TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1923. DAILY I PMH WHIGC There's time in the package Time to do the many things ordinarily put off on wash-day. For Rinso does not keep you standing over the wash-tub, rubbing until your back aches and your hands are red and sore. Rinso, an entirely different kind of soap, soaks clothes clean. Rubbing and boiling are unnecessary. The big soapy Rinso suds gently loosen the most ground-in dirt without weakening a single thread. Buy a package today. On sale at all good grocers and department stores. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Hotpoint Electrical Appliances us for your HOTPOINT ELECTRIC GOODS--HEATEKS, IRONS, TOASTERS or anything you may need. DISTRIBUTOR 'FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS BURKE ELECTRIC CO. 72 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 423. No, He Is Not T An Evil Spirit from Purgatory or a mad auto racer by torchilght, but one of our ex- perts working on an important weld- ing job. Welding is hard on the eyes and nerves of our men, but you don't pay for that. We charge you only for results that save you money. "Bishop Machine Shep KING AND QUEEN STREETS mn READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS ! Know Where To Shop ARE YOU porxg DUTY BY YOUR ; Do KNOW THAT ONE CHIL) Ju EVERY FIVE SUFFERS pron MALNUTRITION? IS YOUR CHILD PALE, _LISTLESS, NERVOUS, NO APPETITE, Frey aa "A Face of Porcelain and a Heart of St Ware tre cose of pouty = ! [cessful in getting large catches LAID THE CORNER STONE o RNC. MEMORIAL ARCH Lord Byng of Vimy Officiated | at Imposing Ceremony Monday Afternoon. With ideal weather favoring the | cccasion and with a large crowd of | spectators in attendance, His Excel- lency the Right Honorable Lord Byng | lot Vimy, G.CB, G.CMG, M.V.O. | governor-general of Canada, laid the | corner stone for the memorial arch | at the Royal Military College, short- | ly before 3 o'clock on Munday after- { noon, The cadets paraded in honor of the event and forméd up dn front of a | smadl stand which had been erected | for the ceremony. Brigadfer-General C. J. Armstrong, C.B., C.M.G., chairman of the mcmor- id! arch committee of the Royai Mili- tary College, made a short address and then présented Lord Byng with a silver trowel, with which to lay the toundation stone. General Armstrong stated thst tha arch was being erected by ex-cadéts of the collage to the glorious memory of the ex-cadets of the Royal Military College, who gave their lives.ty the empire in the great war and other wars. The arch would form a fitting memorial to the gallant work of the men who had attended the college. Rev. J. 8. LaFlair, pastor of the First Baptist church, and president of the Kingston Ministerial Association, offered prayer, after which Capt. the Rev. Father Nicholson. M.C., repre- 'JUMP, DAD. JUMP. WERE ALL READ) I re senting His Grace the Ar-hbishop of Kingston, delivered a short address. He raid a warm tribute t- the cadets of the college who had taken part in the great war and made the supreme sucTifco. These men had falthtully upheld the motto of the old college, "truth, duty and valor," and had brought honor to thc land of their birth. Bi:hop Bidwell covducted the de- dira'ic2 service and wronounced the Laser ~tion, after which Lord Byng laid t%e foundat 1 stone, and the proceedings weie brought to a close. From Whig Fyles OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. June 26th, 1918. R. R, Sreighton, chief accountant | {in the department of justice, Ottawa, | | appointed temporary warden at the | {Penitentiary, in the absence of War- {den Irvine Rev. G. L. Starr inducted as rector i |of St. George's cathedral. | | The picnic season is ushered in | | with the annual event of Cooke's church, | | 'The city council passed a number of | important by-laws including one for | the strict regulation of traffic on the | Streets. | June 26th, 1908. | Cadet Douglas Plumb, R.M.C., is | drowned on fishing trip on Labrador coast. | R. J. McDcwall and Thomas King | leave for Brantford as delegates to | . the Sons of Scotland Convention. } A deputation from the Kingston | fair asks the city council for a guar- i antee against loss. ¥ The annual closing exercises of the i | Convent de Notre Dame is held, with | | Archbishop Gauthier in attendance. | Some (Quod Catches of M sh. Chaftey's Locks, June 23.--Mrs. | W. W. Whipple has returned trém | Pittsburg, Pa., where ehe spent the | past few months visiting her son, | H. O. Whipple. Mr. and Mrs. ¥. J. | Heim, Youngstown, arrived yester-| day to spent the summer in their | cottage here. . Dr. and Mre, Ether: | ington returned after a trip to Mon-! treal and Quebec. D. A. Moore | spent a couple of weeks with his! mother in Regina, Sask. P. H. Wright and W. H. Flem- | ing have purchased new automobiles. | Charles Burton, Detroit, Mioh., is) spending a few days at J. W. Sim- | mon's. V. Berlin and J. H. Kirk-| land, Wilson, N.Y, are at J. K.| Regan's. Many of the guests have been sue- of good sized fish. Capt. Hass, Alexan- dria Bay, N.Y. with steam yacht! Shamrock with a party, are spending this week here. Dr. L. F. Chamber- lain, spent a few devs of last week with Hon. William Harty, Kingston. appentngs. Harrowsmith, June 21.---a num- ber from here went to Ottawa today on the excursion train. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pixley and little son, Whitby, are spénding their holidays at Ed- Odessa mund Pixley's. WwW. E. Pixley has Odessa, June 25. -- Miss White returned to Ottawa after spending [and Mrs. Huggard arranged a picnic his holidays with his parents here. for their pupils last Tuesday. Two The men of the neighborhood attend-| day racks wore used to- convey them ed a "bee" at the farm of T. Kerr, [to Dam i's grove, on Mondly. Mr. Kerr is new barn. Miss Ada Bot has been spending her ho A SUCCESSFUL. PIONIC Was That Held By The Pupils of i hil omar sited relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and family, Par. rat's Bay, spent Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith. Mrs. James Mullen, Nebraska, is the gnest of her sister, Mrs. James McConnell. Mrs. ; spent a few days gue of Mr. and Mrs. George Watts. Mrs. Rose and daughter, Miss Frankie Rose, are visiting friends in Toronto. Charles Watts, who has been sponding the past week chester, N. Y., last Friday. accompanisd by his brother, Watts, who has also been visi TE BANK OF MONTREAL numbers among the customers of its Savings Department thousands of men and in every part of Canada. Safety has been a watchword and conservative management a principle with the Bank for more than a hun- dred years. The entire resources of the Bank are behind each Branch. Your Account, wo matter how small, . will be welcome. women ' King and Clarence Streets: BRANCHES IN KINGSTON . P. DU MOULIN, Manager Brock and Wellington Streets: H. A. TOFIELD, Manager _ Ontario Street: R. Manager 'BANK OF MONTREAL Total Assets in Excess of $650,000,000.00 211 Gas Ranges and Plates, McClary's Sunshine Furnaces Installing receives our careful, personal attention. GRAVES BROS. | y Tinsmithing, Hot Air Heating, House Furnishing. PRINCESS STREET HH ied 18 PHONE 382. - -- FARMERS, ATTENTION! Now is the time to get your Binder Twine, Hay Fork Rope, Mower Sections, Knives, all machinery repairs, Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Fly Oil, etc. We have a large stock on hand at very low prices. Call and see us or drop us a line. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET : charge of Er of the mind Is the only [Ing one h } *