oe THE DAILY BPITI/ INS COMMISSION COULD NOT EARLY CLOSING OF STORES COME 10 ARRANGEMENT Discussed by the Retall Merch- ants' Association--To Cir- | With Isaac Cohen Over Bulld- culate a Petition. Ing Which Encroaches on IG ------ a -- EVERYMAN'S| | = LIBRARY | | "WT | oooelts mom Association met in the Board of | yesterday atfernoon tried to come Trade rooms on Monday for the pur- pose of discussing a proposal for |to an agreement with Isaac Cohen | with regard to the use of a portion GANANOQUE June 26.--The students of Low-| ville, N.Y, Academy hon Gan- | anoque with a visit yesterday while | cn an excursion to the Thousand | Isies. They were at the Interaa-| tional for dinner, and made the | streets gay with their presence for | a couple of hours. In the evening: they were entertained by the stu- | dents of Alexandria Bay Academy, | early closing of shops during July Shipment in leather binding and August. No decision was reach- choose from. just received from England. Two hundred and fifty titles to | tenant y/o his buflding in rear of Ontario | Street between Queen | streets, but failed. It appears that | the commission agreed to provide the | - the hotel p ty it ing at § p.m. daily In July and Aug of and . Bay ed as all Mnes of business were not fully represemted, but a committee was appointed for the purpose of cir- culating a petitfon in favor of clos- 'ust, and if a sufficient number sign a dance being part of the program- ( me. A band accompanied them. i The first excursion of the season! to Alexandria Bay, last evening; drew a large crowd. i Miss Pergau, Lyn, began her! | bought at the corner of Queen and | Ontario streets with a hayloft in view {of it being necessary to tear down | an old barn in rear of the hotel build- {ing. If the commission erected a | 6tructure where proposed, it would shut out the light from the rear of | Mr. Cohen's Monarch battery build- ing, and when the matter was | broached, Mr, Cohen informed mem- bers of the commission that his 1t the stores will close at that time. The lines of business to be affect- ed are drygoods, ladies' ware, millin- ery, five and ten-cemt stores, shoe shops, jewellers and clothing stores. The association feels that the early closing would be a great boon to the staffs of clerks during the hot weather, and only the co-operating of | °2 Saturday last against Davis Tan- the public is necessary to make early jRery merited space in the sporting closing a success in every way. A |columns of the Toronto Gloge. De- business would be injured. Com-|little forethought on the part of |laney fanned twenty-one, | missioners Nickle and Burns looked householders in the city and the rural | Mrs. M. Stack, Brockville, who {over the situation and found wear |distriets is necessary, and if they will | Visiter her mother here aver the | | Mr. Cohen's bullding encroached plan their buying and go to town dur- | week-end, went on to Ottawa Sat-| several inohes on utilities land, and ling the forenoon or early after din- |urday to spend a few days. | [it was "suggested that there be a ner, there need be no embarrassment | Miss Mary Laque is visiting friends | reciprocal arrangement, whereby the or inconvenience to anyone. The in Ottawa and Pakenham. | commission would get tne use of a merchants who are anxious to adopt Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow Ogden, who | | portion of Mr. Cohen's storehouse the early closing hour feel that when spent the winter in New Jersey, are | above referred to, thus making it un- [their customers realize what it means here for the season at their lovely) | necessary to erect a stable. Mr. [to the clerks and others in thefr em- summer home. | | Cohen, however, asked a rental of ployment, they will endeavor to make | Captain Newbold C. Jones, : who | | ten dollars a month, which the com-|thelr purchases early in the day. By has been at his summer home on] missioners refused to consider. They planning a little in advance, all wil! {Howe Island for the past couple of | intimated that they would have a be able to obtain the best of service. | weeks, returned to Toronto on Sat-| survey made of the property and the| There is a difficulty presented by | urday. | people's rights protected against the the difference in time, between the | Dr. Calhoun and iF. Riley, Brook- | encroachment. The conference yes-|City and the country. Five o'clock in lyn, N. Y., are the guests of Mr, and | terday afternoon yielded no satis-|the city means 4 o'clock in the coun- | are M. J. Lee. factory result, Mr. Cohen insisting |!rY. and customers there will have to | Misses Helen Case, Marie Little- {that the commission should pay a|keep this fact in mind. john and Frank Brown of the Normal | {portion of the cost of overhead W. Y. Mills, of the firm of George school, Ottawa, are home for the] {charges on his building. To offset {Mills and Co., and president of the { holidews. | | this, Mr. Burns, said that the com-|[etail Merchamts' Association, Wii | cS Lee was In town over the | { mission would charge Mr. Cohen tne |™ake an announcement as soon 28 |v oon-end Jj Ria amount or his encroachment. |the committee reports the results cf . | | Wednesday morning is an impor- yg a, Soptuy oui im in for The. petition, {tant date for the youth of Gananoque | ering to the comm on the use of | | and vicinity who have designs on| | part of his building as a stable, he space in the high school for the! | was sacrificing g something, for he PRODUCE MARKETS. $1.00 PER VOLUME R. Uglow & Co. WHEN READING IS DIFFICULT Or impossible and you are middle-aged or more, it means Leather that your eyes have lost some of their focusing power. This Hand ' 1s a natural condition and noth- ||! @ Glasses restore this lost power and prevent the eyes being strained and injured. service We are showing a beauti- Tey ou ful range of fine English $ < | Hand Bags in the newest | shapes and colors. Priced duties yesterday on the staff of the! Bell Telephone Company. | The Orphans lost their first game | on Sunday when they went down to defeat by the "Krazy Kids" of Wat-/ ertown. The score was 8 to 1. Edward Delaney's good pitching Dressy White Canvas Straps, cov- ered heels. Pure White Nubuck Straps and Oxfords--some plain, others with lots of fancy trimmings. AT ALL PRICES Abernethy's Shoe Store | | ! i English Registered Optometrist | 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. | ' | | i | next term. The entrance pupils will | | . { would have to move some of his mat- | ¢ a | write their first examination af} Kinnear & d'Esterre | erials, which he stored for sale to | nine o'clock that morning. Bl {another place. His offer, he thought { {even At~ten dollars a month was | | fair, although he did not say that he would insist upon that amount. | The commission arranged for the | lawing of a tile floor in the main of- fices of the new accounting office to be built on Queen street. The mat- erial is to be supplied by the Fron- tenac Floor and Wall Tile Company of Kingston. Architect William Newlands was present with regard to the tenders for the new building. It was decided that the commission should have a special meeting on the afternoon of July 3rd to award the contracts, ' Tenders were opened for a car- load of pipe and the contract was awarded to the Gartshore-Thomp- son Company, Hamilton at $68.80 a ton. Toronto. June 26. -- Steers $8 to $8.76. Cattle $7.50 to $7.75. Lambs, $15 to $15.50. Grain: Manitoba wheat Ng. 1 northern, new $1.243% cif bay ports. Manitoba oats: No. 2 C.W. 55% No. 8 C.W. 52%e. No. 1 feed, §1%ec. Ontario wheat: No. 2 winter, $1.21 to $1.23, t.0.b. Oats, Ontario No. 2 white 50¢ to 5le. Hay: No. 2 track, Toronto. $15 per ton. No. 8, $13 to $14. Hay, mixed, $12.60 to $13.50. Lower grades, $8.- Hens, 23¢ to 25e¢. Chickens, 35 to 45c. Turkeys, 20 to 26c. Dairy and produce: Wholesale to retalll trade: Bggs: Cartons, 35¢. Eggs, new laid, 29 to 30c. New laid, delivered, Toronto, 20 to 21ec. Butter to retadl trade: Creamery, extra fancy, 35 to 36c. Creamery, No. 1, 34 to 35c¢. Creamery No. 2, 33 to 34c. Dairy, 28 to 30c. Delivered: Creamery, extra fancy, 30 %e. Sallids, No. 1, 29% to 30c. Bods No. 2, 29 to 29%ec. Dairy prints, 21 to 22. large per pound, new, 19 Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Drs. Nash & Renton REMOVAL NTE Removed to 07 150 WELLINGTON ST. Fur Coats relined. L. WINSTON, Ladies' DEN TI 'S Ts Tallor. 'Phone 998. | 193 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Simply because they get their just OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 p.m. deserts many men think they are Evenings by appointment. Dr. Waugh DENTIST | 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. -- Rev. Dr. Lanceley Married On Saturday the marriage took {place of Rev. Dr. E. B. Lanceley. To- (ronto, formerly pastor of Sydenham Street Methodist church, Kingston, to Mrs. Esther E. Ogden, Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dir. Chown, general superintendent of the Methodist Church of Canada, in the | ptesence of only immediate relatives Dr. Lanceley's ministry has coverod a wide area in the province, chiefly in London, Hamilton and Toronto. At present he is president of the Toron- to General Ministerial Association. THIS THREE PIECE Chesterfield Set and Parlor Lamp to match, as shown in our window, only --$225.00-- JAMES REID LEADING UNDERTAKER. persecuted. An ounce of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow. Another Real Bargain Heavily Plated Silver Casseroles and Pie Plate Frames With Real Pyrex Linings. No. 922--8 inch Round Casserole, complete. Regular $6.50 won oc cone + coven Bale Price $5.25 No..928--7 tach: Round Casserole, compl Regular Sa 00 men core veces R.M.C. "Guide." . Do pot fall to secure a copy of the splendid illustrated booklet de- scriptive of the Royal Military Col- lege, with a gage devoted to the Memorial Arch, the corner stone of which was laid by the Governor- General this Monday. 25c per copy, at Uglow's, McGall's Cigar Store, Baker's Tobacco Store, and Whig Office. Found Horse Shot. Arther Joyce, Tin Cap, who on Wednesday last, lost two horses which were stolen from the stable of W. Jerome by parties unknown, re ported at Brockville police head- quarters that he had found the two animals both shot to death in what is known as "Davis' Island," in a swamp about three miles from where they were stolen. Provincial Officer S. R. Marshall is at work on the case. Making Road Grants The Lennox and Addington comn- cil has provided the following spe- cial grants on road accounts: Am- herst Island, $3,346.78; Napanee $3,395.83; Bath, $824.24; Newburgh, $859.19; Kaladar, A. & E,, $661.34; Denbigh, A. and A., $5670.18. A by-law providing for expediture on county roads of $52,642.98 for con- struction end $35,045.33 for main- tenance was also passed. Kingston the Cool City 5 London topped the dist on Sunday with a maximum of 98, Toronto coming second with 96. ln the east the temperature was not so bad, Ot- of Children's eyes. tawa getting oft with a hixh tem- y . rature of 83, and Kirgston with THEY, 7 R. AR » RO. JUNIORS-Little VISION SPECIALIST pa The management of the Canadian Caught in Belt, Is Killed 143 PRINCESS a t to| National Rallway has placed a| Nicholas Solvadore, an employee of 2108. ¥ i watchman on the dangerous cross [McLachin Brothers, was caught in ' sta, then oe -- aint i | Ing at Collin's Bay wheres the road [a revolving beit in the mill at Arn- ROBERTSON'S Limited THOMAS COPLE 30 to No. 934--8 inch Oval Casserole, complete. Regular $6.50 wou svc... LL, Sale Price $5.25 No. 926--10 inch Pie Plate, complete. . Beguar 35.00 ............... Sale Price $4.00 No. 929--8 inch Pls Plate, complete. Regular $4.50 ..... Neo. 718--Round Casserole, complete, Regular $5.50 + smemeamen-Sale Price $3.75 No. 736--Pie Plats, complete, Regular $5.50 wecee seen «como... Bale Price $8.75 These make very acceptable gifts, or it 1s an oppor tunity to get one for yourself at a real saving. to 20e. RAILWAY WATCHMAN IS AT COLLIN'S BAY While Road Diversion Is Un- diversion is under construction. The prior on Saturdey and ly kil- new watchman reported for duty led. He leaves a wife and five chil- on Tuesday morning. dren. It is stated that a number of peo- ple have nearly met death at this crossing during the time that the construction work has been under- way. The noise of steam drills and the small engine used in drawing the filing-in meterial makes it imposs- fble for a person to hear an ap- proaching train. It is stated that i The dead are entitled vo our re- membrance--the living to our care and consideration. The man who hates the laughter | and joyousness of childhood bates himself, See ua for all kinds of Om work. Estimates gives on sow laid. Have your hardwood floors ed with our mew floor chine. fir § 1 i i Women's Patent Strap Slippers, Co- lonial Tongue with Grey Buck trim- ming and heel quarter--the latest style in combination footwear. Price $5.00. Pair lll E § § | { i> § ; il jz! § § 4 if i i ¢ 5 i £ i i f ry AR CIGAR CO. LIMITED OBACCO i 1 i 1 CONTROLLED & OPERATED BY IMPERIAL T , ---- i i J CO. OF CANADA LIM! HT: i | Ji i