| FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1083. A---------- at ee Don't let diapers irritate your baby's skin O matter how carefully you bathe and powder him--if his dispers are washed with harsh soap--his tender skin will suffer. The disper rash that is the source suffering to babies is ca by' washing diapers with Safe for all his little clothes Keep your baby's diapers soft and comfortable. them in pure, safe Lux suds and thoroughly i free alkali in sensitive skin. These pure flakes are for all the clothes that touch his tender skin. for your baby's soft woollen shirts and petticoats and dresses, his diapers and To keep diapers from irritating washing: Remove all solid matter immediatel in cold 3 If diapers are simply wet place ta pail and lot sok in cold water, tablespoonsfuls of Lux into e thick lather water. Let dispers soak for & few minutes Sold only in sealed packets--dustproo f! LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Toronto - GREAT WEST LIFFE'S Wonderful result. 20 Pay Life Policy, $10,000 on the life of Mal- Picton, Profits ' colm Young, paid policy up in the 14th year. Phone 1488w. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | SEASONABLE WORK IN THE GARDEN ig i i | in U. 8., Canada and Great Britain.) June is the busiest month of the year inthe garden. At this season when everything is growing rapidly, it will be necessary to keep all weeds eli- minated by constant cultivation. To have a steady supply it will be ne- cessary to sow succession crops of beans, lettuce, radishes, beets, peas, etc. A great number of other things such as Dahlias, Gladiolas for late cutting, tomatoes, celery and any bedd ing plants not set out last month should be planted now. In the dia- gram is shown the principle work for the month and how to do it. Figure 2 shows how to Summer-prune your fruit trees to cause formation of fruit spurs. A green shoot is pinched back to four to five leaves in Summer: MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. "SPECIAL PRICES ON ~ SUMMER ~ FURNITURE sf © $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00 CHAPLAIN MAJOR J. C. PIPER Who 1s 'in camp at Niagara, Ont. with the Haldimand Rifles. This is his thirtieth year in camp. e is ome of the oldest acting chaplains in Can- ada, and served with the C.E.F. over- seas. ------------ WEDDING AT BATTERSEA The Bride and Groom will Reside Near Barriefield Two well known young peopla were united in marriage at the home of the bride's father at Battersea on Tuesday evening. June 12th. The contracting parties were George Far! Shepherd, only son of George Shep herd, Pittsburg township, formerly of Inverary, and Flora Lillian Orm- shee, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ormsbee. The weddirg took place beneath a floral arch in the pardor. - The bride was given away by her father, and was sup- ported' by her sister, Miss Ethel Crmsbee. The groom was attended by bis cousin, Eiwood Thompson, Inverary. The wedding march was played by Miss Jennie Clarke. There was a large number of relatives and friends present to witness the cere- mony. After all had enjoyed the sump- tuous repast, the bride and groom left on the midnight train from Kingston for Toronto, the time of waiting was spent listening 10 a programme of music and recitations. A large number of valuable wedding resents' indicated the popularity of the youhg couple. The bride wore a dress of charmeuse silk. Her sister was beautifully dressed in po Egyptian crepe waist and skirt alliyme crepe, The bride's going- away dress was a Poiret twill suit with irredescent hat. The groom's Rift to the bride was a wrist watch, to his attendant, a scarf pin, aud to tHE FLOWER AND | (All rights reserved by T. Sheward then in Winter-pruning, it is cut back to two. The idea is to plump up the basal buds, which generally remain dor mant and cause these to change into spurs. Pruning By Lorette System. There is a new system of pruning practiced in France and England call- ed "The Lorette System" and it is said to be giving wonderful results, It is a system of Summer-pruning by which only one leaf is left above the basal cluster. If the shoot shown at fig. 2 were pruned as recommended in this system, only one leaf would re- main instead of 4., Below this leaf marked "A" there is a cluster of small leaves called the "Basal Cluster," (not shown), which fall away later in the season and which do not bear ap- WHIG WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS VEGETABLE GARDEN IN JUN parent eyes or buds such as the other leaves do at their base. The idea is to develop these basal buds and turn them into fruit buds. These basal buds are very useful in training fruit trees as the nurseryman and gardener can get a branch to grow in any direction by cutting to a basal cluster when training a young tree. In Summer-pruning a bud often breakes into a wood bud at the point pinched back. This new break must be pinched back to one leaf,as shown at fig. 14. Budding. Budding is another important ope- ration that is best performed this month. It is generally used in pro- pagating fruit trees, etc, but is often used by gardeners to bud such things | THE wise housewife now lines the shelves of her: fruit cellar" with Wagstaffe's products. They represent an ecohomy of time standard of quality that has made their name WAGSTAFFE'S JAMS-JELLI WAGSTAFFE LIMITED :: labor, and a famous throughout the _ world. ES-MARMALADES HAMILTON, CANADA " as Roses, with new sorts. This is how it is done: A friend gives you some cut flowers of roses of a variety which you like and you want to grow these in your own garden. You have some rose bushes already growing there, but not of very good varieties, and you wish to bud them over to the new sort. First you cut off a number of buds from the new sort in the manner shown at figures 1 and 12 with a piece of the leaf-stalk remaining on the buds to hold them. Next you go to the old bush growing in your garden and with a budding knife, (fig. 11), you make a T cut on the stem of the bush as at fig. 3, open it up, (fig. 4), and slip in the bud, as at figs. 5, 6 and 7; you then tie it in with-raffia as at fig. 9, you cut the raffia and next spring cut away part of the branch above the bud, which will bear flowers the same year of the new sort. If the bud has not taken, it will appear as at fig. 10. If you wish to get big flowers on your rose bushes, dis-bud them in the man- ner shown at fig. 15. Tomatoes and Other Vegetables Do you grow your tomatoes on one stem? Fig. 17 shows you how to do this. Have you ever tried sowing a crop of early cabbage in June on land that has' been under crop early in the year, without transplanting? Sow the seeds thinly in the row; then thin them out to one foot apart in the row as at fig. 13. Jt saves a lot of watering if a dry spell comes along later on. New plantations of Asparagus should be staked as at fig. 18 to prevent the {and 22 show a female flower, wind from pulling them up by the roots, 3 Plant Gladiolas as shown at fig. 16 and Dahlias as at fig. 19 and if you desire to root any cuttings of flowers: ing shrubs such as lilacs, now is. the time to do so. Make the cuttings from the young wood, (fig. 20) and root in' a frame or under. a bell glass. Melons. : Cucumbers and melons growing in. frames will need stopping. Stop them at one leaf past.the fruit (fig. 24) and train 'them to spread all over the frame (fig. 25). It is often necessary. to hand-fertilize the flowers of melons to make them set properly. Figures 21 fig. 23a: shows a male flower bearing pollen, kalso the way to hold it for distribut- ing the pollen on to the female flow er. This assures a good crop as fruit will not be borne unless the female blossom is fertilized naturally or artj= fically, Released by Maple Leaf Publishing Company, Ltd, 1028 Wolfe St, South Vancouver, B,C, Canada. . " -------- " Things may be fitting to be doge whieh are not fitting to be boasted of. ) Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura , Soap and Talcum Ee ry Tr Ad. columns. 0 3 consecutive insertions ... 0 6 consecutive insertions . rT more insertions FILL OUT AND MAIL TO a week's 6c. per line each insertion. 4c. per line each insertion. 8c. per line each insertion, 4 LINES MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED THE KINGSTON BRITISH WHIG Write your advertisement in the blank spaces below, just as you want it to Tell your story completely and convincingly Three days' insertion produces more replies than one day; SEE HOW LITTLE IT COSTS - appes Tr, in the Want it you want to accomplish quick results. insertion is best of all, Sees renne Poses enond Besos eannne Seas satriced SesssuLtetrins Harare s resseescis Number of Days ....cccuu.0ns,.. Sates tsenees spsetastraseyg sessecss Are You a Subscriber V............. How to figure your Want Ad.-- Count six tverage words to the Bne. 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