Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1923, p. 7

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FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1923. ct-------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG bringing with them their nephew, Bobby Graham. Wynne Stevens is in town guest of his uncle, W. F. Stevens. little | political patronage of my opponent. | | Go where you iike and see if any DU. | the | F.O. got any of it? The only work | | done that Mr. Rankin can criticise | 'A BEDFORD YOUNG MAN Summer Combination [i CUNTY OF SEDUCTION Mrs. A, Long, Toronto, is here on | was the only work that was done by | a visit to her sister, Mm. W. V. jany U.F.0." { . Babcock Sentenced |Battams. | ---- James 8 i ia Om Mrs. William Parmenter, Brock | Collins' Bay Diversion. i to a Term in the Ontario \| street, returned today from Mon-|{ "Tyne Collins' Bay diversion is a! Reformatory. jtreal after a most delightful visit | death-trap," declared: Mr Clarke. {with har daughter, Helen, of the | An overhead bridge was the only | | {Stall of the General hospital of that | gomtion of the level crossing troud- | le there. I have no fault to find | ttes, a jury before Judge Madden, |City. < at the June Sessions of the Peace, | Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Derbeshire, { with the removal of the crossing, na | on Thursday afternoon, returned a | Kingston, arrived in town Wednes- | they should be removed.' The over- | verdict of "guilty," in the case of day to spend a short time With | head crossing was the way to do t, | {James B. Babcock, placed on trial, |friends. \ {and it would have cost the people |at the opening of the court in the | © Congratulations to Miss Phylis | ees money." morning on a charg> of seduction, Sine, who was successful in her Mr. Clarke made a strong appeal {preferred by Minnie Timmerman. jiesony year exams. at Toronto Uni- i 4,, tne support of the farmers, | Judge Madden sentenced Babcock | verity. ia 3 <} fle not cas thay twelve months, sat Mr. aud Mrs. B. O. Britton lon | ia" iSidate bo was. and prom. jrot more than eighteen months, In today for Halifax [to attend the | v1 he was capable of. | |/the Ontario reformatory, at hard {Canadian Press Association coniven- | . {labor [tion of weekly editors. | A. B. Cunningham, counsel for the i Hi i La Ul ] id { After being out for twenty min- In All Styles. DELPARK FORSYTH'S LACE MESH FORSYLK ..% HATCHWAY, NO BUTTONS, UNDER- WEAR--price ...........". ..31.50 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. | | | i WALK and be healthy! It's great sport, gives a person new spirit, new vigor and whether you do your daily mile walking round a golf course or hiking along the open road you will enjoy the comfort and restfulness of our very good-looking Sports Oxfords. Ladies' Sports . . . ... $5.00, $6.00, $8.00 $6.00 and $7.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store -- Established 1854. {A l «ane XN - LILI Mr. Rankin Replies. { In reply Mr. Rankin declared that | the overhead bridge at Collins' Bay f suggested by Mr. Clarke was not pos- | WHEN ' : READING IS DIFFICULT Or impossible and you are middle-aged or more, it means that your eyes have lbst some of their focusing power. This is a natural condition and noth- ing to be alarmed at. Proper Glasses restore this lost power and prevent the eyes being strained and injured. Try our service. etree eerie -- pH -------------------------------- r-- Collin's Bay Diversion. "I was chairman of the Suburban Area Commission and we received {communications from the Dominion Railway Board saying complaints | Prisoner, pointed out- to the court [that the extreme penmity for such an fy two . and Yor | sible owing to grades, and they want- | Judge Madden stated that he was (Continued From Page 1)" ed to avoid high grades. "I did not | fvory sorry to have to pass sentence. |Sineers of the C.P.R. I have recsiv- | introduce the highway bill to relieve ! {but that the law compelled him to ©! Detitions for improvements sn the | the farme:s of the highway cost be- | {dc so. He pointed out to the prisoner |S¢Uth end of the road there and 3I.- | cause a private member cannot take | {that the jury ddd not helieve his [000 Will be spent, and 1 believe the | such action on a money bill. The | |story, and he could not say that the |C2Iry industry will be benefited. | Kingston dairy school was left in| {fury had not taken a proper view of "I have given much time to the | Kingston because of efforts of King- | {the matter. development of the feldspar mines in | ston people to retain it. The Conser- | | "The tromble with you people in [OTder that Canadian labor might | vative government never endorsed | E lish the back country," added His Honor, | benefit and that the money spen: in { the Hydro radial policy and the | ng [1g that you do not look on this its menufacture might remain in | Drury government did right in op- | {kind of work as serious. There is |CaDada. As a result a large porce- | posing radials. But the government | Leathe r {too much of it going on and steps [!in plant is being opened at Port {los $43,000 in successton duties by | {must be taken to check it." 'ope thet will use only Frontenac | tinkering with the bookkeeping and | H d { Judge Madden also told the prison- |fcldspar. Tae Kingston moulding | trying to show a surplus. It did not | an {er that probably with good behav- (20d tile company is increasing its {do well on the Backus deal which | {iour, he would be able to have a por- |cPacity aud 5s one of our big con- | was the worst deal ever put through | Bags {tion of his sentence remitted. fa of fal Spat, ._ (by any gbvernment. Mr. Clarke has : | The charge against Babcock, who he speaksr dealt with the Por:- | he O.T.A., but I am not | | land dry d land a ha | voided the , {will be twenty-six years old on July 120 wned lands and told what he | ashamed to come out fairly ana | y 25th next, was laid following an in- [had dgee to relieve the conditions | squarely and say that I will support | vestigation of the case made by In- ¢"mplaired of by tke people thers | the 0.7. A. because it tug'the mac We 4K SHOWIE 2 beaut]. spector Black, of the Children's Aid |TRe Petition was not the wark of th. | the O.T.A. beca .s wif ful range of fine English iSoctoty. The Timmerman girl, who |U-F.O. clubs. Mr. Rankin complain- | drte of the people, and irrespective Hand Bags in the newest [tives near Bedford, gave birth to a 1% of the work done by Mr. Storms | hes government may ' be I sas | Which was not satisfactor to the | . i shapes and colors. Priced {ehild, and claimed that Babcock was en TY 2 Nr. Raskin was grectea: with] |the father. The charge was laid i { | | cheers when he declared that there junder a new amendment tc the law, i | was not a Conservative member im- | which gives the age of the girl as " » | | plicated In "that last awful night {over-sixteen and under eighteen. The in tye parliament' buftdines.) mother of the Timmerman gir! swore Spree 'a the p 8s | that her daughter was just eighteen last year. ' Registered Optometrist Mr. Rankin went exhaustively in. - Ld 140 Wellington St. Srv Fou Odtien. | Kinnear & d'Esterre years of age on March 26th last. James Babcock, the accured, was placed in the box by his counsel, A. were made regarding the Collins bay level crossings. The correspond- ence came to me in 1917 and I had | to the highway construction, and referring to the U. F. O. pretense of economy, gave an inventory of ex- B. Cunningham, when the case was resumed on Thursday afternoow-"He denied most emphatically the charges made against him by Miss Timmer- iman. He also denied statements pensive house and office furnishings purchased by ministers that creat- ed laughter... He also claimed thet the cost of government house was Dr. Waugh | : ' 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. -- Jewelers "PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON PERT $33,000 last year. "More money has been recklessly squandered in rents for government accommoda- tion in the city of Toronto than would pay the cost of $1,000,000 building," he declared. Mr. Ranke In claimed that the contract for | ' automobile markers this year weft to a friend of the government who was paid more than should have been paid. In conclusion, he de. fended Hon. G. H. Ferguson on his timber record. : -- G. A. B. Clarke's Address. When Mr. Clarke stepped for- ward on the platform it was appar- 'ent that he had a U. F. 0. aud- lence, so great was the applause that | greeted him. In opening his ad- AUC [ing Intimate with the plaintiff. Cross-examined by Mr. Rigney, REMOVAL NOTICE = prosecutor, the accused said v [thet he could give no reason for the Removed to 97 WELLINGTON ST. statements made against him by wit- from 150 WELLINGTON ST. Fur nestes called by the prosecutor. He Coats relined. L. WINSTON, Ladies' [denied making a statement with ef- Tailor. 'Phone 998. | fect that he was going to marry the - Tiaintiff, Mrs. Rose Leeman, Bunkers HII, half-sister of the accused, said she had talked with the plaintiff and that the had no complaints to make about Babcock. Plaintiff had dended hav- ing been intimate with Babcock. Emma Babcock, sister of the aec- cused, stated she had known the piaintiff for many years. She recall- ed a conversation she had about a year ago when plaintiff stated that she wag over eighteen years of age. | Drs. Nash & Reaton DENTISTS 153 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON | jmade by witness, regarding his be- : | Increased from $24,000 in 1919 | | Now is the time to prepare for Summer. What about your Hammo-Couch for your verandah, and Verandah Chairs. We have a large assortment to. choose from. --3$2.50 to $8.50-- . JAMES REID LEADING UNDERTAKER. ' Phone 147 for Service. Quarrels would not last long if the wrong were only on one side. When liberty is gone life grows insipid and lost its relish. 1 { oY ANTHONY M. RANKIN { The Problem Is Solved When you come to us for your Stella McGowan, Bunkers Hill, said she had known the plaintiff for several years. In the spring of 1923, plaintiff had made the statement estimates made of this work. The cost was placed at $44,000, but it will cost less. Mr. Clarke is report- dress, he expressed profound sur prise at the inability of his opponent to make a single point throughout his entire address. "But there is a Pleasant Water Trips~Str. Brockville TUESDAY, JUNE 13th--Regular run to Picton, leaving Kingston 5.00 p.m. (fast time). THURSDAY, JUNE 14th--Princess Street Methodist Church Moonlight to Gananoque. Leave Kingston 7.30 pm. (fast time). One hour in Gananoque. FRIDAY, JUNE 15th--Regular run to Picton, leaving Kingston 5.00 p.m. (fast time). . BATURDAY, JUNE 16th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay. Leave King- ston 3.00 p.m. (fast time). One hour at the Bay. SUNDAY, JUNE 17th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay. &t 2.00 pm. fast time. One hour at the Bay. BOAT LEAVES WHARF FOOT OF BROCK STREET ed as saying that the commission was the cause of the cost being $75,- €¢0. He tries to make political capi- | °F SOVernment has a splendid record tal out of this, of which we should be proud, and fit hours of his aad within a ow { Is' my conviction that the spirit or tunate man, Mr. Waller, was killed | the farmer movement in Canada He knew from the correspondence | ¥ill live on forever. (Applause). I that passed through his hands in say to you to-day that if one half ot that the fret estiten, | the criticisms hurled at this govern ( county couniodl was $55,000." (Applause.) "The | ment from different directions wers diversion eliminates two level! aross-| true, I would not be a candidate. It ngs and 77 per cent. of the traffic | has done more for the masses than will never go mear the tracks. I |81Y government that was ever that she (the ; plaintiff) was over eighteen wears of age: Plaintiff made | tho statement about her age to Mrs. | | Pabeock. i In his address to the jury, Mr. Cunningham declared that thé crown had not proved that the plaintiff was under eighteen years of age. - good reason," said he, "for the farm. Wedding Gifts - Youfind it easy to make a selection from our large and well assorted stock Leave Kingston of FINE CHINA, CUT GLASS, SIL- VERWARE, etc., at the lowest sible prices, quality considered. 'SPECIAL: Minton China, solid colors, Cups and Saucers $1.75 each. + Before deciding it would he well to "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND". GANANOQUE thank God that the commission had brains enough to stand up to our Job." (Applause.) Mr. Rankin explained his position at the time the highway bill was in- troduced in_the legislature to relieve the counties of the known." (Applause). Taking up the, financial aspects, the 'speaker said the reason for the debt of $143,000,000 was that the government over the business from the of any government Ontario ever had. The conditions'the U.¥F. O. had to face were deplorable. "But by wise administration by the U.F.0., $100,000,000 is actually revenue-bearing debt, end after we Nickle and Ferguson. The speaker told how Hon. Mr Doherty secured the removal of the British cattle embargo after thirty years standing and the inability of any other provincial or federal gov- ernment to secure: favorable aotion for the Canadian farmer. He read 8 letter from. Lord Beaverbrook crediting the U. F. O. minister with the achievement, and it produced much applause. The Kingston dairy school 'was saved to Kingston by the same minister despite the faot that n ihe i : § 1 'Frontenac Cheese Board. The Frontenac cheése board oa these i: : i i 4 § £ : i Women's Patent Strap Slippers, Co lonial Tongue with Grey Buck trim- il; HH : § 44; Model, 60; Par ham, 30 At 15 1-2 cents G. Smith secured Howe Island, Omtario, Parham, St. Lawrence and Silver Springs and R. Hamilton drcured Verona. ST would appreciate a gift. honor of Father's Day, June 17th. There is nothing more requisite in business than despatch. i fi if i | i : 8 i if vi

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