! 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG the Open Road Is Calling You. Read the Ads. and Buy a Good | SHARBOT LAKE DOCTOR DES VERY SUDDENLY Found Dead in Bed in Prince George Hotel, Kingston, Friday Morning. ._ The death occurred very sudden- ty at the Prince George hotel, tity, sometime known physician and resident "of Sharbot Lake. The deceased was found dead' in bed aboiit 7 o'clock cn Friday morning by one of the hotel eniployees, when he failed to res- pond to the usual early call. Medical aid was summoned at once, bul it 'was found that life had been extinct for some time, death being due to apoplexy. The late Dr. Parsons, although he Bad celebrated his seventy-fourth birthday on Fridey last, had been In very good health until Thursday evening, when a local physician at tended him for what was thought ta be only an ordinary disability. He had practised his profession for over forty years in the vicinity of Sharbot Lake, where he was highly esteemed and respected by all classes of the community. That he had been in good health is provea by the fact that he came to Kingston only el- even days ago to arrange a number of business matters preparatory to leaving for Epgland to visit his peo- ple. : « Although born and educated In England, his former home being In the county of Somerset, the late Dr. Parsons had lived in this country since young manhood, and was con- sidered to be exceptionally well-in- formed In his profession. He was an Anglican in religion. Surviving are his widow, and ohe sister, the latter being a resident ot Somerset, Eng., and other more dis- tant relatives all living in the Bri- tish Isles. TITY: a The Late M. R. Closs Melville Roy Oloss, a former resi- dent of Calabogie and an overseas veteran, passed away suddenly at the Mowat Memorial Hospital, on Thurs- day night. The deceased came from Calabogie on Thursday morning to take ent at the hospital, and died the same evening. He was = Presbyterian in religion, and leaves 2 widow. The war veteran was only twenty-five years of age. The re- mains were sent by the James Reid firm to Oalabogie on Friday after- _ hoon for interment. 4 | The Pyke Salvage and Wrecking Company succeeded in raising the mer Arizona which caught fire sank near the breakwater at Vincenf. in the fall of 1922. _hull of the steamer is stHl in- 'and it. was brought to Wpife land on Thursday. o : arrived i steamer Huronton passed up an Thursday night light for Port Colborn e. { The schooner Mary Daryaw clear ed on Friday morning to load coal at Oswego. . The wteamer Royan passed up on Thursday night from Montreal to the canal. The steamer Dardanella arrived. from' Rideau river points on Thurs- day afternoon. The steamer Britanni¢ arrived this | during Thursday | night of Dr. C. J. Parsons, a well- | a-- gs - I The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular- i ized according to ! THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted io thelr proper classification, and to the regular Lally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 2J cents. Dally rates por Line. Charge Cash 5 4 F 3 % in , charged. Births, kogagements, Marriages, 1.50; casa, $1.00. 3 of Endnks and Memoriam ~ Notices--Charged, §1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Adverusing ordered for Irregular fusertions takes the cue-time lnser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less tnan basis off four lines. Count six average words lin <. Charged ads. will be received by telepaocne and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig oftice within ¢ days from the firsy day of insertion, cash rate * will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will valy be charged ior the number of «mes the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the raie earned. . e white space is to the YP. for yearly advertising eserve Lhe right to edit Or reject all classified advertis elephone 243, ask for a want ad. Announcements fi a SKIN BLEMISHES--Halr, Moles. Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Pi ls Otc, removed permanently, tory Glasses fitted and furnished afier 38 years' experience. . Elmer J. Lake, Eye Nose, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 30iw. House 1135J. . Lost and round 10 BICYCLE--Found. Owner may have same by proving property at 13 Low. er Charles Street. BICYCLE--Found. Owner nay same by proving property at 154 Street. ENVELOPE Found, containing stamps, picked up in the post office lobby. Apply Postmaster James Stew- art. have York KEYS--Found, on Princess Street, two on ring. Owner may have same at Whig Office. KEY--Found, on Division street, be- tween Clergy and Union streets. Own- er may have same at Whig Office. MARE---Strayed, from Up Street, bay mare and blac scar on right hip. Any information will be a ly received at 341 Johnson Street. Phone 653. ONE DOLLAR BILL--Found, in Dry Goods store om Wednesday. Owner may have same at Whig Office by proving property. Fs PRAYER BEADS---Found, Catholic, on Union Street. Owner may have same &Y 42 Wellington Street. & STOCKING -- Found, child's knitted Stocking: pink and white. Apply at 'Whig Office. ? TIRE AND RIM---dost, size 34x4{, be- tween Kingston and Gananoque, Mon- day or Kingston and Battersea Tues- day. Finder notify 19 Brock Street. Phone 1340. WRIST WATCH-- Found, silver, at Cartwright's Point Owner, may have same at 114 Barrie Street. WATCH--Wrist, lost. Friday morning, lady's octagonal shaped, silver; on black ribbon band. Please return to 109 Gore Street. Reward. SPP PP FPPC SOO OPOQGS * * <+ MAN'S ANGER LEADS * * TO TERRIBLE CRIME + * - -- * 4+ Honolulu, June 15. Anger, + © because the mother of his four- & ¥ teen year old sweetheart, re- ¢ * fused to permit her to merry ¢ ® bim, Pomo Crosco, Filphino, # < aged thirty-five, yesterday shot ¢ + and killed the girl and her ¢ 4 mother, seriously wounded the ¢ % girl's father and her twelve ¢ ® year old brother, then killed ¢ 4 himself. * - E2222 00% 20000 Secured Under Duress Loudon, June 15.--Li Yuan Hung has Issued a statement repudiating bis resignation as president of China, asserting that his action was taken under duress, says a Reuters des- pateh from Peking. The SS. Imperial is ashore on Grimes Rook near Oanso, N. 8... and the Canadian government steamer Arras is proceeding to her assistance. The vessel is in a dangerous posi- tion. ° At Trenton, Charles Augustus Fillion died on Sunday night. Fe had not been ill very long, and his death r Johnson pony with * QGoitre cured with. | wil never buy. name and address. Made-to-Order Some of the ads in the A-B-C Classified Section every day are made just to your measure--fit you down to the ground--because they tell you how to get exactly what You need at the lowest possible cost, Most of the advertising you see is ready-made--to fit as many people as possible. just right, though most of it is about things that you But when you turn to the A-B-C Classified Section to-day, you can put your finger directly dn the ads that interest you--as surely as though they began with your Alphabetical arrangement of ads convenience--that's the answer! Read the A-B-C Ads regularly--beginning to-day! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY, Some of it may hit you means. classified Automoblies TE Autonmouviles for dale 11 cLAUGHLIN--35, in first class con- MLA OR CS aaRle: Also one Ford touring car. Blue Garages, Lid. = KER--Four passenger, club STUDS first class condition, five new cord tires. Phone 359 or 1388w. -- Auto Accessories--1Ilires-->Pans 13 ta, | 1 --We can supply you with any kind, we sell at right prices. Any way abe want. from a pint to a barrel Corner Queen and Ontario Streets. EE ef Garages--Autos for Hire--1laxi 14 ~The onl. lace which furnishes A 24 Ys waxi service. 548J. M. Corkey. Service == usincss Services Offered 18 JCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- A W. A. Twigs. 374 King Street. Poone 830J or 1.35w. CARPENTERING -- Carpenter and builder. kstimates given on al class- es of work; hardwood fouring. James ¥. Jarrell, iil Bagot Streel. Phone 806. a ---- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim Reporting, Auditing, Advertising. Bus- {ness Service, 14 Market Street. mone 391d. oo WE DRILLING -- Sanitary water PE the olaest, the largest, the only sanitary well drillers in rroutenac and Lennox and Addington. modern equipment in America. For full information, write to F. J. Garri- son_Co., Colebrook, Ont. = Dressmaking--Miuinery 31 rr ------------------eee ee = TS--Mrs. Mclaughlin, 112 Lower HA iam Street, will take orders for making tiimoNng and remodeling. Terms moderate. = HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging. pleat- a. work guaraat Mrs. KA f 366 Barrie Sireet. "1% biocks from Princess Street. : ET Insurance 23 a i mam------------ in ------ FIRE--Automobile Sad Casualty insur- oe & M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1783M. - FIRE--Heaith, Accident and Automo- bile Insurance. For rates or any in- formation call or phone KE. Williams, 3 Couper Street. \ HUNTER OMLVIE Representing reliable companies in all branches of the busi 203 hing Street. Phone we gy Se _ INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B. Cooke, District Manager. Phones: Res.: 343w., Oilice: 503w. nL INSURANCE--Ou1y the mcst reliable companies represented. Btrange & Strange, established in 1360. Office: 93 Clarence street, opposite I'ost Office. ASHES--Cleaned oui ul cellars. and ¥ clean Job done, aA Macuregor, 34 Russell Street. Fhnone 2:55. a STOR Js SPACEY or furniture, clean and dry. Apply E. E 'Wathem, 143 Nelson street. i'hone 1391J .or 615. BAGOAGE--I. lalte guarauiees govd service in Baggage, Express and mov. ing; reAsobabie prices. 104 Montreal Street. Next lo Armouries Poone 1464, Shin Ne Tao HAG 'of Luralsure. clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own luck and key. Frosts City Sivrage, 199. 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. $8sw. Decorating Ae. dvsounuing. wba Sol = 'ating and hard. wood floor nnishing; workmanshi teed. H. horton, 205 Alfr Shree Phone 1881w. PAINTING--Paperiag, Decorating --- first class Work ana work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagi Street. hone 1866 PAINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco- Tr + Wall paper sampies; metallic for store and oifice win- te submitted J. Flana- treal Street. Phong 1432 SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear 375 Bagot street. ey Whether It Is someone to whitewash ¢ cellar, bank your house, take down your gcreens--or anyone of the thousands of odd jobs to be Jone around ® hols at nis time ot Jou a someone depen roug! Dai Wie wan! -ads. . CLASSIFIED DISPzAY advertising Is ted just following the clase came as a shock to his friends. : . If you want your A BAK ADSut the special Taine, The most |. Mrs. mah, West Stree CHEEEMANRR At once, experience _ Business Services. Architects 28b. ARCHRITECTS--ower, Sun and Diever, Mercasais bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellingt MARCELIS--Wm., A. cor 14d Pe Bt. trance, LILY QOT, rrie Ql Ont.' Consultation free. Telephous $32J. Hours 9 19 3 ito6 pm LOCY=Dr. Oeores Fo TUE Telmex Lucy, Chiropractic Speciaiists and Graduate Nurse, 339 ot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone S48w. Hours 9 to 13 a. 1 to 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spl ahalysis and con- sultaticn free. iden! calls by . appointment. HR Dental SPARKS & sb = Wellington sireet, corner of Phone 346. in 160 Brock. 7 KNAPP---Dr. A. B, Dentist. Priucess Street. Fhone 653w. evenings Dy appulntment. SUE Office: 258 Open CUNNINGHAM & Cyrii M. Smith. REVELLE -- Adrian 1, Barrister and Solictor, 69 Clarence Street, Kingston. Fhnone 2475. SHEA--Ambrose, BA, Barrister and Solicitor: Law ofics, corner of King and brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Fhona 1999. VC. tor copy to Dr. ot. -. PRACTICAL SU n Send JM Edna Ashcroft, 304 King Stre 29 a . W. Uriscoll, 33 J A see o 0 street. Phone ue SHUM man wor Rubber h a specisity; eflicient ser- vice. corner Mont- real . k Guaranteed. Call a worl or a n.-. W. J. Gavine, 31¢ Bagot oh UPHOLST @ --= Covered buttons made same ag ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. B. J. G riuge, 244 Ulaiveraily Aveaue. Fhone 20435, i thNu; E ING nd gonera! re ng. eave ers or drog a oF. W. Harvid, 134 Clergy stieet. Employment Melp Wanted--remale 32 COOK --General. middleaged person preferred, family of three; no laundry; woman in te clean every week; high- est wages. Apply Box V-ii, Waig Oftice. HOUSE with children. Home, Union Stree u lure, card. D-- w. Apply Orphans' MAID-~For general housework. Apply Mrs. Gardiner, 68 Johnson Street. WAITRESS-- Or -Waiter; experienced. British American Hotel WOMAN--AL once, to do washing and ironing, and some housework, regu- lar employment; references required. Apply Mrs. L. T. Best, 144 L. Albert Street. Phone 687. > YOUNG Wanted, 1 mmediately, to help with housework; one to sleep at home Breferted, Apply Svenings to ed, for Sunbury Cheese factory. Ap- ply by letter or phone to Harvey Shan- non, Sunbury, Ont. -- ccustomed to weighing up groceries and looking after store- room, light, steady work; references required. * Apply at once. derson OS. Br FHOW CARD WRITING --& Ur us. Make money at home, $16 to §60 pald week- 1y for your time Niiing suow for as. No canvassing. e ine and Angus Show Bra with work. Servies, 17 : ce rk, ex n telephone and quick at Ba 6 to 12 midnight to Box A-1 Office. WO SE THE Jeupie Who nave ads In classified ad section it ant to know whether these Hethe Ras Np SMACK The ideal soft drink favor . Employment Help--Male or Female 3 cool, refreshing, satisfying, healthful and delightfully tasty; made at home ~-in a Jiffy; enormous demand; pro- mise to solicit orders with Men cents will bring selling sample enough for twenty-five glasses. Secure this busi- ness In your territory and make money hand over fist thig summer. Selling experience or capital unnecés- sary. Bradley-Garretson, Brantford, Ont. \ Solicitors, Canv Agents 85 NURSERY OTR agency for a reilavie nursery rm » profitable. You can sell in country, t.wn or eity. We grow and sell the best only, and waat reliable, energetic agents i unrepre- sented terr'tories. Write now. 1- ham Nursery Co. Toromte. Male 87 POSITION--ASs ca er or teamster, by good, steady man, with good refer- Snces. Apply Box B-14, Whig Oftice. Financial Mo! to Loan 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, incorporated 1361. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; - municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; de- ports received and interest all d C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kiagston. MONEY--To loan on first mortgages, estates managed, rents collected. E. W. Mullin & Son, corner Johnson and Division Streets. Instruction Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 { ~ MUSIC--Garden party caterers. Arthur Lynn, high class entertainer and his brilliant Pianist. For terms, Lynn, Colebrook, Ont. Sei Live Stock 5, Cats, Pets 47 FOX HOUND-- Male, well bred, well- trained, fourteen months old; white, black and tan. Shot three foxes ahead of him last winter. Good tonguer and stayer. For quick sale, $25.00. Alfred | Salter, R. R. 2, Mallorytown, Ont. { Merchandise Articles For Sale Lo ANTIQUES Poster Beds, Rosewood Parlor Table, sets of six Antique chairs. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 J rincess Street. Phone 1045w. AWNINGS -- Ten(s, Automobile Tents, Peterborough ~ Cances, Life Saving Cushions, Ilags, Tarpaulins. SW. Cooke, 319 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch ay Collingwons Streets. Phone 618 or 1391) a ae FURNITURE-- Buffets, book cases, Quebec cooking stoves, with improve- ments; desks. We also buy. he Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. __Merchandise - Articles for Sale. : LAUNCH HULL Kingston built, 39 ft. by 7 ft. Cedar planking, Carvel built! 7-8 inch on ok frames, oak deck, can-! vass covered. water tight, with wheel shaft, muffler and rudder 'Write Drawer 593, Gananoque. Photos at _Whig Office. PLAYE CR PIANO---Slightly used, Sher- lock Manning Player, mahogany case, 88 note. A bargain, only $580. Easy terms. C. W. Lindsay, Lt PYRO EXTINGUISHERS -- Kills are quick. Fire protection for your home, farm, factory, school, hospital, auto- mobile and garage, for only $2.00 postpaid. James A. Suider, Harrow- JShuith, Ont. Hh a SUITS--Men's used, in good condition, $6.00, $5.00 and $10.06, Odd Coats and] Pants, Raincoats, Whip Cord Riding Breeches, etc. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. STOVES _Lawreuson's for Good Cheer Square Yusbod Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- Street. Phoae i by 4, ood con- 101 Frontenac Street, or 337 Princess G dition. Apply phone S1Tw. WOOD--Mixed soft wood $3.28 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, aiso matched lumber und cedar posts. Prices right. W, H. Talbot, § St. Cath- erine St. Yard: Concession Street, near Division. Phone 2302W. Wanted--JTo Buy 66 BENCH--For dressing table, preferably White, State price, etc. Apply Box Nh Whiz Office. DOORS--Second hand doors, any quan- tity from cone to fitteen doors. Sizes 2' §" wide, & ft. 6 inches high Ap- _bply 185 Queen Street. Phone 988w. GO-CART--Wicker, in good condition. Phone 1635w. INVALID CHATR--Cane back and seat with foot rest, easily moved by pat- tent. Apply to Miss Rogers, 15 Union Street, LI eee tn OLD GOLD--Silver, or False Teeth, for cash or exchange. G. W. Lyoas, 344 Princess street, Kingston. Rooms For Rent hl a ---- Rooms With 67 BOARDING HOUSE--Opened for sum- mer visitors, good bathing, boating, fishing, good accommodation. Apply Mrs. John Lyon, Cannington, Ont., R R. No. 2. BUARD AND ROOMS--rirst class, by day or week. All conveniences. Rea- sonable rates. Apply 2985 University Avenue, near Brock Street. ROOMS--Warm, good board, reason- able rates: close to the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John. son street. UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First class rooms and board; all improve. ments; centrally located ROOMS--Furnished, modern conveni- ences; every room has running water, good locality. Apply 408 Johnson St. none ¥97J. ROOMS--Two, bright, cheery rooms on bathroom flat, with or witnout board, one block from car line., South side, FURNITURE--OId fashioned what-not, davenport, round parior table, music rack, piano stool, Columbia Victrola with cabinet and records. Apply Care- taker, St. "George's Hall, or phone 1846J. GAS HEATER--Linex, in good condi- tion; Just used a few times. Made by Gurney Oxford. Arply 60 Welling- ton Street or phone 1793J. 4 HARD COAL COKE--Reduced to $10.00 ton as I have no room to store it. Save the difference and be sure of yuur winter supply. Sawdust, $1.00, cart bY Cinders $1.00. Clinkers<50¢c. All delivered. Baggage and general cart- Phone 1035w. 243 University Avenue. W. C. Bruton. ICE CREAM TABLES -- Marble tops, mahogany base, wire chairs, good con- dition; cheap to quick buyer. 354 Prin. Sess Street. Phone 1680. MOWERS--Rakes, Loaders. Bee Cram- er & Chalmers, Frost and Wood Agency, 236 Ontario Street. Phone 2371w or 3263). MOTOR BOAT--I1% 6° x & 6° beam, 2 cylinder, clutch, canopy top, lazy backs and in good running order. Ap- ply in the evening to D. Wickham, Portsmouth. MATERIAL--The undersigned have the following miscellaneous articles and material for sale:--Auto Bumper, 1; Pipe, 3%" dia, 3 ft. long, with re- ducers to 1%"; Iron Braces, 36 pieces, 1 in. dia, 3 ft. long; Overhead Track, 2 pes. 5% ft ong each; Wire Cover- ed" Hose, 10 ft. long, 1. 1-4" 3 Board Wire, 60 ft. long, 1%" Crucible Steel; Screws, 40 ibs. 3%"; 'Wheelbarrows, 1 contractor's; Tables, .4-for work shop; Office Desk, 1, long #nd-bigh; Tables, zinc covered, two 12 ft. long, 2% ft. wide of 2" lumber; Trucks, 3 wheeled, two with boxed platform for warehouse use; Square Tank, one sin¢ lined, 3 ft. square, 8 ft. high; Round Tank, 1 gal. iron, 2 ft. dia, 3 ft. high, with cover and tap; \ Trough, 1 zinc-lined, 15 ft. long, 3 ft. wide, §* deep, made of 2" Pine Lum- ber and resting on legs; Troughs, two 13 ft. long, 1 ft. wide, 4" deep. made of 3" lumber supported iron Bolts; Trolley Track, rail, 16 it. long; Tim- bers, 10 pos. of Red Pine § ft. long, 12" square; 3 pcs. of Pine, 14 ft long, 14" square; 1 piece of Pine 11 ft. long, 13" square, 4 pos. of Pine, 14 ft long, $x10 square; tform Horses, 4; German Silver, 200 1bs.; Reducing Valve, 3", Kingston Transfer So 163 Wellington plirest, Kingston. On PURE ICE--Harvested outside Health Officer's fag. private houses only. Ap- ply E J. Campbell & Son, Beverley re Phone $6m. YPEWRITER--Bookkeeper Desk 2 desk chairs. Prices ToAsonabie. ¢ W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. . ToDay's Blunder Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) This sort of dinner takes so much time to prepare that there will be no enjoyment in it for-the one who has _Box %-13, Whig Office. Hooms Without Board 68 BEDROOM--Furnished, all _conveni- ences, central. Apply 163 Sydenham Street or phone 1025J. ROOMS--Twao or three, furnished, hard- wood floors, electric light, gas, private baicony, housekeeping if desired, use Of phone. Apply 345 Alfred or phone _Biw. KOOMS--Two nice furnished rooms, every convenience, centrally located. For particulars apply 366 King Street. For Housekeeping ©0 ROOMSE--Two, on ground floor, furnish- ed or unfurnished; central; use of phone. Apply Box C-14, Whig Office. ROOMS -- Furnished, for light house- keeping, all conveniences, electric light, gas for cooking; central. Apply _183 Sydenham Street. PASTURE--For rent, for horses. Ap- Real Estate For Rent Apartments and bats 74 LAK Park, furnished, and Alwington Avenue. SEE--Bateman's large BRICK HOUSE--$ Display ; Help Wanted--dale DE COTTAGE--WoIire Island rooms; furnished; for August S¢ptember. Prive Jidee for twee 166 King Street BE. [ Months. Addee 5 ROBINSON'S VOINT--Rooig to let in house. Also space to rent for tents om point. Apply C. W. Neville, 148 Cols gwood Strest, C! {MBR BUNGALOWS--"At Eastview with fireplaces gereened verandahs, five and s A Apply J. DL. Boyd, Eastview Ark. SUMMER COTTAGE For sale or to let, in Dead Man's Bay, containing 2 rooms, large verandah, partly encioge ed; fireplace, garage and private wharf. Apply Kees Bros, 244 Bagot HOUSE--Must have at leas st 4 1 sad garage. Apply Box No. T-8§, Wale ale his residence and All Information will be give of Union street = grounds. en &t the house, corner Real Estate ads umn 1. vertisement, page 3, col HOUSES --Ana Jots all parts of as in Wilson, Uptown | Phone 1098, city. Apply H. B. O. 316 Barrie Street. SIXTH STREBT---7 rooms, frat plece bath, electric lights, polish e floors throughout, Colianade are Pe with white enamel fnish woodwork Built by owner, Price $2.800. A 101 Queen Street or phone 1796w. rooms, on stone foundation, good cellar,; with 3 stalls, drive shed, hen good lot. This house was built present owner. Price $3200, can be arranged. M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. 3 Phones 704 or 844J. 3 A Ee th he SLASIUFIED ad that e facts is the classified ad tha Quick, profitable results. t oY __Classift Biscuit and Candy Agency As our MR. H. A. GRAHAM, our present Kingston represen- tative, is retiring, owing to ill- health, we require a reliable ' man or firm to represent US-- must be able to command good business and furnish security. Apply: D. S. Perrin & Co,, Lid. LONDON, ONT. BUSH SERV W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bulldin, rook and King Streets. Phone 108 or Deu General Insurance ency. Writing: --Automobile, Acels dent, Sickness; Plate urglary | «tc. Representing culy reliable com= panies. ' 4 FLAT--Three roo urnished for light housekeeplpff, gas for cooking, electric light, g locality, no chila- ren. Apply Box V-9, Whig Office. ROOMS-- Three, unfurnished, electric light, gas for cooking, hot water heat- ing, newly decorated; rent reasonable. Also garage. Apply 360 Bagot Street, 2 blocks trom Princess Street." kL] Business Places For Reat LUDGE RUOMS--Rooms on Kong streeg «formerly occupied by the 10.Q.F. Apply te Cunningham and Smith. Pasture to Rent. 70a. ply C. R." Webster," 33 Brock Street. Phone 203. EIST Houses For Hen: 7 HOUSE~Furnished, for July and Au- gust; modern conveniences; close to Queen's. Apply Box L-14, Whig Of- BE Et ope ee -- ies HOUSE--Furnished, for July, August and September; all conveniences. Close to oar line and University. Brock Street. HOUSE--A{ once, new, seven rooms, with large lot and barn on North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. = = 457 ALFRED ST.--& rooms, electric light, g stabling. $18.00 per month. 7 Stanley Street, § rooms, 800d gard, stabling if required. Ap- ply H. F. Norman, 68 Patrick Street. Apply 384 » MENCHANDIS® --_ prem EE CHANDISS re FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason able Prices R STOVES Well repaired. at a rgint price. J. Turk's PHONE 708. Motor Boats and | Engines repaired. Work done satis- factorily and prompt- ly. : DAVIS DRY DOCK C0; East End of Wellington + . -- done the preparing. Summer meals should be planned with an eye to. the difficulty entailed In preparing' good results. James SEE US EARLY PLEASE | ABOUT PUTTING IN SOME COAL Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street