THE _ DAILY BRITISH wniG Founded 1847 | Sale! Men's Sack | and Sport Suits Odd sizes from this season's best sellers. Values $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00. We have placed them in an interesting group to S905 = The reductions represent worth-while savings. There's variety enough of styles and fabrics to please everybody. No Charge Alterations FATHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 17th. --Buy Dad a Suit. --Buy Dad a Hat. --Buy Dad a Shirt. --Buy Dada Tie. Owing to the large response to our Suit Sale last Saturday we have engaged extra help for this week-end. Livingstow 8 - 75-79 BROCK STREET . "LOCAL NEWS. bavi Items of Int Interest Picked | Up by the Whig Re- porters. There was a frost in the northern "townships early Friday morning. Mr. Swaine, piano %uner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west 'Phone 564w. There was no session of the police court on Friday morning. Everyone was evidently on good behaviour for the circus. Dr. John H. Orr left on Wednes- day for New York, where "he will take up hospital work for the next two years. The people are now visiting the {city treasury office to pay their taxes 'in order to secure the two per cea. discount. | Captain F. W. Matthews, local re- presentative of the Matthews Steam- ships Company left for Toronto Fri- {day owing to the death of, his sister. | The announcement is made of the birth of a daughter, on June 13th, to Capt. and Mrs. Farry J. Mart- in, Outremont, Que., formerly ot Kingston. ' J. 8S. Brown, a wealthy British- er, is at his summer home 'Linden Cove," near Alexandria Bay, N.Y. { He drives a Rolls Royce auto valued at $25,000. | ! | { The remains of the late Alexander Sabourin, an overseas veteran, who passed away in the Mowar memoral hospital, on Friday morning, were lshipped to Gatineau Pout, Que., the late 'home of the deceased, by {the James Reid firm om Friday Kingston was thronged with vis- {itors today on account of the John Robinson circus. For two hours be- fore moon, the main thoroughfares 'were jammed, and thousands lined the sidewalks to witness the parade which was pronounced an excellent one. Vv a -- Says He Had Right To Close Nominations Returning Officer Wightman states. 'that Section 58 of the Election-ZAct permitted him to close the nomrm- ations on Thursday as he did. The section, he says, states that if one hour elapses after the first nomin- ation is received without a second one being presented, the nomina- tlons may bé closed. The nomena- tion of W. F. Nickle came in just after the opening and after waiting for a little over an hour for a second one, Mr. Wightman closed {he nominations. ° Inspector Boyd In City. Inspector Boyd, of the provincial police force, is in the city. He has been following the John Robinson circus on its tour through Ontario. | mor «+ New Season's SPRING LAMB "5. each). .Lb, SATURDAY MORNING ONLY ANDERSON'S BRANCH STORE oe hind z..2 Quality--Larger Market--Service| ~~ your disposal if pthers arc busy. Mealy BOTATORS. Peanut Butter (pail) Dairy Butter (fresh made) Retail Market Phones 458-450. Business Office 365. Wholesale Department 1767. town customers. 19¢ FULL 15 LB. PECK . 30c. Ib. JUDGMENT RESERVED. of Kingston. The ome civil case, that of Mrs. Thzabeth Pickering, Nelson street, claiming damages for $500 against the corporation of .the city of King- ston, as a resalt of injuries received when she fell on an icy sidewalk im Victoria Park, or November 285th, {3ast, was begun in the county court Thursday afternoon, but was not con- cluded. Court adjourned about € pm., until 11 am. Friday, whea rargument was heard in the case.. W. M. Nickle appeared on behalf city solicitor, acted for the city. Mrs. Pickering, who 1s seventy- aour years of age, stated tnat while walking through Victoria park, on the day in question, she slipped on sanded; and ss a restlit had her left arm fractured between the wrist and the elbow | As a result of the accl- dent she could not bend her thumb or shut her hand. She had her arm in a sling for six weeks. Mrs. Pickering claimed that thers had been negligence on the part of the city in the fact that the walk had not been sanded. Dr.-H. E, Day gave evidence con- cerning the injuries suffered by Mrs. Fickering and Ernest Harris, of the faculty of science, at Queen's uni- versity, gave a report on the weather conditions on the day of the accident. Two sons of the plaintiff also gave evidence concerning the condition of the walk. City Engineer Howard Dick stated that the walk was a new one con- structed last summer. As regards sanding the walks, he pointed out that only walks in the down-town dis- trict had been sanded. When the court opened on Friday morning at 11 o'clock, Judge Mad- den heard argument in the case and reserved judgment. 1 Guest of Honor. Major General Sir Archibald Mac- donell, commandant of the Royal Military College; Kingston, at: the closing exercises of Ashbury Col- lege, Ottawa, Wednesday, briefly l-addre the boys and their rela. tives. He said that he was very pleas- ed with the character and ability ot the young men who come to the Mil- itary College from Ashbury; in fact he did not recall a single one of these who had not been a credit to his alma mater. Presented With Chair, When Fireman Hugh Polley went on duty at the Brock street fire hall on Thursday night, he was given a very pleasant surprise when he was presented with a leather upholstered rocking chair, as & gift to mark his marriage which took place on June 4th. The gift was accompanied by an address, conveying the best wish- es of tho members of the fire depart- ment. Chief Armstrong read the ad- dress, and Capt. Cockade made the presentation of the chair, The death took place on Thursday in Formosa, of Rev. Dr. William Auld, senior Presbyterian mission- ary there and long a fellow worker with George C. MacKay. DAILY MEMORANDUM Y.W.C.A. Tag Day, Saturday, June 23. French Canadian Moonlight Excur- sion, Monday, June 18th, 7.30 p.m. OFFICE SUPPLIES and PRINTERS HANSON, (RAZR & EDGAR SARRET QUARK - KINGSTON HENRY---In Pletan, June ist, to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Henry, a daughter. MARRIED. Su CARTER--WHEELER---At Picton, June 2nd, a Mize Myrtle Wheeler » Harold Carter, both of Picton. t Napan Time St Harry Fybus 0 Wio: May. daughter of 0 a Bors sonn Matciows. ail of Nap: ALLISON---At Bethel, Sophasn 7th, Amos Gran June Tt his 52nd year. DAVIS At it Richmond, on June 11th, EE Bi iL JF rn June rgh, Alea, = In a Case For Damages Against City of Mrs. Pickering and T. J. Rigney,, 170 )P4nreds lil. KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE an icy walk, which had not been | Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 95.30. This store has made a special effort to stimulate each and every department with new and wanted merchandise. e aim to give our customers adequate attention, com- bined with moderate prices. 2,000 YARDS OF PRETTY GINGHAM will be in readiness Saturday for your inspection. The .fashionable Checks in small and large--the de- cided Block pattern and Plaided ef- fects--each and every range includes the following wanted colors: Pink, Blues, Brown, Champagne, Orchid, Black and White, Honeydew, Cocoa, and many others too numerous to mention, ANDERSON'S SCOTCH GINGHAMS 32 inches wide FINE DOMESTIC TISSUE GINGHAM GINGHAM GING 32 inches wide. 27 inches wide AMS ONLY YOUR PICK 82 inches wide These Ginghams will wash to your entire satisfaction. DAINTY INGHAM FROCKS STYLES ARE NEW AND ATTRACTIVE Developed in imported and do- mestic Ginghams that will tub beau- tifully--many of these models are ef- fectively trimmed with crisp Organ- dy, Pearl Buttons, Picot edge, hem- stitching and lace. The pretty shades are Blue and White, Black and White, Orchid and White, Green and White, Maize and White. REAL VALUES '4.25,5.95 108.50 A SALE OF 35 BEAUTIFUL Regular values $27.50 to $59.00. SATURDAY---YOUR, PICK