THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1023 NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ~ when a most delightful afternoon was spent. As it was Miss Cooke's birthday, a little surprise was pre- pared for her, every one bringing her a gift of linen with their very best wishes. | : oe * The Earl and Countess of Minto are leaving for Ottawa, on Tuesday, when they will be guests for two days, of Their Excellencies, Lord and Lady Byng of Vimy, at Government House. The Earl of Minto was for- merly gn aide-de-camp to the Duke of Devonshire, while Governor-Gen- eral, of Canada. » ANNIVERSARY PATTERN W hat Editor Hears That the Young Woman's Christ- fan Association will have the next tag cay. Editor of Women's Page, Tele. one 243. Private 'phone 857w, Miss Katie Bermingham, "Otter- ,* 1s entertaining at bridge this ing nex, Canton, Ohio, will be interested fo hear that her marriage to George 8. Patterson, Huntingdon, W. Va., will take place on June 16th, . . . That Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe, Sydenham street Methodist church, was elected 3rd vice-president of the Montreal Conference branch of the W.M.S. at a recent meeting in Smith's Falls. That the Kingston Humane B8o- dlety will: hold 'an exhibition of-pet birds and animals during the sum- mer. " . . The Misses Oartwright, "The 4 ," gave a small tea on Wed- : for their miece, Miss Frances . right, Toronto. ; Fa LI Mrs. S. G. Sutherland, Mrs. E. C. Sherry and Earl Sherry, Jr, St Louis, Mo, are the guests of the WMisses Johnston, Baril street. Later they will go to Amherst Island to l'spend the summer. = i" The new pattern in 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate. Rare in classic beauty. Unexcelled in grace and purity of design, - The marriage took piace in De- troit, Mich., today of Miss Grace Marian Gorman, daughter of Canon J. F. Gorman, Ottawa, to Ivan Dar- kell. foe ne luncheon was arranged 'Cataraqui Golf Club on Wed- ¥ by some of the younger play- SE] A EZ XCZ Ve, (0 Acclamation for Heenan ' Kenora, June 14. -- Peter Hee- man, Laborite, is likely to get an ac- clamation. At a 'Conservative con- vention it was decided not to nomin- ate a candidate. The Liberals had . That. the beautiful grounds of Queen's university are looking their best for the University Conference. \ That Mabel A. Buell, the only wo- man scenic artist in New York, A party of tennis players arranged tannis tea at the Country Club on Dean Ling, University of Saskat- {chewan, and President Stanley Mac- at which Miss Frances |aiready decided not to enter tho |UIOWER TAL 0 "ot ne Chateau [claims that scene painting is ideal ght, Toronto, was the guest fight. B work for the woman artist, combin- « ° ® elvidere. ; \ ng aesthetic progress with a large The sunshine of Wednesday salary as few Qther artistic protes- brought a good turn out of members sions do. > to the weekly Yacht Club tea, and the interest in the dinghy races was $0 keen that even the bridge play- ers forsook their game to watch the white sails skim over the blue wat- er. Mrs. Sandford Calvin, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. Alan Black an2 Mrs. Ernest Sparks were at the tea table and among those present were Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs. Travers Hora, Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Mrs. I. R. Phillips, Mrs, A. N. Lyster, Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Mrs. R. R. McGregor, Mrs. Clarence Harper, Mrs. W. TI D¥yde, Mrs. C. S. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. McMillan (Ottawa), Mrs. James Miller, Mre. uglas Jemmett, Miss Rayson, Miss /Millle Ferris, Miss Laura Kilborn. » Za Miss Carrie Vandewater, super- demt of Aultman Hospital An- (UC (RCA (TC Za (= < " " That in the editorial columns of the Quebec Chronicle, after praising the Order's war record, sounded this note: "For the future a tremendous field of usefulness presents itself to the Ordor in helping to shape and de- fine' the relations between Canada and the empire in general and be- tween Canada and Great Britain in particular. Words such as Empire and Imperialism are looked on with a cemtain anmpunt of suspicion here @s In other parts of Canada, and if there is any agency by which this feeling or prejudice can be dissipat- ed it is surely to be found in the Daughters of the Empire." EX LE Co Gs hon Won Ce reve ST raat newest 1847 Rogers Bros. pat- tern. They are ready to sup-' ply this classical design in . every kind of piece needed for your table. But remem ber, also, that the Anniver- sary Pattern is particularly appropriate for gift purposes, at weddings, holidays and anniversaries. Like all 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate, it is beautiful, durable and une surpassed in guarantee. Send for "How Much Silver ware," a booklet of conservative estimates on the silverware needed for comfortable living by the families of different sizes. Meriden Britannia Co., Limited Hamilton, Ont. Polishes| CKLE-FACE and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, try a remedy for freckles with the marantee of a reliable concern that will not cost you a penny unless it poves the freckles; while if it does you a clear complexion the ex- mse is trifling. Simply get an ounce of Othine-- puble strength--from any druggist a few applications should show jou how easy it is to rid yourself of homely freckles and get a beauti- 'complexion. Rarely is more than ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the louble strength Othine as this gfrength is sold under guarantee of ha) back if it fails to remove ckles. > TO-MORROW'S hOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLE . e- Rev. F W. Archbold who has spent the winter in California, is with his cousins, Rev. A. O. Cooke and Mss Cooke, St. Mark's rectory, Barrie. fleld. Mrs. H. F. Geary is spending the week with Mrs. John Carson "Sunny Knowle," McDonald's Cove. Dr. Bruce Rose has left for Northern Ontario with the Geolo- gical Survey. Mrs. Rose will occupy Prof. Cadenhead"s bungalow «nm Alice street for the summer. Mrs. Archibald Young, Union street, has returned from Toronto, where She was visiting her daugh- ter, Miss Jean Young, nurse-in-train- ing at the General Hospital. Allison Bridem, of the Bank of Montreal statf, Montreal, was in FRIDAY, JUNE 10. This should be a day of lively and happy conditions both in busi- nese and in social, affectional and domestic interssts, according to the interesting lunar and mutual as- pects. However, there may be a certain menace from an uncontroi:- ed tongue and temper, which may lead to quarrels and unfavorable litigation. With Jupiter most auspi- ciously placed, there should be suc- cess and progress, with satisfactory monetary considemtions. Diiscre- tion is urged in the pursuit of soc:ai pleasures. Those whose birthday it is have CRO, (07 (C7, (OF (Ve, (Ve, (NZ, [NZ (CZ (0 REV. SALEM BLAND, D.D. Has been left without a station at his own request to the Toronto Methodist Conference. | RED CROSS MEETING | The last regular [mgd meeting for the summer executive committee of the Kingston branch of AGHER'S town for a few days this week. their daughter, Katharine, who were at "Densmere House" for the week end, have left the city but will re- turn on Friday. Miss Macpherson and Miss Bdith Macpherson, Ottawa, are expected In town next week. Mrs. Clyde Malloch, Montreal, is with Mr. and Mme. A. J. Abernethy Albert street. . » . Sir Arthur Currie, Montreal, and Sir. Robert Falconer, Toromto, who are in town for the Universities con- ference, are at the "Ohdleau Belvid- ere." . . Mrs. Crossfield, Pittsburg, enter. tained the members of St. Mark's Ladies' Guild at tea on Tuesday, NEW APPARATUS IN ABUNDANCE We have just received a shipment ~, Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Dean and of the New Super UV199 Tubes. Just the thing for camp. Also Amarad Variometers and Couplers. Com- pleter line of Michigan Radio Cor poration Apparatus. Come in and see = : 7 Princess Street. H. W. NEWMAN Electric Co. Telephone 44 KINGSTON PIONEER RADIO SUPPLY HOUSE. the Canadian Red Cross Society was Teld on Tuesday afternoon in their rooms on Princess street. Besides general business, letters of thanks were read from. the Ontario head- quarters of the society. The hearty respomse of the city council and citi- zens of Kingston to the appeal for the Cochrane typhoid sufferers. Un- fortunately there is still need of funde to meet the necessities of those who are recovering from this tedious and expensive disease. tertainment of soldiers still in Mowat and the city hospitals with picnics, boat trips, drives, eto. Would those who so kindly supplied motor cars for this purpose Yast year, remember that a drive in the country would be much appreciated during this lovely weather. A letter wos received from the Kiwanis Club appointing Dr. L. J. Austin as their representative on the Red Cross emergency commit- tee. A careful driver is one who can make the car run as : long as the mortgage. § Of Hair or Fuzz (Boudoir Secrets) . No toilet table is complete without a small package of delatone, for with it hair or fuzz can be quickly banish- ed from the skin. you merely mix into a paste enough the objectionable hairs. This should be left on the skin about 2 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed, when it will be found free from hair or blemish. Be sure you get genu- ine delatone. Plans were also made for the en- | | plete. To Free Your Arms holiday. {with a very faint European accent To remove hairs of the powder and water to cover the prospect of an interesting guard against quarrels and Also, discretion is enjoingd In pursuit of pleasure. law. aggressive, unless it is carefully trained, but it will undertaking and will rise in life. tenet fmiss HEDMAN'S J--_-- From the Toronto Star. Few theatrical careers have been /S0 sensationally successful as that of Miss Martha Hedman, who is a sister of Professor Thure Hedman, of To- ronto University, formerly of Queen's,.and who was-introduced to the American stage by the late Charles Frohman. Miss Hedman is spending the sum- mer with Professor and Mrs. Hed- myn, having taken two months' leave of absence from the stage. And when she takes a holiday from the stage, she makes the severance com- In private life she isn't an even an actress on.a She is simple, friendly and direct, and without a& trace of self- consciousness. She speaks English which one detects at long interva's amd with distinct pleasure. Fortune came to the young Swed- 'which is her Scandinavian birthright. It also brought her a fine balance of emotion and intelligence. And it gave her finally the thing which has perhaps done more than anything else to show her cafeer, a restless and prosperous year, but they should =e A child born on this day may be inclined to be d In its 1847 ROGERS BROS =A Mahood Bros. ; ALL PATTERNS 1847 ROGERS SILVERWARE ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE FOR SALE BY Smith Bros. Jewelers Limited COMPARE OUR VALUES! - KING STREET lest murmur to the effect that sho couldn't be certain, of course, but-- "Cam you do it or can't you?" in- Frohman. > "Yes, I can," answered the young lactress deflantly, and the contract was signed before Frohman had even seen her in a part. Miss Hedman came to America under the Frohman manageinent and established bh If instantly in the favor of the American public. She has retained the reluctant and va- ciileting friendship of Broadway for . | many years. Her ultimate ambition is to collaborate with her husband in garden, no neighbors, a rambling which ought, she says regretfully, to house, and a group of Jersey cows |butter," she said. outside New York, where she has a |be red or black or white, "Because I didn't buy them for "I bought them for landscape!" Is naturally interested in King- ston enterprise, not in a preju- dical way, but from a preferen- tial viewpoint. By this we mean, as in thé case A 1 Kingston of the . WEBER 4 Style "A." UPRIGHT PIANO at $445. /made in our city, Coll t it