x = -- i they should receive ail possible con sideration for the work done at the College and be placed to the best ad- vantage in the University undergrad- uate body, yet it feels that the stan- port on the Royal Military | dard and value of the University de- ; gree must be maintained. It makes Collese Course. bold to suggest to the college authori- i ---- . { 7 ties the wisdom of adhering closely fCioniitar =, the oy Blversilics to those subjects distinctly allied to f military science. | the report of Dean Adams on grad.| TDS conclusions of the committee | [ aate work Bu t 1 the necessity | 2™® that cadet graduates and under- » : ring skres ration amongst | ST2duates who have completed more 170, (lil eu Te e than two years of the regular four JBtenreds the larger Canadian Universities. | = 4 \ Only first class men and first class | Tir SOude can only be admitted to KINGSTON'S. FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE work should be si x be determined from time to time and | . Fa . Grisdale, Otta 2 hy ga Da BA a depending upon the standing pre-! . Phones 754-755 Store Hours 9.9.30. sented and upon the department the but more particularly on. rn ch applicant wished to enter. Graduates Work in agriculture. By so doing he| exceptionally good standing sald, "our agricultural digtricts might be admitted to the fourth year val ye greatly aided in scientific in civil engineering or to the third Dr G risdale' gave a very fine year in the other branches of en- : gineering. . f the Jager wuld Suumerated call-| The principle which will underlie pivblems of Mv loultury experts of | the credit granted to the cadet will 3 : be that he will receive all possible . i out the : hie: Sie. {He_poluted are be-| credit for the work done at the col- lege. 1 uffered at present, and the cor- : . ' i responding seins. which would re.| Th Committee recommends that This store will be alert and fully prepared to assist _| the conference approve of this ptin- - . . "ia lems. Dr. Gridsale's paper was much | 121%, and (hat it appoints a commit- the busy shopper to fill the entire list of needs at the mini- tee of three--one each from Toronto, appreciated by members of the con- . y er who y most anxious to| Queen's and McGill, whose duty it mum cost. toward is tu. a tas Yon Wily The report on research, by Presi- e Roya 2 Topo ¥ Military College authorities with a TO-MORROW, SUNDAY JUNE 17th, [Fert aches of pmo, wees Sirs Cte suri' wity the importance of concentration of | : IS FATHER'S DAY all agencies for prosecution of be granted the cadet graduate and scientific research, in behalf of the | [°F the Purpose of advising with the i industries, but urged that insofar as Royal Military College as to measures | 'univeresities devoted themselves to en if necessary in order to J ] the training of specidlists in re- rn drgatel credit than at present. , : search, they should, during train- Mittee further recommends ; ing period, use problems during Te- | that the present Royal Military Col- | © FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY N will begru dge Da d a day of his rian the adente sna shou = lege committee be continued. { La dies' Silk Stockings : 0 one er to a later period in students - i ASEBAL 69c pr. , oesn' career a thorough going prosecus own, but, of course, he'll tell you he d nt tion of the problems of industrial re- : \ AZ want anything--but, secretly, he will be a search. SC = COLORS: -- bit dissa; . ted if "Lis Da " comes President Tory, Alberta, spoke on ORES A Ladies' Ste, re oamel. ad Wee bn Sappomte littl k 2 the very imteresting and valuable fe ' toes, deep garter top, no Imperfecticrr Si ¥ and goes without some little token o appr project for carrying general cultural Ihvaacional League, zes 81% to 10. soe instruction abroad from Universities ciation. Baltimore 10; Toronto 0. throughout the whole province ' of Rochester 3, Newark 1. We show always a wealth of beautiful Alhonts. He StTe 2 Setallod_ deh poping or: Bute 3. DROP STITCH VENUS Neckwear in English Hand Loom Knits and |] tension work. +o" =>" Sysecuse 5 Jersey Cay 1. SILK HOSE SILK HOSE SILK HOSE . . : + Dean Skelton of Queen's, em. . imported Swiss, French and Italian Silks. Dea Shelten 38 Sweeny, ou National 1,ague. Colors: Brown, Black, wiore: Navy. Sand, Gr po ph he uecessity | Brooklyn 9, Chicago 7 Colors: Grey. B Colors y, Sand, Grey, greater facilities in the various Un- : £0 7. plain and rib garter tops. ors: Grey, Brown, | grown, White, Black, Beige. St. Louis 5, Boston 3. Black, widened tops, nice 8% to 10. This Silk Stock- oo 50-- iversities for ecution of train- r Guaranteed to fit well, --$1. up $2. Be a ecu Cincinnati 3, New York 0. took 'well - Eis fine quality Silk, rein. | Ing is generally known to be : "| forced, toes, heels and | °%€ Of the most popular and Dr. Seccombe, of the Dental Col- Ameri - / Made in Canada. satisfactory in the whol COME TO-NIGHT ! lege, Toronto, reported ou the pre-| noo vo TOE. lswguc. All sizes. | soles.~ Sizes 83% to 10. | market | le A sent state of dental education, and level - = ° » ) what standing a student required Doveiand A a hiiadetphia 1, $ c $ for entrance. Washingto ) i 1 ston Ss Friday evening at the dinner at| WOShINGtoD 8, Chicago s. the Cataraquf Golf and Country Club » : ® 8 ° » " the toast, "The Dominion of Can-|, / 75-79 -BROCK STREET pda" proposed by Dean Fox (West. NEWS. -- {ern University) was responded to by . "" Y i niv If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk. Shue Chrtior (University ot Mon | Brief Items of Interest Picked ronto, and the toast "The Universit- Up by the Whig Re- ; ies of Canada" was proposed by Pre- porters. x7 + |sident Maclean, Manitoba, and res- \ 10 Bo bonded to hy President Mackenzie, Canadian grown strawberries, cu- zen 'tith Columbia. Queen's, dent; Sir Arthur Our » ; q Presiden E. L. O'Rielly bas concluded his SHORT AND THREE-QUARTER rie, McGH!, vice president; Dean . Ling, Saskatchewan, secretary-trea- |°°UT®e at Osgoode Hall and come 35¢c. Pair LENGTH surer. Others of the executive are: : «+ . Canadian Strawberries. First of Color: Black only. 40 to 69 . Nolin, 7 C. TO C. ir Dr. Nolin, University of Montreal the . a ea ® : pa Combination, colors, solid colors, : Ca el : . he W. J. Hattie, Dalhousie Calvy day morning at ys. Mark -- Service ¢ + KE. Jones, after twenty-seven ' cuff tops, plain ribbed tops, clocked -- Quality Larger years employed at Ontario Park is P RINCESS HOSE a wide variety of colors. fo through with honors. ; ;Dalhousie and President Klint, Bri- cumbes. toMlaes, olc.. Catnoveky's BLACK LISLE HOSE . ' | The officers olected for the coming - Swaine, piano uner. Orders 8% to 10. Reg i : received at 100 Cle . west 0 egular value 50c. ERSON (Gusens, at: Sir Avehur Bor: | "Phone Seew, -y - TO-NIGHT en S § About Royal Military College Retail Market Phones .. Business Office 363. retiring on account of illness. FOR GIRLS : The following is the report of the Mrs. C. G le, William at . " Wholesale rtment 1767. i . : ; . eommittee appointed to consider the left on Monday ni sit tor - Owes, 39¢. to 50c. » & request of the Royal Military Col- a 8 Royal Sound, Where she intends spending | . Col Black: B c it rg | tWO weeks. She will also go to Ham- olors: Black, Brown, White. The Committee met at Queen's fiton to visit her daughter, Mrs. R. Sizes: 53% to 10. > - University: Thu y, June 14th. WE DON'T WANT ALL THE BUSI |Eutvaraity- on. Twuspday Joie 1. Bplesr, and~10-Blncoe. to Lov A, very fine Ribbed Cotton Stocking NESS, BUT WE WANT YOURS coner of Toronto University, Princi- | 48ughter, Mrs. John Wilson. for 'Girls--elastic rib--will wear "well GLOVES . > re 7 Dean -------------------- and fit neatly. pal Bruce Taylor, Queen's, Fox, Western, Dr. Nolin, Montreal, 1293 0e 000s, see . . : h : Professor Dawson, Royal Miltary Choice Breakfast Bacon [fms zs S552 2 amon wen ' Macnaughton, C.M.G., D.S.0., Gen- : ROB DRUG STORE eral staff Militia Headquarters, Ot- : 9 ¢ Toronto, June 16.-- Armed "A streak.of fat and a streak of lean Jaya, and Sir Arour Gumis, Oo [8 Babar oie Ho Wills, 'with lots of goodness in between." spe- . The Royal Military College author. |® ¢lerk in Tambyln's drug store, cial supply for hE machine "nm es Sak the Univration of Ontmda EE of $47. upply » $ { . la cunmider Whe Pusibiilty Of BRAty 4 ol A ah Just the right thickness ........Lb. 32c. od SUN. hon Ter $ sedan satomoblle. t lence; Civil ments of EE Cagtneen. [$9999 000000 6000040 h of grant- : Ing. Jention was ir Garden produce is sald to grow = ' ; Ang the same credit the depart- | x \ ments of clectrical engincering snd |More quickly by moonlight than by oy x es chemical engincering, 'but this was the light of the sun. ! ; not pressed. " ; . The Royal Military College base DAILY MEMORANDUM Made from carefully selected Pork trim- Iiiseir reuse vecsuse of the follow. | _ French Canadian, Moonlight Excur- 3 . : { i : hy . 1 a ming, seasoned to a nicety. A real treat - aie To ---- | for Sunday morning breakfast. . . . Lb. 22¢. jfrom three years to four years... 1 OF) AE IES : £1 ; , . BOYS' LEATHER- EN irs KNIT HOSE : Colors: Mastic, Grey, Navy, White, Size: : Black--12 and 16 Button length---rein- ize: 5% to 10%. forced finger points--heavy quality Silk 39c. to 50c. pair --pertect-fitting--really good value. Black only, in a heavy Cotton Stock- $ I 2) 5 pair, $2.00 pair ing for Boys--reinforced where - the hardest wear comes. SLIPS 94 000900 ~ FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 17th DON'T FORGET DAD 2. The military curriculum has \been revised 'increasing the propor- tiopate nupber of hours given to civil subjoets. ; : : | ° = _® 8. Greatly increased laboratory e Biscuits facilitics 'are now available at Royal » : hs . : 7 Milltary College. These are | n che- . : : = is & Muical laboratory, mn e , ase} '0 Five different kinds--one of the finest |] room. and draaghting rooms var. | : . $2.25, ha oi i . ¥ ' x icularly, : ) - - - : ses ses sive nannae "ers ansas assortments you could find. 5: ; a lengthoned course and thea| = dertakers: 1 § MEN'S BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS --Penman's make, $1.75 garment SPECIAL TONIGHT .........18¢, Ib. |firsed cerricstum pormi ot « great «| MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS --Peaman's make. - $1.75, $2.00 a sis 'er degres of specielization Sa erat § 4 cularly in the ur year. RON P 47 fe bulance 1 sasnsa adinreas serves 900, garment. Sunt to the gradusts cadet twol. wn : © MEN'S ATHLETIC COMBINATIONS-- : | MEN'S NECK TIES--Wide assortment to select from . . . ..75¢. and $1.00 MEN'S SILK SOCKS----Colors: Grey, Brows, Purple, Black--78¢. to $1.50 MEN'S AND WOOL SOCKS--Mixtares of Brown and White, Brown and ine: Tach ot Waser © ixtares of I vai. "vi. T8c. pair i