THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AMUSEMENTS || 3 ACKSON (ETIVIERY What the Press Agents Say About " Coming Attractions i? 4 THE LATEST BARTHELMESS FILM PROVES A SENSATION! ! : wr amin Stans: f Big Feature Offering Saturday as sudden; the intrigue of aristo- crats in dark Havana against the red menace of Spain; the sinister lan- ® .@ guor of Cuba's tropic nights; of it : all, Richard Barthelmess has made a pure and flaming romance in that | ; vivid First National picture, "The | Bright Shawl." It proved a sensation | at the Allen last night. CABA | . Never before has Barthelmess Women's and Misses' $ been seen in anything like it and 3 . STR AN D | NO ADVANGE | || Dorothy Gish, as La Clavel, the Styles --Navy and Black J IN PRICES dancer, has the greatest emotional ; Background. : . . characterization of her career. Story, VALUES UP TO $11.50 nu action, photography and the direc- : t by John 8S. Roberts: th ¥ RY PICKFORD [is Tar tn a fr te ture production. 3 2 : : . + IN HER LATEST PRODUCTION Battuelmens Bas perhaps She most dainty styles with refreshing trimmings. Collars and cuffs are é 'T H R oO U G H Yomaatte ii of We suite screen x. attractive with lace edgings or Organdie; girdles are varied in New Jacquette American who takes up the canse of IN style, styled to give the much slender effects with pannelled BACK DOO » oe _. ho. Faas iil gdb ) effects in Organdie or of same m aterial as Dress. 0 bl "HE _ + EL at ove with the dau er of a rebe F SIZES 34, 36, 38 ver ouse + leader. The complications which : ensue when La Clavel, a Spanish Our Blouse Department is full to a. dancer, the favorite of the most de : overflowing in bright Gew J ile SEEN spised of Spanish officers, becomes 4 ® L Over-Blogess acqu . infatuated with the young American | A Fy ie who encourages her so that he may | ] P WITH ROBINSON CIRCUS gain information of value to the | IN VOIILE ih i Ot } | new all White Voile Jacquette 1 rebels, are sald to make this one of | - | the most absorbing photoplays of a i A : Orowds 8ee Parade and decade. 4 ] : A inh ad, and Vong narrow Throng the Big Tent at ARN RAE wit side fasten- Fair Grounds. PICKFORD'S GREAT CHARM ISIN . WINS HER MANY FRIENDS, | EER , . 3) 3 o 5 Wendin oping } bing a ry Mary Pickford, the eternal little / i TES SN VALUES T0 $10.00 : . . girl, is with us once more in ner a 1 In wonderful variety, displaying every desirable style feature. wird ane euste Salting wiqus- brand new United Antists produc- | TN oo : a y . : 4 ; BLACK AND WHITE pation of deep throated calMipes. 00. "Through the Back Door," | 4 Q Drawn work, side closings, novelty pockets, embroidery, braid, th bl oop Hopes; which opened yesterday for a three | t1 i : JACQUETTE je rumble of (ages, Jateious tab |g run at the Strand pipings, tuckings, strappings, Etc. Ww u wagons, n loats, clown . i 4 : With all her cuteness, all her win- | , The smartest yet--Jacquette V. chariots and allegorical cars Sontri- some and whimsical charm, Little | ae atl X \ HORSES-700 PEOPLE buted to the ol symphony that ; Blouses in Black and White trim- =) | resounded in the say town » Mary is shown depicting one of her 4 mings. - along t noon Frid Ares) famous child roles, the one char- J e = Be Sv. 30x Dts Ut lacterisation in which she will al-| | $4 50 pA A - the callio to Ole! nds and ways reign supreme. Even mote | . P LY STREET PRRROEAT TIAN | oo a a in fing ot the youthful and beautiful than ever is | Lisle Hosier , k th Mary Pickford In this picture. sfér| ¢ ' y ER She cntwds sions the susbe with the interpretation of the little girl part | Soasmiess 1a pure thread. Silk CREPE DE CHENE CRN 1 SIRE R 3m ' , : is more genuine and more convinc- | L veamiess i i ia? i i Were many things to see, many of iis than: an/ihing she has eves | Hosiery. Colors, Black, Grey, Beautiful Silk Lisie ribbed, in Newest Novelty Blouse | fine even weave, popular style them pl i "hi 5 use on me Coan Dey a en 3, PeStnly amr and many (0, 2 SE he vs White and Send. Semen dre The Bio . ni this season. above is a fair idea of the new -- Stere~~same price as on grounds. ing of the feature sho appears 0 t course there was the leading , and in "glal-rags" at the fin- | O8c 5 C for Summer. sy agen Jrava by a Sosen dap- lish. Clad In wooden shoes anc a YS] ha ht 3 perfecuy maiched and the picturesque costume of a litile | $6 5 i Mghty in rested trappings. Al Belgian miss, she canters across the | . the traditional gol ell- ' ' ? . . - ay, June 16 ver and a a Mumisam tad soright | to the | Women S Drawers Pleated Flannel "Skirts SPECIAL yho watch her from CRICKET FIELD As PM. [of man and boast flashed by In rg. | 108NS Of those w om | a5 3 , the darkened depths of tho seat-fill- STEP-IN STYLE ATHLETICS Vs. view, punctured here and there with ed house. Tit Brest domanitof the warm TRI COLETTE OVER. A. DAVIS & SON such novelties as a clown band as- SPECIAL i the fact th y tanto Gy. League) tride mischievous burros and a big |iyugns mach at Ag hE Nn The garments have self flare days oa. he worn with Staaten BLOUSE d game from June Sth. eetion of Tatks from Rhee limes. comes times when a handkerchief is wigh lace edgings --Sizes 38 pleated vie nt or SHADES open cages rolled along ta d i h . . : thelr Jungle folk. ranging trom the [Lior yar, ocr ecto Jotnne Bote by SAND HENNA NAVY DIY) June 16th-23rd, Stolid hippopotamus to the clatter- mere comes to America to make her- S0c¢c $6 O55 Tomaro BEIGE ; » ing monkeys, from the alert kang- | oe known to th who . . Smart chi i t Cars will run to. to ine blinking ostriches. Then | C B > the mother ' chic styles with contrasting n thinks her dead. Many are the ob- collar and band --All mazes to 44. e Park from 12.30 a.m. TES Ya the eglumed eavaliny stacles that she: surmounts before pe] : GOWNS In carts, elephants, (11, mother finally lear that h 7 pm. Samm, buttaios, and about every- (jittle daughter on, at in her i SATURDAY us 1. gical, Yor own home. The scene that reveals| LIMITED 107 rounds. crowds begun to gah | (25 2 undodtodly one of the most + BOPRINCESS STREET $2.95 Se by and when the doors opened large toughing Rat over ime : | Ady o Soople Samored for ad-| Tne opening title tells us that RR RR RR, ALES gE ( . a ure Programmo [¢ne scenario for 'Through the Back | 3 Womed ry o a proved the |noor," was written by Marion Fair- Wi | very foundations of the existing | 0 ircus -- on ts fax, and that Jack Pickford and system of government, property rights, and our economic and finan- A S E B AL nl Josh anniversary tour -- one of the Alfred E. Green co-directed it, 'est in circusdom. Honors, however, while Charles Rosher did the camera LAWS OF THE COUNTRY clal systems, to say nothing of re. SCORES ie in wer Telor. 2 Samdtan WaT {work which by the way, deserves ligion itself, have been menaced by the steel deat wry he Satgred special mention all to itself. imported propaganda, and nobody and tigers. Foie: Pa oe ans In the cast we find such familiar [Suggestion of Grand Jury to| knows how far or in what manner ft International. League. {Land come sacond, in of hon- dies = Wed Lucas, Gertrude | Lessen the Crimes That has permeated the entire social Jersey City 8, Rochester 2 or, although for oe as of a » Elinor Fair, Adolphe Menjou, | Are Committed structure. Only by abnormal symp-| Baltimore 12, Buffalo 1: ; wealth of song and John Harron, brother of the late ow sv . toms can we appreciate its presence Reading 7; Toronto 6 (13 innings) ames it sts peonBig tiny hi Robert Harron and tin Jeanne -- and effects; and we should take Kogers, singing. the Bernt ow Carpenter. All of these give excel:{ = The grand jury in its report at the warning in time and give the rising American League. and Rudy Ru oberon e a 88% |lent portrayals in their respeotive | COUrt of General Sessions expressed generations direct and definite in-| gt Louis 3, New York 1. ers, Miss Billie Burton' pes of rid- {parts :| 8reat satisfaction over the conditions | struction on the foundation prin- Chicago 7 Washington 2 the AURCE as eye Sa oat, as lownd in ihe public attuotions du ciples of British citizenship." - Philadelphia 4, Cleveland 3. " " a y a. Report. < were: un . hee Closntul Gardner, the 25) wy a meeting of Court Frontenac, | General Hospital, Hotel Dieu, In. Detrott 4, Baton 1. agg and dane Dg Norses, were all No, 59, Independent Order of For- | fants' Home, Orphans' Home, St. Judge Madden's Remarks. National Loagr be competed for in a series of eligh- ai Won meritious ap- |esters, held on Thursday night Bro. | Mary's-on-the-Lake, Rockwood hos-| In recelving the report, Judge Cincinnati 6, New York 5 teen games--nine to be played a: Huse. R. 8. Graham, high chief ranger |Dital, and Portsmouth penitentiary: | Madden commended the members of Bopp Le or . Rockwood and nine at Queen's. oolght the programme will be land Bros. McMullatt district deputy, | The report expressed. abhorrence | the jury for their interest in the In- i gad Three rinks from each club will eae 7) ike to laugh, Hic (aptinded. Bro. Graham cove © oo fof the tragedy TnoaneucAnNGE Rog- | stitutions receiving government sup-| = Fhiladelphia 2, Pittsburgh 1. compete in each round. Names of £2 be thrilled, and enjoy clean amuse- | port on his recent visit to western | ors, and referring to the abnormal | Port, stating that the people were Chicago 9, Brooklyn 6. skips are to be drawn, and skips are ments, by all means see the Jobn Ontario, where five hundred members | increase in crime, recommended that | entitled to know how the money was ------ to select their own rinks. The first Robinson circus. It's worth seeing. of the order attended a banquet » | 8 text book on civics for use in the | being expended. The Tangon = Athistica oi round Is to be held at Rockwood on -- SouBoction with the jubilee cam- | Public "schools in order that the Jude Madden also referred to the June 8th, in the Sais A Pelaa, Baturgay Jute 3374. . paign to celebrate the 50th anniver- | Youhg might receive adequate in- | case of Rogers, and stated that |. . R. My/C. CADETS iN CAMP,» sary of the order. structions in the fundamental laws | he had yet to hear how Rogers was Kingston Amalear JDasshuil League to : . of the country, be published. It says: | allowed out on parole. He said that . . nr | arias Sembee, | ing "herics u .|Rog nt on 1 hp. Sen tre oe te | NEWDY MARRIED COUPLE The 'Cadets of » Arriving at ten a.m. are ed | fous crimes committed by y tiary on his mendation. A y the Royal Miltary report: ouag letiés are the teams meetings and DUMPED INTO DITCH » College, Who deft. PO) to be extra nice. Place your order men during the past thres years| There was no question about the eo nthe Burcu: 1nd Ie snormous | 9u0g man bing 8 riminl thear | Ding Of ibe game vii ui * ------ : |crease in the population of the His Honor also referred to the factl po The same teams meet on H. Simple, Toronto, was killed and | Portsmouth penitentiary, are matters | that he had sentenced Rogers at the Tuesday evening. There will pro- | Ea br Hs Moore, of the same city bad- | for grave concern, and present a | ime he Was charged with committ- badly be a Junior game tomorrow al Suites cen yours oro, 5 Hottrich ich, « ly injured when their automobile problem for serious study on the part | In€ 8 brutal assault 'on Detective : -- or. Viking, 1 "un . so. Two junior games are left ov- |fa; er west of Viki - began was struck by a Canadisa National | of both the provineial te ' v y Pro and federal er from the first half. write to Marthe Moritz in Germany Raigad fain a + Jove crossing au { Cr ; : At that time he was living in Hol- s x » 3 Bowling Results at Queen's. land. For fourteen years he has While economic and soclal condi The elimination series in the reg- | farmed in Alberta, acd, during most water, and swimming and boating tions . are admittedly - determining 2 B ular rink games, now that ' good lof that time, he has kept up his love- .|ave very popular, & number of : y oR factors, often it would be futile to : i weather prevalls, is proceeding very | making by correspondence. Six and canoes having been taken y 3 : .. | | isnore the importance of education favorably. Last evening the follow- | yeeks ago he sent & ticket to Mar- to the camp for the use of : ---- __ I | designed to provide the ing rinks were successful: tha. Yesterday the couple met for Bg i Re SRS n Dr. R. C. Cartwright's defeated | the first time at Viking station and N. Munsie's 16-15. au hour lator shey were married. W. M. Campbell's defeated GQ. After an impromptu wedding lun- Vanhorne's 15-11. cheon, the couple started to drive out J. Bingletoh's defeated M. M 110 the Hoifrich farm. On the way han's 15-13. - "foul the horse shied and the honey J. Baker's defeated F. y were flung into the ditch. 'MONDAY, JUNE 18th, 6 P.M. Bad Tw Xie £5