a ¥\ THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1028 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG gh Husband Didn't Dare | Leave Her Alone Heart Was So Bad * Those feelings of faintness, those izzy spells, the all-gone sinking sen- ons which come on from time to time indicate a weakened condition of the heart and a disordered state of the nerves. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have no equal as a remedy to strengthen the heart, invigorate the erves znd build up the run-down ystem. Mrs. C. Vanhorn, Eckville, Alta., writes:--"About a year ago I had heart trouble. My husband didn't dare leave me alone, and often had to stay up at night with me. I would just feel kind of faint and my heart would seem to stop beating. I would just faint away, and it would some- . times be an hour before they could A bring me back to life. Someone told me about Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. 1 got three boxes; I took them and felt much better, so continued all Winter, and now I never feel any such faintness. -I surely do appre- ciate the good they have dome for me." Price 50c. a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- ~ Some day you may need Glasses. We can furnish the ones exactly suit- ed to your individual requirements. Hence--Keep us in your eye. Our knowledge, ability and practi- cal experience are at your service. R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALIST 148 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2108. Open evenings by appointment. There is nothing better than Cuticura Talcum for powder- ; and ing the skin. It the most fastidious J. H. JARVIS wishes to an- nounce to the public in this vicin- ity that he is now in a pdsifion to supply them with the highest grade of baking. He represents Bodley's of Toronto, and Ham- brook's, of Kingston. Also agent for Neilson's Ice Cream. We deliver from 8 am. to 11 p.m. We call for your orders. We send to your door, We give you best value, What can we do more ? PHONE 2878m. Here are two good bedrooms and a All of the convenience of bunga Or, the second fipo! it the children are grown-ups, ideal for study retirement. tapestry brick. Cost about $11,000. Building 'Editor. This arrangement allows the second floor for the exclusive have their bedrooms on the first floor. that provides fine accommodation for guests . from the family rooms is an advantage, it provides the desired privacy for both r could be given over to the children if one wished, for small children, the playthings A Semi-Bungalow Along Spanish Lines | ZA A IAA LRA ANA ely | ¥ poe FIRST FLOOR PLAN -- i The first floor of this house presents a good bungalow arrafgement with a large living-room, a dining- room, kitchen, pantry ,two bedrooms and a bath. * This floor thus provides complete accommodation for the avera However, the architects have, by well handled roof lines, provided bath; a maid's room is also provided. use of = have been paid. . Age 20 25 35 45 PHONE 647. SECOND FLOOR. PLAN Scar ar preT ge family. a comfortable second floor for guests guests if desired, while the family low housekeeping is here found, with the added feature of a secod floor and such that clutier up the house would here be out of the way, and the maid would be close at hand. the privacy of these rooms from the main rooms of the first floor make them As these rooms are not used continuously, - their isolation Or, "Throughout the house, all rooms are of good size and there is plenty of closet space. The living-room opens on a terrace on two sides and the dining-room also connects with this terrace. |' The lving-room has a high curved ceiling, giving it unusual character. The exterior deésign follows a modification of the Spanish style. The walls are white stucco, the roofs a Spanish tle in a deep shade of red and the chimmey is a red A cellar is provided under the full area of the house, except under the living-room. Complete working plans and specifications of this housé may be obtained for a nominal sum from the Refer to House A-80. CROPS PROMISING In Adolphustown District -- Mrs. Cyrus Allison Eighty-Six Adolphustown, June 11. -- The recent showers have hastened the growth and crops ere looking very promising. Miss Edna Allison has returned after spending the winter in the south. W. R. Membrey is buy-. ing cattle and stocking his farm for | the summer. sm Among recent visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Carson, Kingston, at Wil- kie Dorland's; Mr. and Mrs. Mogs and family, Galt, at Russell Cousins; Mr. and Mrs. Price and som, Selby: and Mrs. Warren and children, Mal- lorytown, at Willlam Magee's; Mrs. Dunlop, Mich., at James Dorland's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Davidson, Ottawa, aL Robert Foster's. Miss "Agnes Meikle has returned after spending some time with friends in Napanee. A number of friends and relatives of Mrs. Cyrus Allison met at her Lome on Sunday evening to offer greotings in honor of her eighty-sixth anniversary. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Garvin, a daughter. F. A. Perry is working on the foundation of his new barn. Mrs. T. N. Davis entertained the W. M. 8. on Wednesday last. Mrs, Laura Rose - Stéphen " departmental speaker, is to address the Women's Institute on Thursday. The baseball team is simply piling up laurels. | PANDOPAS BOX. INDEPENDENT ** FORESTERS Closes Its Forty-Eighth Year with Full Insurance Reserve . . $38,537,068.00 Special Reserve ad Surplus $1,790,483.63 Now sells 20 Pay Life and 100% Protection Policies with disability features, at very low rates. The 100% policy matures as an endowment at age 70. Both policies have cash withdrawal values, and automa- tic non-forfeiture features after only two annual premiums Age limits 16 to 55, for Men or Women. Premiums may be paid monthly. RATES FOR $5,000.00 100% Plan 20 Pay Life $107.00 116.55 144.45 197.80 Above rates provide for Medical attendance, Fraternal and Sanatoria benefits. Sickness and Accident Benefits optional. . Pays $28.00 first month and $40.00 monthly for next five months. The first cost is only Three Months' Premium. I have a good offer for members anywhere who can help me. For full information apply to:-- : FRANK MULLETT, District Deputy 134 EARL STREET, KINGSTON. or E. O. Clark, Odessa. $ 73.80 85.00 121.00 192.95 CHIEF JUSTICE LEMIEUX. QUEBEC Is to preside over the trial of Abbe Delorme, who has been released from an asylum to stand trial for the mur- der of his half-brother. ------------ At Brockville, on Tuesday. Miss Katherine Mary Rooney, elder daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Rooney, became the bride cf Patrick Edward Mahern, son of the late James Ma- hern and Mrs. Mahern. The Sutherland gold medal for special examination in chemistry, at McGill, has been awarded to B. P. Webster, Lansdowne. = : - 9 Well! Sumaner is ori its way. What ars you going to do about that house-cleaning? § Are you going to turn your self into"a wreck. and your family into cave-dwellers? Step out of the stone age into the Twentieth Century. § Let us introduce you to the Super-man who 'takes the "work" out of housework. His name is Advertiser. Read what he has to say to you today in athieu's Syrup oF TAR 8 Cop LivER EXTRA Stops CoucH Sold m THE J.L. MA U Makers also of Mathieu Headaches, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged for. For information and rates apply to J. P: HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. CN. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. / i i J a i Sots by RGD s Noone os Pgdos the bustremedy = cont T=} Q FROST'S | CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 200-305 QUEEN STREET. Hard Wood Best quality hard body wood. We have a large stock of soft Maple and Birch, at a very reasonable price. Dry Kindling and Slabs. (Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Fhone 1746J. = The Standard Metal and Wasto Ce. is at all times ready to attend to any orders received either by phone or by mail, in country or city. Phone 2000J, M. ROSEN, Manager. \ OFFICE: 170 Rideau Street. Warehouse: 178 Rideau Street. The cornerstone of the new thodist church, Stockdale, was M on Wednesday, June 13th, with M sonic ceremonies.