Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1923, p. 15

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/ { =) "THURSDAY, Jone 14, 1928 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG > The Open Road Is Calling You. Read the Ads. and Buy a Good Used Ca s A r Jndex to Classifications The following classification headings pear in this newspaper in the numer- + fecal order here given, closely allied classifications being grouped togeth * The Individual advertisemen arranged under these ng alphabetical order for quick refe " ANNOUNCEMENTS Engagements. Marriages. in Memort 3--in Memoriam. 3--<Card of Thanks. é--lkuneral Directors b--Funeral Flowers. $--LCemetery Lots, Monuments. i--Loage Notices. 3---Soming (yea. ¢ --Persona. ¢--Lost and Found AUTOMOBILES \--Automoubile Agencies. l--Automobties ror Sale. Auto Trucks For Sale. Auto A iea--Tires--Parts, Jarag Autus for Hire--Tax!, otorcyclies and Bicyelea 1 pairing --Service sSiations. Af--Wauntled--Automobiles. BUSINESS SERVICE usiness Services Offered. 19--Building--Contracting. Sv---Cleaning--Dbyeing--kenovating. % 3l---bressmaking-->Millinery. . 23--Healing, Plumbing, Roofing. 23--I[nsurance. S4---Laundenng. 25--Moving, 1rucking, Storage. 2%--bainting, Papering, Decorating. 21--Printing--kKngraving. S---FTolessional Services. 2¥a--Accountants. asb--Architecta. 4 dsc--Chiropractic. ? d%d--ental. { 3¥e--Legal. . 3sf--Medical. + 38g--Usteopathy. 2sh--Osteopathic Physiclans. 39--Repairing: "40--Talloring and Pressing. 31--Wanted--Business Service. u SRR a i es x 8 3 i x The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular~ ized according to THE BASIL L SMITH SYSTEM inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted io their proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 33 cents. Dally rates per line. Charge Cash aa ceernnns 3 5 4 § charged. Marriages, "Fdvanes "ae Deaths--OUne insertion, Engogotusata, 1.60; cash, $1.00. 380: of ndnis and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.0 each insertion. / Adverusing urdered for irregular lusertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken 1or less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit ish Whig office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will wily be charged for the number of simes the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Hate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. special rate for yearly advertising upon request. &'ublishers reserve tne right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. 2eiephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. NT Announcements EMPLOYME 33--Help Wanted--Female. 33--Help Wanted--Male. 4--Help---Male or Female. Personals ® §--=Solicitors, Canvassers, Agenis. Sito u Wanted--Femals. j--Situations Wan s Wanted--Male. FINANCIAL $8--Business Opportunitits. 39--Investments, Stocks, Bonds 4 oney to Loan. 4l---Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 3----~Correspondence Courses. Local Rastiuction Classes. 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatic * «b--Frivate Instruction. BICYCLE--Found, SKIN BLEMISHES--Halr, Moles. Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanently. Satisface tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Guitre cured with. out operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Ey Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin) 258 Bagot Street. Phone 3niw. House) 1135J. Lost and round 10 Owner may have same by proving 'property at 33 Low- er Charles Street. > fn 46--Wanted--Instruction. LIVE STOCK 41--Dogs, Cats, Pets. BICYCLE--Found. Owner same by proving property at 154 York Street. 48--Horses, Cattle, 1p 49--Poultry and Supplies. E $0--Wanted--Live Stock. MERC! NDISE GNVELOPE Found, containing stamps, picked up in the post olfice lobby. Apply Postmaster James Stew- art. 1--Articles For Sale. Sla--Barter and Exchange. §3--Business and Office Equipment. $3--Boats and Accessories, ® Buildings and Building Materials may have | just right, though most of -will never buy. name and address. A Made-to-Order Some of the ads in the A-B-C Classified Section every day are made just to your measure--fit you down to the ground--because they tell you how to get exactly what you need at the lowest possible cost. Most of the advertising you see is ready-made--to fit as many people as possible. > But when you turn to the A-B-C Classified Section to-day, you can put your finger directly on the ads that interest you--as surely as though they began with your Alphabetical arrangement of ads convenience--that's the answer! Read the A-B-C Ads regularly--beginning to-day! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SANE--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY, Some of it may hit you it is about things that you 2s classified UCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- aus dealing, W. A. Twigg. 374 King Street. Pnone 820J or 1.30w. ARPENTBERING -- Carpeater and GAer. Estunates given un all class- es of work; hardwood Hooring. James ¥. Jarrell, 371 Bagot Streel. Fhone PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim her Auditing, Advertising. Bus- {ness Service, 14 Market Street. Phone Ww DRILLING --~ Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary weil drillers in Frontenac and Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. For Yull information, write to ¥. J. Garri- son Co., Colebrook, Ont. 1 i 21 IATS--Mrs. McLaughlin, 112 Lower iam Street, will take orders for making trimming and remodeling. Terms moderate. - HEMSTITCHING--Pigot edging. pleat- ing; work guaraateed. M Bo Lard, 368 Barrie Sireet. | from Princess Street. { ? Insurance FISHING ROD--Lost, steel rod, with | Please return to 39 Division St. | reel. { §--Farm and Dairy Produots. $--Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers. 7--Good Things to Eat. p¥--Homemade Things. KEYS--Found, on Princess Street, two | y have same at! Couper Street. on ring. Owner ma Whig Office. | #9--Household Goods. $0--Jewelry and Watches. $1--Machinery and Tools. €2--Musical Instruments. KEY--Found, on Division street, be- tween Clergy and Union streets. Own- er may have same at Whig Office. | ¢2a---Radio Equipment. $3--Seeds, Plants and Flowers. $4--Specials at the Stores. $6--Wearing Apparel. #6--Wantea--Te Buy. | 2 ONE DOLLAR BILL--Found, in Dry Goods store on Wednesday. Owner may have same at Whig Office by ROOMS FOR RENT ¥ 7--Rooms Wirh Board. R Wichout Board. proving property. | | PRAYER BEADS--Found, Catholic, on Union Street. Owner may have same at 42 Wellington Street, | for Housekeeping. }--Vacation Places. --Where To Eat. Where To Shop in Town. }--Wanted-~Rooms or Board. eda wg TIRE AND RIM--Lost, size 3ix4, be tween Kingston and Gananoque, Mon- day or Kingston and Battersea Tues- day. Finder notify 19 Brock Street Phone 1340. «BEAL ESTATE VOR RENT Apartments an ats. Business Places For Rent. j--Farms For Rent. ~Houses For Rent. §--Office and Desk Room.' 19-rSuburban For Rent. "lm od od WRIST WATCH--- Found, silver, at} Cartwright's Point. Owner may have same at 114 Barrie Street. } a et = Automobiles $0--Summer Places For Rent. Automobiles For Sale | 11 | FIRE--Automobi:e and Casualty Insur- ance. KE. M. Crumley, $3V Karl Street Phone 1783. --g FIRE--Health, Accident and Automo- bile Insurance. I'or rates or any in- formation call or phone E. Williams, 2! G. HUNTER OGILVIE--Representing reliable companies in all branches of the business. 203 King Street. Phone Md INSURANCE:--F'ire, Life, Accident and SicknesS, in reliable companies. J. B. Cooke, lastrict Manager. Phones: Res.: 342w., Oftice: 503w. £. INSURANCE--Onuwy the mcst reliable companies represented. Strange & Swrange, established In 1860. UMice: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Fost Office. Sore eros Moving, Prucking, Storage a5 ASHES--Cleaned out of celiars and yards, clean job dune. a Macuregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2256. - STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean and dry. - Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. hone 1391J .or wis | BAGGAGE--MK. 1dite guarantees good; service in Baggage, kapress and mov- | ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Street. NeXt Lo Armouuries. raone 1464. $1--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Estate. MOLAUGHLIN--35, in first class con-| SIURKAGR---FOr Iurdicure, ciean, ary, dition; very reasonable. Also one Ford touring car. Blue Garages, Ltd. ty. rms and and For Sale. Sale. : e. Si Property Mor Sale. ! Suburban For Sale. Real e For Exch STUDEBAKER--Four passenger, club r er, first class condition, five new cord tires. Phone 359 or 138Sw. Garages--Autos for Hire--laxi 314 Wanted--Real Estate. Y DAY WILL BE SUNDAY TAXI--The only place which furnishes a proper 24 hours taxi service. M. Corkey.\ 849J. BY AND BY Figure it out for yourself. Days | To-Day's Blunder Corrected fBvery year has .... .... 365 It you sleep 8 hours a day, it QUAM +... were wae... 132 (See Illustration on Page 14.) Often a serious electric shock may airy rooms And spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Siorage, 299- 306 Queen St. Phone 536. Kes. 389w. EEE aE ees ee Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 ESTIMATES -- Given for painting, paper-nanging, decorating and hard- wood Moor anishing; workmanship guaranteed. . Horton, 205 Alfred Phone 1881w. PAINTING--Papering, Decorating -- first class WOrk anu work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 1556 Bagot) _Street. Phone 1966. g PAINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco- rating; wall paper sampies; metallic gold letters for store. aud uifice win- dows. Estimate submitted J. Flana- gan, 247 Montreal Street. Phone 1432 SIGN PAINTING---J. S. Robinson, rear = | _____ Business Services. . Leg 280. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, ah Clarence Street, on. uaningham, Ca Cyril M. Smith. Bs REVELLE -- Adrian lL, Barrister and Solictor, 69 Clarence Street, Kingstun. Phone 2475. . SHEA--Ambrose, Barrister aad Solicitor. law corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money 10 loan. Fhone 1888. Usteopathy pe PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS--On how to answer your child's questions about birth, etc. Send 10¢. for copy to Dr. Edna Ashcroft, 304 King Street. Hopairing 20 FURNITURE FINISHING--OT all kinda Call and see W. Uriscoll, 233 Joan street. Phone 298F. SHOE KEPAIRING--AIl mind work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner -Mont- real and Queen streets. ' UPHOLSTERING--New of used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. davine, 316 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. BE. J. Good- riage, 244 University Avenue. Phone 2043F. -- ee UPHOLSTERING--ARnd goneral repair. ing. Leave orders at or drop a card te F. W. Harold, 194 Clergy Street. IESE IIT __ Employment . Help Wanted--Femaile 82 COOK--General, middleaged person preferred, family of three; no laundry; woman in to clean every week; high- est wages. Apply Box V-22, Whig oni aa MAID--Who will assist with HOU Apply Orphans' Home, children. Union Street. MAID--For general housework. Apply Mrs. Gardiner, 68 Johnson Street. WAITRESS-- Or 'Waiter, experienced. British American Hotel . WOMAN--At once, to do washing and ironing, and some housework, regu- lar employment; references required. Apply Mrs. L. T. Best, 144 L. Albert Street. Phone 687. YOUNG GIRL--Wanted, | mmediately, to 'help with housework; one to sleep at home preferred. Apply evenings to _Mrs. Smythe, 23 West Street. CHEESEMAKER--- At once, experienc- ed, for Sunbury Cheese factory. Ap- ply by letter or phone to Harvey Shan- non, Secretary, Sunbury, Ont. GOOD MAN---Accustomed to weighing up groceries and looking after store- room, light, steady werk; references required. Apply at once. Anderson _Bros. HOME-WORK---G00d wages. - We need you to make sucks on the fast, easily- learned Autd Knitter; experience une necessary; distance immaterial; posi. tively nQ canvassing: yarn Jorn Par 3 temp. Dept. 78- s, SC. Auto Knitter Co. Toroato. . SHOW CARD WRITING--F or .us. Make money at home, $16 to §60 paid week- ly for your spare tims writl show cards for as. No canvassing. 'e in- struct and supply you with work. West-Augus Show Card Service, 17 Financial Money to Loan 40 Rooms For Rent "Rooms With Board FRONTENAC--Loaa and Investmen: Society, incorporated 1361. President. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment bonds tor sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. C. Cartwright, mauager, 37 Clarence Street, Kiagston. Correspondence Courses 43 MACHINISTS Toolmakers, Shop Men nay greatly increase their earnings and opportunities ror advancement through study of Mechanicai En- gineering. Thoroughly eéffiwent home study method of preparation. Ask for free "Mechanical Engineering" Book- let. No obligation. lutermational Cor- respondence Schools Canadian, Limit ed, Canada. MUSIC--Garden party caterers. Arthur Lynn, high class entertainer and his; brililant Pianist. For terms, Lynn, Colebrook, Ont. MUSIC--Harold 8. Packer, A.T.C.M. teacher of plano, will give instruction to a limited number of pupils during the summer months. Apply on or ai- ter July 3rd. Residence, 61 Arch St. Phone 1337F. S Merchandise Articles For Sale 61 ANTIQU ES/-- Poster Beds, Rosewood Parlor Table, sets of six Antique] chairs. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone 1045w. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes, Life -Saving Cushions, K'lags, Tarpaulins. F. W. _Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BABY CARRIAGE--Cream Wicker, also baby sleigh and sidewalk sulky. Ap- ply 390 Alfred Street. - BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. App E. E. Walthem, corner Birch and = nswyod Streets. Phone 618 or 1391 FURNITURE-- Buffets, book cases, Quebec cooking stoves, with improve- ments; desks. We also buy. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone S00 w. FURNITURE--OId fashioned what-not, davenport, round parior table, music rack, piano stool, Columbia Victrola with cabinet and records, Apply Care- taker, St. George's Hall, - or phone 1846J. GAS HEATER--Linex, in g condi- tion; just used a few thmes. Made! by Gurney Oxford. Apply 60 Welling-| tun Street or phone 1793J. = { HARD COAL COKE--Reduced to $10.00 ton as I have no room to store it. Save | the difference and be sure. of winter supply. Sawdust, $1.00, cart/| load. Cinders $1.00. Clinkers 50c. All delivered. Baggage and general cart- age. Phone 103%w. 245 Unlversity| Av >. W. C. Bruton. i ICE CREAM TABLES Marble tops, mahogany base, wire chairs, good con- | dition; cheap to quick buyer. 364 Prin-|{ t. Phone 1680. S--Rtakes, Loaders. See Cram- er & Chalmers, Frost and Wood Agency, 236 Oniario Street. Phone _2371w or 2263). ---- | MOTOR BOAT--18 6° x 4 6° beam, 3| cylinder, clutch, canopy top, lazy! backs and in good running order. Ap- D. Wickham, ! | | | ply In the evening to T ce | Watch the ads in clas-| DERS are already answer- ing ads in to-day's classified ad section. PURE ICE--Harvested outside Health Officer's flag, private houses only. Ap- ply E. J. Campbell & Son, Beverley Stre vo FRone 360. 7 Lal--. ston built, 29 ft. Cedar planking, Carvel built, 7-8 inch on oak frames, oak deck, can- Vass covered, water tight, with wheel, shaft, muffler and rudder Write Drawer 599, Gananoque. Photos at Whig Office. PYRO EXTINGUISHERS -- Kills fire quick. Fire protection for your home, farm, factory, school, hospital, auto- mobile and garage, for only $2.00 postpaid. James A. Snider, Harrow- smith, Ont. PIANO--Hale & Co. Square, 'walnut case, Ivory keys, a good practice pi- ano for a beginner. Price $7500. Terms: $8 cash and $5 monthly, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. SUITS--Men's used, in good condition, $6.00, $8.00 and $10.00. Odd Coats and | Pants, Raincoats, Whip Cord Riding Breeches, ete... A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 337 Princess Street. Phone 339w,, opposite Orange Hall your| | {Lakes COARDING HOUSE--Opened for sum- mer visitors, good bathing, boating, fishing, good accommodation. Apply Mrs. John Lyon, Cannington, Ont, R. R. No. 2. BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, by day or week. All conveniences. Rea- sonable rates. Apply 298 University Avenue, near Brock Street. ROOMS--Warm, good board, reason- able rates: close to the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John- Son street. UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 343 -- First class rooms and board; all improve. ments; centrally located. ROOMS--Furnished, modern, conveni- ences; every room has running waiter, good locality, Apply 408 Johnson St. y | Real Estate For Sale. EE a a EE ~ouses For Sal 84 SIXTH STREET--1 rooms, frame, 3 plece bath, electric lights, polished floors throughout. Colianade arches with white enamel finish woodwork. Built by owner. Price $2.300. Apply 101 Queen Street or phone 1736w. BRICK HOUSE--§ rooms, on good stone foundation, good cellar, barn with 3 stalls, drive shed, good lot. This house wad built by present owner. Price $3200. Terms can be arranged. M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street, Phones 704 or 848J. -- Classified-Display _Fnone 991J. \ ROOMS--Two, bright, cheery rooms on bathroom flat, with or without board, ,one block from car line. South side, Box Z-13, Whig Office. = Rooms Without Board ~ 68 BEDROOM--Furnished, ail _conveni- ences, central Abbly 163 Sydenham Street or phone 1035J. ROOMS--Two or three, furnisheq, hard- wood floors, electric light, gas, private balcony, housekeeping If desired, use of phone. Apply 345 Alfred or phone _2293w. : ROOMS--Two nice furnished rooms, every convenience, centrally located. _For particulars apply 356 King Street Where to Stop in Town 72 HOTEL PONTIAC--Fort william, Que- bec, direotly across the river from Petawawa Camp. Ideal for wives and families of officers and men. Ferry service, new management, excellent cuisine, beer and wine license. Rea- _Sonable rates. Write Manager. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT --- Small, furnished, on ground floor; one block from Park; two blocks from College. Apply Box P-8, Whig Office. L FLAT--Three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, gas for cooking, electric light, g& locality, no child- ren. Apply Box V-8, Whig Office. _ ROOMS-- Three, unfurnished, electric lght, gas for cooking, hot water heat- ing, newly decorated; rent reasonable. Also garage. Apply 360 Bagot Street, 2 block Princess Street. t =a = Seema Business Places For Rent = 75 LODGE ROOMS--Rooms qu King streep formerly occupied by the [.0.0.F. Apply to Cunningham and Smith. Pasture to Rent. 70a. PASTURE--For rent, for horses. Ap- ply C. R. Webster, 33 Brock Street. "Phone 203. Houses For Lient 77 --Irurnished, for July and Au- gust, modern conveniences; close to Queen's. Apply Box L-14, Whig Of? hh HOUSE--Furnished, for July, August and September; all conveniences. Close! to car line and University. Apply 384] Brock Street. | HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms! with large Jot and barn on North Al-| fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview] Ah ---- MONARCH BATTERIES---We sell them ----the best on the market Eastern Canada Maxotire Company, Queen and Ontario Streets. 487 ALFRED ST.--§ rooms, electric light, good stabling, $18.00 per| month. 67 Stanley b>treet. 8 rooms, good yard, stabling if required. Ap-| ply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. _Real Estate For Rent Summer Places ror Rent 80 LAKESIDE Al offe Island, § rooms; furnished; for August and September. Price $100.00 for two months. Address 165 King Street E. ROBINSON'S POINT--Rooms to let in house. Also space to rent for tents on point. Apply C. W. Neville, 149 Col- lingwood Street, City. SUMMER BUNGALOWS-- At Eastview Park, furnished, with fireplaces and screened verandahs, five and . seven rooms. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. SUMMER COTTAGE---For sale or to let, in Dead Man's Bay, containing 7 rooms, large verandah, partly enclos- ed; fireplace, garage and private hart Apply Rees Bros, 244 Bagot treet. » 81 n the Rideau i for August. Give particulars. "Apply Box N-7, Whig Office. HOUSE--Must have at. least 4 rooms and garage. Apply Box Ne. T-§, Whig Office. - * : " Help Wanted--DMale Biscuit and Candy Agency As our MR. H. A. GRAHAM, our present Kingston represen- tative, is retiring, owing to ill- health, we require a reliable man or firm to represent us-- must be able to command good business and furnish security. Apply: D. 5. Perrin & Co., Ltd. LONDON, ONT, BUSINESS SERVICE W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bu'lding, Brock and King Streets, Phune 701 or 36m. General Insurance Agency, Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accls dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary etc, Representing cnly reliable com- panies. MERCHANDISE 5 FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason- . able Prices STOV Well repaired, at a rgint price. J. Turk's PHONE 705. a Motor Boats and Engines repaired. Work done satis- factorily and prompt- ly. : DAVIS DRY DOCK C0, East End of Wellington ------------ --_---- EEE --_-- OTELS sn ---- ---- A NICE PLACE TQ STOP Densmere House Comfortable conveniences. First-class meals. Special attention to transients. 72-74 Sydenham Street West Telephone 791m. MRS. E. P. DENISON rooms with all _ Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Sale "i ELMTREE HOUSE--Prof. _D. HH. Mar- shall offers for sale his residence and grounds. All information will be giv- en at the house, corner of Union street rn ee 7 -- Lakeview House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. First-class rooma-and meals. Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P. M. DRISCOLL, Proprietor. Colborne Hid. Toronto. TYPEWRITER--Bookkeeper Desk and 2 desk chairs. Prices reasonable. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Prince Si be obtained if the eletric-light fix-| 276 Bagut street. ture is touched at the same time as the water fixture is being handled. This is especially true if the hands are damp. MAN-- man; must have horse and Alwington Avenue. eee--m--------------------------< | or car. Good job for right party. Ap- Architects ply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 235 Bb. ARCHITECTS --Power, Son and ver, | Lrincess Street, Kingston, Ont. Chambers. el rt ee, Merchants Bank corner. of| SINGLE MAN--FOr farm work; must Brock and Wellington. be good teamster and milker. State = i ya] wages. Apply Box Y-13, Whig Office. WRTELIE Wm 2 POPC car BA Anka, oe Ciark,_taptrialics on a gures. ner Princess Barrie Streets. 3nd} Hours: & to 13 midnight. Apply Box tioor, Barrie St. eat Kingst . . 5 ance. Kingston, Office. 34 leaves .... .... .... .. 243 It you rest 8 hours a day .. .. 122 NOB wen ios ana nbe aan 321 ' There are 52 Sundays%... .. 652 | This leaves .... ..., 69 . Jf youbave a helt day Saturday 3 YELVET RUG--3% by 4, in good con- dition. Apply 101 Frontenac street, or phone 917Tw. ~ WOOD--MIxed soft wood $3.25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, also matched lumber and cedar posts. Prices right. W. H. Talbot; § St. Cath- erine St. Yard; Concession Street, near Division. ® 2302W. BENCH--For dressing table, SEE---Batem: arge Real Estate ad- vertisement, page 3, column 1. HOUSES--AnQA lols in all paris of the city. Apply H. B. Wilson, Uptown P. O. 316 rrie Street. Phone 1098. len's. Some from here attended the variety shower given for Mr, and Mrs. Lee, at 'Colebrooke, on Fri- HOUSE---Nine rooms, rough cast, bath, gas, barn, large lot, $2,200. Rents $27 per month. Apply Box X-12, Whig Of- fice. ¢ Ont. tion free. AW preferably Help--Male or Female faves ...\..;. 0, ii ag)e you have 1% hours for lunch °§ 18 14 joaves .... .. avis. os 3 weeks' vacation .... ..,. don't work after all. it out for youreelf and as- can find any good : for complaining of the hard work you are doing day after dar year around. ! attend court this week. ipanies engaged in trade with South «ral of from Port Natal (Durban) to Ham- burg, according to the industrie ard Handels of education is the first native ever appointed to that post. him with a nice gift, ; ay night. Jay Hamiiton has been calidd to African Coal For Germany Certain German steamship com« have decided to employ sev- their vessels in carrying coal Zeitung of April 6. sie i, Porto Rico's new commissiober Father's Day, June 17th, please ¥32J. Hours 9 wo 13am. i to § p.m. LUCY--or. George F, Lr. J: A Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. one Hours 3 to i to & and to § p.m. Spinal and con- sultation Tree. Residential cally by Dental RATE x3 A acs ra Phone KNAPP--Dr. A. B, Dentist. Office: 253 Princess Street. one SSaw, Open en ev "ASK THE peopie Who nav ads In 0) ° the classified ad section to-day if you want to know whether these little ads bring results. SOMETHING? Let a classi- fied ad find it. SMACK--The ideal soft drink favor; cool, refreshing, satisfying, heajthful and de tfully tasty; made at home 3 ; enormous demand; pro- t orders with ten cents will bring selling sample enough for twenty-five glasses. Secure this cash or white. State price, etc. Apply Box _N-16, Whig Office. Poly DOO: nd hand doors, any quan. lity from one to fiftéen doors. Sizes 2 §" wide, & ft. 6 inches high. Ap- ply 185 Queen Street. Phone 98Sw. GO-CART---Wicker, in good- condition. Phone 1636w. . INVALID CHAI--Cane back and seat ER fast ea Sh me 2 ly ogers, Jnion Street, Eo . OLD GOLD--uilver, or Tale Teh Tor 244 Princess street, Kingston, ayonz, BUSINESS ADVERTISERS who use the classified section get a special low rate by advert every day, the automobile EVERYTHING FOR is sold by advertisers who use fication 13, Classified Ad Sect "-- - James Swift & SEE US EARLY PLEASE ABOUT PUTTING IN SOME COAL ---- ee t------ Co.,.Limited 7 ~ Foot of Johnson Street TNs % - i Ee ------------------ 2

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