THE ROAD SRE Se Ny RS) Coppright. 192, by Metrope ims Nowsi--pas Service S417 Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Are Important Spring Factors Springs, which are so vital to the, niodern automobile, have had a most | H'erory | name would imply its shape resembl. interesting development, designed, for over a century the "C" spring was the most popular. As its The Unpardonable Sin shows that steel springs for vehicles | ed tho letter "C." This type of spring first came into use about 1670 A.D. provided for only two springs on the Prior to that time, the body of {he vehicle was suspended from the axle by means of a strap attached to cach corner of the body. = The iatroduction of springs prov- ed to be .a great boon. Their use meant reduced vibration and less #train upon the horses. Incidentally, they paved the way for lighter weignt rehicles. Many types of springs were vehicle. The body was suspended trom tha ""C" spring so that the up- right ends of the sprirgs on each side of the vehicle supported the carriage or cpaolf body. The arrangement necessitated carrying the body at considerable height as might be well imagined. The year of 1804 witnessed the in- vention of the semi-elliptic spring, C BEN, 1 which ody is the prevailing type on (to produce the maximum of riding motor cars. For example, $0 out of [comfort. Still another essential of | 168 automobile manufacturers have {springs is that they carry the weight | {adopted \ the semli-elliptic rear upon an even keel, so that the car | {springs ~ With this type of constrlic- [will not tilt forward, backward or to | trion the spring is bolted at the cen- |eithier side, regardless of the number | are to the axle. Each end of the |of passengeps carried. 7 spring is »!'ached to the frame of | the car, cd thereby forms a support | for the body. A list of 108 automobile manu- | facturers published in a recént issue Because of the responsibility plac- {of The Motor, showed that but seven ed upon motor car springs---carrying companies made their own springs. as they do the heavy weight at of | In the course of a trip through {such units as the engine, clutch and |the automobile factories it is inter- frame, and in addition, the body and [esting to observe the highly scienti- passengers--strength has become in- fic methods of building and testing creasingly important, And along springs to assure their uniformity of with strength is flex'bility, which Istgength, bexibility and balance, must be so scientifically figured as teaching. Every shipment of steel is chemically analyzed to make sure that the raw material checks with the Dopee OROTHERS TOURING CAR ® specificaticns of the engineering de- partment. After heat treating. cach cil to emsure gradual cooling and | ro- per tempering. Stiffness is measar- ed hy means of hydraulic air press:s. Another machine determines flexi- bility under pressure far greater than is ever applied in actual service, amounting to 4,000 pounds for the fion't springs #hd 4,890 pounds for the rear. The rear springs éf the light six must submit to 160 pounds per inch of deflection, while on the special six and big six models the pressure is 180 pounds to the inch. It Cost More to Build Cord Tires? Most assuredly! The cord fabric costs more than ordinary fabric. There is more rubber employed. * Ex- pensive machinery is necessary to com~ plete the various processes. More care and detail is essential to the proper In Firestone Cord Tires this extra cost hae been reduced to a bed rock minimum by constant experiment and efficient production methods., But when you come to consider the added comfort and extra mileage they deliver the final cost is far lower. Firestone Cords make driving easier s--they lessen the demands on your motor--they save gasoline bills--their remarkable resilience absorbs road roughness and inequalities--they prac- tically do away with fabric friction and embody a surprising wear-resist- ance. : The steadily increasing demand for Firestone Cords--the cord constructi , i EL Ct are finding out that extra mileage with- out additional cbst embodies true tire economy. We stake a reputation we have t many years to build on each RE . Cord we put on your car--surely the highest assurance of quality and super- service any car-owner could possibly wish for. _Ask your dealer. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO, of Canada, Limited Hamilton, « Ontario, Most Miles per Dollar The tests are thorough and far srring leaf is quenched in a bath of If there is one word which will sum up the average owner's impression of Dodge Brothers Touring Car, that word is dependable. - If there is a word to express the quality which Dodge Brothers have striven, above all else, to build into the Touring Car, it is --again--dependable. : Indeed, it is not too much to say that the word dependable has come to be definitely associated, the world over, with Dodge _ Brothers Touring Car--and the other Nor have Dodge Brothers built thisenviable reputation through advertising. They have built motor cars, so dependable in fact that the word has presented itself autos matically to the public mind. 3 x 3 The price is $1360 f.0.b. Kingstown; delivered. MARCUS OBERNDORFFER "Ineed to insult his intelligence by TEL What is known as the Brinnel test is used to make sure that the steel 1s of proper hardmess, this point be- ing determined by the size and depth of an impression made in the steel. TFivestone CORD TIRES "Firestone Branch Service," 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. The first four cars to flash across the finish line in the international Sweepstakes at Indianapolis were equipped with Firestone Cords. The same tires are available at any Firestone Uealer--ready to give you the same ser= vice that established their supremacy in the gruelling test of the track. Get a set of Firestone Oords from one of the following dealers. KINGSTON Suddaby Bros. Thos. Angrove. TAMWORTH G. H. Henderson, If the metal is too hard or too soft, it is heat treated again so as to meet the proper requirements. No detail is overlooked in the en- deavor to build springs that will de- liver the maximum . of service and comfort. Gréase is placed between each of the spring leaves to eliminate squeaking. Uniformity of height and length of the spring luad is carefuily checkéd, and for this purpose the spring leaves are divided into classes. Po you use the horn on your car 100 much or do fou use it toc little, or as it was meant to be uséd --as a warning signal only. There are nervous drivers who use their horn so much they keep their batteries down. They blow a blast at every bent in jhe road, or every car they pass, at every pedestrian they see, even if there be no possibility of him getting in the way. Everyone using the same' road is entitled to receive a warn- ing of your coming, but there is no telling him a dozen times when once is sufficient. ing by. This is the kind of driver who, when he gels into an acci- dent, is the loudest in the blame of £ 2% s |is not enough. the other pedestrian or fellow mo- |! HOW DO YOU USE YOUR AUTO HORN? Do You Use It As It Is Meant To Be Used, or Do You Use It To Scare Pedestrians ? blare 'at wou when for soine reasuvn or another you cannot for the mom- ent move 0 It doesn't make you feel like hurrying, does it? There is a certain amount or aIg- nity and assurance in a well-sound- ed, but not too long alarm. It shows 'confidence in one's right of way, and it intimates one's control of thie car and of one's temper. It indicates that you expect to be given your share of the road, but you are not asking more than your share. To sound one long note ana one only shows" that you realise that there may be reasons why the other fellow cannot nmwve over 1in- stantly. s . There are times when one blast Maybe the driver Fou. Then, more than one signal is necessary, but even then, cont 5 That the springs stand wp without breaking under the strain of the severe usae and the jolts of rough roads is due to the fact that there NAPANEER A. Smith. -- is built into them a degree o strength many times greater than is ever required in the service-of tho owners. Z Compare Chevrolet With Any Other Car Chevrolet with any other ~~ car manufactured. Compare it from every ble - angle-- thoroughly. you find? a : - Price--Chevrolet is the world's lowest-priced, fully-equipped, quali . ; of Chevrolet