THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee ---- HEMLOCK + We have a large and well assorted stock of Hemlock on hand. You will find that we can meet your needs at right prices . ALLAN LUMBER CO. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. F .C. HAMBROOK 115 Breck Street Phone 1928w. | Preparations Are Under Way {tions are under way here for the The place where dining out is truly * a delight PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S Just what evéry person should have around their own home. Light and strong, easily put up by ome per- son. We have them in stock from 24 to 86 feet and at very low prices. Extension Ladders Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET : {HYDRO POWER PLANT | FOR CAMPBELLFORD For. The $500,000 Under= ; taking. % i » Campbeliford, June 15.-----Prepara- construction of a haM-miblion dollar power development plant by the | Hydro Commission. The location is | known as Dam No. 18, near Camp- bellford. Just as soon as prepara- tions for the building of No. 8 dam and power house are out of the way, work will be started on another simi-, lar plant nearer to the town and to be known as No. 9. The plans for the latest addition have beén com- pleted. This with the dam at Bel- mont Lake, by which the level of that /body of water will be* raised thirty feet, and the building of a six- mile canal to, connect the lake with the Trent River at Healy Falls, will mean a vast addition to Hydro re- sources-and enable the commission to take care of the power needs of Central Ontario for years to 'come The dam at Belmont Lake will provide a supply of water which can be utilized in the event of a pro- tracted dry spell, such as that of last summer, when the Hydro was at times unable to produce all the power required in the district served. "THE FRENgH" The term is new tg#many, but as summer Season follg¥'s summer sea- son, the words spread and their mean- ing is passed alon§{ Two hundred and fifteen miles north of Toronto, on the Canadian Pacific main line to Sud- bury, the mighty French River rushes on its way to the Georgian Bay, there to lose itself amongst the Thirty Thou sand Islands that dot the bay. From Lake Nipissing and adjoining waters, it takes its course for sixty miles through one of the most beautiful camping and sporting countriés to be found in Ontario. The country appeals to all those looking 'for the big, open places. There is wonderful fishing to be had--bass, Maskinonge, pike and pickerel. In season, there is the finest of deer hunt ing, some bear, and good bags may be obtained of the smaller animals and game birds. Boats, canoes, all equip- ment and guides. can be obtained for excursions to the head waters of the river and Lake Nipissing. This year, the Canadian Pacific Rail- way is building a Bungalow Camp, jconvenient to the railway, which will be conducted along similar lines to the Bungalow Camps which the com- pany has been operating for some years in the Canadian Pacific Rockies. The descriptive folder, "Bungalow Camps in Ontario," contains full in- formation. There are also other camps conveniently located, privately owped, with dation for; large or Evety 'Step Displays Your Footwear! New beauty of design and new beauty of line di ish/the new Shoes we are now showing. : GROWING GIRLS' STRAP SHOES with low heels in Patent, Gunmetal or LADIES' PATENT | STRAP and COLONIAL PUMPS-- Grey trimmed -- Many new novelties with low, medium or high' heels. Store ~The Sawyer Shoe 184 Princess St. small-parties--alk camps are well con- ducted. Accessibility to the railway provides the camps with fresh food. "The French" shouldi receive your careful attention when planning your own, or your family's 'vacation. Any Canadian Pacific agent will be pleas- ed to quote you fares and assist you in .making arrangements. A concise, descriptive folder on the French River District, quoting rates at camps and hotels in the towns, will be gladly mailed on request. Write W. Fulton, District Passenger Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto, EE L---------- Protestant Prentice Boys Elect Grand Lodge Officers Ottawa, June 15. -- The sessions of the annual convention of the Pro- testant Association of Prentice Boys Grand Lodge, were taken up with routine business and the election of Both and trea- DR. W. EASSON BROWIN, TORONTC Another of the group of brilliant young Canadian doctors, who are mak- ing important contributions to medical research. Dr. Brown was the discov- erer of pure ethylene as a general anaesthetic, -------------- Miss Machar Not The Writer Toronto Globe. Miss A. M. Machar, Kingston, who vias written so long. and with such distinction under the pen name of "Fidelis" that the public have come to associate her name With anything @ppearing over that name, writes asking the Globe to state that the letter on the legal aspects of church union, which appeared last Satur- $ay, was not from her, and that she would deem ft unfitting for a private person like herself, though an at- tached member of the Presbyterian church, to address a letter on such a question through a newspaper to a church court, properly constituted, Which was then considering that Im- portant subject. The writer of the ity on church law, and assuredly had no intention of making Miss Machar shoulder the responsibility for his views. The better course, perhaps, when the letter was received by the Globe, would have been to ask that he choose another pen name, in view of the general attribution by the public to Miss Machar of ar- ticles and poems signed "Fidelis." Death of Wiliam W, Dainard The death took place on June 6th, of William W. Dainard, at the resi- dence of his son, Case Dainard, Point I'etre. The deceased, eighty-one Years of age, was an old resident of Percy township. From there he re- moved to Prince Edward county, where he farmed for a number of years, going later to Milford, where he Mved retired, and where his wife pre-deceased' him about ten years ago. From that time, his home was with bis son and daughter. Until last February, the late Mr. Dainard had never suffered from illness or any sort, * John, Hastings, Rich- Iford, Nelson, Belle- amuel, Jacob and George Prince Edward county; Mrs. H. B. Rusaw, Mrs. F'. Peeling, Mrs. Samuel Rusaw, Pleton, Mrs. Jacob Wanama- 'ker, Demersville, Mrs. W. Hughes, Bulfifalo. A The funeral service was held on June 8th, at Point Petre church, thence to Cherry Valley cemetery. Governor Has Foe tn League Chicago, June 15..-- One million Epworth league members are ready to march to the polls and oppose Governor Al Smith of New York, should he run for president, Bishop A. W. Leonard of San Francisco de- clared today. "These million young Methodists are not ali- oid enough to vote yet; those who cannot vite can influence a great constituency," sald the bishop, who is attending a meeting of league officials here. them! letter signed "Fidelis" is an author- A Confidence --~ | The ysumer's Confidence in LADA" TEA = 0 Is the Keynote of Our Su ~~ an a a a wo < De J.D. K i ENT EF FOR ASTHMA HAY STEN OF WHEN YING ALL AC AL ¥ AAS JULY RELEASE--NOW ON SALE LATEST DANCE RECORDS 2428--Dreamy Melody, Waltz. Or- fole Terrace Orchestra. A Kiss In the Dark, Waltz, Car] Fenton's 2423---Memphis Blues -- Frankie Orchestra. and. Johnnie, Fox Trots. Isham Jones' Orchestra. 2435--Some Day You'll Cry Over 2424--Omnce Upon a Time--Argen- Someone--Don't Be Too Sure. Fox tine, Fox Trots, Jos. C. Smith Trots. Bennle Krueger's Orches- snd His Orchestra. tra. 2426---Go ne---Dreams - of India. Fox Trots. Arnold Johnson and 2436--When Will the Sun Shine His Orchestra. for Me?--Down by the River, Fox 2429--Red Moon. Waltz -- After Trots. The Cotton Pickers Every Party, Waltz. Hawaiian Novelty Orchestra. VOCAL RECORDS BY LEADING ARTISTS 50038 -- Tannhauser Syoltia ws §5168---Thumb Marks and® Two FEulogy of re ale Bleden yittle Magpies, Soprano. Irene Grenadiere (Two Grenadiers). ~ Raritone, in German. Michael W!lliams. The Cuck-Coo Clock, Contralto. Elizabeth Lennox. Bohnen. 15050-- Mamma Mia Che Vo Sape 2430--If Winter Comes -- Out ere the Blue Begins, Tenor. --Carme (Neapolitan Songs), Wh Giacomo Lauri-Volpl. Allen McQuhae. INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS OF DISTINCTION 50031-- Capriccio Valse --- Ro- 2433---Parade of the Wooden mance (from the Second Concer. Boldiers--Boy Scouts of 'America, to In D. Minor), Violin Solos. Walter B. Rogers and His Band. Bronislaw Huberman. it J0¢32--Hungarian Rhapsody, No. $--tude (Op. 10, No. 3), Plafio los. Elly Ney. POPULAR RECORDS BY NOTED ARTISTS a 2416--No One Loves You Any 2437 -- Down Among the Sleepy MX Duet Po Toes Double, Hills of Tennessee-- Little Boy and Ernest Hare (Baritone). You Blues, Vocal Trio, Brox Sisters, body with Bennie Krueger's Orchestra. 3 . _Prnest Hare. 2421--Beside a Babbling Brook-- 2431--Uncle Josh at the Circus Uncle Josh Buya an Automobile, Dearest, Comedien, Marion Harris. - Monologues, Byron Harlan. . 243¢--Two Time Dan--That Red 2433--Star Spangled Banner--Co- Head Gal, Comedienne. Marlon lumbia. Gem of the Ocean. Bruns. Harris. . wick Mixed Chorus. BRUNSWICK RECORDS PLAY ON ANY PHONOGRAPH AND ARE ALL DOUBLE-SIDED TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. a 88 Princess Street , The Musical Merchandise Sales Co, Tovemto, Winnipeg, Montreal. 2422--Bambalina -- Wildflower, Fox Trots. Carl Fenton's Or- chestra, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1928. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged for. se For information and rates apply to J. P.. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Ry.. Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. ® . Open Day and Night. : PHONE 99 or 1433. . CANADIAN PACIFIC SAILINGS Tene Joe Arbours ume £ Southampton, Antwerp Jume Zl--Marbura. . Belfast, Glas gowy June 22--Moatelare ... Liverpool June 23---Empress of France °*.. uty o_ Souiaimpied, Katee July S--=Metagama :...... July G=Montrese ..... EE ond Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg. July 13--Montiaurier * Liverpool ny 18-=Melita Cherbourg, uly 1 X on, Antwerp. SOW, July 20--aontelare ...Liverpeel (*) From Quebec only, FOR AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK GO TO CLARK'S GARAGE Acetylene Welding and Curbem ou Wi Burning and lechanieal Work of Patronise our Gasoline Station. FREE AIR, . _ Cor. King and Princess Sts. Phone 2857F. The Standard Metal and Wasto Ce. is at all times ready to attend 5 Bent a a a hie M. ROSEN, Manager. OFFICE: 170 Rideau Street.. Warehouse: 178 Rideau Street. ae ---- Hardwood | = ABSOLUTELY DRY Also SOFT WOOD AND SLABS KENNY & FALLON ens nourishment and are th The art is nut s0 much in making money as in keeping it. 'Different Corn Flakes Post Toasties are superior corn flakes. No other corn flakes are like them. They are different in flavor and texture, crisper, full-bodied, delicious! They contain more erefore more economical. Try PHONE 687, 187-141 CLERGY STREET Created by scientists whose skill in mak- ing cereals of the highest purity and quality has won deserved fame the world over. 2 packages 25c. Head Office: Toronto Factory: Windsor