LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE '| gave an THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG H. Sargent, McIntosh Bros, and Treadgold Co. : George Smith acted as chairman and the following Kingston artists interesting programme: BSanboh Editor of Women's Page, Tele- phone 248. Private 'phone 857w, : v . . Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Bogart, Miss Thelma Bogart, Dr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Etherington and Dr. C, BE. O'- Connor were in Montreal this week for the Canadian medical conven. tion, held at the Mount Royal Hotel. Several pleasant functions were ar- ranged for the members of the con« "ention, and the Kingston repres- entatives attended a garden party given on Wednesday. afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. J. McConnell at thelr dome "Ashburton," Dorval. - - - Dr. Bu¢hanan, Vancouver, B.C, is the guest of Prof. and Mrs, John Matheson, Alice street Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Muir, Sim- coe, are with Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Barrie street. Sir Arthur Curria returned to Montreal to-day and with Lady Currie will leave on Sunday night Sinai Hospital, New York. Bridge was played at four tables and the prizes were won by Miss Abramson and. Miss Florence Sugarman. - . * Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Murphy, Kingston, are tn Ottawa for a few days, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jeftrey. = = * Miss Marjorie Druce, Kingston, is in Otawa for a'few days, the guest of her college friend, Miss Marion Spence. : . » » Lovely indeed, with the green foliage of "Leafy June," was the en. trance to Mowat Sanitorium on Thursday evening when the patients entertained the members of the var- fous organizations which have on other. occasions entertained them. A big Union Jack was at the entrance to the green, where the concert was theld, and smaller flags and Chinese lanterns were strung among (he song, Jack Elder; recitation, Miss Eva Newell; solo, Mrs. Jerome; Mr. Middleton; selection, Male Octette; solp, Master Stuart Sals. bury; selection, Baptist Church, "Harmony Quartette"; Scotch dance Miss Jean Duncan. ew . Mrs. Olive MacTavish, Toronto, announces the engagement of her elder daughter, Sadie, to. G. Kent Martin, formerly of Kingston, the marriage to take place quietly early in July, . CI iting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Venney, Brockville. Mrs. Isaac Allen, Victoria street, and her daughters, have from a motor trip to Toronto. . ». . . lation. violin solo Miss Jean Douglas; solo | Mrs. A. J. Flood Kingston is vis- returned under advisement for futurq oper- | Those whose birthday it is have {the forecast of a peculiar year, with {opportunity as well as setback and hazards. Take the former under consideration and beware the lat- ter. Avoid going security, specula- iting or signing papers. Beware false friends and deferr changes. A child born on this day may ve restless, unless taught self-control. WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. Mrs. Todd, president of the Fedef- ated Women's Institutes, who attend- the provincial convention of the ince Edward Istand W. I. before going to the biemnial, goes to Nova Scotia, after this meeting and will be Present at the annual meeting of the Quebec Institutes which will take Place at Macdonald Callege. Miss Beardmore, Secretary, is also visit- ing various places on her way to the « NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS (-------- ! Saturday--For White Shoes ground while she sleeps. However, "it's all in a lifetime" with the New Guinea girl, and she looks down at the roomy huts of those below her and hopes. i When she becomes a wife she moves i into a home about 25 to Jo feet long, | 15 to 20 feet wide, and 8 to 10 feet | high. The roof of the house is made of bamboo thatched with the leaves of | pandanus trees, or of cocoanut or arica | palms and supported on a central row { of posts, The sides are low and made | of the same material. ' } The average New Guinea hut is de- | corated with. the lower jaws of pigs, | the skeletons of fishes and the dried skins of the flying fox. These the New iversity, who is teaching at Font- hill, Ont., writes to the Whig describ- Mrs. Alcombrack, Queen's Un- near sea and the biennial. One of th tractions of the biennial will be ) Impressions of the Institutes of Eng- at- The ing a visit to Stoney Creek, pland," to be given by Mrs. Richard Guinea unmarried woman admires deeply from her home in the tree-tops, | for to her the ugly decorations are | very beautiful. The more pigs' jaws and skeletons adorn a house the more favor the family finds in the eyes of the other natives. The men of the tribes have many wives, who slave for them. The women do all the work in the fields and go | out and gather the pineapples and ban- | anas. Every man has his favorite wife, who lives in luxury while the others | i foil. When the favogjte wife dies all! of the other wives must shave their | i. Very fine styles this Summer, Low and Medium Heels, black trim, very popular, both Straps and Oxfords being worn. Fine Canvas Oxford, Military Wood Covered Heel ......8$3.00 heads and plaster their faces with lime as a token of respect. If not regret, for | the departed. However, this does not lessen the! Hooper, of St. John, N.B., formerly of Kingston, who has been spending Some months in the old land. It is expected that this meoting will see Hamilton, where a monument is er- ected on the 100th anniversary of the famous battle. A museum has been opened in the home of the Gage trees. The hosts provided innum- erable ice cream cones during the evening, and other refreshments Jor New York and Princeton Un. iversity. Miss Beck Sugarman, Ottawa, en- tortained at a charmingly arrangeéd informal bridge party on Wednesday in honor of Miss Eva "Abremson, Kingston and Miss Leonore Freed- man, nurse-in-training at the Mount were served from a gaily decorated booth. The baud of the P.W.0.R. gave their services during the pro-| gramme end an orchestra organized by A. E. Hunt played for the danec- ing that went on later in the recrea- can troops during the war of the Re- Institute care for the museum and family, which was taken by Ameri- volution and the family locked in the cellar. The Wentworth Woman's the formatien of an International federation of Canadian Women's In- stitutes and the Institutes of Eng- land and Wales. romance in the hearts of the dark-eyed women who live in the tree-tops. Those who see them swaying with the winds do not wonder that they have no desire to live longer than is neces- sary, in their "rock-a-by-baby" homes. Fine Canvas 1 Strap, Military Wood Covered Heel .......$8.00 Fine Canvas 1 Strap, Military Leather Heel ........ «+ $2.50 Fino Canvas Oxford, Rubber Heel, low wide Toe saree, 83.00 Fine Canvas 1 Strap, Rubber Heel and Military .........82.95 Fine Canvas Oxford, White Sole and Heel, Rubber Lift .. .$7.50 the teachers of Wentworth Co., will make a pilgrimage there on June 16th when Mrs. Alcombrack will be one of the party. - Moscow. The Women's Institute of Enter- Drise met at the home of Mrs. Robert Asselstine on June - 11th to discuss the possibility of organizing an In- stitute here. Mrs. Stephen, the chief speaker, gave a very interesting and iastructive address. A large nuwm- Ler of the Moscow laGies wore pre- sent and an Institute was organized there. Efficient officers were elect~ ed with Mrs. Albert Amey, as pre- sident. All are looking forward to it being a great success. -- | Three Minute Journeys tion hall, which was also beautifully decorated, a rose centre light and more Chinese lanterns shed a soft light on the dancers who voted "The Mowat Boys" the most delightful of hasts. A clown and several darkey walters created much amusement and the whole affair was thorough. ly enjoyed by the guests. The concert was also enjoyed by the patients in the infirmary, who were too ill to come out for they could hear the music from the platform on the lawn. Guessing contests were held and Deautiful prizes, donated by some of Kingston's merchants, won by the guests. The Mowat patients are mest grateful to Anderson Bros, Amodeo & Co., Crothers Co., Cocoa Cola Co., Horne's Bottling Co., George Ma- soud, Rees Co. Thompson Bottling Co., Smith Bros., Lion Clothing Co., Austin's Drug Store, J. Laidlaw & Son, Steacys' Ltd., Pappas Bros., Reeves & Co, H. W. Marshall, T. IEA A AAA ANNAN NNN How Many Women Peel Their Faces at Home Fine Nubuck 3 Strap, Welt Sole, Military Heel ..........$6.50 Fine Nubuck Oxfords, low heel, rubber lift .$6.50 ~----SHOES FOR OLD AND YOUNG-- LOCKETTS HOSIERY TO MATCH. TRAVELLING GOODS. What Do We Burn When We Burn Our Trees? What do we burn when we burn our trees? We burn the home for you and me, We burn the carriage-house, barn, and shel, The baby's cradle, the little boy's sled, the rocker sessesacans - - Mrs. H. A. Panet, wife of Brig.- Gen. Panet, of Toronto, formerly of Kingston, is & much-feted guest in Viotoria, where Mrs. Herbert Wile son entertained recently at a lunch- eon at the Empress Hotel. Mrs. C, C. Bennett also entertained for Mrs. Panet at a luncheon at her home, Beach Drive, Oak .Bay, with a tea following at the officers' mess, Work Point Bagracks. - » . Mrs. Arthur Callaghan, Earl street, will entertain at the tea hour on Saturday, and at bridge in the evening. Any woman nowadays may quickly rejuvenate her complexion at home by 4a safe and painless peeling process. It has been found that ordinary mercoliz- od wax, applied like cold cream at night, Ausey the thin veil of lifeless, low or blotchy cuticle to ntly fake off in tiny particles, revealin the fresh, vigorous _and beautifu young skin underneath. The wax peels off only the unsightly outer film. The Process defles detection and unveils a clear, white, lovely complexion which is, of course, a perfectly natural one. Many thousands of women now use mercolized wax, which may be obtain- ed at any drug store. Naturally, the rocess a. removes all such surface emishes as freckles, pimples, tan, liver spots. It makes the face look Years younger. 'GALLAGHER'S 'DAY AND NIGHT EVE RSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any rcpairs to above pencila. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, J.R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, The bookcase, the table, of ease, ' We burn all these when we burn our trees. m-- A Successful Costume The alteration of styles necessitates a study of the best corsets for the new figure--Try the D & A. --rIts makers by scientific have always succeeded in offering a variety of the most stylish models at the very lowest prices-- What do we burn when we burn oar trees? The daily comfort which everyone sees, The wages of men for years to come, In factories big where busy wheels hum-- industries many depend on trees-- When our forests burn, we burn all these. . . » Mrs. Donald MacPhail and Miss Katharine MacPhail, King street, have returned from Ottawa. Mrs. Arthur Meighen, Ottawa, will be in town for the June ball at the Royal Military College. Dean Sherwood Fox, London, Ont, is at the Chateau Belvidere. Mrs. W. J. Renton, Universify Avenue, visiting in Toronto, return- ed home on Thursday. . . . Principal Taylor entertained th delegates of the Canadian nivel sities Conference at the principal's residence, on Thursday afternoon, when Miss Mary Taylor assisted him in receiving his guests. Mrs. 0. D. | Skelton and Mrs. J. C. Connell pour ed tea and coffee and Mrs. W. BE. McNeill cut the fcesc Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe and Miss Margaret and Miss Lois Taylor were the tea room as. sistants. 44 hat Editor Hears That the National Oouncil of Wo- men will ask the Federal govern- juent to procure, if possible, Cana- | gdian coal for home consumption. -- That Mrs. H. F. Burkholder, Ham- fiton, president of the Provincial Obagter, 1.0.D.E., has sufiiciently re- covered from a severe illness to go to her summer home at Grimsby. That the band comcerts are much enjoyed by the citizens, Put some take their pleasure rather too noisely for their more quiet neighbors, and luterfere with enjoyment of the good music. By Temple Manning. For In Papua, consisting of British New Guinea and the former German New Guinea, now British, which lies in the Pacific Ocean east of the Dutch East Indies, the unmarried woman must be "looked up to." This is bey coil because she lives ina Jee high' the other natives, in a Shaky little hut made from bam. boo. From this pefilous perch uncom- fortable "Juilet" looks down on her comfortable relatives and friends with birds sing, envy, And she sighs for the day when The beauties of nature, so fair to "Romeo" will serenade her in her 'bal- ploase-- cony.' yWe burn all these when we burn our trees. ~~ Summer or winter, day or night, The woods are an ev. delight; They give us peace, and they make us strong, : Such wonderful balms to them be- long. --Stoddard. Bugs ar short-lived -- especially What do we burn when we burn our trees? [The homes of birds, and squirrels, and bees, The homes of the brook, and the cooling spring Wherd violets plowrom, hand blue- "GRAND TO HAVE YOUR HEALTH" says Mrs. Jenny Evans, of Detroit, Mich. Few of us appreciate * our health until we lose it. Mrs. Evans worked in a factory, but owing to a weakness, and pains in her back she was forced to give up work. She says: "A friend recommended Lydia E. Piokham's Vegetable Compound, and it made me well. It is grand to hare your health, to feel well all the time and to go around like other wo- men without that awful torture of fe- male troubles." Women who are suffering fram such troubles should remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound tried and true Medicine, » .| everywhere as the standard remedy for female ills --AT-- 'cGEEIN'S EAT ~ ARKET PHONE 1182. WESTERN BEEF Boneless Rolls 124c. Oven Roasts . . . 15¢. Beef Stews . . .. Sc.| Pot Roasts 10c, 12}c. Special Picnic Hams 18c. _D. & A. CORSETS John Laidlaw & Son a ---- The bamboo tree-top home is just large enough for her to eat and sleep in, and when there is a storm it sways and bends, sometimes crashes to the . 3 Ibs for 2c. |