THE DAILY BRITiSaz _WHIG ; TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1928, - = UD - ------ -- ! ; wo! 0] ashore Brockville Narrows, May J -------------------- ---- 19th, 1917. {| + Tug. Magnolia, light ashore Rock {Island light, May 15th, 1917. SS. Howard W., light ashore Rock ) oe sland Light, Sept. 4th, 1817. ! Viking, grain cargo ashore : J : IN | Pr ockville Narrows, Oct, 25th. 1917. a Zo: " | 8S. Richard W., light ashore be- . low Carleton Island, Oct. 14th, 1917. Au Hf | $8. Westerian, light ashore above | il | Rock Island Light, May 29th, 1918. 3 SS. Warmington, coal cargo, sunk Hill | above Sister Island Light, June 28th. {1918. 6" 1 SS wolf?! | 5 mate, ot cre, sare Or Should your linen supply need replenishing let us ad. e mn d d y e Ih i |.55. Dethyubise, Goal cargo, shops | vise you that prices are now at their best. Listed below are Sandsucker, light sunk, below a few of our attractive lines. Quality and satisfaction Brockville Narrows, Nov. 25th, 1913. 1 ! | SS. Stuart W., coal cargo, ashore guaranteed. 1Seow Shoal, Nov. 12th, 1918. { SS. Compton, light ashore above : | Brockville Narrows, Nov. 25th, 1918. . ny SS. Howard W., ashore below Cape . ' 1 Vincent, May 5th, 1919. 3 SS. Sarnor, grain cargo, ashore Ill | above Pt. Vivian, North Side, June {4th, 1919, SS. Jovland & Cargo, grain cargo, ashore Garden Island, Oct. 11th, > 1920. SS. Beaverton, grain cargo, ashors ll | Sister Island Light, Aug. 14th, 1921. SS. John 8S. Thom, coal cargo, SETS ashore Carleton Island, Nov,. 13th, PURE LINEN HUCK 1621 : ¥ Birse Gootee Davie. grein dace. CLOTH AND NAPKINS TOWELS ~ o 0 se !sunk below Thousand Island Park. Attractive for your table. All Hemmed and well maae.y The Semi-Annual Disposal of Livingston Standard [str Toiler, grain cargo, ashore linen. Well made. All sizes. ! foot of Wolfe Island. SS. Pennington, general cargo, 50c each ; ashore Brfkville Narrows. ) u ea y O=weayry SS. Columtia, eal cargo, ashore ° Brockville Narrows. Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels. SS. Columbia, coal cargo, ashore Good value Brockville Narrows. ® | SS. Haskell, general cargo, ashore ROLLER 50 B kville Narrows. C eacC oO ng "Ss. Lambert, light ashore above TOWELLING lc ross Over Light. Pure Linen. 17 inches wide. 5 Su. HO, coal cargo, sunk COLORED BORDER Men's and Boys', which has for years taken rank as THE sale | a es grain cargo, 20c : yard LINEN |ashore near Cross Over Light. event of the year. Our doors swing open on some of the great- | str. Brittanic. frielght and pas- HUCK TOWELS | sanger, as ac , Something new and attractive. Fast jranger, ashole Jakks Straw. Light Better qualities priced accordingly. colors: Rose, Gold and Blue. est saving opportunities we've ever presented. To the man who | Str. Belleville. freight and passen- . Se he | ger, ashore below Jack Straw Ligat. knows--enough said! " CROCHET BED $ h £03 SPREADS 1.00 eac Store Open Week Days Till 5.30 p.m. Saturday 10 p.m. A Large site 24599, LINEN TOWELS re fen $3.00 up 85c each 9 N | George Deane, a life-long resident il | of Kingston, and a former employee . No 0 of the city corporation, passed away Single bed size in the Hotel Dieu Hospital on Mon- Approval Exchange day, after an illness of many months. NAPKINS ' The deceased was injured about two . up An assortment of broken stock years ago, when a section of a drain, Napkins--all linen. Various pat- AGENTS FOR JAEGER GOODS Ill [in which he was working, collapsed, terns. 7 {ill | the debris inflicting internal injuries {ill | Since that time Mr. Deane had never been in good health. He leaves a 4 SEERSUCKER $4.50 up @]| wife and one son to mourn his loss. SPREADS rr ------------ a 1 ---------------------------- . DANGER OF RIVER The Entrance Results. No ironing required. Full MADERIA The results of the high school en- size 76x90 A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT trance examinations for Kingston 9 FOR LARGE VESSELS SHOWN have not yet been determined. After DOYLIES i the board of examiners' here has : y he -- passed upon them, the lists have to » By the Number That Have Been | be sent to Toronto for approval. In- ie %°s Either Stranded or spector Stuart thinks the result will Rs not be ready for publication until Sunk. after the 20th inst. TABLE CLOTHS r Market Service 3. M. Campbell, John Donnelly and | A message received By relatives of fue quality Linen. ----- € Mayor Angrowe composed the King- |in Brockville, announced the death, . . ~ Slon delegation which appeared. be- in an automobile accident, in Chie- : "ENTRES AND Retail Market Phones 458-459. Business Office 365. fore the Dominion Marine Assocla- ¥ James Ross : Wholesale Department 1767. tion executive at Montreal on Mon. | "80: Of James 5%, JUulper son v . RUNNERS the late William Ross-and hs. d ay and advanced the claims of this | = "© Row's Corners and Brook. .$2.75 city as the grain terminal at the foot | © 2 NAPKINS TO MATCH *s.d ] of lake Ontario. The marine execu- jo le. - aie 3.50 3 tive, to whom the Dominion xovern- | Miss Nellie Marsh, daughter of Same quality and finish 4.5 i] 2 { ment "had referred the, matter of | MI. ano Mrs. Alexander Marsh and : LR I 50 3 3 | choosing a terminal, was unanimous | John McDiarmid, a locomotive fire- . xa for Kingston in.view.of its advaats- [man in the C.N.R. seryice, . ere OZ : re ° ges and the dangerous route through married on Saturday in Brockville. MANY OTHER LINES to choose . . ° * 'Wednesday, July 11th, from 7-1 O'clock' the Thousand Islands to Prescott for Senior City, Hussars and Athletics, from. Your inspection is invited. large steamers. tomorrow night. ; The following are some of the ves- : o sels stranded or sunk between King- DAILY MEMORANDUM {Ston and Prescott from Sept. 5th, a ohular meeting ot Lodge 54, TA. of . : 3 {1907, to the end of season, 1921 at Labor hall to-night, . ' ber G Choice Steer Beef for this great Mid « showing the great danger of the abe r Gara Prey Wedhenany Week Sale Thousand Islands waterway. Quebec 2d Patrick 'Streets by St. 8S. Edmonton, grain cargo strand- 2000 bs. Stewing Beef. Ib........... Se. [Habel Rn nimi | 20S Hemstitched Pillow Slips 1 ,000 Ibs. Boiling Beef, Ib. Ses seen 7c. Io Cornwall, coal cargo sunk and PRIN ERS Good Quality--Well Made. lbs. Pot Roasts, Ib. ......... "..10c. [Brockville Nastvws, July Loin, Jez. ." " ! 2000 1pe. Oven Rocrts, Ibe er 123c. Sieter Toad Light, Sept. 2156, 1910 HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR 40 2 SS. Sinbad, general cargo, ashore | MARKET SQUARE . KINGSTON We every article leaving the store. . . ie oe te atrnonn olor" he wo tr [Har Catton sand, ane Sa 1577 om. tach ¢a ¢a near Alexandria Bay, Sept. 11th, ( HOTELLC- On July Ah Jo33, to Dr Barge John Parsons, coal cargo, GETABLE MARKET has DIED. eg i at per yo cy dn bomen th [5525 er Mesmniria" 5 Se, BEE on] |] Embroidered Pillow Slips re arrivals: ; _-- SS. Heela; stranded below Alexan- Henry Dean, beloved husband - . ] + icoseberries . JJ] aria Bay, Nov. 16, 1913. _ | Funeral' (private) Wednesday Superior Finish and Quality. C SS. Belleville, general cargo, | moroiiiy July. Leh from the past tii reen Peas stranded below. Gananoque, Nov.| {icicki," Shere: oaltriach| With any initial Without initial 19813. Hamilton and Detroit papers please New P otatoes SS. McKingstry, grin cargo ashcre -- above Alexandria Bay, Aug. 2nd, 1913. KEEPSWEET CREAM Carleton leland, Apr. 34th, 1914. id ' SS. Port Colborne. grain cargo. | ) or she Blenie, drop a can of REEPSWEET CREAM in the ashore Point Vivian, July 20th. 1914. Tn 1-1 Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9--5.30. 1812, daughter. Mary Agnes Burynes. ou) iors Abies. ng ats | po SSH SE BEL, $2.50 $2.00 . . WHEN THE ICE RUNS LOW arse Gerla, Sond warkor aabie pine Bo adh a ue MER 'SERVICE. SATISFACTION SS. Winona, grain cargo, ashore 49 STREET , above Sister Island Light, April 28th, ] ! . 1915. | jscuits (5 different kinds) caresesiioiiii.. 2lbs. dlc.