WEEKLY Ti MAKE CANADA QUCCEED wis KINGSTON = ahi . PROSPEROUS | ; ___ REVIEW BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND mh SETTING ONTARIO'S INSTITUTION 'YOUR EYES IN NEED | STUDEBAKER SHIPMENT Y 3 2 DOUGLAS & maLquuam | ONE OF WORLD'S FINEST. . OF MORE ATTENTION) ESTABLISHED RECORDS ae wil Live CONTRACTORS | Hydro-Electric Power Com- | These Important Organs Ne-| Largest Single Day Production > : ; | alislonts Plait snd Efficl- glected Sadly by Many - ha es Sob of | Vs Doyle's Milk Maid Bread ency Highly Ranked. "People. "Sixes." fy ; Phone 1369. Iif its number of April 7th, 1923, | The straifi of ciyilised.life fA\s! When the whistles of the mam- | t {the Electrical World pulishes statis- | most heavily upon the eyes, the most | moth Studebaker factories at South! " delicate and the hardest worked of Bend, Detroit and Walkervitle POWER AND LIGHTING PLANTS INSTALLED pr FRESH SEEDS | ties of the use of electricty on this continent from companies having an | any organ of the body. This is es- |sounded on the evening of May 29th | H Ww. . . NEWMAN ELECTRICAL CO FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS--LOWEST MARKET output in excess of 100,000,000 kw.- | pecially true of school children, be [and 20,000 Studebaker employees The report cov- | cause a child's eyes are immature; [started homeward, a new record for ELECTRICAL JORBERS AND CONTRA 3 NTRACTORS PRICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. |hr. during 1922, {ers ninety-two eledtric light and | they ere baby eyes until he has|a single day's production and ship- BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC FIXTURES 227 ONTARIQ ST. . McFARLANE & WOOD. PHONE 444. Vpower systems and ten electric rail- | reached the age of from ten to twelve | ments had geen made, for on that PHONE 441. Pius : sd \way systems. The total output of | years, and too frequently he is re- [day 780 Studebaker cars were for-| "= RINCESS STREET. ff -- - a ; ithese electric light and power com- | quired to do work which would mean {warded to Studebaker aealers " THE STRAW HAY SEASON ) NEW YORK !panies during the past year was in |a full load for mature eyes. There throughout the world. Of the total Perfumery, JOBBING WORK A SPEC ) WH. BISBIKOS HAT CLEANING CO. lexcess of 41,436,000,000 kw.-ur. Of | are twenty-five million young peo-|189 were driven over land. . Toilet Preparations | SPECIALTY Renews, Repairs, Cleans--Straw SHOE SHINE PARLOR [this amount .over.5,859,000,000 kw - | ple in the schools of America to-day, | This record represen's a single Dr i - HURD & SON : Hats or any other kind. 203. PRINCESS 'ST PHONE 39%. |br. came from five Canadian systems | and we have by actual survey that day's production. and was achieved . . Bell GENERAL CON ---- PRICES REASONABLE-- PETER LAMPROS. | The Hydro-Electric Power Com- |five millions of them have eyes that [without permitting cars to atcumu- WONDER MEDICINE CO. . TRACTORS 90 Princess Street. Phone 138. 1 \ . " mission of Ontario reported the larg- | are so completely out of focus that | late purposely to establish a new \ 110 Clarence Street. Phones 514-364 PHONE 1458). 88 STEPHEN ST. \ {est output in kilowatt hours of all | it is Interfering with their progress |mark. The only incentive involved lb - re ------------------ ff m------ BAGGAGE TRANSFER AND {systems in th 1d. S d in the | in school i was an effort to more ad r , MACHINE CO. * H LV CARTING | 8) n the world. Second in the | in school and preventing the necess- equately 3 Brvesn swWiNG a ay ™ wri ah ks Co. list is the Niagara Falls Power Com- | ary preparation for life. Eye examin- | meet the insistenf demand from GEO A BATEMAN I payments. Every machine gulran- neal val Jransier & . pany, while the Commonwealth Edi- | ations, recently conducted in the |eveny section of the world for more . . ) teed. Mail us a card or piwa3 i Stanfor. ue » Prop. stn Company of Chicago is third. | public schools of a certain large city, | Studebakers, but this is a daily en- " i 'or. York } s s } | s 5 i Ba PRINCESS STREET Cr mes 201 and 2140. '™ || The greatest peak load reported for | disclosed the fact that seventy-eight deavor of the thousands of untn- REAL ESTATE |the year was that of the Common- | per cent. of the students had defec-|ed orders on hand for immediate || ,. 159 Wellington, \. : ; Phone 631. Ni" / | Sm------------------------""--"--"--""_ | wealth | Edison Company. The New | tive vision. shipment. 3 ) York Edison &nd United Electric | There are various causes which | While the production of 780 cars|» Joebblug Werk Specialty rm ------ { General Aute Repairing, Carbon i Fall lee of Kitchenware Carried Burming, Acetylene Welding !& Power Company had the second | make the wearing of glasses advis- in ong dey Sushi a record ior ! Xi Cars washed. {greatest demand and the Hydro-El- | able. One of fhe most common of | Studebaker, total is only a litte . | NGSTON A s C. N. VEALE R. C. CLARKE |ectric Power' Commission of Ontario | these is myopia. The word myopia is above regular dadily~ shipments. F. H. HAMILTON ICE RTIFICIAL » nd Heating COR. NG, a PREADESS sTrEer || 12d the third place. of Greek origin, meaning to close [Since the additional facilities pro- Piumbing 454 Steams Firing, 0o. TORE ee 7 Himes St. Phone 308F omen PHONE 2857F. The following tabulation shows the eye. The partial c'~<ing of the |Vided by seven mew Studebaker fac- Hot Water Heating Delivers Teo All Parts of City, RES.~--154 York Street. Phone 505M -- the peak load in kilowatts, the kilo- | eye if order lo see *inctly is|tOTY units were completed and tool-|{ Fhome low. 131 Alfred St. PHONE 692. 423 MONTREAL ST. -- \ | Watt-hour cutput and the yearly | characteristic of all myopes. They|®d and manned early this Spring, ' Lo N STRAW HAT SEASON load factor of the five Canadian |thereby concentrate the rays of |02Pacity production has been main- (ff \'r Electric sad Acetviene Welding. FOR LADIES NOW OPEN ~||eystems 1eported and ais) of the light, getting a more clearly defined | tained. Although Studebakers ASK FOR BRITISH AMERICAN ; Br emeral Machinery Repairs We len trawa. n "|lfive largest systems of the United | image. Myopia Is known 'as the di-{Present output Is 15,000 curs a MASOUD'S HOTEL KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS { States. | sease of civilization, it being sel-|™OoR'R OF ie ay cars I THOS. G. BISHOP 5 Rings A | Hydro 'also gives the people ser- | dom found in uncivilized countries, | 20nually, the demand is far in ex- LICE OREAY Special Sunday Dinner Served thom cor. XING AND QUEEN STREET! x Phone 1488. vice in appliances and the Hydro | and is generally hereditary, but it .- of Jrotuction ui a itena 235 Pela AYs Hn NE ». ar Price NE RS A -- pa ' cess . Detar -- {Shops all over Ontario are charac- | jg oft hild- ony fac es, gun Pring i \ KIN N, ONT. | is often acquired by younger child abd 'to $5,000,000 are being J » ONT, \ ' pn {terized by the high quality of their ron when compelled to do close . 3 8. V. HORNE | sootlefami their: popularity with the vor. All cases of myopia are ag-|Tushed to completion. SEE | ree ee Studebaker manufactures six- N ESTIMATES SUBMITTED PRICES AIRY LUNCH AMERICAN BOTTLING WORKS public. itaitrie. Twadk! ironing. | 8A GINGER ALE. PLAIN SODA, ' Ree ashing. z | > VOY DAIR SERVICE: | BEER, LEMON SOUR AND heating, cooking, toasting all | sTavated to a large extent by contin cylinder oars exclusively, in three SANITARY. SERV WHISTLE, . , ! | uous use of the eyes in reading by a : "MARTIN MEALS AT ALL . things done around the house or | models -- the Big-Six, the Special- THOS poor light or by other means, where- . Six and the Light-Six--which are FOR REAL ESTATE CONTRACTOR 38 Sixth Street. Phone 1400. JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES 2267F--928W. 400 ALBERT STREET Open Day and Night. 3 PHONE 277. of fice are quickly being turned to ov- | | by the eye is subjected to a straim. - offered in twelve body types. 780 111% BROCK ST. RANTES & CALLAS. Props. || 148 ONTARIO STREET d \ » er-the electr cai appliances for power | Myopia is always manifest. The Ty oe Tope eee 1appliance for your every need. | while the vision for close work, ex- de by any | Electric Home Needs SPRING TIME || cot Jn MAST denrecs of rope: Ja |SESTIinder Gare' ever made by 423 , = | IS FLY TIME "I acute than in a perfect eye. ICE Soward K Coa i OUR COMPETITION Studebaker cars, which 4s a subnject ee open elements, Heaters, Grates, : } Y R T | Astigmatism, anoiner common| s ommon conversation even out- Ps 1 Washing Machines, Vacuum Get your Window |. | awvor, way grat 4 d -- Ask for our special | year + Dy Thomas Young, an|.;tcsted by the yearly record of pro- grade Screens and Screen || our competitor is not necessarily | English scientist. duction and sales, In 1918 Stude- PHONE 155 13 ¥. e can A : be your friend. | It was first corrected by cylind- [poker sold 23.864 cars. The fol- Phone 1307 So a-- i Princess Street. # The Kingston Hydro shop has an | | { distant vision in myopia is blurred, septs the higgest day's shipment of SOO ttntttettntettatet-te. BOTMAl and sometimes even more , The increasing popularity of Moffatt Ranges, protected or ® | error, was first discovered in the ' This year's crop is exceptionall Fl side of the automobile industry, is ptionally Coal K So eeps Soward Doors at | A common mistake is that there is | rica] lenses in 1827 by Professor lowing year sales increased to a total Public Utilities : . {just so much business to be had, and | Airy, an astronomer at Cambridge, sales Hydro Shop MARSHALL'S HARDWARE || "ine rival cuts your irade In half. | England. Volumes could be Nhat 3.256 SN oa Our Motto: Branch Office: 183 PRINCESS ST. ruone 180. [ more a a ory He, 's | to the explanation of astigmatism| 1931, the year of general business PROMPT SERVICE Mc@all's Cigar Store |sood, Mvely competitor, will incre and its complications with pres-|jepreasion, was the biggest in KINGSTON ICE (0., LTD. PHONE 811 i [sour custom or, DCTease | pyopla, hyperopia and myopia. - To Studebaker's history up to 1922. ; : . ¥ wo first-class grocericd in a block ! those not thoroughly familiar with |;1921 sales reached a total of 66'- --tik | { the anatomy of the eye, it would [g43 cars. Stated otherwise, the - HOTEL RANDOLPH ' BELMONT DINING ROOM 552 Better for bath than a monopoly | pe impossible to convey a clear |eales of Studebaker cars fn 1921 Cir. To------ ee \ . | idea'of this condition without an ob- | were 29 per cent. greater than in The Leading Commercial House Saves a Lot of Buying ag Open from 6 a.m. te 12 miduight. Rs e for a young lawyer to ; : . " 0 A. TIERNEY, | J ect lesson, as it were, with differ-|;92(, notwithstanding the fact that Specially adapted to Tourists and Phone 881J. Proprietor y3eng wut ils Shingle an in * town ent lenses, charts of the eyes, etec.!the total mumber of cars sold of all Commercial Travellers. COLLIER'S 8 own where ors os bn Air Of all the refractive errors of the |other makes, except Ford, was.40 Rumaing water in. every room. Dyer "My Valet ~ ones, + and good | oye astigmatism, with its different per cent. less than in 1920. Stude- T. WELCH, Manager. | [| 3:14 Princess Street. Phone : E YOU SEEN 3 "Where the -oarrion. if. there the | complications; requires the most|paker again established a new record \. ; HAV : os are gahered 1 other " and skill and experience in correcting. [in 1922 with the sale of 110,269 josie 20 eagles hover. (here is sitm | All children should have their (cars. This year will see still an- THE NEW | picking ' | eyes examined at the time of en-|other Studebaker record establish . | . tering school, thus preventing years | ed. Up to July 1st, Studebaker book young : 3 1923 by he ares } i Sraduase oa {of suffering, from nervous and|will have produced. and eold Shout ! A kindred disorders which arise from |§0,000 cars, or am increase of § B 1 | forsaken neighborhood where there : n sam M McLAUGHLIN- .:}lare mo: doctors; go Whee Phusion, | Tia. per cent. e¥qr the e period of and Montreal Streets. flourish. " If you are not sure that your eyes | 1922. L A STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTO Queen 484 Hagwe Steeein BUICK? | Competition does not kill trade. It | 27° All Fight, have them properly ex-| "There are a number of reasons | mimEs GASOLINE REPAIR Phone 367. buiMe trade, makes new trade, stini. | Mined by R. Arthey, RO. 143ifor the universal populeriis of| TUBES ons ACCESSORIES " - ' trade. -- r Princess street, phone 2108. Studebaker cars," mccording to L . --> = ENo one can get all the business pos- ------ George Bawden, of Central Garages, \ R. H. TOYE & COMPANY | | PEERLESS HIGH TEST GASO<) #le in any community. His person. | Take Care of Human Machine Limited, local Studebaker dealer, | ~ \ ? WHO ERUIT AND COM- LINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES ||ality attracts some, repels others. | Your automoblle should bs in- ny Cite of Chel quality OR VINEGARS : M1 There's giwa business - . made res Dliributers ATwoob AND DINE. } aaa ays 3 lot of Tor orb hr maith ka oathly | durability. and dependable perfor (| are made from purest ingredients McGinnis & O'Connor MOIR STIS BISCUITS i .. ACES IN VULCAN! | Don't shy from your competitor. | inspection keeps the car in fine con-| MAND BS . eiubtving The Wilson, Lytle, Badgerew Co. Highway Eagineers and Contractors PHONE 487. Phone 502m. 277 Bagot Street. |' Don't assume he's your foo. Get ac- [dition and adds to its life. The ie ih on a large scale end Baget Street. Amite , # |quainted with Mm. You may learn {human machine is the most wonder- by bulldng all vital pares in its own | © 2 | See r A 0 For Pure _) |something. ful of all machines, yo it wears Nr Plage Your Order With vo a't knoak your competitor.Doa't (out, amd If ft 1; nesiscied 1 wil DAL SERIE 5% SS SOL A BION HOTEL)|[ ®mares soars) . 8, encpurage busybodics who bring vou {Wear out much soumer tian If tak-| Lo Con Tl op ide maxi STEWART'S DAIRY ta of him. Be a good sport. Play {en care of properly. While it runs 3 a at aa ta lov BE. K. JOHNSON, PROP.§¥ ~ pa H. HORTON . 689 PRINCESS STREET e geme. Keep good-natured. Mke a clock, as a rule, for *he first TER AND DECORATOR thirty-five or forty years, Father | Price. Corner Montreal and Queen Sts. Phone '1801w. Phone 2198w. Beat your competitor if you can, " Because, in the three models ' tut remember the surast-Way to beat | Time begins to take toll and repairs of 33) cars we have a car [| Kingston. Phone 814. 5 205 ALFRED STREET i debaker Ad 3 A 7 " o ' \ 7 > a -- him is to sell better goods, to use | exact price t fARLINGTON'S yy |] TRY THE NEW ENGLAND LOAF )!fairer methods, and to be more cour- i fg X stan 79 ang °le jr TARLI NEW ENGLAND teous. Sa, human machine after forty, should! "(4) Because with $85,000,000 HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP 0. AYKROYD & SON Don't play the cut-price game with [not abuse it, should mot use it too ¢ nelu jin 46.- on ; i of actual net assets, | 8 $46, CYLINDERS BUILDING CONTRACTORS DELICIOUS BAKERY over : him. Keep your margin of profit fair. {long ata time, and should not 000,000 of plant facilities, Stuae- Ground on a Heald Estimates Gives on New and : 297 COLLINGWOOD STREET Cutting prices is cutting the throat [work it stan rpassed _ Made at 316 PRINCESS STREET, PHONE 618. of success. The best preventive medicine is Daker Riands wnipumed in abuity R. M. CAMPBELL Repair Work. : Next to Opera House Ne---------- It your competitor lies about you, |an osteopathic treatment once & tant 235 Wellington St. Phone 1212). 21 MAIY STREET, PH or uses underhand means to harm week An analysis of the urine amically and_give tho &f I 4 - ONE ty YOu, aver mind, You go on and be [twice a year is another wise mess.) in%ic Yalu pomsible for 4 given |" GEORGE HUNTER TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL : AUTO TaINTING J. Y. Parkhill & Co. ||on the level and look plessant. You [ure. Eat less, worry less, reias price. | Because of the name Stude- J. A. FO : can't fool the people all the time. (more, cultivate the mind as it im-|, 0" oo 00. 71 vears has stood CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Q. K. KRAUSE BAKER PHONE 567. BISTRIAUTORY Straight business wins out in the | proves with age and it will continue ria : tn : for high grade transportation, in- ms and estimates of all kinds . i DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTRR lung run. , to ripen and mature for many years submitted. PERFECT BREAD 1 ges. tegrity 1LDI MES" GOT and QUEEN STREETS PHONES 86 and 112. ; There is business enough for 19, come. fort." yy Tam *FUR BTILAING He FRONT or A L Ep - liboth. Go after it. Inspecting automobiles is all rig ' a---- Phone MSW. 75 Pembroke Street. . INE 1159. . Your competitor will do you a deal | Inspecting human machines Is far| yu, oatest automobile bridge = . ADI : -)jof good. He will make you energetic, | better. It will pay you to See YOUr |: ipo works tn point of mass otf BAKER'S DAIRY . 442 MONTREAL STREET OUR ADM 1S SERVICE care - : Pasteurized Jobbing Work a Specialty Kingston, Portsmouth and Milk and Cream i. - Gataraqui Electric R. R. 58 VICTORIA STREET illiam Holder = LJ 136 NELSON STREET PHONES 127 and 1860. ] 473 Primm Se Phone, RT LT ne [A Ee BT | RARE SRE | Do inion Textil Cis 'MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" MONTREAL --TORONTO-- WINNIPEG o