THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY; JUNE 14, 1938 v N-------- N-- Rideau Hall Oi (5 ~~ -[~_1\ Gas Ranges and Plates, McClary's Sunshine .. Furnaces Installing receives our careful, personal attention. RAVES BROS. Plumbing, Tinsmithing, Hot Air Heating, House Furnishing. STREET 1a: PHONE 382. ~t TWIN BEAVER WASH BOARDS made of £00YS famous INDURATED FIBREWARE outwear all others ONSALE BY EROCERS ~~ ANDO HARDWARE MERCHANTS Hotpoi t Electrical Appli See us for your HOTPOINT ELECTRIC GOODS--HEATERS, IRONS, TOASTERS or anything you may need. DISTRIBUTOR FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS BURKE ELECTRIC CO. 72 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 423. primarily prepared It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the after years of research, and no claim has bees made for it that its usé for over 30 years has not proven. . What is CASTORIA? Oil, Paregoric, age For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALways Bears the Signature of e For Over 30 Years ap _-- FO \ should Base Around thelr | own home. Light and strong, son. We have them in stock very low He wee a son 'of Austin oh gr ula, ONE WOMAN The International Sunday Sch fear chills the heart cf man. it 1s usually womaa who plays the hero- me. The same dainty creature that crdinarily shelters beneath mans protection, will stand forth daunt- less, serene and even smiling before the heaviest boits of misfortune. The miracle of marriage is that a deli- cate, sequestered girl, used only to case and irresponsibility becomes the strong noble woman, keen visionel snd fearless, to sustain, counsel and inspire the heart of man in life's sorest battles. As Joquan Miller singe. "The bravest battle fought, + Shall I tell you where and when? On the maps of the world you will find it not; "Twas fought by the mothers of men." Most heroic, as woll as most fully drawn, of all the women of the Ola Testament, is Estber, the beautiful queen, whose loyalty to her people in a dark hour is the theme of Sun- cay School study next Sunday all over the world. Not in all respects was sha a model for girlhood; but her virtues deserve emulation. 1 'is outstanding features her life is {worthy to gervice as an example. Anil asine from al! its teachings, the story is one of the most romantic in Holy { Writ. | In a choice of queens by thc Per- {slan Ahasuerus, Esther, the {beautiful cousin of Moredical, one of the exile Jews, was chosen. But |cne Haman, an enemy of Mordecai, {to whom he had refused to do honor. {was olsvaled to the post next the {King. In spite, Haman persuadad {the King to sign an edict for the |extermination of all the Jews--such {as now impends-in Russia and east crn Europe. His malignity woulda {not be satisfied with encompassing | the death of Mcrdecai; he must have [nis kindred also. All tho exile Jews |scattered throughout the wide do- {man of Ahasuerus put on sack cloth lend ashes. So garbed, Mordecal ap- ireared outside the palace gates: His {royal cousin, disturbed, tent him faer raiment. But his grief lay too deep for apvarel to remedy, and ha returned to the sheltered Quéen the news of. the calamity that had be- {fallen their People and pleaded with her to intercede with the King 1a behalf of the condemned Jews. that ever was Little Troubles and Big. | lLoke most persons who are hin- gered from doing great service by {yeity cares, Esther had troubles of her own which loomed larger on her {little horizon than auy national dis- aster. She had not been summoned into the King's presence for thiily dave, and apparently he was grow- fg cold toward her. This, to he woman's eyes, looked like woe great enought to blot out all others. Be sides, it was death for one to enter uninvited into the King's presemece, uniess the scepter of clemeucy should be extended. This man Mordecai was very much "lot a man: he had evidently trained father well, for he now spoke plain- ly to her. Did she but know it, the giri queen had reason to be grate- fu! for at least one 'blunt friend. Truthfulness is a'ways better than politeness. The listless wife of the titful slave of appetite who sat un the throne naeded to be roused from {ker engrossment in her own trouble, and her brooding over the kiug's neglect. These were the sharp words that did it: "If thou altogether hola- est thy peace at tals time, them wili |reliet and deliverance arise to the |Jews from auother place, but thou and thy father's house will perish." Some one has said that the best cure for most of our worries is some big, real trouble. Thus "Esther's worry was cured. She was losing her sou! and spoiling her beauty by frittering them away In petty acd anxious thoughts. More lives are stanted than are broken down. Lit- tleness is the big sin of most hearts. Lack of great ideals, noble purposes, heavenly visions, is what atrophies fhe finest powers of men and worthen. Happy is the man or woman who can merge himsel? or herself ints a great cause, forgeuting the vexatious of the moment in devotion to a glorious goal," : Why One Woman Reached a Throne, This was the strifing of the hour of opportunity for Esther--and she heard it. Happy woman! The sad- dest fate in life is to have been deaf to the summobs of opportunity. The story is told of a poet who did'wnct sing the songs he heard, and after the volces had grown silent he tried to summon 'them back, but in vain. Thencelorth life was the bitterness of regret to him, The ears of Esther's spirit were keen; she caught the Ji: vine note in Mordecai : "Who knoweth whether thou are not ccme to the kingdom for such a time 4s' this?" even or er Jehovah Dan & Bla Doubtless the hour 1 Ly WHO DARED ool Lesson for June 17th Is: "Esther, the Patriot Queen."--Esther 4:13-5:3. By William T. Ellis. In the grave crisis 'of life, when | vas of account. merely as it might be made a pathway to safety for hex ipeople. And Esther followed her | vision. As a Heroine Met Her Hour. Moving in a golden haze of spir itual oxaltation, he =oul fired with {that glow of patriotism which has {given history its most saining pages, {the young woman made reply. She would go to the King. But in this crdeal she needed the support of the sympathy of all her people. So she cntreated Mordecai that for three days the Jews in the capital shoul join with her and her maidens in fasting and spiritual preparation for her great task. How hearts hunger for the help of other hearts! This was an early in- stance of the plaintive plea and cor- fession of helplessness that is heard thousands of times every week in gatherings of Christians today-- "Pray for me!™ When it is really most courageous, the spirit fecls humblest and most helpless. "It I perish, I perish," was the truly royal resolution of the Queen. vko in this day of testing was learn- !ing that there are better things than {mere life. It was Satan whe said: |"All that a man hath will he give [for hig Hfe," and, like everything lelee that Satan says. it 1s a Me. Al Justory disproves it; there has never been an age too dark to furnish in- stances of men and women who have prized honor and country and friend- ship and faith and service above lite itself. As these words are being read there are myriads of men and women who are freely pouring out théir lives upon love's altar. Bot- ter far to perish nobly than to live cravenly. The Way of a Woman. God made woman fair, which was bir way of givihg her power. To woman beauty, to man strength. But strength does the will of beauty. The Puritan notion which frowns upon woman's making the most of her God-given charms has its foundation somewhere else than in the laws of nature of God. He who made wo- Tian the fairest flower in all His beautiful garden of creation, sndow- ed her with these rich gifts of per- son and of spirit that she might be able to lead the world to'its highest and best estate. Most persons find Heaven by following the gentle lead- ing of a woman--mother, sweet- Jreart, wife or child. This is woman's highest right and duty. There was a sanity as well as her>- ism in Ester's manner of pleading the cause of her people. She array- ¢d herself in her best. All that wo- man wit could devise and the re- sources of the court command she utilized to help her make a favorable Impression upon the King. She might have gone wan and white, with tear-stained face and heedless of Gress; but vain sacrifices are trage- dies in a two-fold sense. Of course the King extended to her the sceptar, which signified favor, and thus the Jews were saved from a terrible fate, an escape which is celebrated every year in the Feast of Purim. Because one woman dared, all Jews of her time were saved; and her people were given a perpetual memorial of happinees. | YARKER TIDINGS | nai deie The Principal of the School Has Re- sumed Duties ~Yarker; June 12. -- We are pleas- ed to say that Elwood Holland will soon be in condition to resume his former position in centre field, hav- solves to 'the last grain boiling water. That Rinso is jan ideal soap in any washing machine and the best can use whatever soap way do the family wash. = - removes every vestige of dirt without the slightest injury to the clothes. They are therefore glad to recom- mend Rinso. BEATTIE. Power Apparatus, 0 Mesars. Leve Dear Sirs; Our Laundryetes washi te. AUN - DRY ing ex oy at wer es have found Rinse George J. Beattie, p, idudit, Rinso gets unqualified praise from Laun-dry-ette washing experts The Laun-dry-ette wash- - ing experts analysed Rinso. They put Rinso to a thor- ough test in their machine. -MeINTYRE, 1 Blectrical Bagingers 0 They found that Rinso dis- , its use sloctrie -- me ohn E t= ing sprained his ankie in a recent game at Newburgh. Mrs. J. Down and Mrs. A. D. Leonard have re- tirned from attending the W. M. S. convention of the Quinte district Methodist church at Cobourg. They 1eport a very large attendance and splendid meetings. By the looks of things hard times have gone forever, a number of Yarkerites are sporting new cars. Stan Hart hes purchased a new sedan, Geo. Woodhouse, Ger- ald Warner and Geo. Curle new tour- ing cars. : The many friends of Mrs. Gerald Warner are pleased to note she has 1ccovered from her recent illness and is once more able to resume her du- ties as principal of the school. Messrs. Gerard and Gerald Dunn Lave returned home for the holidays from Kingston, having been success- ful in passing their examinations at Regilopolis College. A number of boys took in the moonlight excnr- sion to Clayton, N. Y., on Monday evening. also the ball game at King- ston, between Kingston and Cobourg. Mr. Trottier, our genial account- ant In is on the sick for a speedy list. We recovery. NN ed a position with the Canadian Na- tional Railway. We wish him suc- cess. Wallace Baboock had the misfor- tune, on Monday, while working on the railway, to have a rail fall on Lis foot which bruised it comside:- ably, making it very painful. He was attended by Dr. Oldham. Paint- ers have been busy on the railway tainting switches, standpipes, etc.. making a very noted improvement. J. T. Mains' store and residence is now completed and he is dong bu- siness. Dr. Thomas Warner, new and popular dentist, has started practice at his residence, Deer street. J. C. Connoly has put a new iron roof on his office, also a &oat of paint, which adds to the appearance of the main street. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Switzer and family to our village; they are occupying a house on Colebrook street. Some of the reotorists forget that the speed limit of this town is twelve miles per hour. What might have been a very seri ous accident was narrowly averted at the bank corner, on Monday ev- the Bank of Montreal (éning, when two autos almost col- hope |lided. The [bali club are planning a large tourna- [recently at Ricnard Wilson's. camp meeting is at its height just | ment in the near future. Many of {large number here intend taking ia easts of Yarker and they are having ! # wonderful - attendance. Clinton Richardson has returned home after | ap _ extensive tour in the southern the visitors. States. Theodore Down has accept- | The executive of the base- the citizens are preparing for the camping season at Varty. Lake and rew cottages will meet the eyes of Yarker, June 13.--- The rain T Wi our | LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED jf last week hms made the grass and gardens look fine. Mrs. Roy {Skinner and MacLane returned to | Toronto after a month's vacation at {her home here. Mrs, .Charles Ottis and son, James, Rochester, N. Y., lare spending some time with hor {mother, Mrs. William Smith, | Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stewart and Stewart Wilson apent Tuesday in {Napanee. Mr. Clinton Richardson / {bas returned home from Detroit. Earle Benn is giving his house a Jeon of paint. William Brown is fixing Wallace Babcock's verandah. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Levaque, Moscow, Sunday cal- lers at "Patrick Tuepah's. Some of the Rebekah Lodge Ladies attended iodge at Harrowsmith on Tuesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. George Curle and Pansy spent Sunday at her home {in Morven. Mr. and Mrs. William |Doyle, Bath, spent Sunday at D. A |Stewart's, Mrs. Ward, Moscow, and Miss Du- ipuis,, Kingston, recent visitors with Aliss Lizzie Babcock. Mr. and Mrs. | Renton, Kingston, spent the holiday {at A. Al Connolly's. Mrs. Terry, Deseronto, spent a day A + the circus in Kingston on Friday. The Cincinnati generally regarded as the first sal aried ball team. or. milk. A Food for Strength Grape-Nuts is a food for strength and energy, delight- a fully crisp and appetizing. It contains the iron, phos- phorus, bran and other essential elements so often lacking in modern "refined" foods. | 'Grape-Nuts is made to-day by the same scientific \ which first brought its wonderful flavor as an processes "aid to health to the world's dining table. Nuts right from the package every day--with cream Serve "There's a Reason' Grape- SO team of 1868 is i: i or om RRA, a