Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1923, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON anp VICINITY v : . THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1923 Vor Summer burning $3.75 LOAD DRY HARD MAPLE Cut 12" long. $4.25 per load. «+ your winter supply of Cot mow, Don't wait till you want to burn it, and can't get it. We deliver when you want ft-- A | NOW. HARD COAL, SOFT COAL, COKE, BRIQUETTES, HARD WOOD, KINDLING WOOD. i to tittingly celebrate the occasion by a banquet at the Thou Island | House about July 1. Invitations will | be extended to men of affairs | throughout northern New York, and | the neighboring Canadian towns. STOMACH TROUBLE friends at Newburgh, returned home Now Open. the Gananoque Inn now open for the on Wednesday afternoon, via a Afternoon tea served every steamer Waubic. day from 3 to 5. eee ~ Asks Permission to Retire. To Name the Committee. |! Rev. D. A. Thomson, who has Justice Rose has appointed the been in charge of the Presbyterian lca! master at Napanee to name a [church at Hastings for almost forty lcommittee to handle the estate of the years has asked for permission to i W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. tion, dizzi- a bilious- ~~ blues there is nothing on earth so good asCater'sUittie Liver Pilla. Purely vegetable, Small Pil --Small Dose --Small Prices TO LET MAITLAND _STREET--Furnished i flat to October 1st. 6 rooms. All| conveniences. Price on application. General Insurance. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Wellington Streets Phone 363 | ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. - For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE} SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF iy EVERY DESCRIPTION Transfer Co. XY . | Fhous 37. Evenings 3331. 153 WBLLINGTON 13 | Dental DR. J. C. W. BROOM | Brick. | Brock Street, rs sr f. Carpenter. i See | work. | laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- me INTERESTING FACTS The London mand Scottish Assurance Corporation (formerly London and o- | cashire Life) wrote more mew busi in Canada last year tham any year Ian its Mistery. or the first five months of 1823, they are three-quarters of a million ahead of the same period in 1923. A financial statement including =a reference to bonus recently declared for the past five years will appear shortly. ° 79 CLARENCE STREET Hag represented this Company for 'many years. . ~~ 4 sae, reliabls regulating ea LA hah per x. t 35 ot Senk EMMONS' 24 HOUR TAXI SERVICE PHONE 32 Signs of Good Health Delay-- and in or Dr. Martel's Female Pills Have THOUSANDS LAST HALF CENTURY. Sealed tin package only. One Period pixatnsut $2.00 Druggi: a by St. Toronto. Co.. 71 E. Front PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing ang Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819%w. THOMAS COPLEY us for all kinds of Carpeat Estim Roors ates given om ew ed writ hive. SHOP: 68 QUERN STREET. kh our mew floor cleaning ma- DR. H. A. STEW Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- | ington and Princess fj | Streets. Phone 2092. | Dr. H. A. Stewart Cormer Princess and Wellington | FOR SALE $2800--6 rooms. 3 p. B. elec. garage. $2850--9 rooms, R. C., 5 bedrooms, B. &nd T., elec. and gas, "garage, gardeh and stable for 3 horses. Princesg St. $6500--7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, ¥ p. Ba., gas, hot air, porch and balcony. South side' $6500--10 room brick rooming house, rooms, 3 p- B, hot slec. | water, fireplaces, elec. and gas, good | . garage. $45,000--buys business block, well rented, and in good demand in business | centre "SOFT COAL and Cannel Coal, Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths. BOCTH & CO. Grove lan Yard Phone 133 | | | E. L. MARTIN "Phone 229, 1150w, - Phone 987. | {late H. O. Laufear. eese Boards Sales. Woodstock, 632 boarded, 15 5-S¢ refused. : | St. Paschal, Que, 104 at T4 13- l16e. ! Appointed Principal Elwood Lewis, B.A., son of Mr. {N'rs. Andrew Lewis, Walkerton, | been appointed principal at the high j€chool at Gananoque at a salary oi 132,600. : Doe; This Suit You? We are showing a full range of men's sults at prices to suit every man. See our range at $15, $18, $20: | Prevost, Brock street. | 1 To Deliver the Address | N. F. Breen, Watertown, N. Y., (has accepted an invitation to deliv- jer the commencement address at the 1 Cape Vincent high school on June <6th. Given Summer Clothing. The inmates of the Portsmouth or penitentiary have been issued with | {their summer clothing, consisting of {very inconspicuous flannel and straw hats. . Veterans' Mectings. The regular weekly meeting of the {local veterans' organizations may be |dispensed with during the summer months. The executive bodies will {meet as usual. Ordained and At Work Rev. Milton Williams, Havelock, » graduate of Trinity College, Toron- 0, has been appointed the new as- sistant to Rev. Canon Allen for the [parish of Millbrook and Cavan, as- [suming his duties last Sunday. | Visited at Newburgh. | Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Finkle, Provi- (dence, R.I., who have been visiting {System Run Down | | -- | . Many people become run down, but | don't know just exactly what their | trouble is, when, as a rule, it is im- proper circulation of the blood. All they need is a good tonic to f | build up the system and put the blood { into proper shape. For this purpose there is nothing i on the market to-day to equal Burdock Blood Bitters It regulates the stomach, liver and bowels, purifies the blood and tones up the entire system.' Mrs. H. Poole, Port Dover, Ont. writes: "My system was run down and by blood out of order, and I suf- fered a great deal from pains in my head which made me feel very miser- able. 'A friend told me to try Bur- dock Blood Bitters, so'1 got a bottle and before it was used I found it was doing me good. I kept on until I had taken three, and now I feel like a different woman, : My husband also took it and it has built him up." For the past 44 years B. B. B. has been manufactured only by .The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. GAINS FIVE POUNDS -AND FEELS FINE Another Toronto citizen has found that Dreco amply lives up to All claims made for it as a reliable cor- rective for digestive complaints. Let him tell you how this famous remedy helped restore his health and rength. apa ag Blood Out of Order! retire. The Salaries Paid. These are the salaries paid to pub- lic school teachers in eastern towns: Renfrew, $900) to $1,150; Arnprior, $500 to $975; Perth, $1,000 to $1.- 150; Smith's Falls, $750 to $1,150; Pembroke, 970 to $1,150. Fishing Season Here. | These are the days full of glory {for the devotees of Izaak Walton." Fishing tackle and every conceivable trpe of boats are being overhauled for the grand cold times anticipated {in the holidays soon to come. | ------------------ Cadets Busy in Camp." The cadets of the Royal Military |College are having work and play jin just the right proportions at their |six-day camp along the river. When [they return to the college the pre- parations' for the June ball will be started - : Cool Nights. i There has not been a single night | to date this month that could really | be described as typical of summer. There is one consplation in that the coolness should help to keep the "skeeters' at bay. Delighted With Kingston. The visiting delegates from ail sections of the province who attend- ed the typographical conference this week were delighted with Kingston in every way, and expressed great interest in the historical interest of the ancient city, _ Change in Hotel Manager. On the 15th inst. the Huyck House Tweed, will again be under the man- agement of William O'Keefe. Exten- {sive repairs are" being made. The retiring manager, Mr. Leggett, leaves a first-class record behind him. Mr. Leggett has another hotel elsewhere. \ Engagement Announced. The engagement is announced: of Currie L. Coon, daughter of the late Rev. €. H. Coon and Mrs. Coon, Peterboro, to W. Lindsay Anderson, fsa of John Anderson and the late | rs. Anderson, Oxford MHls. The marriage is to take place the latter part of June. To Provide the Funds At the last meeting of the board of education, Pertll; a defhand was made on the council to issue deben- turas for $3,600 on Collegiate Insti- tute and $4,000 on public school in} accordance with an undertaking from the council to pay for perma- nent improvements made during the past year. To Confer With Others. Rev. R. J. Wilson and Prof. John Matheson are on a committee from the Presbyterian church to confer with the committees of the other regotiating churches, with 'authority to put the bills in final shape, and to prccure the enactments of the pre- posed acts of the parliament of Can- ada. -------- Cats Sixteen years Old. Dr. William Nicholls, veterinary, Clarence street, has probably the two oldest cats in Ontario. The tabbies | | | i i DUE T0 THIN BLOOD Usually Disappears When the! Blood Is Made Rich and Red. | Thin blood is one of the most com- mon causes of stomach trouble. It! affects' the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fiuids are diminished th their acti- vity, the stomach muscles are weak- ened and there is a loss of nerve force. In this state of health noth- ing will more quickly restore the ap- petite, digestion and normal nutri- tion than good, rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act direct- ly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood streng- thens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles, and awakens to normal ac- tivity the glands that supply the di- gestive fluids. This is shown by an improved appetite, and soon the It | effect of these blood enriching pills is evident throughout the whole sys- | tem. You find that what you eat | does not distress you, and that you | are vigorous instead of irritable and | list'ess It your appetite is fickle, if | you have any of the distressing pains and symptoms of indigestion, you should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and profit by the better condition in which they will put your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. rm st-- Canadian Pacific 180 Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steamers: Empress of Scotland, from Que- bec, due Cherbourg and Southamp- ton, June 16th, and Hamburg, June 18th. Montclare, from Liverpool, Quebec, June 15th. Montrose, trom duc- Montreal, doe Liverpool, June 16th. Melita, from: Antwerp and Cher- | bourg, due Quebec, June i4th. Mignedosa from Montreal, du2 Cherborg and Southampton, June 14th, and Antwerp, June 15th, Metagama, from Montreal, due Belfast, June 17th and Glasgow, June 18th. Marburn, {from Glasgow, due Que- bec, June 16th. Marglen, from Montreal, arrived Cherbourg and Southampton, June 11th. Marioch, from Montreal, arrived Belfast, June 9th, and Glasgow, June oth. Empress of Australia, from Van- couver, arrived Yokohama, June 12th and 'due Hong Kong, June 20th. Empress of Canada, . from Hong Kong, due Vancouver, June 18th. When the furniture looks sticky or smeary too much furniture polish bas been used. ére sixteen years of age and have | been with Dr. Nicholls all that time. They are pure black. By careful at- tention they have lived all these years but owing to the infirmities of age they may soon have to enter the lethal chamber. # Interesting Birthday. ; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Shipman, Ab monte, have gone to Waddington, N.Y., to attend the birthday party of Mr. Shipman's mother, Mrs. Norman' Shipman. The old lady is now ninety- four, but is in excellent. health. She was born at Elgin, in Leeds county. Five years ago she left Almonte to reside in Waddington with her daughters, Mrs. A. J. Chamberlain, who had since died. : S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, oN and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ou ' Office Phone 66. Factory Phoav 1413 YorARE You 'R DUT CHILDREN? Thy KNOW THAT ONE CHILp 1 EVERY MVE BUFFERS OM | MALNUTRITION? IS YOUR CHILD PALE, LISTLESS, NERVOUS, NO 'APPETITE, FRET. FUL? THE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH you GIVE THEM OLAJEN. CHILDREN LIKE IT. AND SEE THEM ROSY, RUDDY, ROBUST AND STURDY, PRESCRIBED AND ENDORSED BY LEADNG CHILD SPECIALISTS BIA et. -- NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. 'GOURDIER'S " 78-80 Brock Street ---- | TWEDDELL'S } | --_ | \) For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House * Special For ; . = Friday Men's Balbriggan Underwear -- Shirts and Drawers -- all sizes, for 69c. a garment. : Men's Athletic Combinations, cool and comfortable, all sizes, for $1.25 a S uit. Wom.:n's Combinations -- short and no sleeves--loose and tight kn for 79c. a Suit. a Women's Athletic Combinations Pink and White, for $1.19 a Suit. Women's All Pure Linen Hem- stitched Handkerchiefs for 75¢c, dozen. 7 The Wakg

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