Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1923, p. 7

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3h A I1HE DAILY to be shot. Fowler was thrown out of his cutter and injured and one of the shafts on the cutter was damag- ed. Fowler was confined to his home for about three wecks. T. J. Rigney conducted the pro- eecution and W. M. Nickie appeared for the accused. 2 Wilfrid Fowler, the plaintiff, was the first witness called. He said the accident occurred on the Point Road, near Kingston Mills. Witness was driving 6n his right side of the road. He noticed an auto coming towards him, when it was about three quar- ters of a mile off. When he first noticed the car, it did not appear to (o'clock, however, he complained be taking a straight course. of a violent pain in his heart, and "The car hit me," said the witness, [IIs condition continued to grow gra- {"and I did not remember much after j¢ually worse until the end, about {that for a time. I would say that j3-20 yesterday morning. Mr. Cor- the car was travelling thirty miles rigan has been in the dry goods bu- lan hour. ~ I could not do anything |¥iness here for the past thirty-five. [to avoid the accident '--=-- ..~ (years, and both in a business and {Hugh McCormick, who lives near [Social way has enjoyed the respect ithe scene of the accident, stated that jand confidence of the whole com- {he had made a survey where the |munity. The funeral wiil take {accident had occurred. Fowler's cut- (Place in Kingston on Fridey at 9 {ter was on the right side, and the km. (fast time), when it is expected {Court opened at 10 a.m. and adjourn- {car was on this side too. Fowler had a 'number of his Gamanoque friends e! about 6.45 p.m, until 10 am. {been rendered unconscious and was jet pay their last Tespects. | Thursday. taken to the home of the witness ana | Dr. John Hall, son of Mr. and The case of Mrs. Ham was taken [tiended by a doctor, Mrs. Wesley Hall, Gananoque North, Mrs. McCormick, wife of the prev: left yesterday for New York to take lous witness, also gave evidence con- |2 post graduate course at Broad | | ; WHEN : {up in the forenoon and was conciud- | led early in the afternoon. The duate | charge So over the cashing of a |cerning the position of the cutter and [street hospital. READING IS !eheque by Stanley C. Ham, husband ithe car-and stated that the car -had | John McKay, furrier, Kingster; - DIFFICULT lof Mrs. Carola Ham, at the Savings Sone into the ditch and that a wleel i Ex-Commodore of the A. C. A. was {branch of the Bank of Montreal in [came off the car. In Gananoque yesterday, the guest | this city. The cheque was for $250, Dr. Sydney Porter, who attended [of W. Wing, and together with the | given on the Imperial Bank, for fire Fowler, stated that two stitches were {latter and Jesse Armstrong, Troy, insurance, by the British Colonial [necessary to clcse a wound in his {N. .Y., also a visitor in town, spent Or impossible and you are |Fire Insurance Company for a fire face and that he also had his knee [the day on St. Lawrence enjoying middle-aged or more, it means | whieh occurred in a cigar store and out < Braddon' hod 1708 > he shots dinners for which , Mr. Ham, on | war. radden describe he' | W. ng is ous. bras iieflny onony "hie BO A vn he had {scene of the accident the morning! Captain N. C. Jones and family is a natural condition and noth- taken from Daniel Fitzgibbon. Ham [after the occurrence. | Toronto, have been in town for the ing to be alarmed at. Proper Glasses restore this lost power ||| and prevent the eyes being ||| strained and injured. f Try our service. RITISH WHIG ------ 3 MRS. HAM "NOT CULTY" ON CHARGE OF THEFT Radio Simplified |. * © * GANANOQUE June 14. -- The citizens of Gan- anoque were very much shocked yes- terday morning to hear that M. P. Corrigan had passed away at the residence of Mrs. W. Robinson where he had roomed for the past couple of years. Yesterday Mr. Corrigan was about as usual, attending to bu- siness at tho store, and both in the afternoon and evening was on the river in his motor boat. About 11 en Roy Ferguson On Two Charges. Mrs. Carola Ham, found 'Not Cuilty," on charge of theft. | Roy Ferguson, pleaded "guilty" to charge of stealitg fowl from Mel- 1! ville Peck, of Joyceville, valued at 1$i0. Sentence suspended. | Roy Ferguson, fouwd "Guilty" on charge of furious driving in an auto, causing damage to vehicle and in- juring Wilfrid Fowler. Suspended | senténes op condition that he pay {Fowler $100 aot once, and $150 at the What It Is, How To Build and | Operate the Apparatus. : BY KENDALL AND KOEHLER Describes in non-technical language the principles and new developments of Radio; the latest and most ef- ficient hook-ups; vacuum tubes, loose couplers, vario couplers," variometers, and everything necessary for those who aim to get the best results in building or operating a Radio outfit. {rate of $10 per month. - Bond given PRICE $1.00. |by Ferguson for same. . The above cases were disposed of FZ ow ° {at the June Sessions of the Peace be- . {fore Judge Madden on Wednesday. This year is your lucky year for $5.00 values. We are showing many pretty styles in Ladies' Pat- "ent Strap Shoes at this pop- ular price. They are full of English | Leather | Hand | Bags admitted cashing the cheque which The accused also gave evidence, past few days and are occupying {it waa claimed had been made out |and to his counsel, Mr, Nickle, stated |their lovely summer home on Howe lin favor of both Mr. Ham and Mr. [that he joined the Army Service |Island. | Fiusivvon. but it was further alleg- [corps in 1914. He served overseas | Dr. Carl Bertrand, Syracuse, N.Y., led that Mrs. Ham eventually got the [and won a military medal. He had motored over a couple of days ago refused to give it up. [nine vears experience in driving an (and joined hi} 'wife who has been a aatg. He declared that he was travel- la guest of Mrs. W. Street. They are ling between fifteen and eighteen [returning home today. miles an hour. "The horse apprared Mr. Baird, Kingston, came to Ga- to jump up in front of me," said Fer- |nanoque a few days ago to accent guson. a position in the dry goods store Rrigadier-General Frederick W. {of Corrigan and Company. Hill, called as a witness stated that | Last evening a wedding of much the acen<ed 72d a good military re |interest to Gananoqueans took place cord.. Witness "egarded him as one (jp Kingston when the Rev. Mr. Len- of his Lest drivers He clessed him lon united Marjorie, daughter of as a careful and competert driver. |Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson, and The jury was out on the case [Charles Nuttall, son of Mr. and Mrs. thirty-five minutes and returned a [Thomas Nuttall, all of Gananoquo. verdict cv "guilty" ond Judge Mad- [The happy couple have gone for = den disposed oi-ithe two charges erip to the coast on their honeymoon. against Ferguscn as already men [The bride and groom were very pop- tioned ular among a large circle of friends in Gananoque and- vicinity. They [7 will make their future home in Mon- Everything New pus Circus |e! where the groom has a posi- ame tion with the C. P. R. Railway Com- - ny. The roars of the wild jungle beasts a s. Sanford Delaney and a party | will soon strike the ears of the peo- [of friends motored to Lansdowne last ple of Kingston for John Robinson's {evening for the St. Patrick's church Circus and Trained Wild Animals |gocial. are scheduled to give two perform-| The shower in the Lyceum on ances, afternoon and night, rain or [Tuesday evening given by Miss Mary shine, on Friday, June 15th. The |Maynie Brenman in honor of Miss circus, which is'thé oldest on earth, Mary Gordon, popular June bride- comes on four trains on its 100th elect, was a most enjoyable affai:. anniversary tour of the United States | Apout sixty responded to the invi- and Canada. And the Robinson |tation, and the gifts were unusually management will endeavor to present |1oyely, testifying to the popularity under its samoth oven pole tent lof Miss Gordon. The winners of & performance Hl go down in i;riy0 at Progressive Euchre were : circus history, as being beyond com- | gt prize, Miss Blythe Battams; 2nd LEADING UNDERTAKER. Phone 147 for Survie Pleasant Water Trips~Str. Brockville We are showing a beauti- {rooney and ful range of fine English when the Bank of Montreal made the Hand 'Bags in the newest | request that the amount be returned shapes and colors. Priced {to the bank. H. E. Willis, manager from .....c..... $4.00 up. lof tae Savings branch of the Bank Jot Montreal, and A. E. Day, barrister, gave evidenco to the effect that Mrs. Ham had intimated to them she had the money and that she refused to return it to the bank. Mr. Ham, in his evidence, admit- ted receiving the cheque and cash- ing it. He declared that his wife bad nothing to do with the securing of the money from the bank. She was ignorant of the matter, and that !she was very sick at the time. After |securing the money, he put it in a l vault at his father's home, in Bath. On March 8th he paid the money ove: Drs. Nash & Renton REMOVAL NOTICE}: ome sr'asoms produced a receipt for the paymert of the money. Removed to 07 WELLINGTON ST.| he cheque was produced ii court, from 159 WELLINGTON S§T. Fur|gng it was shown that the stamp in . i DENTISTS Coats relined. L. WINSTON, Ladies' the left hand corner had been re- Tailor. "Phone 993. |moved, and two stamps placed over Cy ; NA A At AN er Ant i 158 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Bdwin Dowdell, Bolingbroke, an. | he Pame Pitastubein, 20 jhat the OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment, . GAS--X RAY. | | | i ' Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers PRINCESS S8ST., KINGSTON fll) Registered Optometrist | 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. Dr. Waugh | 108 to : Phone 256, - - I Wh Now is the time to prepare for Summer. What about your Hammo-Couch for you verandah, and Verandah Chairs. We have a large assortment to choose from. --$2.50 to $8.50-- 5 require sig- nounces the engagement of his gheque wong _ouly 2 A .. The latter stat- daughter, Basle M. to Jack L. Greer, [ng tat oN 3 Hum rpm son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Greer, Ma~ \Fitzgibbon's oe 80 that he could get the money without Fitzgibbon's } endorsement. He sad he had re- E The Problem Is Solved Feb, 21st. He had been informed + Wher you come to us for your that the insurance company had set- tled with Mr. Fitggibbon. A. B. Cunningham, 'who appeared as counsel for Mrs. Ham, in his ad- dress to the jury, declared that the crown must prove that Mrs. Ham had the money, and he held that the jury was not warranted in doing so, on the * x." The prestige of John Robinson In (Gordon has oymen riding and clown displays will be up of the Bell i at Ga: to all former standards and the most [nanoque for the past six years, un- critical of circuls fans know that [jer the management of Miss M | standard to be nigh. Favorite stars |Rrennan, and leaves her position on __ You find it easy to make a selection from our large and well assorted stock of FINE CHINA, CUT GLASS, SIL- . VERWARE, etc., at the lowest pos- sible prices, quality considered. evidence. T. J. Rigney, crown attorney, con- ducted the prosecution in the case. The jury was out about fifteen minutes, and returmed a verdiot of "not guilty." After being discharg- ed, Mrs. Ham remarked, 'thank you very much." Faced Two Charges. Roy Ferguson faced two charges. He pleaded guilty to having on De- ed at $10, from Melville Peck, of Joyceville. He pleaded "mot guilty" to the second charge, that of driving cember 24th, 1922, stolen fowkvalu- in a furious memmer on the night of the ring--Rudy Rudynoff trio, Mary Bendini, Erma Noff, and Ber- nfe Griggs will again be seen on the foreign climes will also be introduc- ed. Two other big features the socres of wild animals displays and the famous Morales Family, will be featured on the programme. This announcement means that the man- agement has expended much money in gathering together the best for the patrons As has been remarked, John Rob- inson comes to town with "'every- thing new but the name" and it is especially true on this, tour, for the show is new from the opening spec- resin-backs, and famous riders from | intends going on to Toronto, where Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sophie, \Brighton, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'James Sophie, Princess street. The "Little Wonder Orchestra" furnished music for the social held Nast evening at fair ground, in aid of St. Patrick's church Lansdowne. Miss Begin, Toronto, who has been the guest of Mrs. Geonge Sauve for he Past week 'returned home to- A very unfortunate amocident cocur- 25rd fustanf Later Miss Gordon | TUESDAY, JUNE 13th--Regular run to Ploton, leaving Kingston 5.00 p.m. (fast time). THURSDAY, JUNE 14th--Princess Street Methodist Church Moonlight to Gananoque. One hour in Gananoque. Leave Kingston 7.30 p.m. (fast time). FRIDAY, JUNE 15th--Regular run to Picton, leaving Kingston 5.00 pm. (fast time). SATURDAY, JUNE 16th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay. Leave King. ston 2.00 p.m. (fast time). One hour at the Bay. AY, JUNE 17th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay. Leave Kingston at 2.00 p.m. fast time. One hour at the Bay. BOAT LEAVES WHARF FOOT OF BROCK STREET red on Tuesday evening a few miles | outside Gananoque when a Borse be- came frightened of the train near the G. T. R. bridge. Mrs. Cochrane" and Mrs. Fisher were the occupants of the vehicle, and were thrown out sustaining painful bruises about tha face and head. Dr. Davis and Dr. Bracken attended the injured ladies whose condition is reported as very favorable. ; Miss Sadie Fisher, Toronto, is the wuest of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Arm- rstrong. \ Mr. and Mrs. David Nalon, Madoc, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tho- tacle, "Peter Pan in Animal Land," to the chariot races, with over 100 more people thancever before taking part in the perforniance- A completa train has been added to the rolling stock to transport the augmented menagerie and Trained Wild Ani- mals. The parade this season is said to be nothing short of an animated open air production, for huge sums of money, and the conceptions of a big of December 24th, 1922, whem he collided with Wilfrid Fowler, who was driving in a cutter. The unfor- tunate accident ocvurred In Pitts. burgh township, four or five miles from Kingston, early in the morning. The car Fergusén was. driving, hit Fowler's horse and the animal had GAS IN THE STOMACH ' SPECIAL: Minton China, solid colors, Cups and Saucers $1.75 each. Before deciding it would be well to "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. : It's just as necessary for a storage bat- tery as for a human being. Good health means efficiency in either case. Our free inspection is an inexpensive safeguard. STANDARD BATTERY SERVICE 19 Brock Street. Phone 1340. ES ---- 4 i £d 3 and three grown-up children sur vive, Charlie, on the homestead; Wallace, Alberta and Mrs. D. B. i is off Women's Patent Strap. Slippers, Co- ming and heel quarter--the latest style in combination footwear. Price 00a Pa i Make the old car look like new. Phone 1684 360 Barrie

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