned home from high school for the summer. mn Lennox & Addington NORTHBROOK June 11. -- The heavy rains of the past week have raised the water tigher than during the spring thaw, giving an assurance for pleuty for the large power plant of the Scoot River which supplies the Ore Chim- ney mines. -. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon livghes motared from Oshawa spend- ing the week-end with parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lloyd are spending a few Jays in Napanee and New- burgh. 8S. G. Both and family are spending a few days in Winchester. A number enjoyed a pleasant even- ing at C. C. Thompson's Saturday in dancing and music. Rev. J. Wick- fware," Northfield, intends "to reside at Cloyne in the future much to the delight (of his many friends. Guss » WW will || SALE OF MEN'S SU J Come on Dad--Buy Yourself a Suit "Father's Day"--June 17th YOUNG MEN'S SPORT SUITS We have received another ship- ment of these Sport Suits; made from 'Halifax and Donegal Tweeds, in the very latest models SALE PRICE 19.95 MEN'S GREY CHECK SUITS The famous "Glen Urughart™ Grey Check is very popular this MEN'S LIGHT GREY SUITS We have just received a ship: ment of Two Piece Grey Suits. Real Summer weight Home- spuns. A snap at 15.00 MEN'S WORKING SUITS In Dark Grey Serges, fancy mix- tures and Brown Worsteds with pencil stripes. Grouped together » for a big sale Saturday. Regular values to $25.00. season. eWVe have a Suit to fit every type of model and figure. SALE PRICE SALE PRICE '14.95 | 1845 BUY DAD A TIE--AND BUY IT NOW. LOULS ABRAMSON 336 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 1454w FOR Avrouonnn REPAIR WORK GO TO CLARK'S GARAGE Acetylene Welding and Carbon Burning and Mechanical Work of all kinds. Patronize our Gasoline Station. or. King und Princess Sts. GREAT WEST LIFE'S Wonderful result. 20 Pay Life Policy, $10,000 on the life of Mal colm Young, Picton, Ontario. Profits paid policy up in the 14th year. 41 Brock or 458 Princess Street. Phone 1483w. Wood is home from Odessa. Township Councils -- p STORRINGTON Council met at Sunbury June 11th. Members all present. . That Harvey Shannon act as clerk for the day as the county clerk and his family are in quarantine for measles. Carried. Motion, Drader-Sands. That the minutes of last meeting be adopted. carried. Motion ot Sands-Drader.. That the Council of Storrington approve of the bills presented for shovelling : snow on county roads by Charles Stoness, Bert Balls and Alex Smythe. ; Carried. Motion of Drader-Sands, That Earl Van Luven be paid $50, spe- cial grant of $7.50. Statute labor on road division No. 26. Carried. Motion Sands-McFarlane, that the following bills paid: Sawyer and Massey, $12.5 r repairs to bin; FW'm. Hanley $4.95 for 33 loads of stone at 15 cents per load. Car- ried, Motion of Sands-Drader. That Geo. McFarlane, Reeve Jamieson, ba end council of Leeds at Seeley's Eay on the 13th of June to inspect Carried. n No. 50, $50, Sher- lon Na. 59, 42 31, $25. "division No. 'a0, $50; W. G. Patterson," road division No. 30, $25; Wilton Alllsor, 2 No. 2, $28, to 'be used a committee to wait on the reeve |" Phone 2357F. ° WHITE ROSE GASOLINE insures a smooth running mo- tor. Get the car overhauled NOW MCcALLISTER'S | GOODFYEAR ALL-WEATHER TREAD Retains its grip until the end . BRING into your: home all of the electr:- cal happiness that should be your pore tion. We can tell you how much it will cost you if you ask us and figure out ghe price of the fixtures for you. It may not cost nearly as ol hg T 14 gel b 1 19 VANLUVEN BROS. 34-38 PRINCESS STREET stat of the Rathbur Gom- Henry Viette ied 1 Detroit stier of the Rat Vietis' wag two days' illness of pacumonia. olan Wie fof & Sumber of yoAts 4 Membsr/

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